public ulong?GetTestRun() { Project project = null; Run run = null; var projects = _client.GetProjects(); if (projects.Count == 0) { Console.WriteLine("An error occurred while getting the list of projects from TestRail. " + "Check the availability of TestRail from the current environment."); } try { project = projects.First(p => p.Name == _config.ProjectName); } catch (InvalidOperationException e) { Console.WriteLine($"The ProjectName '{_config.ProjectName}' from the TestRail.json file was not found in the project list. " + "Please check that the ProjectName is correct."); throw e; } var runs = _client.GetRuns(project.ID); try { run = runs.First(i => i.IsCompleted == false && Regex.IsMatch(i.Name, _config.RunNameTemplate)); } catch (InvalidOperationException e) { Console.WriteLine($"Test run '{_config.RunNameTemplate}' from TestRail.json file not found. " + "Please make sure the template is correct."); throw e; } return(run.ID); }