public void BasicRouting_ShouldWork() { Setup(); try { var counter = 0; var x = new TestRouter(); x.Route("counter", e => counter++); x.Initialise(); _location.Replace(""); _history.CheckUrl(); Assert.AreEqual(counter, 1, "expect counter to have incremented"); } finally { Teardown(); } }
public void BasicRouting_WithMultipleParameters_ShouldWork() { Setup(); try { JsDictionary<string, string> routeParams = null; var x = new TestRouter(); x.Route("search/:term/p:page", e => routeParams = e); x.Initialise(); _location.Replace(""); _history.CheckUrl(); Assert.AreEqual(routeParams["term"], "hello"); Assert.AreEqual(routeParams["page"], "2"); } finally { Teardown(); } }
public void BasicRouting_WithMultipleParameters_ViaNavigate_ShouldWork() { Setup(); try { JsDictionary<string, string> routeParams = null; var x = new TestRouter(); x.Route("search/:term/p:page", e => routeParams = e); x.Initialise(); _history.Navigate("search/hello/p2", new RouteNavigateOptions {TriggerCallback = true}); Assert.AreEqual(routeParams["term"], "hello"); Assert.AreEqual(routeParams["page"], "2"); } finally { Teardown(); } }