        public async Task GetOrderReturnsTheCorrectResultForSuccessfulRequests()
            var responseStatus = HttpStatusCode.OK;

            using (var response = new HttpResponseMessage(responseStatus))
                var config = new OrderProductionClientConfiguration
                    RequestProtocol               = "https",
                    ServiceHostAddress            = "google.com",
                    CreateOrderUrlTemplate        = "/partners/{partner}",
                    RequestTimeoutSeconds         = 60,
                    ConnectionLeaseTimeoutSeconds = 300

                var client          = new TestOrderProductionClient(config, response);
                var expectedContent = "Hello";

                response.Content = new StringContent(expectedContent);

                var result = await client.SubmitOrderForProductionAsync(new CreateOrderMessage { Identity = new OrderIdentity {
                                                                                                     PartnerCode = "ABX"
                                                                                                 } }, null);

                result.Should().NotBeNull("because the result should have been returned");
                result.Outcome.Should().Be(Outcome.Success, "because the request was successful");
                result.Reason.Should().Be(responseStatus.ToString(), "because the status code should be used as the reason");
                result.Recoverable.Should().Be(Recoverability.Final, "because the request was successful and final");
                result.Payload.Should().Be(expectedContent, "because the payload should have been set form response content");
        public async Task SubmitOrderForProductionAddsACorrelationId()
            using (var response = new HttpResponseMessage())
                var config = new OrderProductionClientConfiguration
                    RequestProtocol               = "https",
                    ServiceHostAddress            = "google.com",
                    CreateOrderUrlTemplate        = "/partners/{partner}",
                    RequestTimeoutSeconds         = 60,
                    ConnectionLeaseTimeoutSeconds = 300

                var client = new TestOrderProductionClient(config, response);
                var expectedCorrelation = "Hello";

                await client.SubmitOrderForProductionAsync(new CreateOrderMessage { Identity = new OrderIdentity {
                                                                                        PartnerCode = "ABX"
                                                                                    } }, expectedCorrelation);

                client.Request.Headers.TryGetValues(HttpHeaders.CorrelationId, out var correlationValues).Should().BeTrue("because there should be a correlation header");
                client.Request.Headers.TryGetValues(HttpHeaders.DefaultApplicationInsightsOperationId, out var operationValues).Should().BeTrue("because there should be an operation header");
                correlationValues.Should().HaveCount(1, "because there should be a single correlation header");
                operationValues.Should().HaveCount(1, "because there should be a single operation header");
                correlationValues.First().Should().Be(expectedCorrelation, "because the correlation id should have been set");
                operationValues.First().Should().Be(expectedCorrelation, "because the correlation id should have been set as the operation id");
        public async Task GetOrderReturnsTheCorrectResultForUnrecoverableFailures()
            var responseStatus = HttpStatusCode.BadRequest;

            using (var response = new HttpResponseMessage(responseStatus))
                var config = new OrderProductionClientConfiguration
                    RequestProtocol               = "https",
                    ServiceHostAddress            = "google.com",
                    CreateOrderUrlTemplate        = "/partners/{partner}",
                    RequestTimeoutSeconds         = 60,
                    ConnectionLeaseTimeoutSeconds = 300

                var client = new TestOrderProductionClient(config, response);
                var result = await client.SubmitOrderForProductionAsync(new CreateOrderMessage { Identity = new OrderIdentity {
                                                                                                     PartnerCode = "ABX"
                                                                                                 } }, null);

                result.Should().NotBeNull("because the result should have been returned");
                result.Outcome.Should().Be(Outcome.Failure, "because the request failed");
                result.Reason.Should().Be(responseStatus.ToString(), "because the status code should be used as the reason");
                result.Recoverable.Should().Be(Recoverability.Final, "because the response was not a retriable code");
                result.Payload.Should().BeNull("because there was no content from the failed request");
        public async Task SubmitOrderForProductionProvidesTheCorrectPayload()
            using (var response = new HttpResponseMessage())
                var config = new OrderProductionClientConfiguration
                    RequestProtocol               = "https",
                    ServiceHostAddress            = "google.com",
                    CreateOrderUrlTemplate        = "/partners/{partner}/orders",
                    RequestTimeoutSeconds         = 60,
                    ConnectionLeaseTimeoutSeconds = 300

                var partner = "ABC";
                var order   = new CreateOrderMessage {
                    Identity = new OrderIdentity {
                        PartnerCode = partner
                    }, TransactionId = "1234"
                var client = new TestOrderProductionClient(config, response);

                await client.SubmitOrderForProductionAsync(order, null);

                client.Request.Content.Headers.ContentType.MediaType.Should().Be(MimeTypes.Json, "becuse the order should have been sent in the correct format");
                client.RequestContent.Should().Be(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(order), "because the correct order should have been sent");
        public async Task SubmitOrderForProductionAddsStaticHeaders()
            using (var response = new HttpResponseMessage())
                var headers = new Dictionary <string, string>
                    { "First", "One" },
                    { "Second", "Two" }

                var config = new OrderProductionClientConfiguration
                    RequestProtocol               = "https",
                    ServiceHostAddress            = "google.com",
                    CreateOrderUrlTemplate        = "/partners/{partner}",
                    RequestTimeoutSeconds         = 60,
                    ConnectionLeaseTimeoutSeconds = 300,
                    StaticHeadersJson             = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(headers)

                var client = new TestOrderProductionClient(config, response);

                await client.SubmitOrderForProductionAsync(new CreateOrderMessage { Identity = new OrderIdentity {
                                                                                        PartnerCode = "ABX"
                                                                                    } }, null);

                foreach (var pair in headers)
                    client.Request.Headers.TryGetValues(pair.Key, out var values).Should().BeTrue("because there should be a {0} header", pair.Key);
                    values.Should().HaveCount(1, "because there should be a single {0} header", pair.Key);
                    values.First().Should().Be(pair.Value, "because the {0} header should have the corresponding value", pair.Key);
        public async Task SubmitOrderForProductionHonorsTheRequestTimeout()
            using (var response = new HttpResponseMessage())
                var config = new OrderProductionClientConfiguration
                    RequestProtocol               = "https",
                    ServiceHostAddress            = "google.com",
                    CreateOrderUrlTemplate        = "/partners/{partner}",
                    RequestTimeoutSeconds         = 60,
                    ConnectionLeaseTimeoutSeconds = 300

                var client = new TestOrderProductionClient(config, response);
                var expectedCorrelation = "Hello";

                await client.SubmitOrderForProductionAsync(new CreateOrderMessage { Identity = new OrderIdentity {
                                                                                        PartnerCode = "ABX"
                                                                                    } }, expectedCorrelation);

                client.RequestTimeout.Should().Be(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(config.RequestTimeoutSeconds), "because the configured timeout should be used");
        public async Task SubmitOrderForProductionSubmitsForTheCorrectPartner()
            using (var response = new HttpResponseMessage())
                var config = new OrderProductionClientConfiguration
                    RequestProtocol               = "https",
                    ServiceHostAddress            = "google.com",
                    CreateOrderUrlTemplate        = "/partners/{partner}/orders",
                    RequestTimeoutSeconds         = 60,
                    ConnectionLeaseTimeoutSeconds = 300

                var partner = "ABC";
                var client  = new TestOrderProductionClient(config, response);

                await client.SubmitOrderForProductionAsync(new CreateOrderMessage { Identity = new OrderIdentity {
                                                                                        PartnerCode = partner
                                                                                    } }, null);

                client.Request.RequestUri.OriginalString.Should().Be($"/partners/{ partner }/orders", "becaues the correct request url should have been generated");
        public async Task SubmitOrderForProductionDoesNotAddACorrelationWhenNotPassed()
            using (var response = new HttpResponseMessage())
                var config = new OrderProductionClientConfiguration
                    RequestProtocol               = "https",
                    ServiceHostAddress            = "google.com",
                    CreateOrderUrlTemplate        = "/partners/{partner}",
                    RequestTimeoutSeconds         = 60,
                    ConnectionLeaseTimeoutSeconds = 300

                var client = new TestOrderProductionClient(config, response);

                await client.SubmitOrderForProductionAsync(new CreateOrderMessage { Identity = new OrderIdentity {
                                                                                        PartnerCode = "ABX"
                                                                                    } }, null);

                client.Request.Headers.TryGetValues(HttpHeaders.CorrelationId, out var correlationValues).Should().BeFalse("because there should not be a correlation header");
                client.Request.Headers.TryGetValues(HttpHeaders.DefaultApplicationInsightsOperationId, out var operationValues).Should().BeFalse("because there should not be an operation header");
        public void SubmitOrderForProductionHandlesNoStaticHeaders(string headerJson)
            using (var response = new HttpResponseMessage())
                var config = new OrderProductionClientConfiguration
                    RequestProtocol               = "https",
                    ServiceHostAddress            = "google.com",
                    CreateOrderUrlTemplate        = "/partners/{partner}",
                    RequestTimeoutSeconds         = 60,
                    ConnectionLeaseTimeoutSeconds = 300,
                    StaticHeadersJson             = headerJson

                var client = new TestOrderProductionClient(config, response);

                Action actionUnderTest = () => client.SubmitOrderForProductionAsync(new CreateOrderMessage {
                    Identity = new OrderIdentity {
                        PartnerCode = "ABX"
                }, null).GetAwaiter().GetResult();
                actionUnderTest.ShouldNotThrow("because missing static header configuration should be valid");