public void GenerateInitialTerrain() { terrainPoints.Clear(); TerrainGenerator.TerrainPoint point; do { point = TerrainGenerator.GetNextPoint(0); terrainPoints.Add(point); } while (point.x < minXForGameStart); // One more point after that to allow accounting for the next point's slope. point = TerrainGenerator.GetNextPoint(0); terrainPoints.Add(point); DebugUtils.Log("Created " + terrainPoints.Count + " initial points"); nextPointIndex = 0; _score = 0; // Rasterize the terrain. nextPointToRasterize = 0; int lastPointIndex = -1; while (nextPointToRasterize > lastPointIndex) { lastPointIndex = nextPointToRasterize; DebugUtils.Log("Rasterizing point #" + lastPointIndex); nextPointToRasterize = TerrainRasterizer.RasterizeNextChunk(lastPointIndex); } }
protected void Awake() { instance = this; Bat.OnDied += OnGameOver; TerrainAliveChecker.OnTerrainEnteredScreen += OnTerrainEnteredScreen; gameObject.SetActive(false); // Generate initial terrain. TerrainGenerator.TerrainPoint point; do { point = TerrainGenerator.GetNextPoint(0); terrainPoints.Add(point); } while (point.x < minXForGameStart); // One more point after that to allow accounting for the next point's slope. point = TerrainGenerator.GetNextPoint(0); terrainPoints.Add(point); DebugUtils.Log("Created " + terrainPoints.Count + " initial points"); nextPointIndex = 0; _score = 0; // Rasterize the terrain. nextPointToRasterize = 0; int lastPointIndex = -1; while (nextPointToRasterize > lastPointIndex) { lastPointIndex = nextPointToRasterize; DebugUtils.Log("Rasterizing point #" + lastPointIndex); nextPointToRasterize = TerrainRasterizer.RasterizeNextChunk(lastPointIndex); } }
private void OnTerrainEnteredScreen() { DebugUtils.Log("Terrain entered screen"); // Add points until the terrain is rasterized. int lastPointIndex = nextPointToRasterize; while (nextPointToRasterize == lastPointIndex) { var difficulty = DifficultyManager.GetNextDifficulty(); var point = TerrainGenerator.GetNextPoint(difficulty); terrainPoints.Add(point); nextPointToRasterize = TerrainRasterizer.RasterizeNextChunk(lastPointIndex); } }