public void ShouldOrderTypeDependenciesBeforeMultipleDependantsOfSameType()
            // similar to above - this time we have one object that should match the Type dependency,
            // and two dependants with identical type dependencies which also match themselves *and* each other
            // both will simply end up with a dependency on the one
            bool dependencyCalled = false, dependant1Called = false, dependant2Called = false;

            var dependency = new TestDependant1(() => dependencyCalled = true);
            var dependant1 = new TestDependant1(() =>
                dependant1Called = true;
            var dependant2 = new TestDependant1(() =>
                dependant2Called = true;

            RunTest(new[] { dependency, dependant1, dependant2 },
                    c => Assert.True(dependant1Called && dependant2Called),
                    () =>
                dependencyCalled = dependant1Called = dependant2Called = false;
        public void ShouldOrderTypeDependencyBeforeAllDependants()
            // should be getting used to this by now - same as above, but a Type dependency
            bool rootCalled        = false;
            int  dependantCalled   = 0;
            var  root              = new TestDependant1(() => rootCalled = true);
            var  dependantCallBack = new Action(() =>

            RunTest(new TestDependant[] {
                new TestDependant2(dependantCallBack).RequiresAny(typeof(TestDependant1)),
                new TestDependant2(dependantCallBack).RequiresAny(typeof(TestDependant1)),
                new TestDependant2(dependantCallBack).RequiresAny(typeof(TestDependant1))
                    c => Assert.Equal(3, dependantCalled),
                    () =>
                rootCalled      = false;
                dependantCalled = 0;
        public void ShouldOrderCombinedTypeAndObjectDependenciesBeforeMultipleDependantsOfSameType()
            // builds on the previous two - one root dependency, and two objects of the same type
            // both dependant on the same type.  One of those also has an explicit dependency on the
            // other, though, pushing it last
            bool rootCalled = false, midCalled = false, dependantCalled = false;
            var  root = new TestDependant1(() => rootCalled = true);
            var  mid  = new TestDependant1(() => {
                midCalled = true;
            var dependant = new TestDependant1(() =>
                dependantCalled = true;

            RunTest(new[] { root, mid, dependant },
                    c => Assert.True(dependantCalled),
                    () =>
                rootCalled = midCalled = dependantCalled = false;
        public void ShouldThrowExceptionForMissingTypeDependency()
            var dependant = new TestDependant1().RequiresAny(typeof(TestDependant2));

            var coll = new DependantCollection <TestDependant>(new[] { dependant });

            Assert.Throws <DependencyException>(() => Run(coll));
        public void ShouldRemoveDependant()
            DependantCollection <TestDependant> coll = new DependantCollection <TestDependant>();
            var dependant = new TestDependant1();

        public void ShouldAddDependant()
            // coll can be added and then should appear in the IEnumerable
            DependantCollection <TestDependant> coll = new DependantCollection <TestDependant>();
            var dependant = new TestDependant1();

            Assert.Contains(dependant, coll);
        public void ShouldThrowExceptionForTwoDependantsWithIdenticalTypeDependencies()
            var dependant1 = new TestDependant1().RequiresAny(typeof(TestDependant));
            var dependant2 = new TestDependant2().RequiresAny(typeof(TestDependant));

            var coll = new DependantCollection <TestDependant>(new TestDependant[] { dependant1, dependant2 });

            var ioex = Assert.Throws <InvalidOperationException>(() => Run(coll));

            Assert.IsType <DependencyException>(ioex.InnerException);
        public void ShouldReplaceDependant()
            DependantCollection <TestDependant> coll = new DependantCollection <TestDependant>();
            var original    = new TestDependant1();
            var replacement = new TestDependant2();

            coll.Replace(original, replacement);

            Assert.Equal(new[] { replacement }, coll);
        public void ShouldThrowExceptionForMissingTypeDependencyWhichMatchesSelf()
            // similar to above, but here the dependency is declared as being on a type
            // which the dependant satisfies itself.  This should be ignored and an error
            // should still occur becausea dependency declared like this means 'there must be
            // *other* objects of the same type as me in here'.
            var dependant = new TestDependant1().RequiresAny(typeof(TestDependant));

            var coll = new DependantCollection <TestDependant>(new[] { dependant });

            Assert.Throws <DependencyException>(() => Run(coll));
        public void ShouldOrderDependantsOfTwoGroupsOfRelatedDependants()
            bool[] rootCalled        = { false, false };
            bool[] midCalled         = { false, false };
            bool[] dependantCalled   = { false, false };
            bool[] independentCalled = { false, false };

            //group1 of dependency chain
            var root1 = new TestDependant1(() => rootCalled[0] = true);
            var mid1  = new TestDependant1(() =>
                midCalled[0] = true;
            var dependant1 = new TestDependant1(() =>
                dependantCalled[0] = true;

            var root2 = new TestDependant2(() => rootCalled[1] = true);
            var mid2  = new TestDependant2(() =>
                midCalled[1] = true;
            var dependant2 = new TestDependant2(() =>
                dependantCalled[1] = true;

            var independent1 = new TestDependant1(() => independentCalled[0] = true);
            var independent2 = new TestDependant2(() => independentCalled[1] = true);

            RunTest(new TestDependant[] { dependant1, independent1, dependant2,
                                          mid2, mid1, root1, independent2, root2 },
                    c =>
                    () =>
                rootCalled[0]        = rootCalled[1] = false;
                midCalled[0]         = midCalled[1] = false;
                dependantCalled[0]   = dependantCalled[1] = false;
                independentCalled[0] = independentCalled[1] = false;
        public void ShouldOrderObjectDependencyBeforeDependant()
            bool rootCalled = false, dependantCalled = false;
            var  root      = new TestDependant1(() => rootCalled = true);
            var  dependant = new TestDependant2(() =>
                dependantCalled = true;

            RunTest(new TestDependant[] { root, dependant },
                    c => Assert.True(dependantCalled),
                    () => rootCalled = dependantCalled = false);
        public void ShouldThrowExceptionForDirectCyclicDependencies()
            var coDependant1 = new TestDependant1();
            var coDependant2 = new TestDependant1();


            RunTest(new[] { coDependant1, coDependant2 },
                    c => {
                var ioex = Assert.Throws <InvalidOperationException>(() => Run(c));
                Assert.IsType <DependencyException>(ioex.InnerException);
                    dontConfigure: true);
        public void ShouldOrderTypeDependencyBeforeDependant()
            // similar to above, except the dependency is expressed as a type dependency
            bool rootCalled = false, dependantCalled = false;
            var  root      = new TestDependant1(() => rootCalled = true);
            var  dependant = new TestDependant2(() =>
                dependantCalled = true;

            RunTest(new TestDependant[] { root, dependant },
                    c => Assert.True(dependantCalled),
                    () => rootCalled = dependantCalled = false);
        public void ShouldThrowExceptionForTransitiveCyclicDependencies()
            var root         = new TestDependant1();
            var intermediate = new TestDependant1();
            var dependant    = new TestDependant1();

            RunTest(new[] { root, intermediate, dependant },
                    c => {
                var ioex = Assert.Throws <InvalidOperationException>(() => Run(c));
                Assert.IsType <DependencyException>(ioex.InnerException);
                    dontConfigure: true);
        public void ShouldOrderTransitiveObjectDependencyBeforeDependants()
            bool rootCalled = false, midCalled = false, dependantCalled = false;

            var root = new TestDependant1(() => rootCalled = true);
            var mid  = new TestDependant2(() =>
                midCalled = true;

            var dependant = new TestDependant3(() =>
                dependantCalled = true;

            RunTest(new TestDependant[] { root, mid, dependant },
                    c => Assert.True(dependantCalled),
                    () => rootCalled = midCalled = dependantCalled = false);
        public void ShouldOrderTypeDependenciesBeforeDependantOfSameType()
            // here we have a group of objects of the same type, with one having a type dependency
            // which matches all of them.  It should be executed last
            var dependenciesCalled = 0;
            var dependantCalled    = false;

            var dependencies = Enumerable.Range(0, 3).Select(i => new TestDependant1(() => dependenciesCalled++));
            var dependant    = new TestDependant1(() =>
                Assert.Equal(3, dependenciesCalled);
                dependantCalled = true;

            RunTest(dependencies.Concat(new[] { dependant }).ToArray(),
                    c => Assert.True(dependantCalled),
                    () => {
                dependenciesCalled = 0;
                dependantCalled    = false;
        public void ShouldOrderDependantsWithIndependents()
            bool rootCalled        = false;
            bool dependantCalled   = false;
            bool independentCalled = false;
            var  root      = new TestDependant1(() => rootCalled = true);
            var  dependant = new TestDependant1(() =>
                dependantCalled = true;
            var independent = new TestDependant1(() => independentCalled = true);

            RunTest(new[] { dependant, independent, root },
                    c =>
                    () => rootCalled = dependantCalled = independentCalled = false);
        public void ShouldOrderAfterOptionalDependency()
            // don't run the full suite of tests for optional dependencies, because all the previous tests
            // confirm that the ordering algorithm works.   The main thing is that if a dependency is optional,
            // then the system quite happily works when the dependency isn't there and when it is.

            bool?rootCalled = null, dependantCalled = false;

            var root      = new TestDependant1(() => rootCalled = true);
            var dependant = new TestDependant1(() => {
                if (rootCalled.HasValue)
                dependantCalled = true;

            //run the test twice:

            //once with the dependency
            RunTest(new[] { root, dependant },
                    c => Assert.True(dependantCalled),
                    () =>
                rootCalled      = null;
                dependantCalled = false;

            //once without (verifying that the optional dependency behaviour works)
            RunTest(new[] { dependant },
                    c => {
                    () => dependantCalled = false);
        public void ShouldOrderTransitiveTypeDependencyBeforeDependants()
            // same as above, but this time the dependencies are expressed as
            // type dependencies.  Therefore dependant should inherit a dependency
            // on root via its type dependency on TestDependant2
            bool rootCalled = false, midCalled = false, dependantCalled = false;

            var root = new TestDependant1(() => rootCalled = true);
            var mid  = new TestDependant2(() =>
                midCalled = true;

            var dependant = new TestDependant3(() =>
                dependantCalled = true;

            RunTest(new TestDependant[] { root, mid, dependant },
                    c => Assert.True(dependantCalled),
                    () => rootCalled = midCalled = dependantCalled = false);
        public void ShouldOrderObjectDependencyBeforeAllDependants()
            bool rootCalled        = false;
            int  dependantCalled   = 0;
            var  root              = new TestDependant1(() => rootCalled = true);
            var  dependantCallBack = new Action(() =>

            RunTest(new TestDependant[] {
                new TestDependant1(dependantCallBack).Requires(root),
                new TestDependant1(dependantCallBack).Requires(root),
                new TestDependant1(dependantCallBack).Requires(root)
                    c => Assert.Equal(3, dependantCalled),
                    () =>
                rootCalled      = false;
                dependantCalled = 0;