public override void PostMake()

        powerComp = GetComp<CompPowerTrader>();
        soilDef = DefDatabase<TerrainDef>.GetNamed("Soil");
        public static void GenerateLandingPadBottom(IntVec3 areaSouthWestOrigin, int zoneAbs, int zoneOrd, Rot4 rotation, ref OG_OutpostData outpostData)
            TerrainDef c = TerrainDefOf.Concrete;
            TerrainDef mt = TerrainDef.Named("MetalTile");
            TerrainDef pt = TerrainDef.Named("PavedTile");

            TerrainDef[,] landingPadBottomPattern = new TerrainDef[11, 11]
                {null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null},
                {null, null, c,    c,    c,    c,    c,    c,    c,    null, null},
                {null, null, c,    mt,   mt,   mt,   mt,   mt,   c,    null, null},
                {null, c,    c,    mt,   c,    c,    c,    mt,   c,    c,    null},
                {null, c,    mt,   mt,   c,    c,    c,    mt,   mt,   c,    null},
                {pt,   pt,   mt,   c,    c,    c,    c,    c,    mt,   pt,   pt},
                {null, c,    mt,   mt,   c,    c,    c,    mt,   mt,   c,    null},
                {c,    c,    mt,   c,    c,    c,    c,    c,    mt,   c,    c},
                {c,    mt,   mt,   c,    c,    c,    c,    c,    mt,   mt,   c},
                {c,    mt,   c,    c,    c,    c,    c,    c,    c,    mt,   c},
                {c,    mt,   c,    c,    c,    c,    c,    c,    c,    mt,   c}

            IntVec3 rotatedOrigin = Zone.GetZoneRotatedOrigin(areaSouthWestOrigin, zoneAbs, zoneOrd, rotation);

            // Spawn floor.
            for (int xOffset = 0; xOffset <= 10; xOffset++)
                for (int zOffset = 0; zOffset <= 10; zOffset++)
                    TerrainDef terrain = landingPadBottomPattern[zOffset, xOffset];
                    if (terrain != null)
                        Find.TerrainGrid.SetTerrain(rotatedOrigin + new IntVec3(xOffset, 0, zOffset).RotatedBy(rotation), terrain);
            // Spawn landing pad beacons.
            Building_LandingPadBeacon beacon = OG_Common.TrySpawnThingAt(OG_Util.LandingPadBeaconDef, null, rotatedOrigin + new IntVec3(2, 0, 1).RotatedBy(rotation), false, Rot4.Invalid, ref outpostData) as Building_LandingPadBeacon;
            beacon = OG_Common.TrySpawnThingAt(OG_Util.LandingPadBeaconDef, null, rotatedOrigin + new IntVec3(8, 0, 1).RotatedBy(rotation), false, Rot4.Invalid, ref outpostData) as Building_LandingPadBeacon;
            beacon = OG_Common.TrySpawnThingAt(OG_Util.LandingPadBeaconDef, null, rotatedOrigin + new IntVec3(1, 0, 4).RotatedBy(rotation), false, Rot4.Invalid, ref outpostData) as Building_LandingPadBeacon;
            beacon = OG_Common.TrySpawnThingAt(OG_Util.LandingPadBeaconDef, null, rotatedOrigin + new IntVec3(9, 0, 4).RotatedBy(rotation), false, Rot4.Invalid, ref outpostData) as Building_LandingPadBeacon;
            beacon = OG_Common.TrySpawnThingAt(OG_Util.LandingPadBeaconDef, null, rotatedOrigin + new IntVec3(1, 0, 7).RotatedBy(rotation), false, Rot4.Invalid, ref outpostData) as Building_LandingPadBeacon;
            beacon.SetFlashStartOffset(2 * Building_LandingPadBeacon.flashDurationInTicks);
            beacon = OG_Common.TrySpawnThingAt(OG_Util.LandingPadBeaconDef, null, rotatedOrigin + new IntVec3(9, 0, 7).RotatedBy(rotation), false, Rot4.Invalid, ref outpostData) as Building_LandingPadBeacon;
            beacon.SetFlashStartOffset(2 * Building_LandingPadBeacon.flashDurationInTicks);
            beacon = OG_Common.TrySpawnThingAt(OG_Util.LandingPadBeaconDef, null, rotatedOrigin + new IntVec3(1, 0, 10).RotatedBy(rotation), false, Rot4.Invalid, ref outpostData) as Building_LandingPadBeacon;
            beacon.SetFlashStartOffset(3 * Building_LandingPadBeacon.flashDurationInTicks);
            beacon = OG_Common.TrySpawnThingAt(OG_Util.LandingPadBeaconDef, null, rotatedOrigin + new IntVec3(9, 0, 10).RotatedBy(rotation), false, Rot4.Invalid, ref outpostData) as Building_LandingPadBeacon;
            beacon.SetFlashStartOffset(3 * Building_LandingPadBeacon.flashDurationInTicks);

            outpostData.landingPadCenter = rotatedOrigin + new IntVec3(5, 0, 10).RotatedBy(rotation);
            outpostData.landingPadRotation = rotation;
        public override void SpawnSetup(Map map, bool flag)
            base.SpawnSetup(map, flag);
            TerrainDef terrainDef = map.terrainGrid.TerrainAt(base.Position);

            if (!terrainDef.defName.Contains("Bridge") && !terrainDef.defName.Contains("Floor") && !terrainDef.defName.Contains("Carpet") &&
                !terrainDef.defName.Contains("Tile") && !terrainDef.defName.Contains("Flagstone") && !terrainDef.defName.Contains("Concrete"))
                this.TerrainTypeAtBaseCellDefAsString = terrainDef.ToString();
                if (terrainDef == TerrainDef.Named("WaterShallow"))
                    map.terrainGrid.SetTerrain(base.Position, TerrainDef.Named("StoneBridgeWaterShallow"));
                else if (terrainDef == TerrainDef.Named("WaterOceanShallow"))
                    map.terrainGrid.SetTerrain(base.Position, TerrainDef.Named("StoneBridgeWaterOceanShallow"));
                else if (terrainDef == TerrainDef.Named("WaterMovingShallow"))
                    map.terrainGrid.SetTerrain(base.Position, TerrainDef.Named("StoneBridgeWaterMovingShallow"));
                else if (terrainDef == TerrainDef.Named("WaterMovingChestDeep"))
                    map.terrainGrid.SetTerrain(base.Position, TerrainDef.Named("StoneBridgeWaterMovingChestDeep"));
                else if (terrainDef == TerrainDef.Named("WaterDeep"))
                    map.terrainGrid.SetTerrain(base.Position, TerrainDef.Named("StoneBridgeWaterDeep"));
                else if (terrainDef == TerrainDef.Named("WaterOceanDeep"))
                    map.terrainGrid.SetTerrain(base.Position, TerrainDef.Named("StoneBridgeWaterOceanDeep"));
                else if (terrainDef == TerrainDef.Named("Marsh"))
                    map.terrainGrid.SetTerrain(base.Position, TerrainDef.Named("StoneBridgeMarsh"));
                else if (terrainDef == TerrainDef.Named("Mud"))
                    map.terrainGrid.SetTerrain(base.Position, TerrainDef.Named("StoneBridgeMud"));
                else if (terrainDef == TerrainDef.Named("Sand"))
                    map.terrainGrid.SetTerrain(base.Position, TerrainDef.Named("StoneBridgeSand"));
                else if (terrainDef == TerrainDef.Named("MarshyTerrain"))
                    map.terrainGrid.SetTerrain(base.Position, TerrainDef.Named("StoneBridgeMarshyTerrain"));
                else if (terrainDef == TerrainDef.Named("Ice"))
                    map.terrainGrid.SetTerrain(base.Position, TerrainDef.Named("StoneBridgeIce"));
                else if (terrainDef.defName == "IceST" || terrainDef.defName == "IceS")
                    this.TerrainTypeAtBaseCellDefAsString = "WaterShallow";
                    map.terrainGrid.SetTerrain(base.Position, TerrainDef.Named("StoneBridgeWaterShallow"));
                else if (terrainDef.defName == "IceDT" || terrainDef.defName == "IceD")
                    this.TerrainTypeAtBaseCellDefAsString = "WaterDeep";
                    map.terrainGrid.SetTerrain(base.Position, TerrainDef.Named("StoneBridgeWaterDeep"));
                else if (terrainDef.defName == "IceSMT" || terrainDef.defName == "IceSM")
                    this.TerrainTypeAtBaseCellDefAsString = "WaterMovingShallow";
                    map.terrainGrid.SetTerrain(base.Position, TerrainDef.Named("StoneBridgeWaterMovingShallow"));
                else if (terrainDef.defName == "IceDMT" || terrainDef.defName == "IceDM")
                    this.TerrainTypeAtBaseCellDefAsString = "WaterMovingChestDeep";
                    map.terrainGrid.SetTerrain(base.Position, TerrainDef.Named("StoneBridgeWaterMovingChestDeep"));
                else if (terrainDef.defName == "IceMarshT" || terrainDef.defName == "IceMarsh")
                    this.TerrainTypeAtBaseCellDefAsString = "Marsh";
                    map.terrainGrid.SetTerrain(base.Position, TerrainDef.Named("StoneBridgeMarsh"));
                else if (terrainDef.defName.Contains("Water"))
                    map.terrainGrid.SetTerrain(base.Position, TerrainDef.Named("StoneBridgeWaterShallow"));
                else if (terrainDef.defName.Contains("WaterShallowLagoon"))
                    map.terrainGrid.SetTerrain(base.Position, TerrainDef.Named("StoneBridgeWaterShallowLagoon"));
                    var affordances = map.terrainGrid.TerrainAt(base.Position).affordances;

                    //no need to replace if affordances are met
                    foreach (var affordance in StoneBridgeSoilDef.affordances)
                        if (!affordances.Contains(affordance))
                            map.terrainGrid.SetTerrain(base.Position, StoneBridgeSoilDef);
        public static void GenerateMainEntranceZone(IntVec3 areaSouthWestOrigin, int zoneAbs, int zoneOrd, Rot4 rotation, ref OG_OutpostData outpostData)
            IntVec3 rotatedOrigin = Zone.GetZoneRotatedOrigin(areaSouthWestOrigin, zoneAbs, zoneOrd, rotation);
            IntVec3 cell          = rotatedOrigin;

            // Spawn concrete floor.
            for (int xOffset = -1; xOffset <= 11; xOffset++)
                for (int zOffset = -1; zOffset <= 5; zOffset++)
                    cell = rotatedOrigin + new IntVec3(xOffset, 0, zOffset).RotatedBy(rotation);
                    Find.TerrainGrid.SetTerrain(cell, TerrainDefOf.Concrete);

            // Generate central paved alley.
            for (int xOffset = 4; xOffset <= 6; xOffset++)
                for (int zOffset = 0; zOffset <= 10; zOffset++)
                    Find.TerrainGrid.SetTerrain(rotatedOrigin + new IntVec3(xOffset, 0, zOffset).RotatedBy(rotation), TerrainDefOf.Concrete);
            for (int zOffset = -1; zOffset <= 10; zOffset++)
                Find.TerrainGrid.SetTerrain(rotatedOrigin + new IntVec3(5, 0, zOffset).RotatedBy(rotation), TerrainDef.Named("PavedTile"));

            // Generate south west turret.
            IntVec3 southWestOrigin = rotatedOrigin;

            for (int xOffset = 0; xOffset < 5; xOffset++)
                for (int zOffset = 0; zOffset < 5; zOffset++)
                    cell = southWestOrigin + new IntVec3(xOffset, 0, zOffset).RotatedBy(rotation);
                    if ((xOffset == 0) ||
                        (zOffset == 0))
                        OG_Common.TrySpawnWallAt(cell, ref outpostData);
                        OG_Common.SpawnFireproofPowerConduitAt(cell, ref outpostData);
            OG_Common.TrySpawnThingAt(ThingDefOf.Sandbags, null, southWestOrigin + new IntVec3(1, 0, 4).RotatedBy(rotation), false, Rot4.Invalid, ref outpostData);
            OG_Common.TrySpawnThingAt(ThingDefOf.Sandbags, null, southWestOrigin + new IntVec3(2, 0, 4).RotatedBy(rotation), false, Rot4.Invalid, ref outpostData);
            OG_Common.TrySpawnThingAt(ThingDefOf.Sandbags, null, southWestOrigin + new IntVec3(3, 0, 4).RotatedBy(rotation), false, Rot4.Invalid, ref outpostData);
            OG_Common.TrySpawnThingAt(ThingDefOf.Sandbags, null, southWestOrigin + new IntVec3(4, 0, 4).RotatedBy(rotation), false, Rot4.Invalid, ref outpostData);
            OG_Common.TrySpawnThingAt(ThingDefOf.Sandbags, null, southWestOrigin + new IntVec3(4, 0, 3).RotatedBy(rotation), false, Rot4.Invalid, ref outpostData);
            OG_Common.TrySpawnThingAt(OG_Util.VulcanTurretDef, ThingDefOf.Steel, southWestOrigin + new IntVec3(2, 0, 2).RotatedBy(rotation), true, new Rot4(Rot4.North.AsInt + rotation.AsInt), ref outpostData);

            // Generate south east turret.
            IntVec3 southEastOrigin = rotatedOrigin;

            for (int xOffset = 6; xOffset < 11; xOffset++)
                for (int zOffset = 0; zOffset < 5; zOffset++)
                    cell = southEastOrigin + new IntVec3(xOffset, 0, zOffset).RotatedBy(rotation);
                    if ((xOffset == 10) ||
                        (zOffset == 0))
                        OG_Common.TrySpawnWallAt(cell, ref outpostData);
                        OG_Common.SpawnFireproofPowerConduitAt(cell, ref outpostData);
            OG_Common.TrySpawnThingAt(ThingDefOf.Sandbags, null, southEastOrigin + new IntVec3(6, 0, 3).RotatedBy(rotation), false, Rot4.Invalid, ref outpostData);
            OG_Common.TrySpawnThingAt(ThingDefOf.Sandbags, null, southEastOrigin + new IntVec3(6, 0, 4).RotatedBy(rotation), false, Rot4.Invalid, ref outpostData);
            OG_Common.TrySpawnThingAt(ThingDefOf.Sandbags, null, southEastOrigin + new IntVec3(7, 0, 4).RotatedBy(rotation), false, Rot4.Invalid, ref outpostData);
            OG_Common.TrySpawnThingAt(ThingDefOf.Sandbags, null, southEastOrigin + new IntVec3(8, 0, 4).RotatedBy(rotation), false, Rot4.Invalid, ref outpostData);
            OG_Common.TrySpawnThingAt(ThingDefOf.Sandbags, null, southEastOrigin + new IntVec3(9, 0, 4).RotatedBy(rotation), false, Rot4.Invalid, ref outpostData);
            OG_Common.TrySpawnThingAt(OG_Util.VulcanTurretDef, ThingDefOf.Steel, southEastOrigin + new IntVec3(7, 0, 2).RotatedBy(rotation), true, new Rot4(Rot4.North.AsInt + rotation.AsInt), ref outpostData);

            // Generate central door and power conduit.
            OG_Common.SpawnDoorAt(rotatedOrigin + new IntVec3(5, 0, 0).RotatedBy(rotation), ref outpostData);
            OG_Common.SpawnFireproofPowerConduitAt(rotatedOrigin + new IntVec3(5, 0, 0).RotatedBy(rotation), ref outpostData);

            // Generate ironed roof.
            for (int xOffset = 0; xOffset <= 10; xOffset++)
                for (int zOffset = 0; zOffset <= 4; zOffset++)
                    Find.RoofGrid.SetRoof(rotatedOrigin + new IntVec3(xOffset, 0, zOffset).RotatedBy(rotation), OG_Util.IronedRoofDef);
 private static void SetCellsInRadiusTerrain(IntVec3 position, float radius, TerrainDef terrain)
     foreach (IntVec3 cell in GenRadial.RadialCellsAround(position, radius, true))
         if (cell.InBounds() == false)
         if (terrain != TerrainDefOf.WaterDeep)
             // Excepted when adding deep water, do not touch to water/marsh patches.
             TerrainDef cellTerrain = Find.TerrainGrid.TerrainAt(cell);
             if ((cellTerrain == TerrainDefOf.WaterDeep)
                 || (cellTerrain == TerrainDefOf.WaterShallow)
                 || (cellTerrain == TerrainDef.Named("Marsh")))
         Find.TerrainGrid.SetTerrain(cell, terrain);
 public static bool IsWaterStandable(this TerrainDef def)
     return(def.IsWater() && def.passability == Traversability.Standable);
        public static void GenerateSecondaryEntranceZone(IntVec3 areaSouthWestOrigin, int zoneAbs, int zoneOrd, Rot4 rotation, ref OG_OutpostData outpostData)
            IntVec3 rotatedOrigin = Zone.GetZoneRotatedOrigin(areaSouthWestOrigin, zoneAbs, zoneOrd, rotation);

            // Generate central paved alley.
            for (int xOffset = 4; xOffset <= 6; xOffset++)
                for (int zOffset = 0; zOffset < Genstep_GenerateOutpost.zoneSideSize; zOffset++)
                    Find.TerrainGrid.SetTerrain(rotatedOrigin + new IntVec3(xOffset, 0, zOffset).RotatedBy(rotation), TerrainDefOf.Concrete);
            for (int zOffset = 0; zOffset < Genstep_GenerateOutpost.zoneSideSize; zOffset++)
                Find.TerrainGrid.SetTerrain(rotatedOrigin + new IntVec3(5, 0, zOffset).RotatedBy(rotation), TerrainDef.Named("PavedTile"));

            // Generate north west turret.
            IntVec3 northWestOrigin = rotatedOrigin + new IntVec3(1, 0, 6).RotatedBy(rotation);

            for (int xOffset = 0; xOffset < 4; xOffset++)
                for (int zOffset = 0; zOffset < 4; zOffset++)
                    Find.TerrainGrid.SetTerrain(northWestOrigin + new IntVec3(xOffset, 0, zOffset).RotatedBy(rotation), TerrainDefOf.Concrete);
            OG_Common.TrySpawnThingAt(ThingDefOf.Sandbags, null, northWestOrigin + new IntVec3(0, 0, 2).RotatedBy(rotation), false, Rot4.Invalid, ref outpostData);
            OG_Common.TrySpawnThingAt(ThingDefOf.Sandbags, null, northWestOrigin + new IntVec3(3, 0, 2).RotatedBy(rotation), false, Rot4.Invalid, ref outpostData);
            OG_Common.TrySpawnThingAt(ThingDefOf.Sandbags, null, northWestOrigin + new IntVec3(0, 0, 3).RotatedBy(rotation), false, Rot4.Invalid, ref outpostData);
            OG_Common.TrySpawnThingAt(ThingDefOf.Sandbags, null, northWestOrigin + new IntVec3(1, 0, 3).RotatedBy(rotation), false, Rot4.Invalid, ref outpostData);
            OG_Common.TrySpawnThingAt(ThingDefOf.Sandbags, null, northWestOrigin + new IntVec3(2, 0, 3).RotatedBy(rotation), false, Rot4.Invalid, ref outpostData);
            OG_Common.TrySpawnThingAt(ThingDefOf.Sandbags, null, northWestOrigin + new IntVec3(3, 0, 3).RotatedBy(rotation), false, Rot4.Invalid, ref outpostData);
            OG_Common.TrySpawnThingAt(OG_Util.VulcanTurretDef, ThingDefOf.Steel, northWestOrigin + new IntVec3(1, 0, 1).RotatedBy(rotation), true, new Rot4(Rot4.North.AsInt + rotation.AsInt), ref outpostData);

            // Generate north east turret.
            IntVec3 norththEastOrigin = rotatedOrigin + new IntVec3(6, 0, 6).RotatedBy(rotation);

            for (int xOffset = 0; xOffset < 4; xOffset++)
                for (int zOffset = 0; zOffset < 4; zOffset++)
                    Find.TerrainGrid.SetTerrain(norththEastOrigin + new IntVec3(xOffset, 0, zOffset).RotatedBy(rotation), TerrainDefOf.Concrete);
            OG_Common.TrySpawnThingAt(ThingDefOf.Sandbags, null, norththEastOrigin + new IntVec3(0, 0, 2).RotatedBy(rotation), false, Rot4.Invalid, ref outpostData);
            OG_Common.TrySpawnThingAt(ThingDefOf.Sandbags, null, norththEastOrigin + new IntVec3(3, 0, 2).RotatedBy(rotation), false, Rot4.Invalid, ref outpostData);
            OG_Common.TrySpawnThingAt(ThingDefOf.Sandbags, null, norththEastOrigin + new IntVec3(0, 0, 3).RotatedBy(rotation), false, Rot4.Invalid, ref outpostData);
            OG_Common.TrySpawnThingAt(ThingDefOf.Sandbags, null, norththEastOrigin + new IntVec3(1, 0, 3).RotatedBy(rotation), false, Rot4.Invalid, ref outpostData);
            OG_Common.TrySpawnThingAt(ThingDefOf.Sandbags, null, norththEastOrigin + new IntVec3(2, 0, 3).RotatedBy(rotation), false, Rot4.Invalid, ref outpostData);
            OG_Common.TrySpawnThingAt(ThingDefOf.Sandbags, null, norththEastOrigin + new IntVec3(3, 0, 3).RotatedBy(rotation), false, Rot4.Invalid, ref outpostData);
            OG_Common.TrySpawnThingAt(OG_Util.VulcanTurretDef, ThingDefOf.Steel, norththEastOrigin + new IntVec3(1, 0, 1).RotatedBy(rotation), true, new Rot4(Rot4.North.AsInt + rotation.AsInt), ref outpostData);

            // Spawn south west sandbags and floor.
            IntVec3 southWestOrigin = rotatedOrigin + new IntVec3(2, 0, 1).RotatedBy(rotation);

            for (int xOffset = 0; xOffset < 3; xOffset++)
                for (int zOffset = 0; zOffset < 3; zOffset++)
                    Find.TerrainGrid.SetTerrain(southWestOrigin + new IntVec3(xOffset, 0, zOffset).RotatedBy(rotation), TerrainDefOf.Concrete);
            OG_Common.TrySpawnThingAt(ThingDefOf.Sandbags, null, southWestOrigin + new IntVec3(0, 0, 0).RotatedBy(rotation), false, Rot4.North, ref outpostData);
            OG_Common.TrySpawnThingAt(ThingDefOf.Sandbags, null, southWestOrigin + new IntVec3(0, 0, 1).RotatedBy(rotation), false, Rot4.North, ref outpostData);
            OG_Common.TrySpawnThingAt(ThingDefOf.Sandbags, null, southWestOrigin + new IntVec3(0, 0, 2).RotatedBy(rotation), false, Rot4.North, ref outpostData);
            OG_Common.TrySpawnThingAt(ThingDefOf.Sandbags, null, southWestOrigin + new IntVec3(1, 0, 2).RotatedBy(rotation), false, Rot4.North, ref outpostData);
            OG_Common.TrySpawnThingAt(ThingDefOf.Sandbags, null, southWestOrigin + new IntVec3(2, 0, 2).RotatedBy(rotation), false, Rot4.North, ref outpostData);

            // Spawn south east sandbags and floor.
            IntVec3 southEastOrigin = rotatedOrigin + new IntVec3(6, 0, 1).RotatedBy(rotation);

            for (int xOffset = 0; xOffset < 3; xOffset++)
                for (int zOffset = 0; zOffset < 3; zOffset++)
                    Find.TerrainGrid.SetTerrain(southEastOrigin + new IntVec3(xOffset, 0, zOffset).RotatedBy(rotation), TerrainDefOf.Concrete);
            OG_Common.TrySpawnThingAt(ThingDefOf.Sandbags, null, southEastOrigin + new IntVec3(2, 0, 0).RotatedBy(rotation), false, Rot4.North, ref outpostData);
            OG_Common.TrySpawnThingAt(ThingDefOf.Sandbags, null, southEastOrigin + new IntVec3(2, 0, 1).RotatedBy(rotation), false, Rot4.North, ref outpostData);
            OG_Common.TrySpawnThingAt(ThingDefOf.Sandbags, null, southEastOrigin + new IntVec3(0, 0, 2).RotatedBy(rotation), false, Rot4.North, ref outpostData);
            OG_Common.TrySpawnThingAt(ThingDefOf.Sandbags, null, southEastOrigin + new IntVec3(1, 0, 2).RotatedBy(rotation), false, Rot4.North, ref outpostData);
            OG_Common.TrySpawnThingAt(ThingDefOf.Sandbags, null, southEastOrigin + new IntVec3(2, 0, 2).RotatedBy(rotation), false, Rot4.North, ref outpostData);
 public static bool IsRiver(this TerrainDef def)
 public static bool IsMud(this TerrainDef def)
 // Token: 0x06000007 RID: 7
 protected abstract bool IsTerrainThisBridge(TerrainDef terrain);
 static void GetStuffedTerrainDefPosfix(TerrainDef __result)
     DefDatabase <BuildableDef> .Add(__result);
 public Encase(IntVec3 pos, TerrainDef ter)
     position = pos;
     terrain  = ter;
        public bool CanDropAt(IntVec3 c, Map map)
            TerrainDef terrainDef = map.terrainGrid.TerrainAt(c);

            return(terrainDef.acceptFilth && (!this.def.filth.terrainSourced || terrainDef.acceptTerrainSourceFilth));
        public override void SpawnSetup(Map map, bool flag)
            base.SpawnSetup(map, flag);
            TerrainDef terrainDef = map.terrainGrid.TerrainAt(base.Position);

            if (!terrainDef.defName.Contains("Bridge") && !terrainDef.defName.Contains("Floor") && !terrainDef.defName.Contains("Carpet") &&
                !terrainDef.defName.Contains("Tile") && !terrainDef.defName.Contains("Flagstone") && !terrainDef.defName.Contains("Concrete"))
                this.TerrainTypeAtBaseCellDefAsString = terrainDef.ToString();
                if (terrainDef == TerrainDef.Named("WaterShallow"))
                    map.terrainGrid.SetTerrain(base.Position, TerrainDef.Named("BridgeWaterShallow"));
                else if (terrainDef == TerrainDef.Named("WaterOceanShallow"))
                    map.terrainGrid.SetTerrain(base.Position, TerrainDef.Named("BridgeWaterOceanShallow"));
                else if (terrainDef == TerrainDef.Named("WaterMovingShallow"))
                    map.terrainGrid.SetTerrain(base.Position, TerrainDef.Named("BridgeWaterMovingShallow"));
                else if (terrainDef == TerrainDef.Named("WaterMovingChestDeep"))
                    map.terrainGrid.SetTerrain(base.Position, TerrainDef.Named("BridgeWaterMovingChestDeep"));
                else if (terrainDef == TerrainDef.Named("WaterDeep"))
                    map.terrainGrid.SetTerrain(base.Position, TerrainDef.Named("BridgeWaterDeep"));
                else if (terrainDef == TerrainDef.Named("WaterOceanDeep"))
                    map.terrainGrid.SetTerrain(base.Position, TerrainDef.Named("BridgeWaterOceanDeep"));
                else if (terrainDef == TerrainDef.Named("Marsh"))
                    map.terrainGrid.SetTerrain(base.Position, TerrainDef.Named("BridgeMarsh"));
                else if (terrainDef == TerrainDef.Named("Mud"))
                    map.terrainGrid.SetTerrain(base.Position, TerrainDef.Named("BridgeMud"));
                else if (terrainDef == TerrainDef.Named("Sand"))
                    map.terrainGrid.SetTerrain(base.Position, TerrainDef.Named("BridgeSand"));
                else if (terrainDef == TerrainDef.Named("MarshyTerrain"))
                    map.terrainGrid.SetTerrain(base.Position, TerrainDef.Named("BridgeMarshyTerrain"));
                else if (terrainDef == TerrainDef.Named("Ice"))
                    map.terrainGrid.SetTerrain(base.Position, TerrainDef.Named("BridgeIce"));
                else if (terrainDef.defName == "IceST" || terrainDef.defName == "IceS")
                    this.TerrainTypeAtBaseCellDefAsString = "WaterShallow";
                    map.terrainGrid.SetTerrain(base.Position, TerrainDef.Named("BridgeWaterShallow"));
                else if (terrainDef.defName == "IceDT" || terrainDef.defName == "IceD")
                    this.TerrainTypeAtBaseCellDefAsString = "WaterDeep";
                    map.terrainGrid.SetTerrain(base.Position, TerrainDef.Named("BridgeWaterDeep"));
                else if (terrainDef.defName == "IceSMT" || terrainDef.defName == "IceSM")
                    this.TerrainTypeAtBaseCellDefAsString = "WaterMovingShallow";
                    map.terrainGrid.SetTerrain(base.Position, TerrainDef.Named("BridgeWaterMovingShallow"));
                else if (terrainDef.defName == "IceDMT" || terrainDef.defName == "IceDM")
                    this.TerrainTypeAtBaseCellDefAsString = "WaterMovingChestDeep";
                    map.terrainGrid.SetTerrain(base.Position, TerrainDef.Named("BridgeWaterMovingChestDeep"));
                else if (terrainDef.defName == "IceMarshT" || terrainDef.defName == "IceMarsh")
                    this.TerrainTypeAtBaseCellDefAsString = "Marsh";
                    map.terrainGrid.SetTerrain(base.Position, TerrainDef.Named("BridgeMarsh"));
                else if (terrainDef.defName.Contains("Water"))
                    map.terrainGrid.SetTerrain(base.Position, TerrainDef.Named("BridgeWaterShallow"));
                    map.terrainGrid.SetTerrain(base.Position, TerrainDef.Named("BridgeLand"));
 public static bool Flammable(this TerrainDef terrain)
     return(terrain.GetStatValueAbstract(StatDefOf.Flammability, null) > 0.01f);
        private Action PrepDrawRoad(Map map, TerrainDef rockDef, IntVec3 start, IntVec3 end, RoadDef roadDef, RoadPathingDef pathingDef)
            IntVec3 centerpoint;

            return(PrepDrawRoad(map, rockDef, start, end, roadDef, pathingDef, out centerpoint));
        protected override IEnumerable <Toil> MakeNewToils()
            const float baseFishingDuration    = 1600f;
            const float catchSuccessRateOnPier = 0.90f;
            const float skillGainPerTick       = 0.15f;

            int fishingDuration = (int)baseFishingDuration;
            Building_FishingPier fishingPier = this.TargetThingA as Building_FishingPier;
            int thrownCornCount   = 0;
            int nextCornThrowTick = 0;


            // Drawing.
            this.rotateToFace = TargetIndex.B;
            this.pawn.CurJob.SetTarget(TargetIndex.C, fishingPier.riverCell);
            TargetIndex riverCellIndex = TargetIndex.C;

            // Compute fishing duration.
            float fishingSkillLevel = 0f;

            fishingSkillLevel = this.pawn.skills.AverageOfRelevantSkillsFor(WorkTypeDefOf.Hunting);
            float fishingSkillDurationFactor = fishingSkillLevel / 20f;

            fishingDuration = (int)(baseFishingDuration * (1.5f - fishingSkillDurationFactor));

            yield return(Toils_Goto.GotoThing(fishingPierIndex, fishingPier.riverCell).FailOn(FishingForbiddenOrPierDestroyedOrNoFish));

            Toil attractfishesToil = new Toil()
                tickAction = () =>
                    if (fishingPier.allowUsingGrain == false)
                    if (Find.TickManager.TicksGame >= nextCornThrowTick)
                        nextCornThrowTick = Find.TickManager.TicksGame + 3 * GenTicks.TicksPerRealSecond;
                        // Look for corn in inventory.
                        Thing corn = null;
                        foreach (Thing thing in this.pawn.inventory.innerContainer)
                            if (thing.def == Util_FishIndustry.RawCornDef)
                                corn = thing;
                        if ((corn == null) ||
                            (thrownCornCount >= grainCountToAttractFishes))
                            fishingDuration -= Mathf.CeilToInt((float)fishingDuration * 0.75f * ((float)thrownCornCount / (float)grainCountToAttractFishes));
                        // Throw corn grains.
                        this.pawn.inventory.innerContainer.Take(corn, 1);
                        for (int cornGrainIndex = 0; cornGrainIndex < 5; cornGrainIndex++)
                            if (!this.pawn.Position.ShouldSpawnMotesAt(this.pawn.Map) || this.pawn.Map.moteCounter.Saturated)
                            float   speed          = Rand.Range(1.5f, 3f);
                            Vector3 targetPosition = this.pawn.Position.ToVector3Shifted() + new Vector3(0f, 0f, 2f).RotatedBy(fishingPier.Rotation.AsAngle) + Vector3Utility.RandomHorizontalOffset(1.5f);
                            targetPosition.y = this.pawn.DrawPos.y;
                            MoteThrown moteThrown = (MoteThrown)ThingMaker.MakeThing(ThingDefOf.Mote_Stone, null);
                            moteThrown.Scale         = 0.2f;
                            moteThrown.rotationRate  = (float)Rand.Range(-300, 300);
                            moteThrown.exactPosition = this.pawn.DrawPos;
                            moteThrown.SetVelocity((targetPosition - moteThrown.exactPosition).AngleFlat(), speed);
                            moteThrown.airTimeLeft = (float)Mathf.RoundToInt((moteThrown.exactPosition - targetPosition).MagnitudeHorizontal() / speed);
                            GenSpawn.Spawn(moteThrown, this.pawn.Position, this.pawn.Map);
                            MoteMaker.MakeWaterSplash(targetPosition, this.pawn.Map, 1.8f, 0.5f);
                defaultDuration     = fishingDuration,
                defaultCompleteMode = ToilCompleteMode.Delay

            yield return(attractfishesToil.FailOn(FishingForbiddenOrPierDestroyedOrNoFish));

            Toil fishToil = new Toil()
                initAction = () =>
                    ThingDef moteDef = null;
                    if (fishingPier.Rotation == Rot4.North)
                        moteDef = Util_FishIndustry.MoteFishingRodNorthDef;
                    else if (fishingPier.Rotation == Rot4.East)
                        moteDef = Util_FishIndustry.MoteFishingRodEastDef;
                    else if (fishingPier.Rotation == Rot4.South)
                        moteDef = Util_FishIndustry.MoteFishingRodSouthDef;
                        moteDef = Util_FishIndustry.MoteFishingRodWestDef;
                    this.fishingRodMote = (Mote)ThingMaker.MakeThing(moteDef, null);
                    this.fishingRodMote.exactPosition = fishingPier.fishingSpotCell.ToVector3Shifted();
                    this.fishingRodMote.Scale         = 1f;
                    GenSpawn.Spawn(this.fishingRodMote, fishingPier.fishingSpotCell, this.Map);
                tickAction = () =>
                    this.pawn.skills.Learn(SkillDefOf.Shooting, skillGainPerTick);

                    if (this.fishingRodMote != null)
                defaultDuration     = fishingDuration,
                defaultCompleteMode = ToilCompleteMode.Delay

            yield return(fishToil.WithProgressBarToilDelay(riverCellIndex).FailOn(FishingForbiddenOrPierDestroyedOrNoFish));

            Toil catchFishToil = new Toil()
                initAction = () =>
                    Thing fishingCatch = null;

                    bool catchIsSuccessful = (Rand.Value <= catchSuccessRateOnPier);
                    if (catchIsSuccessful == false)
                        MoteMaker.ThrowMetaIcon(this.pawn.Position, this.Map, ThingDefOf.Mote_IncapIcon);

                    float catchSelectorValue = Rand.Value;

                    if (catchSelectorValue < 0.02)
                        float bonusCatchValue = Rand.Value;
                        if (bonusCatchValue < 0.01f)
                            // Really small chance to find a sunken treasure!!!
                            fishingCatch            = GenSpawn.Spawn(ThingDefOf.Gold, this.pawn.Position, this.Map);
                            fishingCatch.stackCount = Rand.RangeInclusive(58, 289);
                            Thing treasureSilver = GenSpawn.Spawn(ThingDefOf.Silver, fishingPier.middleCell, this.Map);
                            treasureSilver.stackCount = Rand.RangeInclusive(237, 2154);
                            Find.LetterStack.ReceiveLetter("FishIndustry.LetterLabelSunkenTreasure".Translate(), "FishIndustry.SunkenTreasure".Translate(this.pawn.Name.ToStringShort.CapitalizeFirst()),
                                                           LetterDefOf.PositiveEvent, this.pawn);
                        else if (bonusCatchValue < 0.02f)
                            // Really small chance to find a complete power armor set + sniper or charge rifle.
                            Thing powerArmor = GenSpawn.Spawn(ThingDef.Named("Apparel_PowerArmor"), this.pawn.Position, this.Map);
                            fishingCatch = powerArmor; // Used to carry the power armor.
                            Thing powerArmorHelmet = GenSpawn.Spawn(ThingDef.Named("Apparel_PowerArmorHelmet"), this.pawn.Position, this.Map);
                            Thing rifle            = null;
                            if (Rand.Value < 0.5f)
                                rifle = GenSpawn.Spawn(ThingDef.Named("Gun_ChargeRifle"), this.pawn.Position, this.Map);
                                rifle = GenSpawn.Spawn(ThingDef.Named("Gun_SniperRifle"), this.pawn.Position, this.Map);
                            CompQuality qualityComp = powerArmor.TryGetComp <CompQuality>();
                            if (qualityComp != null)
                                qualityComp.SetQuality(QualityCategory.Masterwork, ArtGenerationContext.Outsider);
                            qualityComp = powerArmorHelmet.TryGetComp <CompQuality>();
                            if (qualityComp != null)
                                qualityComp.SetQuality(QualityCategory.Masterwork, ArtGenerationContext.Outsider);
                            qualityComp = rifle.TryGetComp <CompQuality>();
                            if (qualityComp != null)
                                qualityComp.SetQuality(QualityCategory.Masterwork, ArtGenerationContext.Outsider);

                            Faction faction    = Find.FactionManager.FirstFactionOfDef(FactionDefOf.AncientsHostile);
                            Pawn    deadMarine = PawnGenerator.GeneratePawn(PawnKindDefOf.AncientSoldier, faction);
                            Corpse       corpse  = deadMarine.ParentHolder as Corpse;
                            CompRottable rotComp = corpse.TryGetComp <CompRottable>();
                            if (rotComp != null)
                                rotComp.RotProgress = 20f * GenDate.TicksPerDay; // 20 days so the corpse is dessicated.
                            GenSpawn.Spawn(corpse, fishingPier.bankCell, this.Map);
                            string eventText = "FishIndustry.LetterDescDeadMarine".Translate(this.pawn.Name.ToStringShort.CapitalizeFirst());
                            Find.LetterStack.ReceiveLetter("FishIndustry.LetterLabelDeadMarine".Translate(), eventText, LetterDefOf.PositiveEvent, this.pawn);
                            // Find a small amount of gold.
                            fishingCatch            = GenSpawn.Spawn(ThingDefOf.Gold, this.pawn.Position, this.Map);
                            fishingCatch.stackCount = Rand.RangeInclusive(1, 7);
                    else if (catchSelectorValue < 0.04)
                        // Find oysters.
                        fishingCatch            = GenSpawn.Spawn(Util_FishIndustry.OysterDef, this.pawn.Position, this.Map);
                        fishingCatch.stackCount = Rand.RangeInclusive(2, 9);
                        // Catch a fish.
                        IntVec3 fishSpot        = fishingPier.aquaticCells.RandomElement();
                        bool    fishSpotIsOcean = (this.Map.terrainGrid.TerrainAt(fishSpot) == TerrainDefOf.WaterOceanShallow) ||
                                                  (this.Map.terrainGrid.TerrainAt(fishSpot) == TerrainDefOf.WaterOceanDeep);
                        bool fishSpotIsMarshy = (this.Map.terrainGrid.TerrainAt(fishSpot) == TerrainDef.Named("Marsh"));

                        PawnKindDef caugthFishDef = null;
                        if (fishSpotIsOcean)
                            caugthFishDef = (from fishSpecies in Util_FishIndustry.GetFishSpeciesList(this.Map.Biome)
                                             where fishSpecies.livesInOcean
                                             select fishSpecies).RandomElementByWeight((PawnKindDef_FishSpecies def) => def.commonality);
                        else if (fishSpotIsMarshy)
                            caugthFishDef = (from fishSpecies in Util_FishIndustry.GetFishSpeciesList(this.Map.Biome)
                                             where fishSpecies.livesInMarsh
                                             select fishSpecies).RandomElementByWeight((PawnKindDef_FishSpecies def) => def.commonality);
                            caugthFishDef = (from fishSpecies in Util_FishIndustry.GetFishSpeciesList(this.Map.Biome)
                                             where fishSpecies.livesInRiver
                                             select fishSpecies).RandomElementByWeight((PawnKindDef_FishSpecies def) => def.commonality);
                        Pawn caughtFish = PawnGenerator.GeneratePawn(caugthFishDef);
                        ExecutionUtility.DoExecutionByCut(this.pawn, caughtFish);
                        Corpse corpse = caughtFish.ParentHolder as Corpse;
                        GenSpawn.Spawn(corpse, this.pawn.Position, this.Map);
                        fishingCatch = corpse;
                        if (caughtFish.BodySize >= 0.1f)
                    IntVec3 storageCell;
                    if (StoreUtility.TryFindBestBetterStoreCellFor(fishingCatch, this.pawn, this.Map, StoragePriority.Unstored, this.pawn.Faction, out storageCell, true))
                        this.pawn.Reserve(fishingCatch, this.job);
                        this.pawn.Reserve(storageCell, this.job);
                        this.pawn.CurJob.SetTarget(TargetIndex.B, storageCell);
                        this.pawn.CurJob.SetTarget(TargetIndex.A, fishingCatch);
                        this.pawn.CurJob.count    = 9999;
                        this.pawn.CurJob.haulMode = HaulMode.ToCellStorage;

            yield return(catchFishToil);

            yield return(Toils_Haul.StartCarryThing(TargetIndex.A));

            Toil carryToCell = Toils_Haul.CarryHauledThingToCell(TargetIndex.B);

            yield return(carryToCell);

            yield return(Toils_Haul.PlaceHauledThingInCell(TargetIndex.B, carryToCell, true));
        public void Transfer(CoverageMap coverageMap)
            //Planting blueprint
            float totalCost           = 0;
            int   transferredTerrains = 0;
            int   transferredTiles    = 0;
            int   totalTerrains       = 0;
            int   totalItems          = 0;

            //update rect to actual placement rect using width and height
            rp.rect = new CellRect(mapOriginX, mapOriginZ, blueprint.width, blueprint.height);

            Debug.Extra(Debug.BlueprintTransfer, "Clearing map...");

            for (int z = 0; z < blueprint.height; z++)
                for (int x = 0; x < blueprint.width; x++)
                    try {
                        IntVec3 mapLocation = new IntVec3(x + mapOriginX, 0, z + mapOriginZ);
                        //Check if thepoint is in allowed bounds of the map
                        if (!mapLocation.InBounds(map) || mapLocation.InNoBuildEdgeArea(map))
                            continue; //ignore invalid cells

                        if (options.overwritesEverything || Rand.Chance(0.6f))
                            if (blueprint.terrainMap[x, z] != null ||
                                blueprint.itemsMap[x, z].Count > 0 ||
                                blueprint.wallMap[x, z] > 1)
                                ClearCell(mapLocation, map, true);
                    } catch (Exception e) {
                        Debug.Warning(Debug.BlueprintTransfer, "Failed to clean cell at {0}, {1} because of {2}", x, z, e);

            Debug.Extra(Debug.BlueprintTransfer, "Transferring map objects");
            for (int z = 0; z < blueprint.height; z++)
                for (int x = 0; x < blueprint.width; x++)
                    IntVec3 mapLocation = new IntVec3(x + mapOriginX, 0, z + mapOriginZ);
                    if (coverageMap != null)
                        if (coverageMap.isMarked(mapLocation.x, mapLocation.z) == true) //cell was used earlier
                            continue;                                                   //skip already covered tiles
                            if (blueprint.wallMap[x, z] > 1 || blueprint.wallMap[x, z] == -1)
                                coverageMap.Mark(mapLocation.x, mapLocation.z);                                                               //mark cell as used

                    //Check if thepoint is in allowed bounds of the map
                    if (!mapLocation.InBounds(map) || mapLocation.InNoBuildEdgeArea(map))
                        continue; //ignore invalid cells

                    try {
                        //Construct terrain if some specific terrain stored in the blueprint
                        if (blueprint.terrainMap[x, z] != null)
                            TerrainDef blueprintTerrain = TerrainDef.Named(blueprint.terrainMap[x, z].defName);
                            if (!map.terrainGrid.TerrainAt(mapLocation).IsWater)
                                map.terrainGrid.SetTerrain(mapLocation, blueprintTerrain);
                                totalCost += blueprint.terrainMap[x, z].cost;

                        //construct roof evetywhere if we doing complete transfer (ignoring outside: room with index 1).
                        if (blueprint.roofMap[x, z] == true && options.overwritesEverything && blueprint.wallMap[x, z] != 1)
                            map.roofGrid.SetRoof(mapLocation, RoofDefOf.RoofConstructed);

                        Debug.Extra(Debug.BlueprintTransfer, "Transferred terrain and roof at cell ({0}, {1})", x, z);
                    } catch (Exception e) {
                        Debug.Warning(Debug.BlueprintTransfer, "Failed to transfer terrain {0} at {1}, {2} because of {3}", blueprint.terrainMap[x, z].defName, x, z, e);

                    //Add items
                    if (blueprint.itemsMap[x, z] != null && blueprint.itemsMap[x, z].Count > 0 /* && cellUsed[mapLocation.x, mapLocation.z] == false*/)
                        totalItems += blueprint.itemsMap[x, z].Count;

                        foreach (ItemTile itemTile in blueprint.itemsMap[x, z])
                            Debug.Extra(Debug.BlueprintTransfer, "Creating thing {2} at cell ({0}, {1})", x, z, itemTile.defName);
                            Thing thing = MakeThingFromItemTile(itemTile);
                            if (thing != null)
                                try {
                                    Rot4 rotation = new Rot4(itemTile.rot);
                                    //check if there is anything we have to despawn in order to spawn our new item
                                    //we have to do this, because many dubs bad hygiene items enter endless cycle when removed during mapgen.
                                    foreach (IntVec3 occupiedCell in GenAdj.CellsOccupiedBy(mapLocation, rotation, thing.def.Size))
                                        foreach (Thing existingItem in map.thingGrid.ThingsAt(occupiedCell).ToList())
                                            if (GenSpawn.SpawningWipes(thing.def, existingItem.def))
                                                if (thing.def.thingClass.ToString().Contains("DubsBadHygiene"))
                                                    throw new Exception("Can't spawn item because it will destroy Dubs Bad Hygiene Item and it will lead to app freeze.");

                                    GenSpawn.Spawn(thing, mapLocation, map, rotation);
                                    Debug.Extra(Debug.BlueprintTransfer, "Spawned");
                                    try {
                                        switch (thing.def.tickerType)
                                        case TickerType.Never:

                                        case TickerType.Normal:

                                        case TickerType.Long:

                                        case TickerType.Rare:
                                    } catch (Exception e) {
                                        Debug.Log(Debug.BlueprintTransfer, "Exception while tried to perform tick for {0} of cost {1}, retrhrowing...", thing.def.defName, itemTile.cost);
                                        throw e;

                                    //Debug.Message("Setting up props");
                                    //Breakdown breakdownables: it't yet impossible to silently breakdown an item which is not spawned.
                                    CompBreakdownable b = thing.TryGetComp <CompBreakdownable>();
                                    if (b != null && options.enableDeterioration)
                                        if (Rand.Chance(0.8f))

                                    //reduce HP for haulable things in water
                                    if (thing.def.EverHaulable)
                                        TerrainDef t = map.terrainGrid.TerrainAt(mapLocation);
                                        if (t != null && t.IsWater)
                                            thing.HitPoints = (thing.HitPoints - 10) / Rand.Range(5, 20) + Rand.Range(1, 10); //things in marsh or river are really in bad condition
                                    Debug.Extra(Debug.BlueprintTransfer, "Item completed");

                                    totalCost += itemTile.cost;
                                } catch (Exception e) {
                                    Debug.Warning(Debug.BlueprintTransfer, "Failed to spawn item {0} of cost {1} because of exception {2}", thing, itemTile.cost, e.Message);

            Debug.Log(Debug.BlueprintTransfer, "Finished transferring");
            if (options.shouldKeepDefencesAndPower)
            options.uncoveredCost = totalCost;
            Debug.Log(Debug.BlueprintTransfer, "Transferred blueprint of size {0}x{1}, age {2}, total cost of approximately {3}. Items: {4}/{5}, terrains: {6}/{7}", blueprint.width, blueprint.height, -blueprint.dateShift, totalCost, transferredTiles, totalItems, transferredTerrains, totalTerrains);
        public void doMapSpawns()
            if (map.Biome.defName.Contains("AB_"))
                foreach (SpecialSpawnsDef element in DefDatabase <SpecialSpawnsDef> .AllDefs.Where(element => element.allowedBiome == map.Biome.defName))
                    IEnumerable <IntVec3> tmpTerrain = map.AllCells.InRandomOrder();

                    int extraGeneration = 0;
                    foreach (string biome in element.biomesWithExtraGeneration)
                        if (map.Biome.defName == biome)
                            extraGeneration = element.extraGeneration;

                    bool canSpawn = true;
                    if (spawnCounter == 0)
                        spawnCounter = Rand.RangeInclusive(element.numberToSpawn.min, element.numberToSpawn.max) + extraGeneration;
                    foreach (IntVec3 c in tmpTerrain)
                        TerrainDef terrain = c.GetTerrain(map);

                        bool flagAllowed = true;
                        foreach (string allowed in element.terrainValidationAllowed)
                            if (terrain.defName == allowed)
                                flagAllowed = false;
                        bool flagDisallowed = true;
                        foreach (string notAllowed in element.terrainValidationDisallowed)
                            if (terrain.HasTag(notAllowed))
                                flagDisallowed = false;
                        bool flagWater = true;
                        if (!element.allowOnWater && terrain.IsWater)
                            flagWater = false;
                        bool flagCenter = true;
                        if (element.findCellsOutsideColony)
                            if (!OutOfCenter(c, map, 60))
                                flagCenter = false;
                        canSpawn = flagAllowed & flagDisallowed & flagWater & flagCenter;
                        if (canSpawn)
                            // Log.Message("Sucesful c was " + c.ToString());
                            Thing    thing        = (Thing)ThingMaker.MakeThing(element.thingDef, null);
                            CellRect occupiedRect = GenAdj.OccupiedRect(c, thing.Rotation, thing.def.Size);
                            if (occupiedRect.InBounds(map))
                                // Log.Message("Prior to " + element.defName + " .Spawncounter was " + spawnCounter);
                                GenSpawn.Spawn(thing, c, map);
                                // Log.Message("Spawning " + element.defName + " .Spawncounter was " + spawnCounter);
                        if (canSpawn && spawnCounter <= 0)
                            //Log.Message("Spawn counter is " + spawnCounter + " So I'm getting out");
                            spawnCounter = 0;

            this.verifyFirstTime = false;
        public override AcceptanceReport AllowsPlacing(BuildableDef checkingDef, IntVec3 loc, Rot4 rot, Map map, Thing thingToIgnore = null, Thing thing = null)
            TerrainDef terrainDef = map.terrainGrid.TerrainAt(loc);

            if (terrainDef.defName.Contains("Bridge"))
                return(new AcceptanceReport("RAB.NoFloorOnBridge".Translate()));
            List <Thing> things = map.thingGrid.ThingsListAtFast(loc);

            for (int k = 0; k < things.Count; k++)
                if (things[k] != thingToIgnore)
                    if (things[k].def.defName.Contains("RBB_") || things[k].def.defName.Contains("Wall"))
                        return(new AcceptanceReport("RAB.NoFloorOnBridge".Translate()));
            if (terrainDef.defName.Equals("MarshyTerrain") || terrainDef.defName.Equals("Mud"))
            string waterNear = "no";

            for (int i = -1; i < 2; i++)
                for (int j = -1; j < 2; j++)
                    int     x            = loc.x + i;
                    int     z            = loc.z + j;
                    IntVec3 newSpot      = new IntVec3(x, 0, z);
                    string  terrainCheck = map.terrainGrid.TerrainAt(newSpot).defName;
                    if (terrainCheck.Contains("Water") || terrainCheck.Equals("Marsh") || terrainCheck.Contains("BridgeMarsh") || terrainCheck.Contains("Mud") || terrainCheck.Contains("MarshyTerrain"))
                        waterNear = "yes";
            if (waterNear == "no")
                for (int i = -2; i < 3; i++)
                    for (int j = -2; j < 3; j++)
                        int     x            = loc.x + i;
                        int     z            = loc.z + j;
                        IntVec3 newSpot      = new IntVec3(x, 0, z);
                        string  terrainCheck = map.terrainGrid.TerrainAt(newSpot).defName;
                        if (terrainCheck.Contains("Water") || terrainCheck.Equals("Marsh") || terrainCheck.Contains("BridgeMarsh") || terrainCheck.Contains("Mud") || terrainCheck.Contains("MarshyTerrain"))
                            waterNear = "yes";
            if (waterNear == "no")
                for (int i = -3; i < 4; i++)
                    for (int j = -3; j < 4; j++)
                        int     x            = loc.x + i;
                        int     z            = loc.z + j;
                        IntVec3 newSpot      = new IntVec3(x, 0, z);
                        string  terrainCheck = map.terrainGrid.TerrainAt(newSpot).defName;
                        if (terrainCheck.Contains("Water") || terrainCheck.Equals("Marsh") || terrainCheck.Contains("BridgeMarsh") || terrainCheck.Contains("Mud") || terrainCheck.Contains("MarshyTerrain"))
                            waterNear = "yes";
            if (waterNear == "yes")
            return(new AcceptanceReport("RAB.Boardwalk".Translate()));
 public static bool IsSea(this TerrainDef def)
        /// <summary>
        /// Check if a new fishing pier can be built at this location.
        /// - the fishing pier bank cell must be on a bank.
        /// - the rest of the fishing pier and the fishing spot must be on water.
        /// - must not be too near from another fishing pier.
        /// </summary>
        public override AcceptanceReport AllowsPlacing(BuildableDef checkingDef, IntVec3 loc, Rot4 rot)
            IntVec3    checkedPosition       = new IntVec3();
            TerrainDef checkedCellTerrainDef = null;

            // Check fishing pier bank cell is "solid" terrain.
            checkedPosition       = loc + new IntVec3(0, 0, -2).RotatedBy(rot);
            checkedCellTerrainDef = Find.TerrainGrid.TerrainAt(checkedPosition);
            if ((checkedCellTerrainDef == TerrainDef.Named("WaterShallow")) ||
                (checkedCellTerrainDef == TerrainDef.Named("WaterDeep")) ||
                (checkedCellTerrainDef == TerrainDef.Named("Marsh")))
                return(new AcceptanceReport("Fishing pier must be placed on a bank."));
            // Check the rest of fishing pier is on water.
            for (int yOffset = -1; yOffset <= 0; yOffset++)
                checkedPosition       = loc + new IntVec3(0, 0, yOffset).RotatedBy(rot);
                checkedCellTerrainDef = Find.TerrainGrid.TerrainAt(checkedPosition);
                if ((checkedCellTerrainDef != TerrainDef.Named("WaterShallow")) &&
                    (checkedCellTerrainDef != TerrainDef.Named("WaterDeep")) &&
                    (checkedCellTerrainDef != TerrainDef.Named("Marsh")))
                    return(new AcceptanceReport("Fishing pier must be placed on water."));
            // Check the fishing spot is on water.
            for (int xOffset = -1; xOffset <= 1; xOffset++)
                for (int yOffset = 1; yOffset <= 3; yOffset++)
                    checkedPosition       = loc + new IntVec3(xOffset, 0, yOffset).RotatedBy(rot);
                    checkedCellTerrainDef = Find.TerrainGrid.TerrainAt(checkedPosition);
                    if ((checkedCellTerrainDef != TerrainDef.Named("WaterShallow")) &&
                        (checkedCellTerrainDef != TerrainDef.Named("WaterDeep")) &&
                        (checkedCellTerrainDef != TerrainDef.Named("Marsh")))
                        return(new AcceptanceReport("Fishing spot must be placed on water."));

            // Check if another fishing pier is not too close (mind the test on "fishing pier" def and "fishing pier spawner" blueprint and frame defs.
            List <Thing> fishingPierList = Find.ListerThings.ThingsOfDef(Util_FishIndustry.FishingPierDef);
            List <Thing> fishingPierSpawnerBlueprintList = Find.ListerThings.ThingsOfDef(Util_FishIndustry.FishingPierSpawnerDef.blueprintDef);
            List <Thing> fishingPierSpawnerFrameList     = Find.ListerThings.ThingsOfDef(Util_FishIndustry.FishingPierSpawnerDef.frameDef);

            if (fishingPierList != null)
                IEnumerable <Thing> fishingPierInTheArea = fishingPierList.Where(building => loc.InHorDistOf(building.Position, minDistanceBetweenTwoFishingPiers));
                if (fishingPierInTheArea.Count() > 0)
                    return(new AcceptanceReport("An other fishing pier is too close."));
            if (fishingPierSpawnerBlueprintList != null)
                IEnumerable <Thing> fishingPierBlueprintInTheArea = fishingPierSpawnerBlueprintList.Where(building => loc.InHorDistOf(building.Position, minDistanceBetweenTwoFishingPiers));
                if (fishingPierBlueprintInTheArea.Count() > 0)
                    return(new AcceptanceReport("An other fishing pier blueprint is too close."));
            if (fishingPierSpawnerFrameList != null)
                IEnumerable <Thing> fishingPierFrameInTheArea = fishingPierSpawnerFrameList.Where(building => loc.InHorDistOf(building.Position, minDistanceBetweenTwoFishingPiers));
                if (fishingPierFrameInTheArea.Count() > 0)
                    return(new AcceptanceReport("An other fishing pier frame is too close."));

 public static bool IsLakeOrPond(this TerrainDef def)
     return(!def.IsSea() && !def.IsRiver() && def.defName.Contains("Water"));
        public static IEnumerable <TerrainDef> ImpliedTerrainDefs()
            int i = 0;

            foreach (ThingDef rock in from def in DefDatabase <ThingDef> .AllDefs
                     where def.building != null && def.building.isNaturalRock && !def.building.isResourceRock
                     select def)
                TerrainDef rough  = new TerrainDef();
                TerrainDef hewn   = new TerrainDef();
                TerrainDef smooth = new TerrainDef();
                rough.texturePath = "Terrain/Surfaces/RoughStone";
                rough.edgeType    = TerrainDef.TerrainEdgeType.FadeRough;
                rough.pathCost    = 1;
                StatUtility.SetStatValueInList(ref rough.statBases, StatDefOf.Beauty, -1f);
                rough.scatterType = "Rocky";
                rough.affordances = new List <TerrainAffordance>();
                rough.fertility        = 0f;
                rough.renderPrecedence = 190 + i;
                rough.defName          = rock.defName + "_Rough";
                rough.label            = "RoughStoneTerrainLabel".Translate(new object[]
                rough.description = "RoughStoneTerrainDesc".Translate(new object[]
                rough.color         = rock.graphicData.color;
                rock.naturalTerrain = rough;
                hewn.texturePath    = "Terrain/Surfaces/RoughHewnRock";
                hewn.edgeType       = TerrainDef.TerrainEdgeType.FadeRough;
                hewn.pathCost       = 1;
                StatUtility.SetStatValueInList(ref hewn.statBases, StatDefOf.Beauty, -1f);
                hewn.scatterType = "Rocky";
                hewn.affordances = new List <TerrainAffordance>();
                hewn.fertility        = 0f;
                hewn.renderPrecedence = 50 + i;
                hewn.defName          = rock.defName + "_RoughHewn";
                hewn.label            = "RoughHewnStoneTerrainLabel".Translate(new object[]
                hewn.description = "RoughHewnStoneTerrainDesc".Translate(new object[]
                hewn.color         = rock.graphicData.color;
                rock.leaveTerrain  = hewn;
                smooth.texturePath = "Terrain/Surfaces/SmoothStone";
                smooth.edgeType    = TerrainDef.TerrainEdgeType.FadeRough;
                smooth.pathCost    = 0;
                StatUtility.SetStatValueInList(ref smooth.statBases, StatDefOf.Beauty, 2f);
                smooth.scatterType = "Rocky";
                smooth.affordances = new List <TerrainAffordance>();
                smooth.fertility = 0f;
                smooth.acceptTerrainSourceFilth = true;
                smooth.renderPrecedence         = 140 + i;
                smooth.defName = rock.defName + "_Smooth";
                smooth.label   = "SmoothStoneTerrainLabel".Translate(new object[]
                smooth.description = "SmoothStoneTerrainDesc".Translate(new object[]
                smooth.color          = rock.graphicData.color;
                rough.smoothedTerrain = smooth;
                hewn.smoothedTerrain  = smooth;
                yield return(rough);
 public static bool IsIce(this TerrainDef def)
     return(def.defName == "Ice");
        private bool ShouldDrawPropsBelow(IntVec3 c, TerrainGrid terrGrid)
            TerrainDef terrainDef = terrGrid.TerrainAt(c);

            if (terrainDef == null || terrainDef != TerrainDef.Named("AB_AsphaltBridge"))
            IntVec3 c2 = c;

            Map map = base.Map;

            if (!c2.InBounds(map))
            TerrainDef terrainDef2 = terrGrid.TerrainAt(c2);

            return(terrainDef2 != TerrainDef.Named("AB_AsphaltBridge") && (terrainDef2.passability == Traversability.Impassable || c2.SupportsStructureType(map, TerrainDef.Named("AB_AsphaltBridge").terrainAffordanceNeeded)));
 public static bool CanGetWater(this TerrainDef def)
     return(def.IsRiver() || def.IsLakeOrPond() || def.IsMarsh() || def.IsSea());
        public int CalculatedCostAt(IntVec3 c, bool perceivedStatic, IntVec3 prevCell)
            int        num        = 0;
            TerrainDef terrainDef =;

            if (terrainDef == null || terrainDef.passability == Traversability.Impassable)
                num = 10000;
                num += terrainDef.pathCost;
            int num2 = SnowUtility.MovementTicksAddOn(;

            num += num2;
            List <Thing> list =;

            for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; i++)
                Thing thing = list[i];
                if (thing.def.passability == Traversability.Impassable)
                if (!PathGrid.IsPathCostIgnoreRepeater(thing.def) || !prevCell.IsValid || !this.ContainsPathCostIgnoreRepeater(prevCell))
                    num += thing.def.pathCost;
                if (prevCell.IsValid && thing is Building_Door)
                    Building edifice = prevCell.GetEdifice(;
                    if (edifice != null && edifice is Building_Door)
                        num += 45;
            if (perceivedStatic)
                for (int j = 0; j < 9; j++)
                    IntVec3 b  = GenAdj.AdjacentCellsAndInside[j];
                    IntVec3 c2 = c + b;
                    if (c2.InBounds(
                        Fire fire = null;
                        list =;
                        for (int k = 0; k < list.Count; k++)
                            fire = (list[k] as Fire);
                            if (fire != null)
                        if (fire != null && fire.parent == null)
                            if (b.x == 0 && b.z == 0)
                                num += 1000;
                                num += 150;
        public static void GenerateEntranchedZone(IntVec3 areaSouthWestOrigin, int zoneAbs, int zoneOrd, Rot4 rotation, ref OG_OutpostData outpostData)
            IntVec3 rotatedOrigin = Zone.GetZoneRotatedOrigin(areaSouthWestOrigin, zoneAbs, zoneOrd, rotation);
            IntVec3 cell          = rotatedOrigin;

            // Generate south west battery shelter.
            OG_Common.TrySpawnWallAt(rotatedOrigin + new IntVec3(0, 0, 0).RotatedBy(rotation), ref outpostData);
            OG_Common.TrySpawnWallAt(rotatedOrigin + new IntVec3(3, 0, 0).RotatedBy(rotation), ref outpostData);
            OG_Common.TrySpawnWallAt(rotatedOrigin + new IntVec3(0, 0, 3).RotatedBy(rotation), ref outpostData);
            OG_Common.TrySpawnWallAt(rotatedOrigin + new IntVec3(3, 0, 3).RotatedBy(rotation), ref outpostData);
            OG_Common.TrySpawnThingAt(ThingDefOf.Battery, null, rotatedOrigin + new IntVec3(1, 0, 1).RotatedBy(rotation), true, new Rot4(Rot4.North.AsInt + rotation.AsInt), ref outpostData);
            OG_Common.TrySpawnThingAt(ThingDefOf.Battery, null, rotatedOrigin + new IntVec3(2, 0, 1).RotatedBy(rotation), true, new Rot4(Rot4.North.AsInt + rotation.AsInt), ref outpostData);
            for (int xOffset = 0; xOffset < 4; xOffset++)
                for (int zOffset = 0; zOffset < 4; zOffset++)
                    cell = rotatedOrigin + new IntVec3(xOffset, 0, zOffset).RotatedBy(rotation);
                    Find.TerrainGrid.SetTerrain(cell, TerrainDefOf.Concrete);
                    Find.RoofGrid.SetRoof(cell, OG_Util.IronedRoofDef);

            // Generate south east battery shelter.
            OG_Common.TrySpawnWallAt(rotatedOrigin + new IntVec3(7, 0, 0).RotatedBy(rotation), ref outpostData);
            OG_Common.TrySpawnWallAt(rotatedOrigin + new IntVec3(10, 0, 0).RotatedBy(rotation), ref outpostData);
            OG_Common.TrySpawnWallAt(rotatedOrigin + new IntVec3(7, 0, 3).RotatedBy(rotation), ref outpostData);
            OG_Common.TrySpawnWallAt(rotatedOrigin + new IntVec3(10, 0, 3).RotatedBy(rotation), ref outpostData);
            OG_Common.TrySpawnThingAt(ThingDefOf.Battery, null, rotatedOrigin + new IntVec3(8, 0, 1).RotatedBy(rotation), true, new Rot4(Rot4.North.AsInt + rotation.AsInt), ref outpostData);
            OG_Common.TrySpawnThingAt(ThingDefOf.Battery, null, rotatedOrigin + new IntVec3(9, 0, 1).RotatedBy(rotation), true, new Rot4(Rot4.North.AsInt + rotation.AsInt), ref outpostData);
            for (int xOffset = 7; xOffset < 11; xOffset++)
                for (int zOffset = 0; zOffset < 4; zOffset++)
                    cell = rotatedOrigin + new IntVec3(xOffset, 0, zOffset).RotatedBy(rotation);
                    Find.TerrainGrid.SetTerrain(cell, TerrainDefOf.Concrete);
                    Find.RoofGrid.SetRoof(cell, OG_Util.IronedRoofDef);

            // Generate central paved alley.
            for (int xOffset = 4; xOffset <= 6; xOffset++)
                for (int zOffset = 0; zOffset < 7; zOffset++)
                    Find.TerrainGrid.SetTerrain(rotatedOrigin + new IntVec3(xOffset, 0, zOffset).RotatedBy(rotation), TerrainDefOf.Concrete);
            for (int zOffset = 0; zOffset < 7; zOffset++)
                Find.TerrainGrid.SetTerrain(rotatedOrigin + new IntVec3(5, 0, zOffset).RotatedBy(rotation), TerrainDef.Named("PavedTile"));

            // Generate north west force field.
            IntVec3 northWestOrigin = rotatedOrigin + new IntVec3(0, 0, 6).RotatedBy(rotation);

            for (int xOffset = 0; xOffset < 5; xOffset++)
                for (int zOffset = 0; zOffset < 2; zOffset++)
                    Find.TerrainGrid.SetTerrain(northWestOrigin + new IntVec3(xOffset, 0, zOffset).RotatedBy(rotation), TerrainDefOf.Concrete);
            for (int xOffset = 1; xOffset <= 3; xOffset++)
                Find.TerrainGrid.SetTerrain(northWestOrigin + new IntVec3(xOffset, 0, 2).RotatedBy(rotation), TerrainDefOf.Concrete);
            OG_Common.TrySpawnThingAt(ThingDefOf.Sandbags, null, northWestOrigin + new IntVec3(0, 0, 1).RotatedBy(rotation), false, Rot4.Invalid, ref outpostData);
            OG_Common.TrySpawnThingAt(ThingDefOf.Sandbags, null, northWestOrigin + new IntVec3(1, 0, 1).RotatedBy(rotation), false, Rot4.Invalid, ref outpostData);
            OG_Common.TrySpawnThingAt(ThingDefOf.Sandbags, null, northWestOrigin + new IntVec3(1, 0, 2).RotatedBy(rotation), false, Rot4.Invalid, ref outpostData);
            OG_Common.TrySpawnThingAt(ThingDefOf.Sandbags, null, northWestOrigin + new IntVec3(2, 0, 2).RotatedBy(rotation), false, Rot4.Invalid, ref outpostData);
            OG_Common.TrySpawnThingAt(ThingDefOf.Sandbags, null, northWestOrigin + new IntVec3(3, 0, 2).RotatedBy(rotation), false, Rot4.Invalid, ref outpostData);
            OG_Common.TrySpawnThingAt(ThingDefOf.Sandbags, null, northWestOrigin + new IntVec3(3, 0, 1).RotatedBy(rotation), false, Rot4.Invalid, ref outpostData);
            OG_Common.TrySpawnThingAt(ThingDefOf.Sandbags, null, northWestOrigin + new IntVec3(4, 0, 1).RotatedBy(rotation), false, Rot4.Invalid, ref outpostData);
            for (int zOffset = -3; zOffset <= 3; zOffset++)
                if ((zOffset == 1) &&
                    OG_Util.IsModActive("MiningCo. ForceField"))
                    // Do not spawn power conduit under force field as it generates a warning message.
                OG_Common.SpawnFireproofPowerConduitAt(northWestOrigin + new IntVec3(2, 0, zOffset).RotatedBy(rotation), ref outpostData);
            if (OG_Util.IsModActive("MiningCo. ForceField"))
                OG_Common.TrySpawnThingAt(OG_Util.ForceFieldGeneratorDef, null, northWestOrigin + new IntVec3(2, 0, 1).RotatedBy(rotation), true, new Rot4(Rot4.North.AsInt + rotation.AsInt), ref outpostData);

            // Generate central sandbag.
            cell = rotatedOrigin + new IntVec3(5, 0, 7).RotatedBy(rotation);
            Find.TerrainGrid.SetTerrain(cell, TerrainDefOf.Concrete);
            OG_Common.TrySpawnThingAt(ThingDefOf.Sandbags, null, cell, false, Rot4.Invalid, ref outpostData);

            // Generate north east force field.
            IntVec3 northEastOrigin = rotatedOrigin + new IntVec3(6, 0, 6).RotatedBy(rotation);

            for (int xOffset = 0; xOffset < 5; xOffset++)
                for (int zOffset = 0; zOffset < 2; zOffset++)
                    Find.TerrainGrid.SetTerrain(northEastOrigin + new IntVec3(xOffset, 0, zOffset).RotatedBy(rotation), TerrainDefOf.Concrete);
            for (int xOffset = 1; xOffset <= 3; xOffset++)
                Find.TerrainGrid.SetTerrain(northEastOrigin + new IntVec3(xOffset, 0, 2).RotatedBy(rotation), TerrainDefOf.Concrete);
            OG_Common.TrySpawnThingAt(ThingDefOf.Sandbags, null, northEastOrigin + new IntVec3(0, 0, 1).RotatedBy(rotation), false, Rot4.Invalid, ref outpostData);
            OG_Common.TrySpawnThingAt(ThingDefOf.Sandbags, null, northEastOrigin + new IntVec3(1, 0, 1).RotatedBy(rotation), false, Rot4.Invalid, ref outpostData);
            OG_Common.TrySpawnThingAt(ThingDefOf.Sandbags, null, northEastOrigin + new IntVec3(1, 0, 2).RotatedBy(rotation), false, Rot4.Invalid, ref outpostData);
            OG_Common.TrySpawnThingAt(ThingDefOf.Sandbags, null, northEastOrigin + new IntVec3(2, 0, 2).RotatedBy(rotation), false, Rot4.Invalid, ref outpostData);
            OG_Common.TrySpawnThingAt(ThingDefOf.Sandbags, null, northEastOrigin + new IntVec3(3, 0, 2).RotatedBy(rotation), false, Rot4.Invalid, ref outpostData);
            OG_Common.TrySpawnThingAt(ThingDefOf.Sandbags, null, northEastOrigin + new IntVec3(3, 0, 1).RotatedBy(rotation), false, Rot4.Invalid, ref outpostData);
            OG_Common.TrySpawnThingAt(ThingDefOf.Sandbags, null, northEastOrigin + new IntVec3(4, 0, 1).RotatedBy(rotation), false, Rot4.Invalid, ref outpostData);
            for (int zOffset = -3; zOffset <= 3; zOffset++)
                if ((zOffset == 1) &&
                    OG_Util.IsModActive("MiningCo. ForceField"))
                    // Do not spawn power conduit under force field as it generates a warning message.
                OG_Common.SpawnFireproofPowerConduitAt(northEastOrigin + new IntVec3(2, 0, zOffset).RotatedBy(rotation), ref outpostData);
            if (OG_Util.IsModActive("MiningCo. ForceField"))
                OG_Common.TrySpawnThingAt(OG_Util.ForceFieldGeneratorDef, null, northEastOrigin + new IntVec3(2, 0, 1).RotatedBy(rotation), true, new Rot4(Rot4.North.AsInt + rotation.AsInt), ref outpostData);
        private void MakeBlueprintRoom(CellRect mapRect, Map map, MapGeneratorBlueprintDef blueprint, ThingDef stuffDef)
            blueprint.buildingData = CleanUpBlueprintData(blueprint.buildingData);
            blueprint.floorData    = CleanUpBlueprintData(blueprint.floorData);
            blueprint.pawnData     = CleanUpBlueprintData(blueprint.pawnData);
            blueprint.itemData     = CleanUpBlueprintData(blueprint.itemData);

            if (blueprint.buildingData == null && blueprint.floorData == null)
                Log.ErrorOnce(string.Format("After cleaning the BlueprintData and FloorData of blueprint {0} -> both are null, nothing will be done!", blueprint.defName), 313001);

            IntVec3 spawnBaseCell = new IntVec3(mapRect.BottomLeft.x, mapRect.TopRight.y, mapRect.TopRight.z);
            IntVec3 spawnCell;

            foreach (IntVec3 cell in mapRect)
                // Check all cells and abort if there is something indestructible found
                if (!CheckCell(cell, map))

            allSpawnedPawns = null;
                // Work through blueprint. Note: top-left to bottom-right
                for (int zn = 0; zn < blueprint.size.z; zn++)
                    for (int x = 0; x < blueprint.size.x; x++)
                        //// map can be clipped, don't work with the clipped parts
                        //if (x > mapRect.Width - 1 || zn > mapRect.Height - 1)
                        //    continue;

                        spawnCell = spawnBaseCell + new IntVec3(x, 0, -zn);

                        int         itemPos     = x + blueprint.size.x * zn;
                        ThingDef    thingDef    = TryGetThingDefFromBuildingData(blueprint, itemPos);
                        Rot4        thingRot    = TryGetRotationFromBuildingData(blueprint, itemPos);
                        TerrainDef  terrainDef  = TryGetTerrainDefFromFloorData(blueprint, itemPos);
                        PawnKindDef pawnKindDef = TryGetPawnKindDefFromPawnData(blueprint, itemPos);
                        ThingDef    itemDef     = TryGetItemDefFromItemData(blueprint, itemPos);

                        List <Thing> list = map.thingGrid.ThingsListAt(spawnCell);
                        for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; i++)
                            if (list[i].def == thingDef)

                        //Only clear the space, if something will be made here
                        if (thingDef != null || terrainDef != null || pawnKindDef != null || itemDef != null)
                            ClearCell(spawnCell, map);

                        if ((blueprint.canHaveHoles ||
                             (MapGenerator_ModSettings.createAllNonPawnBPsWithHoles && (blueprint.pawnLegend == null || blueprint.pawnLegend.Count <= 0))) &&
                            Rand.Value < MapGenerator_ModSettings.chanceForHoles)

                        // If placed on water, increase the hole chance, if no pawns are to be placed!
                        if (spawnCell.GetTerrain(map).defName.ToLower().Contains("water") &&
                            (blueprint.pawnLegend == null || blueprint.pawnLegend.Count <= 0) &&
                            Rand.Value < MapGenerator_ModSettings.chanceForHolesOnWater)

                        TrySetCellAs(spawnCell, map, thingDef, thingRot, stuffDef, terrainDef, pawnKindDef, itemDef, blueprint);
            catch (Exception ex)
                Log.Warning("Misc. MapGenerator -- Error with blueprint '" + blueprint.defName + "'. Placement position at " +
                            mapRect.CenterCell.ToString() + " on a map of the size " + map.Size.ToString() + "\n" +
                            ex.Message + "\n" + ex.StackTrace);

            // If pawns are spawned, place ancient shrine trigger
            if (allSpawnedPawns != null && allSpawnedPawns.Count > 0)
                int    nextSignalTagID = Find.UniqueIDsManager.GetNextSignalTagID();
                string signalTag       = "ancientTempleApproached-" + nextSignalTagID;
                SignalAction_Letter signalAction_Letter = (SignalAction_Letter)ThingMaker.MakeThing(ThingDefOf.SignalAction_Letter, null);
                signalAction_Letter.signalTag = signalTag;
                signalAction_Letter.letter    = LetterMaker.MakeLetter("LetterLabelAncientShrineWarning".Translate(), "AncientShrineWarning".Translate(), LetterDefOf.NeutralEvent, new TargetInfo(mapRect.CenterCell, map, false));
                GenSpawn.Spawn(signalAction_Letter, mapRect.CenterCell, map);
                RectTrigger rectTrigger = (RectTrigger)ThingMaker.MakeThing(ThingDefOf.RectTrigger, null);
                rectTrigger.signalTag         = signalTag;
                rectTrigger.Rect              = mapRect.ExpandedBy(1).ClipInsideMap(map);
                rectTrigger.destroyIfUnfogged = true;
                GenSpawn.Spawn(rectTrigger, mapRect.CenterCell, map);

            // also if pawns are spawned make the appropriate LordJob
            LordJob lordJob;

            if (allSpawnedPawns != null && allSpawnedPawns.Count > 0)
                if (blueprint.factionSelection == FactionSelection.friendly)
                    lordJob = new LordJob_AssistColony(allSpawnedPawns[0].Faction, allSpawnedPawns[0].Position);
                    if (Rand.Value < 0.5f)
                        lordJob = new LordJob_DefendPoint(allSpawnedPawns[0].Position);
                        lordJob = new LordJob_AssaultColony(allSpawnedPawns[0].Faction, false, false, false, false, false);
                LordMaker.MakeNewLord(allSpawnedPawns[0].Faction, lordJob, map, allSpawnedPawns);

                allSpawnedPawns = null;
        public static void GenerateBigSasZone(IntVec3 areaSouthWestOrigin, int zoneAbs, int zoneOrd, Rot4 rotation, bool generateSecondarySas, ref OG_OutpostData outpostData)
            IntVec3 rotatedOrigin = Zone.GetZoneRotatedOrigin(areaSouthWestOrigin, zoneAbs, zoneOrd, rotation);
            IntVec3 cell          = rotatedOrigin;

            OG_Common.GenerateEmptyRoomAt(rotatedOrigin + new IntVec3(3, 0, -1).RotatedBy(rotation), 5, 13, rotation, null, null, ref outpostData);

            // Spawn lamps.
            OG_Common.TrySpawnLampAt(rotatedOrigin + new IntVec3(4, 0, 2).RotatedBy(rotation), Color.white, ref outpostData);
            OG_Common.TrySpawnLampAt(rotatedOrigin + new IntVec3(4, 0, 8).RotatedBy(rotation), Color.white, ref outpostData);

            // Spawn floor and roof.
            for (int xOffset = 2; xOffset <= 8; xOffset++)
                for (int zOffset = 0; zOffset < 11; zOffset++)
                    Find.TerrainGrid.SetTerrain(rotatedOrigin + new IntVec3(xOffset, 0, zOffset).RotatedBy(rotation), TerrainDefOf.Concrete);
            for (int zOffset = 0; zOffset < 11; zOffset++)
                Find.TerrainGrid.SetTerrain(rotatedOrigin + new IntVec3(5, 0, zOffset).RotatedBy(rotation), TerrainDef.Named("PavedTile"));

            // Spawn doors.
            OG_Common.SpawnDoorAt(rotatedOrigin + new IntVec3(5, 0, -1).RotatedBy(rotation), ref outpostData);
            OG_Common.SpawnDoorAt(rotatedOrigin + new IntVec3(5, 0, 11).RotatedBy(rotation), ref outpostData);

            // Spawn secondary sas.
            if (generateSecondarySas)
                OG_Common.GenerateEmptyRoomAt(rotatedOrigin + new IntVec3(3, 0, 4).RotatedBy(rotation), 3, 6, new Rot4(rotation.AsInt + Rot4.West.AsInt), null, null, ref outpostData);

                // Spawn concrete and paved alley (don't use standard default floor as it may overlap existing medium room floor).
                for (int xOffset = -2; xOffset <= 4; xOffset++)
                    for (int zOffset = 3; zOffset <= 7; zOffset++)
                        Find.TerrainGrid.SetTerrain(rotatedOrigin + new IntVec3(xOffset, 0, zOffset).RotatedBy(rotation), TerrainDefOf.Concrete);
                for (int xOffset = -2; xOffset <= 4; xOffset++)
                    Find.TerrainGrid.SetTerrain(rotatedOrigin + new IntVec3(xOffset, 0, 5).RotatedBy(rotation), TerrainDef.Named("PavedTile"));
                // Spawn doors.
                OG_Common.SpawnDoorAt(rotatedOrigin + new IntVec3(-2, 0, 5).RotatedBy(rotation), ref outpostData);
                OG_Common.SpawnDoorAt(rotatedOrigin + new IntVec3(3, 0, 5).RotatedBy(rotation), ref outpostData);
        // Fill the cell
        private void TrySetCellAs(IntVec3 c, Map map, ThingDef thingDef, Rot4 thingRot, ThingDef stuffDef = null, TerrainDef terrainDef = null,
                                  PawnKindDef pawnKindDef = null, ThingDef itemDef = null, MapGeneratorBlueprintDef blueprint = null)
            //Note: Here is no functionality to clear the cell by design, because it is possible to place items that are larger than 1x1

            // Check the cell information
            if (c == null || !c.InBounds(map))
                Log.Warning("GenStep_CreateBlueprint: Invalid Target-Cell: cell is null or out of bounds.");

            // only continue to do work if here isn't anything indestructable
            List <Thing> thingList = c.GetThingList(map);

            for (int i = 0; i < thingList.Count; i++)
                if (!thingList[i].def.destroyable)

            // 1st step - work with the Terrain
            if (terrainDef != null)
                map.terrainGrid.SetTerrain(c, terrainDef);
            else if (terrainDef == null && thingDef != null && stuffDef != null)
                map.terrainGrid.SetTerrain(c, this.CorrespondingTileDef(stuffDef));

            // 2nd step - work with the Thing (Buildings)
            if (thingDef != null)
                ThingDef stuffDef1 = stuffDef;

                if (!thingDef.MadeFromStuff)
                    stuffDef1 = null;

                Thing newThing = ThingMaker.MakeThing(thingDef, stuffDef1);
                if (thingRot == null || thingRot == Rot4.Invalid)
                    GenSpawn.Spawn(newThing, c, map);
                    GenSpawn.Spawn(newThing, c, map, thingRot);

                CompGatherSpot compGathering = newThing.TryGetComp <CompGatherSpot>();
                if (compGathering != null)
                    compGathering.Active = false;

            // The following needs blueprint data to work
            if (blueprint == null)

            // 3rd step - work with the Item
            //if (itemDef != null) // && blueprint.itemSpawnChance / 100 > Rand.Value)
            if (itemDef != null && blueprint.itemSpawnChance / 100 > Rand.Value)
                ThingDef stuffDef2;
                if (itemDef.IsApparel)
                    if (!DefDatabase <ThingDef> .AllDefs.Where <ThingDef>(t => t.IsStuff &&
                                                                          t.stuffProps != null && t.stuffProps.categories != null && t.stuffProps.categories.Contains(StuffCategoryDefOf.Fabric))
                        .TryRandomElement(out stuffDef2))
                        stuffDef2 = DefDatabase <ThingDef> .GetNamedSilentFail("Synthread");
                    List <string> stuffPossibles = new List <string>()
                        "Steel", "Steel", "Steel", "Steel", "Silver", "Gold", "Jade", "Plasteel"
                    stuffDef2 = DefDatabase <ThingDef> .GetNamedSilentFail(stuffPossibles.RandomElement());

                if (!itemDef.MadeFromStuff)
                    stuffDef2 = null;

                Thing newItem = TryGetTreasure(itemDef, stuffDef2);

                newItem = GenSpawn.Spawn(newItem, c, map);
                // Don't forget to set the items to forbidden!
                if (newItem.TryGetComp <CompForbiddable>() != null)
                    newItem.SetForbidden(true, false);

                // If it is a hive, it needs to be deactivated
                Hive newHive = newItem as Hive;
                if (newHive != null)
           = false;

            // 4th step - work with the Pawn
            if (pawnKindDef != null && blueprint.pawnSpawnChance / 100 > Rand.Value)
                if (this.faction == null)
                    this.faction = Find.FactionManager.FirstFactionOfDef(blueprint.factionDef);

                float pointsForRaid = map.IncidentPointsRandomFactorRange.RandomInRange;

                // still null - find a valid faction.
                if (this.faction == null)
                    switch (blueprint.factionSelection)
                    case FactionSelection.friendly:
                        faction = (from fac in Find.FactionManager.AllFactions
                                   where !fac.HostileTo(Faction.OfPlayer) && fac.PlayerGoodwill > 0 && !(fac == Faction.OfPlayer)
                                   select fac)
                                  .RandomElementByWeight((Faction fac) => 101 - fac.def.RaidCommonalityFromPoints(pointsForRaid));

                        if (faction == null)
                            faction = Find.FactionManager.AllFactions.RandomElementByWeight((Faction fac) => fac.def.RaidCommonalityFromPoints(pointsForRaid));


                    case FactionSelection.hostile:
                        faction = (from fac in Find.FactionManager.AllFactions
                                   where fac.HostileTo(Faction.OfPlayer)
                                   select fac)
                                  .RandomElementByWeight((Faction fac) => 101 - fac.def.RaidCommonalityFromPoints(pointsForRaid));

                        if (faction == null)
                            faction = Faction.OfMechanoids;


                    case FactionSelection.none:
                        faction = Find.FactionManager.AllFactions
                                  .RandomElementByWeight((Faction fac) => fac.def.RaidCommonalityFromPoints(pointsForRaid));

                        if (faction == null)
                            faction = Faction.OfMechanoids;


                Pawn pawn = PawnGenerator.GeneratePawn(pawnKindDef, faction);
                pawn.mindState.Active = false;
                pawn = GenSpawn.Spawn(pawn, c, map) as Pawn;

                if (pawn != null)
                    if (allSpawnedPawns == null)
                        allSpawnedPawns = new List <Pawn>();

        protected override bool TryCastShot()
            CompAbilityUserMagic comp = this.CasterPawn.GetComp <CompAbilityUserMagic>();
            MagicPowerSkill      eff  = base.CasterPawn.GetComp <CompAbilityUserMagic>().MagicData.MagicPowerSkill_EarthSprites.FirstOrDefault((MagicPowerSkill x) => x.label == "TM_EarthSprites_eff");
            MagicPowerSkill      ver  = base.CasterPawn.GetComp <CompAbilityUserMagic>().MagicData.MagicPowerSkill_EarthSprites.FirstOrDefault((MagicPowerSkill x) => x.label == "TM_EarthSprites_ver");

            effVal = eff.level;
            verVal = ver.level;

            if (!(comp.maxMP < .6f - (.07f * verVal)))
                if (this.currentTarget.IsValid && this.currentTarget.CenterVector3.InBounds(base.CasterPawn.Map))
                    Building   isBuilding = null;
                    TerrainDef terrain    = null;
                    isBuilding = this.currentTarget.Cell.GetFirstBuilding(this.CasterPawn.Map);
                    terrain    = this.currentTarget.Cell.GetTerrain(this.CasterPawn.Map);
                    //Log.Message("terrain type is " + terrain.defName);
                    if (isBuilding != null)
                        var mineable = isBuilding as Mineable;
                        if (mineable != null)
                            Area spriteArea = TM_Calc.GetSpriteArea();
                            if (spriteArea != null && spriteArea.ActiveCells != null && spriteArea.ActiveCells.Contains(this.currentTarget.Cell))
                                comp.earthSpritesInArea = true;
                            comp.earthSprites          = this.currentTarget.Cell;
                            comp.earthSpriteType       = 1;
                            comp.earthSpriteMap        = this.CasterPawn.Map;
                            comp.nextEarthSpriteAction = Find.TickManager.TicksGame + 300;
                                                 "Earth Sprites"
                                                 ), MessageTypeDefOf.RejectInput);
                    else if (terrain != null && (terrain.defName == "MarshyTerrain" || terrain.defName == "Mud" || terrain.defName == "Marsh" || terrain.defName == "WaterShallow" || terrain.defName == "Ice" ||
                                                 terrain.defName == "Sand" || terrain.defName == "Gravel" || terrain.defName == "Soil" || terrain.defName == "MossyTerrain" || terrain.defName == "SoftSand"))
                        Area spriteArea = TM_Calc.GetSpriteArea();
                        if (spriteArea != null && spriteArea.ActiveCells != null && spriteArea.ActiveCells.Contains(this.currentTarget.Cell))
                            comp.earthSpritesInArea = true;
                        comp.earthSprites          = this.currentTarget.Cell;
                        comp.earthSpriteType       = 2;
                        comp.earthSpriteMap        = this.CasterPawn.Map;
                        comp.nextEarthSpriteAction = Find.TickManager.TicksGame + 20000;
                    else if (terrain != null && !terrain.defName.Contains("water") && !terrain.defName.Contains("Water"))
                        ShatterTerrain(this.currentTarget.Cell, terrain);
                                             "Earth Sprites"
                                             ), MessageTypeDefOf.RejectInput);
                                         "Earth Sprites"
                                         ), MessageTypeDefOf.RejectInput);
                                     "Earth Sprites"
                                     ), MessageTypeDefOf.RejectInput);

            this.burstShotsLeft = 0;
 public static void GenerateEmptyRoomAt(IntVec3 rotatedOrigin,
     int width,
     int height,
     Rot4 rotation,
     TerrainDef defaultFloorDef,
     TerrainDef interiorFloorDef,
     ref OG_OutpostData outpostData)
     CellRect rect = new CellRect(rotatedOrigin.x, rotatedOrigin.z, width, height);
     if (rotation == Rot4.North)
         rect = new CellRect(rotatedOrigin.x, rotatedOrigin.z, width, height);
     else if (rotation == Rot4.East)
         rect = new CellRect(rotatedOrigin.x, rotatedOrigin.z - width + 1, height, width);
     else if (rotation == Rot4.South)
         rect = new CellRect(rotatedOrigin.x - width + 1, rotatedOrigin.z - height + 1, width, height);
         rect = new CellRect(rotatedOrigin.x - height + 1, rotatedOrigin.z, height, width);
     // Generate 4 walls and power conduits.
     foreach (IntVec3 cell in rect.Cells)
         if ((cell.x == rect.minX) || (cell.x == rect.maxX) || (cell.z == rect.minZ) || (cell.z == rect.maxZ))
             OG_Common.TrySpawnWallAt(cell, ref outpostData);
             OG_Common.SpawnFireproofPowerConduitAt(cell, ref outpostData);
     // Trigger to unfog area when a pawn enters the room.
     SpawnRectTriggerUnfogArea(rect, ref outpostData.triggerIntrusion);
     // Generate roof.
     foreach (IntVec3 cell in rect.Cells)
         Find.RoofGrid.SetRoof(cell, OG_Util.IronedRoofDef);
     // Generate room default floor.
     if (defaultFloorDef != null)
         foreach (IntVec3 cell in rect.ExpandedBy(1).Cells)
             TerrainDef terrain = Find.TerrainGrid.TerrainAt(cell);
             if (terrain != TerrainDef.Named("PavedTile")) // Don't recover already spawned paved tile.
                 Find.TerrainGrid.SetTerrain(cell, defaultFloorDef);
     // Generate room interior floor.
     if (interiorFloorDef != null)
         foreach (IntVec3 cell in rect.ContractedBy(1).Cells)
             Find.TerrainGrid.SetTerrain(cell, interiorFloorDef);