        public void rmTerrainInitialize(string baseTerrain, float height)
            var type = TerrainType.FromString(baseTerrain);

            Debug.Assert(type != null,
                         "Unable to find " + baseTerrain + " terrain type");
            for (int x = 0; x < world.Terrain.Width; ++x)
                for (int y = 0; y < world.Terrain.Height; ++y)
                    world.Terrain[x, y] = new TerrainNode()
                        Height = height, Type = type
         * Builds the specified area. Actually builds the area.
         * Choosing when to use this command can have a big effect on your map.
         * For example, if you place each player area one by one, the first few will have enough room to build,
         * but if after 11 areas, area 12 still needs to be placed, it might have run out of space because the others were to greedy.
         * To avoid this, build all player area's at the same time, so that the script can try to find a fair balance between all areas.
         * @see #rmBuildAllAreas()
        public bool rmBuildArea(int areaID)
            //if (areaID != 128) return;
            var area = areas[areaID];

            for (int t = 0; t < 100 && float.IsNaN(area.Position.X); ++t)
                float tAreaX = (float)rand.NextDouble() * MapSizeX * MetersPerTile,
                      tAreaY = (float)rand.NextDouble() * MapSizeX * MetersPerTile;
                bool ok      = true;
                for (int c = 0; c < area.Constraints.Count; ++c)
                    var constraint = area.Constraints[c];
                    if (!constraint.IsPointOk(tAreaX, tAreaY))
                        ok = false; break;
                if (ok)
                    area.Position = fracToMeters(new XVector2(tAreaX, tAreaY));
            int   areaX = rmXMetersToTiles(area.Position.X), areaY = rmZMetersToTiles(area.Position.Y);
            float areaSizeF = rmXMetersToFraction(
                (area.MinSize + (area.MaxSize - area.MinSize) * (float)rand.NextDouble())

            /*int areaSize = 1 + (int)Math.Sqrt(rmAreaFractionToTiles(
             *  (area.MinSize + (area.MaxSize - area.MinSize) * (float)rand.NextDouble())
             * ));*/
            int areaSize             = 1 + (int)Math.Sqrt(rmAreaFractionToTiles(areaSizeF));
            List <TerrainType> types = new List <TerrainType>();

            for (int l = 0; l < area.TerrainLayers.Count; ++l)
            var influence = new RMInflueceMap(world.Terrain.Width, world.Terrain.Height);

            influence.AddArea(new XPoint2(areaX, areaY), areaSize, area.Coherence);
            influence.BlurArea((int)(area.InfluenceBlurDistance / MetersPerTile));
            influence.WithAreaTiles(delegate(XPoint2 pnt, int dist) {
                int x                  = pnt.X, y = pnt.Y;
                var terrain            = world.Terrain[x, y];
                float heightBlendTiles = area.HeightBlendDistance / MetersPerTile;
                if (!float.IsNaN(area.BaseHeight))
                    if (dist < -heightBlendTiles / 2)
                        // Out of range: Do nothing
                    else if (dist < heightBlendTiles / 2)
                        float lerp      = (float)dist / heightBlendTiles + 0.5f;
                        terrain.Height += (area.BaseHeight - terrain.Height) *
                                          (lerp * lerp * (2 - lerp) * (2 - lerp));
                        terrain.Height = area.BaseHeight;
                if (types.Count > 0 && dist >= 0)
                    TerrainType type = types[0];
                    for (int t = 1; t < area.TerrainLayers.Count; ++t)
                        if (area.TerrainLayers[t].MinDist <= dist &&
                            dist < area.TerrainLayers[t].MaxDist && types[t] != null)
                            type = types[t];
                    terrain.Type = type;
                if (area.CliffType != null)
                    if (dist >= -2 && dist < 2)
                        terrain.Type = TerrainType.GreekCliff;
                world.Terrain[x, y] = terrain;

            /*Random rand2 = new Random(areaID);
             * for (int x = range.Left; x < range.Right; ++x) {
             *  for (int y = range.Top; y < range.Bottom; ++y) {
             *      int dist2 = (x - areaX) * (x - areaX) + (y - areaY) * (y - areaY);
             *      float noise = (SimplexNoise.simplex_noise_2octaves((float)x / 20, 0, (float)y / 20) - 1) / 2;
             *      int rnd = (int)(noise * areaSize);
             *      int size = areaSize - rnd;
             *      int smoothSize = size + areaSmooth;
             *      if (dist2 < smoothSize * smoothSize) {
             *          var terrain = world.Terrain[x, y];
             *          if (!float.IsNaN(area.BaseHeight)) {
             *              float over = dist2 > size * size ?
             *                  ((float)Math.Sqrt(dist2) - size) / areaSmooth :
             *                  0;
             *              terrain.Height += (area.BaseHeight - terrain.Height) * (1 - over);
             *          }
             *          if (types.Count > 0 && dist2 < size * size) {
             *              int dist = size - (int)Math.Sqrt(dist2);
             *              TerrainType type = types[0];
             *              for (int t = 1; t < area.TerrainLayers.Count; ++t) {
             *                  if (area.TerrainLayers[t].MinDist <= dist &&
             *                      dist <= area.TerrainLayers[t].MaxDist && types[t] != null)
             *                  {
             *                      type = types[t];
             *                      break;
             *                  }
             *              }
             *              terrain.Type = type;
             *          }
             *          world.Terrain[x, y] = terrain;
             *      }
             *  }
             * }*/
            area.Built = true;