        /// <summary>
        /// Unmarshaller the response from the service to the response class.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="context"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public override AmazonWebServiceResponse Unmarshall(JsonUnmarshallerContext context)
            TerminateJobFlowsResponse response = new TerminateJobFlowsResponse();

        /// <summary>
        /// <para> TerminateJobFlows shuts a list of job flows down. When a job
        /// flow is shut down, any step not yet completed is canceled and the EC2
        /// instances on which the job flow is running are stopped. Any log files
        /// not already saved are uploaded to Amazon S3 if a LogUri was specified
        /// when the job flow was created. </para>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="terminateJobFlowsRequest">Container for the necessary
        ///           parameters to execute the TerminateJobFlows service method on
        ///           AmazonElasticMapReduce.</param>
        /// <exception cref="InternalServerErrorException"/>
        public TerminateJobFlowsResponse TerminateJobFlows(TerminateJobFlowsRequest terminateJobFlowsRequest)
            IRequest <TerminateJobFlowsRequest> request  = new TerminateJobFlowsRequestMarshaller().Marshall(terminateJobFlowsRequest);
            TerminateJobFlowsResponse           response = Invoke <TerminateJobFlowsRequest, TerminateJobFlowsResponse> (request, this.signer, TerminateJobFlowsResponseUnmarshaller.GetInstance());

        public override AmazonWebServiceResponse Unmarshall(XmlUnmarshallerContext context)
            TerminateJobFlowsResponse response = new TerminateJobFlowsResponse();

            while (context.Read())
                if (context.IsStartElement)
                    if (context.TestExpression("ResponseMetadata", 2))
                        response.ResponseMetadata = ResponseMetadataUnmarshaller.GetInstance().Unmarshall(context);
