protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { #region 校验页面参数 bool bValid = PageCommon.ValidateQueryString(this, "EmailTemplateID", QueryStringType.ID); if (bValid == false) { this.Response.End(); } this.iEmailTemplateID = Convert.ToInt32(this.Request.QueryString["EmailTemplateID"]); #endregion if (this.IsPostBack == false) { #region 加载Email Template List Template_Email Template_EmailMgr = new Template_Email(); DataTable EmailTemplateList = Template_EmailMgr.GetEmailTemplate(" and Enabled=1"); this.ddlEmailTemplate.DataSource = EmailTemplateList; this.ddlEmailTemplate.DataBind(); // default selected this.ddlEmailTemplate.SelectedValue = this.iEmailTemplateID.ToString(); #endregion } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.QueryString["needret"])) { strNeedReturn = "0"; } else { strNeedReturn = "1"; } if (this.IsPostBack == false) { #region 加载email template LoanTasks LoanTaskManager = new LoanTasks(); Template_Email EmailTempManager = new Template_Email(); DataTable EmailTemplates = EmailTempManager.GetEmailTemplate(" and Enabled = 1"); DataRow NoneEmailTemplateRow = EmailTemplates.NewRow(); NoneEmailTemplateRow["TemplEmailId"] = 0; NoneEmailTemplateRow["Name"] = "-- select an email template --"; EmailTemplates.Rows.InsertAt(NoneEmailTemplateRow, 0); this.ddlRecomActionTemplate.DataSource = EmailTemplates; this.ddlRecomActionTemplate.DataBind(); this.ddlAlertEmailTemplate.DataSource = EmailTemplates; this.ddlAlertEmailTemplate.DataBind(); #endregion } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { #region 校验页面参数 string sCloseDialogCodes = this.GetCloseDialogJs(); if (this.Request.QueryString["LoanID"] == null && this.Request.QueryString["ProspectID"] == null && this.Request.QueryString["ContactID"] == null && this.Request.QueryString["ProspectAlertID"] == null) { this.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), "_InvalidQuery1", "$('#divContainer').hide();alert('Missing required query string.');" + sCloseDialogCodes, true); return; } if (this.Request.QueryString["LoanID"] != null) { #region LoanID bool bIsValid = PageCommon.ValidateQueryString(this, "LoanID", QueryStringType.ID); if (bIsValid == false) { this.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), "_InvalidQuery2", "$('#divContainer').hide();alert('Missing required query string.');" + sCloseDialogCodes, true); return; } this.iLoanID = Convert.ToInt32(this.Request.QueryString["LoanID"]); #endregion } else if (this.Request.QueryString["ProspectID"] != null) { #region ProspectID bool bIsValid = PageCommon.ValidateQueryString(this, "ProspectID", QueryStringType.ID); if (bIsValid == false) { this.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), "_InvalidQuery2", "$('#divContainer').hide();alert('Missing required query string.');" + sCloseDialogCodes, true); return; } this.iProspectID = Convert.ToInt32(this.Request.QueryString["ProspectID"]); #endregion } else if (this.Request.QueryString["ContactID"] != null) { #region ContactID bool bIsValid = PageCommon.ValidateQueryString(this, "ContactID", QueryStringType.ID); if (bIsValid == false) { this.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), "_InvalidQuery2", "$('#divContainer').hide();alert('Missing required query string.');" + sCloseDialogCodes, true); return; } this.iContactID = Convert.ToInt32(this.Request.QueryString["ContactID"]); #endregion } else if (this.Request.QueryString["ProspectAlertID"] != null) { #region ProspectAlertID bool bIsValid = PageCommon.ValidateQueryString(this, "ProspectAlertID", QueryStringType.ID); if (bIsValid == false) { this.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), "_InvalidQuery2", "$('#divContainer').hide();alert('Missing required query string.');" + sCloseDialogCodes, true); return; } this.iProspectAlertID = Convert.ToInt32(this.Request.QueryString["ProspectAlertID"]); #endregion #region 获取ProspectID ProspectAlerts ProspectAlertManager = new ProspectAlerts(); DataTable ProspectAlertInfo = ProspectAlertManager.GetProspectAlertInfo(this.iProspectAlertID); if (ProspectAlertInfo.Rows.Count == 0) { this.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), "_InvalidQuery3", "$('#divContainer').hide();alert('Invalid prospect alert id.');" + sCloseDialogCodes, true); return; } #endregion } #endregion #region EWS Company_Web CompanyWebManager = new Company_Web(); LPWeb.Model.Company_Web Company_Web_Model = CompanyWebManager.GetModel(); Users UserManager = new Users(); LPWeb.Model.Users UserModel = UserManager.GetModel(this.CurrUser.iUserID); if (Company_Web_Model.SendEmailViaEWS && UserModel.Password == string.Empty) { this.hdnUseEWS.Value = "True"; } else { this.hdnUseEWS.Value = "False"; } #endregion if (this.IsPostBack == false) { #region 加载email template Template_Email EmailTempManager = new Template_Email(); DataTable EmailTemplates = EmailTempManager.GetEmailTemplate(" and Enabled = 1 "); //gdc 20130528 取消 order by [Name] asc 有人在方法里加入了排序 this.ddlEmailTemplateList.DataSource = EmailTemplates; this.ddlEmailTemplateList.DataBind(); #endregion #region 加载To(Dropdown List) if (this.Request.QueryString["LoanID"] != null) { #region LoanID string sSql = "select 'User'+convert(varchar, a.UserId) as UserID, c.Name +' - '+ b.LastName +', '+b.FirstName as RoleAndFullName from LoanTeam as a " + "inner join Users as b on a.UserId = b.UserId " + "inner join Roles as c on a.RoleId = c.RoleId " + "where FileId=" + this.iLoanID + " " + "union " + "select 'Contact'+convert(varchar, a.ContactId) as UserID, c.Name +' - '+ b.LastName +', '+ b.FirstName + case when ISNULL(b.MiddleName, '') != '' then ' '+ b.MiddleName else '' end as RoleAndFullName from LoanContacts as a " + "inner join Contacts as b on a.ContactId = b.ContactId " + "inner join ContactRoles as c on a.ContactRoleId = c.ContactRoleId " + "where FileId=" + this.iLoanID + " " + "union " + "select 'User'+convert(varchar, BranchMgrId) as UserID, 'Branch Manager - ' + b.LastName +', '+b.FirstName as RoleAndFullName from BranchManagers as a " + "inner join Users as b on a.BranchMgrId = b.UserId " + "where BranchId = ( " + "select b.BranchId from PointFiles as a " + "inner join PointFolders as b on a.FolderId = b.FolderId " + "where FileId=" + this.iLoanID + ")"; SqlCommand SqlCmd = new SqlCommand(sSql); DataTable ToListData = LPWeb.DAL.DbHelperSQL.ExecuteDataTable(SqlCmd); this.ddlToList.DataSource = ToListData; this.ddlToList.DataBind(); string sSql2 = "select 'User'+convert(varchar, a.UserId) as UserID, b.LastName +', '+b.FirstName as FullName from LoanTeam as a " + "inner join Users as b on a.UserId = b.UserId " + "inner join Roles as c on a.RoleId = c.RoleId " + "where FileId=" + this.iLoanID + " " + "union " + "select 'Contact'+convert(varchar, a.ContactId) as UserID, b.LastName +', '+ b.FirstName + case when ISNULL(b.MiddleName, '') != '' then ' '+ b.MiddleName else '' end as FullName from LoanContacts as a " + "inner join Contacts as b on a.ContactId = b.ContactId " + "inner join ContactRoles as c on a.ContactRoleId = c.ContactRoleId " + "where FileId=" + this.iLoanID + " " + "union " + "select 'User'+convert(varchar, BranchMgrId) as UserID, b.LastName +', '+b.FirstName as FullName from BranchManagers as a " + "inner join Users as b on a.BranchMgrId = b.UserId " + "where BranchId = ( " + "select b.BranchId from PointFiles as a " + "inner join PointFolders as b on a.FolderId = b.FolderId " + "where FileId=" + this.iLoanID + ")"; SqlCommand SqlCmd2 = new SqlCommand(sSql2); DataTable ToList_FullName_Data = LPWeb.DAL.DbHelperSQL.ExecuteDataTable(SqlCmd2); this.ddlToList_FullName.DataSource = ToList_FullName_Data; this.ddlToList_FullName.DataBind(); string sSql3 = "select 'User'+convert(varchar, a.UserId) as UserID, isnull(b.EmailAddress,'') as Email from LoanTeam as a " + "inner join Users as b on a.UserId = b.UserId " + "inner join Roles as c on a.RoleId = c.RoleId " + "where FileId=" + this.iLoanID + " " + "union " + "select 'Contact'+convert(varchar, a.ContactId) as UserID, isnull(b.Email,'') as Email from LoanContacts as a " + "inner join Contacts as b on a.ContactId = b.ContactId " + "inner join ContactRoles as c on a.ContactRoleId = c.ContactRoleId " + "where FileId=" + this.iLoanID + " " + "union " + "select 'User'+convert(varchar, BranchMgrId) as UserID, isnull(b.EmailAddress,'') as Email from BranchManagers as a " + "inner join Users as b on a.BranchMgrId = b.UserId " + "where BranchId = ( " + "select b.BranchId from PointFiles as a " + "inner join PointFolders as b on a.FolderId = b.FolderId " + "where FileId=" + this.iLoanID + ")"; SqlCommand SqlCmd3 = new SqlCommand(sSql3); DataTable ToList_Email_Data = LPWeb.DAL.DbHelperSQL.ExecuteDataTable(SqlCmd3); this.ddlToList_Email.DataSource = ToList_Email_Data; this.ddlToList_Email.DataBind(); #endregion } else if (this.Request.QueryString["ContactID"] != null) { #region ContactID string sSql = "select 'Contact'+convert(varchar, a.ContactId) as UserID, a.LastName +', '+ a.FirstName + case when ISNULL(a.MiddleName, '') != '' then ' '+ a.MiddleName else '' end as RoleAndFullName from Contacts as a " + "where ContactId=" + this.iContactID; SqlCommand SqlCmd = new SqlCommand(sSql); DataTable ToListData = LPWeb.DAL.DbHelperSQL.ExecuteDataTable(SqlCmd); this.ddlToList.DataSource = ToListData; this.ddlToList.DataBind(); string sSql2 = "select 'Contact'+convert(varchar, a.ContactId) as UserID, a.LastName +', '+ a.FirstName + case when ISNULL(a.MiddleName, '') != '' then ' '+ a.MiddleName else '' end as FullName from Contacts as a " + "where ContactId=" + this.iContactID; SqlCommand SqlCmd2 = new SqlCommand(sSql2); DataTable ToList_FullName_Data = LPWeb.DAL.DbHelperSQL.ExecuteDataTable(SqlCmd2); this.ddlToList_FullName.DataSource = ToList_FullName_Data; this.ddlToList_FullName.DataBind(); string sSql3 = "select 'Contact'+convert(varchar, a.ContactId) as UserID, isnull(a.Email,'') as Email from Contacts as a " + "where ContactId=" + this.iContactID; SqlCommand SqlCmd3 = new SqlCommand(sSql3); DataTable ToList_Email_Data = LPWeb.DAL.DbHelperSQL.ExecuteDataTable(SqlCmd3); this.ddlToList_Email.DataSource = ToList_Email_Data; this.ddlToList_Email.DataBind(); #endregion } else { #region ProspectID or ProspectAlertID string sSql = "select 'User'+convert(varchar, a.Loanofficer) as UserID, c.Name +' - '+ b.LastName +', '+b.FirstName as RoleAndFullName " + "from Prospect as a inner join Users as b on a.Loanofficer = b.UserId " + "inner join Roles as c on b.RoleId = c.RoleId " + "where a.Contactid=" + this.iProspectID + " " + "union " + "select 'Contact'+convert(varchar, a.ContactId) as UserID, d.Name +' - '+ b.LastName +', '+ b.FirstName + case when ISNULL(b.MiddleName, '') != '' then ' '+ b.MiddleName else '' end as RoleAndFullName " + "from Prospect as a inner join Contacts as b on a.Contactid = b.ContactId " + "inner join LoanContacts as c on a.Contactid = c.ContactId " + "inner join ContactRoles as d on c.ContactRoleId = d.ContactRoleId " + "where a.Contactid=" + this.iProspectID + " " + "union " + "select 'User'+convert(varchar, a.UserId) as UserID, d.Name +' - '+ a.LastName +', '+a.FirstName as RoleAndFullName " + "from Users as a " + "inner join GroupUsers as b on a.UserId = b.UserID " + "inner join Groups as c on b.GroupID = c.GroupId " + "inner join Roles as d on a.RoleId = d.RoleId " + "where c.Enabled = 1 and a.UserEnabled=1 " + "and c.BranchId in (select * from lpfn_GetUserBranches_UserList((select Loanofficer from Prospect where Contactid=" + this.iProspectID + ")))"; SqlCommand SqlCmd = new SqlCommand(sSql); DataTable ToListData = LPWeb.DAL.DbHelperSQL.ExecuteDataTable(SqlCmd); this.ddlToList.DataSource = ToListData; this.ddlToList.DataBind(); string sSql2 = "select 'User'+convert(varchar, a.Loanofficer) as UserID, b.LastName +', '+b.FirstName as FullName " + "from Prospect as a inner join Users as b on a.Loanofficer = b.UserId " + "where a.Contactid=" + this.iProspectID + " " + "union " + "select 'Contact'+convert(varchar, a.ContactId) as UserID, b.LastName +', '+ b.FirstName + case when ISNULL(b.MiddleName, '') != '' then ' '+ b.MiddleName else '' end as FullName " + "from Prospect as a inner join Contacts as b on a.Contactid = b.ContactId " + "where a.Contactid=" + this.iProspectID + " " + "union " + "select 'User'+convert(varchar, a.UserId) as UserID, a.LastName +', '+a.FirstName as FullName " + "from Users as a " + "inner join GroupUsers as b on a.UserId = b.UserID " + "inner join Groups as c on b.GroupID = c.GroupId " + "where c.Enabled = 1 and a.UserEnabled=1 " + "and c.BranchId in (select * from lpfn_GetUserBranches_UserList((select Loanofficer from Prospect where Contactid=" + this.iProspectID + ")))"; SqlCommand SqlCmd2 = new SqlCommand(sSql2); DataTable ToList_FullName_Data = LPWeb.DAL.DbHelperSQL.ExecuteDataTable(SqlCmd2); this.ddlToList_FullName.DataSource = ToList_FullName_Data; this.ddlToList_FullName.DataBind(); string sSql3 = "select 'User'+convert(varchar, a.Loanofficer) as UserID, isnull(b.EmailAddress,'') as Email " + "from Prospect as a inner join Users as b on a.Loanofficer = b.UserId " + "where a.Contactid=" + this.iProspectID + " " + "union " + "select 'Contact'+convert(varchar, a.ContactId) as UserID, isnull(b.Email,'') as Email " + "from Prospect as a inner join Contacts as b on a.Contactid = b.ContactId " + "where a.Contactid=" + this.iProspectID + " " + "union " + "select 'User'+convert(varchar, a.UserId) as UserID, isnull(a.EmailAddress,'') as Email " + "from Users as a " + "inner join GroupUsers as b on a.UserId = b.UserID " + "inner join Groups as c on b.GroupID = c.GroupId " + "where c.Enabled = 1 and a.UserEnabled=1 " + "and c.BranchId in (select * from lpfn_GetUserBranches_UserList((select Loanofficer from Prospect where Contactid=" + this.iProspectID + ")))"; SqlCommand SqlCmd3 = new SqlCommand(sSql3); DataTable ToList_Email_Data = LPWeb.DAL.DbHelperSQL.ExecuteDataTable(SqlCmd3); this.ddlToList_Email.DataSource = ToList_Email_Data; this.ddlToList_Email.DataBind(); #endregion } #endregion } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { #region 检查必要参数 string sErrorJs = string.Empty; if (this.Request.QueryString["CloseDialogCodes"] == null) { sErrorJs = "window.parent.RefreshPage();"; } else { sErrorJs = this.Request.QueryString["CloseDialogCodes"] + ";"; } bool bIsValid = PageCommon.ValidateQueryString(this, "LoanID", QueryStringType.ID); if (bIsValid == false) { PageCommon.RegisterJsMsg(this, "Missing required query string.", sErrorJs); return; } this.iLoanID = Convert.ToInt32(this.Request.QueryString["LoanID"]); bIsValid = PageCommon.ValidateQueryString(this, "TaskID", QueryStringType.ID); if (bIsValid == false) { PageCommon.RegisterJsMsg(this, "Missing required query string.", sErrorJs); return; } this.iTaskID = Convert.ToInt32(this.Request.QueryString["TaskID"]); #endregion #region 加载Loan Task信息 this.LoanTaskInfo = this.LoanTaskManager.GetLoanTaskInfo(this.iTaskID); if (this.LoanTaskInfo.Rows.Count == 0) { PageCommon.RegisterJsMsg(this, "Invalid required query string.", sErrorJs); return; } #endregion #region 检查是否是Prerequisite(is a father?) bool bIsPrerequisite = this.LoanTaskManager.IsPrerequisite(this.iTaskID); this.hndIsPrerequisite.Value = bIsPrerequisite.ToString(); #endregion #region 加载LoanInfo信息 DataTable LoanInfo = this.LoanManager.GetLoanInfo(this.iLoanID); if (LoanInfo.Rows.Count == 0) { PageCommon.RegisterJsMsg(this, "Invalid required query string.", sErrorJs); return; } // 存储Loan.EstCloseDate if (LoanInfo.Rows[0]["EstCloseDate"] != DBNull.Value) { this.hdnEstCloseDate.Value = Convert.ToDateTime(LoanInfo.Rows[0]["EstCloseDate"]).ToString("MM/dd/yyyy"); } #endregion if (this.IsPostBack == false) { #region 加载Owner DataTable OwnerList = this.LoanTaskManager.GetLoanTaskOwers(this.iLoanID); DataRow EmptyOwnerRow = OwnerList.NewRow(); EmptyOwnerRow["UserID"] = 0; EmptyOwnerRow["FullName"] = "-- select --"; OwnerList.Rows.InsertAt(EmptyOwnerRow, 0); this.ddlOwner.DataSource = OwnerList; this.ddlOwner.DataBind(); // 绑定Owner this.ddlOwner.SelectedValue = this.CurrUser.iUserID.ToString(); #endregion #region 加载ddlTaskList for TaskNaem LeadTaskList LeadTaskListMgr = new LeadTaskList(); string sOrderBy = string.Empty; if (this.CurrUser.SortTaskPickList == "S") { sOrderBy = "SequenceNumber"; } else { sOrderBy = "TaskName"; } DataTable LeadTaskList1 = LeadTaskListMgr.GetLeadTaskList(" and Enabled=1", sOrderBy); DataRow EmptyTaskRow = LeadTaskList1.NewRow(); EmptyTaskRow["TaskName"] = "-- select --"; LeadTaskList1.Rows.InsertAt(EmptyTaskRow, 0); this.ddlTaskList.DataSource = LeadTaskList1; this.ddlTaskList.DataBind(); #endregion #region 加载Prerequisite int iCurrentLoanStageId = Convert.ToInt32(this.LoanTaskInfo.Rows[0]["LoanStageId"]); DataTable PrerequisiteList = this.LoanTaskManager.GetPrerequisiteList(" and FileID=" + this.iLoanID + " and LoanStageId = " + iCurrentLoanStageId + " and PrerequisiteTaskId is null"); DataRow NonePrerequisiteRow = PrerequisiteList.NewRow(); NonePrerequisiteRow["LoanTaskId"] = 0; NonePrerequisiteRow["Name"] = "None"; PrerequisiteList.Rows.InsertAt(NonePrerequisiteRow, 0); this.ddlPrerequisite.DataSource = PrerequisiteList; this.ddlPrerequisite.DataBind(); this.ddlPrerequisite2.DataSource = PrerequisiteList; this.ddlPrerequisite2.DataBind(); #endregion #region 加载email template Template_Email EmailTempManager = new Template_Email(); this.EmailTemplates = EmailTempManager.GetEmailTemplate(" and Enabled = 1"); DataRow NoneEmailTemplateRow = this.EmailTemplates.NewRow(); NoneEmailTemplateRow["TemplEmailId"] = 0; NoneEmailTemplateRow["Name"] = "None"; this.EmailTemplates.Rows.InsertAt(NoneEmailTemplateRow, 0); this.ddlWarningEmail.DataSource = this.EmailTemplates; this.ddlWarningEmail.DataBind(); this.ddlOverdueEmail.DataSource = this.EmailTemplates; this.ddlOverdueEmail.DataBind(); this.ddlEmailTemplate.DataSource = this.EmailTemplates; this.ddlEmailTemplate.DataBind(); #endregion #region completion email list LPWeb.BLL.LoanTask_CompletionEmails bllTaskMail = new LoanTask_CompletionEmails(); gridCompletetionEmails.DataSource = bllTaskMail.GetList("LoanTaskid=" + iTaskID); gridCompletetionEmails.DataBind(); #endregion #region Stage //Template_Stages stage = new Template_Stages(); //var dtStage = stage.GetStageTemplateList(" And [Enabled] = 1 order by SequenceNumber "); LoanStages ls = new LoanStages(); var dtStage = ls.GetLoanStageSetupInfo(iLoanID); ddlStage.DataSource = dtStage; ddlStage.DataBind(); #endregion #region Bind Data ddlStage.SelectedValue = this.LoanTaskInfo.Rows[0]["LoanStageId"].ToString(); this.radTaskName.Checked = true; this.txtTaskName.Text = this.LoanTaskInfo.Rows[0]["Name"].ToString(); this.txtDescription.Text = this.LoanTaskInfo.Rows[0]["Desc"].ToString(); #region Owner string sOwnerID = this.LoanTaskInfo.Rows[0]["Owner"].ToString(); if (sOwnerID == string.Empty) { this.ddlOwner.SelectedIndex = 0; } else { this.ddlOwner.SelectedValue = sOwnerID; } #endregion #region Due Date string sDueDate = this.LoanTaskInfo.Rows[0]["Due"].ToString(); if (sDueDate != string.Empty) { this.txtDueDate.Text = Convert.ToDateTime(this.LoanTaskInfo.Rows[0]["Due"]).ToString("MM/dd/yyyy"); } string sDueTime = this.LoanTaskInfo.Rows[0]["DueTime"].ToString(); if (sDueTime != string.Empty) { TimeSpan DueTime = TimeSpan.Parse(this.LoanTaskInfo.Rows[0]["DueTime"].ToString()); this.txtDueTime.Text = DueTime.ToString().Substring(0, 5); ddlDueTime_hour.SelectedValue = DueTime.Hours.ToString(); ddlDueTime_min.SelectedValue = ((DueTime.Minutes / 5) * 5).ToString(); } #endregion //#region Completed Date string sCompletedDate = this.LoanTaskInfo.Rows[0]["Completed"].ToString(); if (sCompletedDate != string.Empty) { this.chkCompleted.Checked = true; this.txtCompletedDate.Text = Convert.ToDateTime(this.LoanTaskInfo.Rows[0]["Completed"]).ToString("MM/dd/yyyy"); this.hdnCompleted.Value = Convert.ToDateTime(this.LoanTaskInfo.Rows[0]["Completed"]).ToString("MM/dd/yyyy"); } //#endregion this.txtDaysToEst.Text = this.LoanTaskInfo.Rows[0]["DaysDueFromEstClose"] == DBNull.Value ? string.Empty : this.LoanTaskInfo.Rows[0]["DaysDueFromEstClose"].ToString(); this.txtDaysAfterCreation.Text = this.LoanTaskInfo.Rows[0]["DaysFromCreation"] == DBNull.Value ? string.Empty : this.LoanTaskInfo.Rows[0]["DaysFromCreation"].ToString(); this.txtDaysDueAfterPrevStage.Text = this.LoanTaskInfo.Rows[0]["DaysDueAfterPrevStage"] == DBNull.Value ? string.Empty : this.LoanTaskInfo.Rows[0]["DaysDueAfterPrevStage"].ToString(); #region Prerequisite Task Id string sPrerequisiteTaskId = this.LoanTaskInfo.Rows[0]["PrerequisiteTaskId"] == DBNull.Value ? string.Empty : this.LoanTaskInfo.Rows[0]["PrerequisiteTaskId"].ToString(); if (sPrerequisiteTaskId == string.Empty) { this.ddlPrerequisite.SelectedIndex = 0; } else { this.ddlPrerequisite.SelectedValue = sPrerequisiteTaskId; } #endregion this.txtDaysDueAfter.Text = LoanTaskInfo.Rows[0]["DaysDueAfterPrerequisite"] == DBNull.Value ? string.Empty : this.LoanTaskInfo.Rows[0]["DaysDueAfterPrerequisite"].ToString(); #region Warning Email string sWarningEmailId = this.LoanTaskInfo.Rows[0]["WarningEmailId"].ToString(); if (sWarningEmailId == string.Empty) { this.ddlWarningEmail.SelectedIndex = 0; } else { this.ddlWarningEmail.SelectedValue = sWarningEmailId; } #endregion #region Overdue Email string sOverdueEmailId = this.LoanTaskInfo.Rows[0]["OverdueEmailId"].ToString(); if (sOverdueEmailId == string.Empty) { this.ddlOverdueEmail.SelectedIndex = 0; } else { this.ddlOverdueEmail.SelectedValue = sOverdueEmailId; } #endregion #endregion } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { #region 校验页面参数 string sJsCloseDialog = "$('#divContainer').hide();window.parent.CloseGlobalDialog();"; bool bIsValid = PageCommon.ValidateQueryString(this, "TemplateID", QueryStringType.ID); if (bIsValid == false) { this.ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this.GetType(), "_Missing", "alert('Missing required query string.');" + sJsCloseDialog, true); return; } this.iTemplateID = Convert.ToInt32(this.Request.QueryString["TemplateID"]); if (this.Request.QueryString["StageID"] != null) { bIsValid = PageCommon.ValidateQueryString(this, "StageID", QueryStringType.ID); if (bIsValid == false) { this.ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this.GetType(), "_Missing", "alert('Missing required query string.');" + sJsCloseDialog, true); return; } this.iStageID = Convert.ToInt32(this.Request.QueryString["StageID"]); } #endregion #region 获取Workflow Template Name string sSql = "select * from dbo.Template_Workflow where WflTemplId=" + this.iTemplateID; DataTable WorkflowTemplateInfo = LPWeb.DAL.DbHelperSQL.ExecuteDataTable(sSql); if (WorkflowTemplateInfo.Rows.Count == 0) { this.ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this.GetType(), "_m1", "alert('Invalid workflow template id.');" + sJsCloseDialog, true); return; } string sWorkflowTemplateName = WorkflowTemplateInfo.Rows[0]["Name"].ToString(); this.tbxTemplateName.Text = sWorkflowTemplateName; #endregion if (this.IsPostBack == false) { #region 获取Workflow Stage List string sSql2 = "select * from Template_Wfl_Stages where WflTemplId=" + this.iTemplateID; DataTable StageList = LPWeb.DAL.DbHelperSQL.ExecuteDataTable(sSql2); DataRow NoneStageRow = StageList.NewRow(); NoneStageRow["WflStageId"] = 0; NoneStageRow["Name"] = "-- select an stage --"; StageList.Rows.InsertAt(NoneStageRow, 0); this.ddlStage.DataSource = StageList; this.ddlStage.DataBind(); this.ddlStage.SelectedValue = this.iStageID.ToString(); #endregion #region 获取Default Owner string sSql3 = "select * from Roles where Name<>'Executive' AND Name <>'Branch Manager'"; DataTable RoleList = LPWeb.DAL.DbHelperSQL.ExecuteDataTable(sSql3); DataView RoleView = new DataView(RoleList); RoleView.Sort = "Name"; this.ddlOwner.DataSource = RoleView; this.ddlOwner.DataBind(); #endregion #region 获取Prerequisite string sSql4 = "select * from Template_Wfl_Tasks where (PrerequisiteTaskId IS NULL OR PrerequisiteTaskId=0) AND WflStageId=" + this.iStageID; DataTable WflTaskList = LPWeb.DAL.DbHelperSQL.ExecuteDataTable(sSql4); DataRow NoneWflTaskRow = WflTaskList.NewRow(); NoneWflTaskRow["TemplTaskId"] = 0; NoneWflTaskRow["Name"] = ""; WflTaskList.Rows.InsertAt(NoneWflTaskRow, 0); this.ddlPrerequisiteTask.DataSource = WflTaskList; this.ddlPrerequisiteTask.DataBind(); #endregion #region 加载email template LoanTasks LoanTaskManager = new LoanTasks(); Template_Email EmailTempManager = new Template_Email(); DataTable EmailTemplates = EmailTempManager.GetEmailTemplate(" and Enabled = 1"); DataTable CmpltEmailTemplates = EmailTemplates.Copy(); DataRow NoneEmailTemplateRow = EmailTemplates.NewRow(); NoneEmailTemplateRow["TemplEmailId"] = 0; NoneEmailTemplateRow["Name"] = "-- select an Email Template --"; EmailTemplates.Rows.InsertAt(NoneEmailTemplateRow, 0); this.ddlWarningEmail.DataSource = EmailTemplates; this.ddlWarningEmail.DataBind(); this.ddlOverdueEmail.DataSource = EmailTemplates; this.ddlOverdueEmail.DataBind(); this.CmpltEmailTmpltText.DataSource = new DataView(CmpltEmailTemplates, "", "Name", DataViewRowState.CurrentRows); this.CmpltEmailTmpltText.DataBind(); #endregion } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { #region 检查必要参数 string sErrorJs = string.Empty; if (this.Request.QueryString["CloseDialogCodes"] == null) { sErrorJs = "window.parent.RefreshPage();"; } else { sErrorJs = this.Request.QueryString["CloseDialogCodes"] + ";"; } bool bIsValid = PageCommon.ValidateQueryString(this, "LoanID", QueryStringType.ID); if (bIsValid == false) { PageCommon.RegisterJsMsg(this, "Missing required query string.", sErrorJs); return; } this.iLoanID = Convert.ToInt32(this.Request.QueryString["LoanID"]); #endregion #region 校验LoanId DataTable LoanInfo = this.LoanManager.GetLoanInfo(this.iLoanID); if (LoanInfo.Rows.Count == 0) { PageCommon.RegisterJsMsg(this, "Invalid required query string.", sErrorJs); return; } // 存储Loan.EstCloseDate if (LoanInfo.Rows[0]["EstCloseDate"] != DBNull.Value) { this.hdnEstCloseDate.Value = Convert.ToDateTime(LoanInfo.Rows[0]["EstCloseDate"]).ToString("MM/dd/yyyy"); } this.iCurrentLoanStageId = WorkflowManager.GetCurrentLoanStageId(this.iLoanID); bIsValid = PageCommon.ValidateQueryString(this, "Stage", QueryStringType.ID); if (bIsValid == true) { int iout = 0; string sStage = this.Request.QueryString["Stage"]; if (Int32.TryParse(sStage, out iout)) { this.iCurrentLoanStageId = iout; } } #endregion if (this.IsPostBack == false) { #region 加载Owner DataTable OwnerList = this.LoanTaskManager.GetLoanTaskOwers(this.iLoanID); DataRow EmptyOwnerRow = OwnerList.NewRow(); EmptyOwnerRow["UserID"] = 0; EmptyOwnerRow["FullName"] = "-- select --"; OwnerList.Rows.InsertAt(EmptyOwnerRow, 0); this.ddlOwner.DataSource = OwnerList; this.ddlOwner.DataBind(); // 绑定Owner this.ddlOwner.SelectedValue = this.CurrUser.iUserID.ToString(); #endregion #region 加载ddlTaskList for TaskNaem LeadTaskList LeadTaskListMgr = new LeadTaskList(); string sOrderBy = string.Empty; if (this.CurrUser.SortTaskPickList == "S") { sOrderBy = "SequenceNumber"; } else { sOrderBy = "TaskName"; } DataTable LeadTaskList1 = LeadTaskListMgr.GetLeadTaskList(" and Enabled=1", sOrderBy); DataRow EmptyTaskRow = LeadTaskList1.NewRow(); EmptyTaskRow["TaskName"] = "-- select --"; LeadTaskList1.Rows.InsertAt(EmptyTaskRow, 0); this.ddlTaskList.DataSource = LeadTaskList1; this.ddlTaskList.DataBind(); #endregion // set default value this.txtDueDate.Text = DateTime.Now.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy"); //this.txtDueTime.Text = DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(15).ToShortTimeString(); this.ddlDueTime_hour.SelectedValue = DateTime.Now.Hour.ToString("00"); this.ddlDueTime_min.SelectedValue = (DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(15).Minute / 5 * 5).ToString(); #region 加载Prerequisite DataTable PrerequisiteList = this.LoanTaskManager.GetPrerequisiteList(" and FileID=" + this.iLoanID + " and LoanStageId = " + iCurrentLoanStageId + " and PrerequisiteTaskId is null"); DataRow NonePrerequisiteRow = PrerequisiteList.NewRow(); NonePrerequisiteRow["LoanTaskId"] = 0; NonePrerequisiteRow["Name"] = "None"; PrerequisiteList.Rows.InsertAt(NonePrerequisiteRow, 0); this.ddlPrerequisite.DataSource = PrerequisiteList; this.ddlPrerequisite.DataBind(); this.ddlPrerequisite2.DataSource = PrerequisiteList; this.ddlPrerequisite2.DataBind(); #endregion #region 加载email template Template_Email EmailTempManager = new Template_Email(); DataTable EmailTemplates = EmailTempManager.GetEmailTemplate(" and Enabled = 1"); DataRow NoneEmailTemplateRow = EmailTemplates.NewRow(); NoneEmailTemplateRow["TemplEmailId"] = 0; NoneEmailTemplateRow["Name"] = "None"; EmailTemplates.Rows.InsertAt(NoneEmailTemplateRow, 0); this.ddlWarningEmail.DataSource = EmailTemplates; this.ddlWarningEmail.DataBind(); this.ddlOverdueEmail.DataSource = EmailTemplates; this.ddlOverdueEmail.DataBind(); this.ddlEmailTemplate.DataSource = EmailTemplates; this.ddlEmailTemplate.DataBind(); #endregion #region completion email list gridCompletetionEmails.DataSource = null; gridCompletetionEmails.DataBind(); #endregion #region Stage //Template_Stages stage = new Template_Stages(); //var dtStage = stage.GetStageTemplateList(" And [Enabled] = 1 order by SequenceNumber "); LoanStages ls = new LoanStages(); var dtStage = ls.GetLoanStageSetupInfo(iLoanID); ddlStage.DataSource = dtStage; ddlStage.DataBind(); ddlStage.SelectedValue = this.iCurrentLoanStageId.ToString(); #endregion } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { #region 校验页面参数 string sJsCloseDialog = "$('#divContainer').hide();window.parent.CloseGlobalDialog();"; bool bIsValid = PageCommon.ValidateQueryString(this, "TemplateID", QueryStringType.ID); if (bIsValid == false) { this.ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this.GetType(), "_Missing", "alert('Missing required query string.');" + sJsCloseDialog, true); return; } this.iTemplateID = Convert.ToInt32(this.Request.QueryString["TemplateID"]); if (this.Request.QueryString["StageID"] != null) { bIsValid = PageCommon.ValidateQueryString(this, "StageID", QueryStringType.ID); if (bIsValid == false) { this.ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this.GetType(), "_Missing", "alert('Missing required query string.');" + sJsCloseDialog, true); return; } this.iStageID = Convert.ToInt32(this.Request.QueryString["StageID"]); } bIsValid = PageCommon.ValidateQueryString(this, "TaskID", QueryStringType.ID); if (bIsValid == false) { this.ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this.GetType(), "_Missing", "alert('Missing required query string.');" + sJsCloseDialog, true); return; } this.iTaskID = Convert.ToInt32(this.Request.QueryString["TaskID"]); #endregion #region 获取Workflow Template Name string sSql = "select * from dbo.Template_Workflow where WflTemplId=" + this.iTemplateID; DataTable WorkflowTemplateInfo = LPWeb.DAL.DbHelperSQL.ExecuteDataTable(sSql); if (WorkflowTemplateInfo.Rows.Count == 0) { this.ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this.GetType(), "_m1", "alert('Invalid workflow template id.');" + sJsCloseDialog, true); return; } string sWorkflowTemplateName = WorkflowTemplateInfo.Rows[0]["Name"].ToString(); this.tbxTemplateName.Text = sWorkflowTemplateName; #endregion #region 加载Workflow Task信息 string sSql4 = "select * from Template_Wfl_Tasks where TemplTaskId=" + this.iTaskID; DataTable TaskInfo = LPWeb.DAL.DbHelperSQL.ExecuteDataTable(sSql4); if (TaskInfo.Rows.Count == 0) { this.ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this.GetType(), "_m2", "alert('Invalid workflow task id.');" + sJsCloseDialog, true); return; } #endregion //Check Referenced LoanTasks loanTaskMgr = new LoanTasks(); if (loanTaskMgr.GetLoanTaskList(" AND a.TemplTaskId=" + this.iTaskID.ToString()).Rows.Count > 0) { this.hdnIsReferenced.Value = "true"; } // __doPostBack this.GetPostBackEventReference(this.btnClone1); if (this.IsPostBack == false) { #region 获取Workflow Stage List string sSql2 = "select * from Template_Wfl_Stages where WflTemplId=" + this.iTemplateID; DataTable StageList = LPWeb.DAL.DbHelperSQL.ExecuteDataTable(sSql2); DataRow NoneStageRow = StageList.NewRow(); NoneStageRow["WflStageId"] = 0; NoneStageRow["Name"] = "-- select an stage --"; StageList.Rows.InsertAt(NoneStageRow, 0); this.ddlStage.DataSource = StageList; this.ddlStage.DataBind(); this.ddlStage.SelectedValue = this.iStageID.ToString(); #endregion #region 获取Default Owner string sSql3 = "select * from Roles where Name<>'Executive' AND Name <>'Branch Manager'"; DataTable RoleList = LPWeb.DAL.DbHelperSQL.ExecuteDataTable(sSql3); DataView RoleView = new DataView(RoleList); RoleView.Sort = "Name"; this.ddlOwner.DataSource = RoleView; this.ddlOwner.DataBind(); #endregion #region 获取Prerequisite string sSql6 = "select * from Template_Wfl_Tasks where (PrerequisiteTaskId IS NULL OR PrerequisiteTaskId=0) AND WflStageId=" + this.iStageID; DataTable WflTaskList = LPWeb.DAL.DbHelperSQL.ExecuteDataTable(sSql6); DataRow NoneWflTaskRow = WflTaskList.NewRow(); NoneWflTaskRow["TemplTaskId"] = 0; NoneWflTaskRow["Name"] = ""; WflTaskList.Rows.InsertAt(NoneWflTaskRow, 0); this.ddlPrerequisiteTask.DataSource = WflTaskList; this.ddlPrerequisiteTask.DataBind(); #endregion #region 加载email template LoanTasks LoanTaskManager = new LoanTasks(); Template_Email EmailTempManager = new Template_Email(); DataTable EmailTemplates = EmailTempManager.GetEmailTemplate(" and Enabled = 1"); this.CmpltEmailTemplates = EmailTemplates.Copy(); DataRow NoneEmailTemplateRow = EmailTemplates.NewRow(); NoneEmailTemplateRow["TemplEmailId"] = 0; NoneEmailTemplateRow["Name"] = "-- select an Email Template --"; EmailTemplates.Rows.InsertAt(NoneEmailTemplateRow, 0); this.ddlWarningEmail.DataSource = EmailTemplates; this.ddlWarningEmail.DataBind(); this.ddlOverdueEmail.DataSource = EmailTemplates; this.ddlOverdueEmail.DataBind(); this.CmpltEmailTmpltText.DataSource = new DataView(this.CmpltEmailTemplates, "", "Name", DataViewRowState.CurrentRows); this.CmpltEmailTmpltText.DataBind(); #endregion #region 绑定数据 this.tbxTaskName.Text = TaskInfo.Rows[0]["Name"].ToString(); this.chkEnable.Checked = Convert.ToBoolean(TaskInfo.Rows[0]["Enabled"]); this.chkExternalViewing.Checked = TaskInfo.Rows[0]["ExternalViewing"] == DBNull.Value ? false : Convert.ToBoolean(TaskInfo.Rows[0]["ExternalViewing"]); this.txtSequence.Text = TaskInfo.Rows[0]["SequenceNumber"].ToString(); this.tbxDescription.Text = TaskInfo.Rows[0]["Description"].ToString(); this.ddlOwner.SelectedValue = TaskInfo.Rows[0]["OwnerRoleId"].ToString(); this.tbxDueDaysByDate.Text = TaskInfo.Rows[0]["DaysDueFromCoe"].ToString(); this.tbxDaysDueAfterCreationDate.Text = TaskInfo.Rows[0]["DaysFromCreation"].ToString(); this.txtDaysDueAfterPrevStage.Text = TaskInfo.Rows[0]["DaysDueAfterPrevStage"].ToString(); this.ddlPrerequisiteTask.SelectedValue = TaskInfo.Rows[0]["PrerequisiteTaskId"].ToString() == string.Empty ? "0" : TaskInfo.Rows[0]["PrerequisiteTaskId"].ToString(); this.tbxDueDaysByTask.Text = TaskInfo.Rows[0]["DaysDueAfterPrerequisite"].ToString(); this.ddlWarningEmail.SelectedValue = TaskInfo.Rows[0]["WarningEmailId"].ToString() == string.Empty ? "0" : TaskInfo.Rows[0]["WarningEmailId"].ToString(); this.ddlOverdueEmail.SelectedValue = TaskInfo.Rows[0]["OverdueEmailId"].ToString() == string.Empty ? "0" : TaskInfo.Rows[0]["OverdueEmailId"].ToString(); #endregion #region 加载Completion Email List string sSql5 = "select ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY CompletionEmailId) AS RowIndex, * from Template_Wfl_CompletionEmails as a inner join Template_Email as b on a.TemplEmailId=b.TemplEmailId where TemplTaskid=" + this.iTaskID; DataTable CompletionEmailList = LPWeb.DAL.DbHelperSQL.ExecuteDataTable(sSql5); this.gridCompletionEmailList.DataSource = CompletionEmailList; this.gridCompletionEmailList.DataBind(); #endregion // set counter this.hdnCounter.Value = CompletionEmailList.Rows.Count.ToString(); } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { #region 校验必要参数 bool bIsValid = PageCommon.ValidateQueryString(this, "RuleID", QueryStringType.ID); if (bIsValid == false) { this.ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this.GetType(), "_Missing", "$('#divContainer').hide();alert('Missing required query string.');window.parent.CloseDialog_EditRule();", true); return; } this.iRuleID = Convert.ToInt32(this.Request.QueryString["RuleID"]); #endregion #region 加载Rule信息 Template_Rules RuleManager = new Template_Rules(); DataTable RuleInfo = RuleManager.GetRuleInfo(this.iRuleID); if (RuleInfo.Rows.Count == 0) { this.ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this.GetType(), "_Invalid", "$('#divContainer').hide();alert('Invalid required query string.');window.parent.CloseDialog_EditRule();", true); return; } #endregion if (this.IsPostBack == false) { #region 加载email template LoanTasks LoanTaskManager = new LoanTasks(); Template_Email EmailTempManager = new Template_Email(); DataTable EmailTemplates = EmailTempManager.GetEmailTemplate(" and Enabled = 1"); DataRow NoneEmailTemplateRow = EmailTemplates.NewRow(); NoneEmailTemplateRow["TemplEmailId"] = 0; NoneEmailTemplateRow["Name"] = "-- select an email template --"; EmailTemplates.Rows.InsertAt(NoneEmailTemplateRow, 0); this.ddlRecomActionTemplate.DataSource = EmailTemplates; this.ddlRecomActionTemplate.DataBind(); this.ddlAlertEmailTemplate.DataSource = EmailTemplates; this.ddlAlertEmailTemplate.DataBind(); #endregion #region 加载Conditions DataTable ConditionListData = RuleManager.GetConditionList(this.iRuleID); this.hdnTolerances.Text = ""; string Tol = ""; foreach (DataRow dr in ConditionListData.Rows) { if ((dr["Tolerance"] != DBNull.Value) && (dr["Tolerance"] != string.Empty)) { Tol = (string)dr["Tolerance"]; } else { Tol = ""; } if (this.hdnTolerances.Text == "") { this.hdnTolerances.Text = "[$" + Tol + "$]"; } else { this.hdnTolerances.Text += ",[$" + Tol + "$]"; } } this.gridConditionList.DataSource = ConditionListData; this.gridConditionList.DataBind(); #endregion #region 绑定数据 this.txtRuleName.Text = "Copy of " + RuleInfo.Rows[0]["Name"].ToString(); this.txtDesc.Text = RuleInfo.Rows[0]["Desc"].ToString(); this.chkEnabled.Checked = Convert.ToBoolean(RuleInfo.Rows[0]["Enabled"]); this.ddlRecomActionTemplate.SelectedValue = RuleInfo.Rows[0]["RecomEmailTemplid"].ToString(); this.ddlAlertEmailTemplate.SelectedValue = RuleInfo.Rows[0]["AlertEmailTemplId"].ToString(); this.chkReqAck.Checked = Convert.ToBoolean(RuleInfo.Rows[0]["AckReq"]); this.txtFormula.Text = RuleInfo.Rows[0]["AdvFormula"].ToString(); this.ddlScope.SelectedValue = RuleInfo.Rows[0]["RuleScope"].ToString(); #region get loan target //this.ddlTarget.SelectedValue = RuleInfo.Rows[0]["LoanTarget"].ToString(); LPWeb.Model.Template_Rules_LoanTarget modelLoanTarget; if (!RuleInfo.Rows[0].IsNull("LoanTarget")) { modelLoanTarget = new LPWeb.Model.Template_Rules_LoanTarget(Convert.ToInt16(RuleInfo.Rows[0]["LoanTarget"])); } else { modelLoanTarget = new LPWeb.Model.Template_Rules_LoanTarget(); } this.chkTargetActiveLoans.Checked = modelLoanTarget.ActiveLoans; this.chkTargetActiveLeads.Checked = modelLoanTarget.ActiveLeads; this.chkTargetArchivedLoans.Checked = modelLoanTarget.ArchivedLoans; this.chkTargetArchivedLeads.Checked = modelLoanTarget.ArchivedLeads; #endregion #endregion // set counter this.hdnCounter.Value = ConditionListData.Rows.Count.ToString(); } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { string sErrorJs = "window.parent.CloseDialog_EditTask();"; #region 检查必要参数 bool bIsValid = PageCommon.ValidateQueryString(this, "LoanID", QueryStringType.ID); if (bIsValid == false) { PageCommon.RegisterJsMsg(this, "Missing required query string.", sErrorJs); return; } this.iLoanID = Convert.ToInt32(this.Request.QueryString["LoanID"]); bIsValid = PageCommon.ValidateQueryString(this, "TaskID", QueryStringType.ID); if (bIsValid == false) { PageCommon.RegisterJsMsg(this, "Missing required query string.", sErrorJs); return; } this.iTaskID = Convert.ToInt32(this.Request.QueryString["TaskID"]); #endregion // server now this.hdnNow.Value = DateTime.Now.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy"); // task icon this.imgTaskIcon.ImageUrl = "../images/task/" + WorkflowManager.GetTaskIcon(this.iTaskID); #region 加载Loan Task信息 this.LoanTaskInfo = this.LoanTaskManager.GetLoanTaskInfo(this.iTaskID); if (this.LoanTaskInfo.Rows.Count == 0) { PageCommon.RegisterJsMsg(this, "Invalid required query string.", sErrorJs); return; } #endregion #region 检查是否是Prerequisite(is a father?) bool bIsPrerequisite = this.LoanTaskManager.IsPrerequisite(this.iTaskID); this.hndIsPrerequisite.Value = bIsPrerequisite.ToString(); #endregion #region 获取Borrower和Property信息 #region Property DataTable LoanInfo = this.LoanManager.GetLoanInfo(this.iLoanID); if (LoanInfo.Rows.Count == 0) { PageCommon.RegisterJsMsg(this, "Invalid required query string.", sErrorJs); return; } string sPropertyAddress = LoanInfo.Rows[0]["PropertyAddr"].ToString(); string sPropertyCity = LoanInfo.Rows[0]["PropertyCity"].ToString(); string sPropertyState = LoanInfo.Rows[0]["PropertyState"].ToString(); string sPropertyZip = LoanInfo.Rows[0]["PropertyZip"].ToString(); string sProperty = sPropertyAddress + ", " + sPropertyCity + ", " + sPropertyState + " " + sPropertyZip; // 存储Loan.EstCloseDate if (LoanInfo.Rows[0]["EstCloseDate"] != DBNull.Value) { this.hdnEstCloseDate.Value = Convert.ToDateTime(LoanInfo.Rows[0]["EstCloseDate"]).ToString("MM/dd/yyyy"); } #endregion #region Borrower DataTable BorrowerInfo = this.LoanManager.GetBorrowerInfo(this.iLoanID); if (BorrowerInfo.Rows.Count == 0) { PageCommon.RegisterJsMsg(this, "There is no Borrower in this loan.", sErrorJs); return; } string sFirstName = BorrowerInfo.Rows[0]["FirstName"].ToString(); string sMiddleName = BorrowerInfo.Rows[0]["MiddleName"].ToString(); string sLastName = BorrowerInfo.Rows[0]["LastName"].ToString(); string sBorrower = sLastName + ", " + sFirstName; if (sMiddleName != string.Empty) { sBorrower += " " + sMiddleName; } this.lbProperty.Text = sProperty; this.lbBorrower.Text = sBorrower; #endregion #endregion if (this.IsPostBack == false) { #region 加载Stage DataTable LoanStages = this.LoanManager.GetLoanStages(this.iLoanID); this.ddlStage.DataSource = LoanStages; this.ddlStage.DataBind(); this.ddlStage2.DataSource = LoanStages; this.ddlStage2.DataBind(); #endregion #region 加载Owner DataTable OwnerList = this.LoanTaskManager.GetLoanTaskOwers(this.iLoanID); DataRow EmptyOwnerRow = OwnerList.NewRow(); EmptyOwnerRow["UserID"] = 0; EmptyOwnerRow["FullName"] = "-- select a task owner--"; OwnerList.Rows.InsertAt(EmptyOwnerRow, 0); this.ddlOwner.DataSource = OwnerList; this.ddlOwner.DataBind(); #endregion #region 加载Prerequisite // 先绑定Stage this.ddlStage.SelectedValue = this.LoanTaskInfo.Rows[0]["LoanStageId"].ToString(); string sSelectedStageID = string.Empty; if (this.Request.QueryString["Stage"] == null) { sSelectedStageID = this.ddlStage.SelectedItem.Value; } else { sSelectedStageID = this.Request.QueryString["Stage"].ToString(); } DataTable PrerequisiteList = this.LoanTaskManager.GetPrerequisiteList(" and FileID=" + this.iLoanID + " and LoanStageId = " + sSelectedStageID + " and PrerequisiteTaskId is null and LoanTaskId !=" + iTaskID); DataRow NonePrerequisiteRow = PrerequisiteList.NewRow(); NonePrerequisiteRow["LoanTaskId"] = 0; NonePrerequisiteRow["Name"] = "None"; PrerequisiteList.Rows.InsertAt(NonePrerequisiteRow, 0); this.ddlPrerequisite.DataSource = PrerequisiteList; this.ddlPrerequisite.DataBind(); this.ddlPrerequisite2.DataSource = PrerequisiteList; this.ddlPrerequisite2.DataBind(); #endregion #region 加载email template Template_Email EmailTempManager = new Template_Email(); EmailTemplates = EmailTempManager.GetEmailTemplate(" and Enabled = 1"); DataRow NoneEmailTemplateRow = EmailTemplates.NewRow(); NoneEmailTemplateRow["TemplEmailId"] = 0; NoneEmailTemplateRow["Name"] = "None"; EmailTemplates.Rows.InsertAt(NoneEmailTemplateRow, 0); this.ddlCompletionEmail.DataSource = EmailTemplates; this.ddlCompletionEmail.DataBind(); this.ddlWarningEmail.DataSource = EmailTemplates; this.ddlWarningEmail.DataBind(); this.ddlOverdueEmail.DataSource = EmailTemplates; this.ddlOverdueEmail.DataBind(); this.ddlEmailTemplate.DataSource = EmailTemplates; this.ddlEmailTemplate.DataBind(); #endregion #region 绑定对应模板列表 LPWeb.BLL.LoanTask_CompletionEmails bllTaskMail = new LoanTask_CompletionEmails(); gridCompletetionEmails.DataSource = bllTaskMail.GetList("LoanTaskid=" + iTaskID); gridCompletetionEmails.DataBind(); #endregion #region Bind Data this.txtTaskName.Text = this.LoanTaskInfo.Rows[0]["Name"].ToString(); #region Owner string sOwnerID = this.LoanTaskInfo.Rows[0]["Owner"].ToString(); if (sOwnerID == string.Empty) { this.ddlOwner.SelectedIndex = 0; } else { this.ddlOwner.SelectedValue = sOwnerID; } #endregion #region ExternalViewing if (this.LoanTaskInfo.Rows[0]["ExternalViewing"] != null && this.LoanTaskInfo.Rows[0]["ExternalViewing"].ToString() != "") { bool ExternalViewing = Convert.ToBoolean(this.LoanTaskInfo.Rows[0]["ExternalViewing"]); this.chbExternalViewing.Checked = ExternalViewing; } #endregion #region Due Date string sDueDate = this.LoanTaskInfo.Rows[0]["Due"].ToString(); if (sDueDate != string.Empty) { this.txtDueDate.Text = Convert.ToDateTime(this.LoanTaskInfo.Rows[0]["Due"]).ToString("MM/dd/yyyy"); } #endregion //#region Completed Date string sCompletedDate = this.LoanTaskInfo.Rows[0]["Completed"].ToString(); if (sCompletedDate != string.Empty) { this.hdnCompleted.Value = Convert.ToDateTime(this.LoanTaskInfo.Rows[0]["Completed"]).ToString("MM/dd/yyyy"); } //#endregion this.txtDaysToEst.Text = this.LoanTaskInfo.Rows[0]["DaysDueFromEstClose"] == DBNull.Value ? string.Empty : this.LoanTaskInfo.Rows[0]["DaysDueFromEstClose"].ToString(); this.txtDaysAfterCreation.Text = this.LoanTaskInfo.Rows[0]["DaysFromCreation"] == DBNull.Value ? string.Empty : this.LoanTaskInfo.Rows[0]["DaysFromCreation"].ToString(); this.txtDaysDueAfterPrevStage.Text = this.LoanTaskInfo.Rows[0]["DaysDueAfterPrevStage"] == DBNull.Value ? string.Empty : this.LoanTaskInfo.Rows[0]["DaysDueAfterPrevStage"].ToString(); //Get task template Calculation Method if (this.LoanTaskInfo.Rows[0]["TemplTaskId"].ToString() != "" && this.LoanTaskInfo.Rows[0]["TemplTaskId"].ToString() != "0") { LPWeb.BLL.Template_Wfl_Tasks taskTempMgr = new Template_Wfl_Tasks(); LPWeb.Model.Template_Wfl_Tasks taskTempModel = taskTempMgr.GetModel(int.Parse(this.LoanTaskInfo.Rows[0]["TemplTaskId"].ToString())); int iCalculationMethod = 0; if (taskTempModel != null) { LPWeb.BLL.Template_Wfl_Stages stageWflMgr = new Template_Wfl_Stages(); LPWeb.Model.Template_Wfl_Stages stageModel = stageWflMgr.GetModel(taskTempModel.WflStageId); if (stageModel != null) { LPWeb.BLL.Template_Workflow templateMgr = new Template_Workflow(); LPWeb.Model.Template_Workflow templateModel = templateMgr.GetModel(stageModel.WflTemplId); if (templateModel != null) { iCalculationMethod = templateModel.CalculationMethod; } if (stageModel.CalculationMethod != null && stageModel.CalculationMethod.Value != 0) { iCalculationMethod = stageModel.CalculationMethod.Value; } } } if (iCalculationMethod == 1 && this.txtDaysAfterCreation.Text == "") { this.txtDaysToEst.Enabled = true; this.txtDaysAfterCreation.Enabled = false; } else if (iCalculationMethod == 2 && this.txtDaysToEst.Text == "") { this.txtDaysToEst.Enabled = false; this.txtDaysAfterCreation.Enabled = true; } } #region Prerequisite Task Id string sPrerequisiteTaskId = this.LoanTaskInfo.Rows[0]["PrerequisiteTaskId"] == DBNull.Value ? string.Empty : this.LoanTaskInfo.Rows[0]["PrerequisiteTaskId"].ToString(); if (sPrerequisiteTaskId == string.Empty) { this.ddlPrerequisite.SelectedIndex = 0; } else { this.ddlPrerequisite.SelectedValue = sPrerequisiteTaskId; } #endregion this.txtDaysDueAfter.Text = LoanTaskInfo.Rows[0]["DaysDueAfterPrerequisite"] == DBNull.Value ? string.Empty : this.LoanTaskInfo.Rows[0]["DaysDueAfterPrerequisite"].ToString(); #region Completion Email string sCompletionEmailID = this.LoanTaskInfo.Rows[0]["CompletionEmailId"].ToString(); if (sCompletionEmailID == string.Empty) { this.ddlCompletionEmail.SelectedIndex = 0; } else { this.ddlCompletionEmail.SelectedValue = sCompletionEmailID; } #endregion #region Warning Email string sWarningEmailId = this.LoanTaskInfo.Rows[0]["WarningEmailId"].ToString(); if (sWarningEmailId == string.Empty) { this.ddlWarningEmail.SelectedIndex = 0; } else { this.ddlWarningEmail.SelectedValue = sWarningEmailId; } #endregion #region Overdue Email string sOverdueEmailId = this.LoanTaskInfo.Rows[0]["OverdueEmailId"].ToString(); if (sOverdueEmailId == string.Empty) { this.ddlOverdueEmail.SelectedIndex = 0; } else { this.ddlOverdueEmail.SelectedValue = sOverdueEmailId; } #endregion #endregion } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { #region 校验页面参数 string sCloseDialogCodes = this.GetCloseDialogJs(); if (this.Request.QueryString["ContactID"] == null) { this.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), "_InvalidQuery1", "$('#divContainer').hide();alert('Missing required query string.');" + sCloseDialogCodes, true); return; } if (this.Request.QueryString["ContactID"] != null) { #region ContactID bool bIsValid = PageCommon.ValidateQueryString(this, "ContactID", QueryStringType.ID); if (bIsValid == false) { this.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), "_InvalidQuery2", "$('#divContainer').hide();alert('Missing required query string.');" + sCloseDialogCodes, true); return; } this.iContactID = Convert.ToInt32(this.Request.QueryString["ContactID"]); #endregion } #endregion #region EWS Company_Web CompanyWebManager = new Company_Web(); LPWeb.Model.Company_Web Company_Web_Model = CompanyWebManager.GetModel(); Users UserManager = new Users(); LPWeb.Model.Users UserModel = UserManager.GetModel(this.CurrUser.iUserID); if (Company_Web_Model.SendEmailViaEWS && UserModel.Password == string.Empty) { this.hdnUseEWS.Value = "True"; } else { this.hdnUseEWS.Value = "False"; } #endregion if (this.IsPostBack == false) { #region 加载email template Template_Email EmailTempManager = new Template_Email(); DataTable EmailTemplates = EmailTempManager.GetEmailTemplate(" and Enabled = 1 "); this.ddlEmailTemplateList.DataSource = EmailTemplates; this.ddlEmailTemplateList.DataBind(); #endregion #region 加载To(Dropdown List) if (this.Request.QueryString["ContactID"] != null) { #region ContactID string sSql = "select 'Contact'+convert(varchar, ContactId) as UserID, LastName +', '+ FirstName + case when ISNULL(MiddleName, '') != '' then ' '+ MiddleName else '' end as RoleAndFullName from Contacts " + "where ContactId=" + this.iContactID; if (CurrUser.bIsCompanyUser) { // All Contact sSql += "union select 'Contact'+convert(varchar, a.ContactId) as UserID, a.LastName +', '+ a.FirstName + case when ISNULL(a.MiddleName, '') != '' then ' '+ a.MiddleName else '' end as RoleAndFullName from Contacts as a " + "where a.ContactId<>" + this.iContactID; } else if (CurrUser.bIsRegionUser) { sSql += "union select 'Contact'+convert(varchar, a.ContactId) as UserID, a.LastName +', '+ a.FirstName + case when ISNULL(a.MiddleName, '') != '' then ' '+ a.MiddleName else '' end as RoleAndFullName from Contacts as a " + "where a.ContactBranchId in (SELECT BranchId FROM Branches WHERE RegionID IN (Select RegionID from Regions where GroupID in (select GroupID from GroupUsers where UserID=" + CurrUser.iUserID + "))) and a.[Enabled]=1 and a.ContactId<>" + this.iContactID; } else if (CurrUser.bIsDivisionUser) { sSql += "union select 'Contact'+convert(varchar, a.ContactId) as UserID, a.LastName +', '+ a.FirstName + case when ISNULL(a.MiddleName, '') != '' then ' '+ a.MiddleName else '' end as RoleAndFullName from Contacts as a " + " where a.ContactBranchId in (SELECT BranchId FROM Branches WHERE DivisionID IN (Select DivisionID from Divisions where GroupID in (select GroupID from GroupUsers where UserID=" + CurrUser.iUserID + "))) and a.[Enabled]=1 and a.ContactId<>" + this.iContactID; } else { sSql += "union select 'Contact'+convert(varchar, a.ContactId) as UserID, a.LastName +', '+ a.FirstName + case when ISNULL(a.MiddleName, '') != '' then ' '+ a.MiddleName else '' end as RoleAndFullName from Contacts as a " + "where a.ContactBranchId in (Select BranchId from Branches where GroupID in (select GroupID from GroupUsers where UserID=" + CurrUser.iUserID + ")) and a.[Enabled]=1 and a.ContactId<>" + this.iContactID; } string sNewSql = "select * from (" + sSql + ") as t order by RoleAndFullName"; SqlCommand SqlCmd = new SqlCommand(sNewSql); DataTable ToListData = LPWeb.DAL.DbHelperSQL.ExecuteDataTable(SqlCmd); this.ddlToList.DataSource = ToListData; this.ddlToList.DataBind(); this.ddlToList.SelectedValue = "Contact" + this.iContactID.ToString(); string sSql2 = "select 'Contact'+convert(varchar, ContactId) as UserID, LastName +', '+ FirstName + case when ISNULL(MiddleName, '') != '' then ' '+ MiddleName else '' end as FullName from Contacts " + "where ContactId=" + this.iContactID; if (CurrUser.bIsCompanyUser) { // All Contact sSql2 += "Union select 'Contact'+convert(varchar, a.ContactId) as UserID, a.LastName +', '+ a.FirstName + case when ISNULL(a.MiddleName, '') != '' then ' '+ a.MiddleName else '' end as FullName from Contacts as a " + " where a.ContactId<>" + this.iContactID; } else if (CurrUser.bIsRegionUser) { sSql2 += "Union select 'Contact'+convert(varchar, a.ContactId) as UserID, a.LastName +', '+ a.FirstName + case when ISNULL(a.MiddleName, '') != '' then ' '+ a.MiddleName else '' end as FullName from Contacts as a " + " where a.ContactBranchId in (SELECT BranchId FROM Branches WHERE RegionID IN (Select RegionID from Regions where GroupID in (select GroupID from GroupUsers where UserID=" + CurrUser.iUserID + "))) and a.[Enabled]=1 and a.ContactId<>" + this.iContactID; } else if (CurrUser.bIsDivisionUser) { sSql2 += "Union select 'Contact'+convert(varchar, a.ContactId) as UserID, a.LastName +', '+ a.FirstName + case when ISNULL(a.MiddleName, '') != '' then ' '+ a.MiddleName else '' end as FullName from Contacts as a " + " where a.ContactBranchId in (SELECT BranchId FROM Branches WHERE DivisionID IN (Select DivisionID from Divisions where GroupID in (select GroupID from GroupUsers where UserID=" + CurrUser.iUserID + "))) and a.[Enabled]=1 and a.ContactId<>" + this.iContactID; } else { sSql2 += "Union select 'Contact'+convert(varchar, a.ContactId) as UserID, a.LastName +', '+ a.FirstName + case when ISNULL(a.MiddleName, '') != '' then ' '+ a.MiddleName else '' end as FullName from Contacts as a " + " where a.ContactBranchId in (Select BranchId from Branches where GroupID in (select GroupID from GroupUsers where UserID=" + CurrUser.iUserID + ")) and a.[Enabled]=1 and a.ContactId<>" + this.iContactID; } SqlCommand SqlCmd2 = new SqlCommand(sSql2); DataTable ToList_FullName_Data = LPWeb.DAL.DbHelperSQL.ExecuteDataTable(SqlCmd2); this.ddlToList_FullName.DataSource = ToList_FullName_Data; this.ddlToList_FullName.DataBind(); string sSql3 = "select 'Contact'+convert(varchar, ContactId) as UserID, isnull(Email,'') as Email from Contacts " + "where ContactId=" + this.iContactID; if (CurrUser.bIsCompanyUser) { // All Contact sSql3 += "Union select 'Contact'+convert(varchar, a.ContactId) as UserID, isnull(a.Email,'') as Email from Contacts as a " + " where a.ContactId<>" + this.iContactID; } else if (CurrUser.bIsRegionUser) { sSql3 += "Union select 'Contact'+convert(varchar, a.ContactId) as UserID, isnull(a.Email,'') as Email from Contacts as a " + " where a.ContactBranchId in (SELECT BranchId FROM Branches WHERE RegionID IN (Select RegionID from Regions where GroupID in (select GroupID from GroupUsers where UserID=" + CurrUser.iUserID + "))) and a.[Enabled]=1 and a.ContactId<>" + this.iContactID; } else if (CurrUser.bIsDivisionUser) { sSql3 += "Union select 'Contact'+convert(varchar, a.ContactId) as UserID, isnull(a.Email,'') as Email from Contacts as a " + " where a.ContactBranchId in (SELECT BranchId FROM Branches WHERE DivisionID IN (Select DivisionID from Divisions where GroupID in (select GroupID from GroupUsers where UserID=" + CurrUser.iUserID + "))) and a.[Enabled]=1 and a.ContactId<>" + this.iContactID; } else { sSql3 += "Union select 'Contact'+convert(varchar, a.ContactId) as UserID, isnull(a.Email,'') as Email from Contacts as a " + " where a.ContactBranchId in (Select BranchId from Branches where GroupID in (select GroupID from GroupUsers where UserID=" + CurrUser.iUserID + ")) and a.[Enabled]=1 and a.ContactId<>" + this.iContactID; } SqlCommand SqlCmd3 = new SqlCommand(sSql3); DataTable ToList_Email_Data = LPWeb.DAL.DbHelperSQL.ExecuteDataTable(SqlCmd3); this.ddlToList_Email.DataSource = ToList_Email_Data; this.ddlToList_Email.DataBind(); #endregion } #endregion } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { #region 校验页面参数 string sErrorJs = "$('#divContainer').hide();alert('Missing required query string.');window.parent.CloseDialog_SendCompletionEmail();"; bool bIsValid = PageCommon.ValidateQueryString(this, "LoanID", QueryStringType.ID); if (bIsValid == false) { this.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), "_InvalidQuery1", sErrorJs, true); return; } this.iLoanID = Convert.ToInt32(this.Request.QueryString["LoanID"]); bIsValid = PageCommon.ValidateQueryString(this, "EmailTemplateID", QueryStringType.ID); if (bIsValid == false) { this.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), "_InvalidQuery2", sErrorJs, true); return; } this.iEmailTemplateID = Convert.ToInt32(this.Request.QueryString["EmailTemplateID"]); string sTaskID = ""; sTaskID = this.Request.QueryString["TaskID"]; if ((sTaskID != null) && (sTaskID != "")) { this.iTaskID = Convert.ToInt32(sTaskID); } #endregion #region EWS Company_Web CompanyWebManager = new Company_Web(); LPWeb.Model.Company_Web Company_Web_Model = CompanyWebManager.GetModel(); Users UserManager = new Users(); LPWeb.Model.Users UserModel = UserManager.GetModel(this.CurrUser.iUserID); if (Company_Web_Model.SendEmailViaEWS && UserModel.Password == string.Empty) { this.hdnUseEWS.Value = "True"; } else { this.hdnUseEWS.Value = "False"; } #endregion #region 旧代码 //#region 加载email template info //Template_Email EmailTempManager = new Template_Email(); //DataTable EmailTemplateInfo = EmailTempManager.GetEmailTemplateInfo(this.iEmailTemplateID); //if (EmailTemplateInfo.Rows.Count == 0) //{ // this.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), "_InvalidQuery3", "$('#divContainer').hide();alert('The email template does not exist.');window.parent.CloseDialog_SendCompletionEmail();", true); // return; //} //string sEmailTemplate = EmailTemplateInfo.Rows[0]["Name"].ToString(); //this.lbEmailTemplate.Text = sEmailTemplate; //string sFromUserRoleID = EmailTemplateInfo.Rows[0]["FromUserRoles"].ToString(); //if (sFromUserRoleID != string.Empty) //{ // #region 获取Loan Team和Users信息 // string sSql = "select * from LoanTeam as a inner join Users as b on a.UserId = b.UserId where a.FileId=" + this.iLoanID + " and a.RoleId=" + sFromUserRoleID; // DataTable SenderInfo = LPWeb.DAL.DbHelperSQL.ExecuteDataTable(sSql); // if (SenderInfo.Rows.Count == 0) // { // this.lbSender.Text = "There is no sender, so can't send email."; // this.lbSender.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Red; // } // else // { // string sFirstName = SenderInfo.Rows[0]["FirstName"].ToString(); // string sLastName = SenderInfo.Rows[0]["LastName"].ToString(); // string sFullName = sLastName + ", " + sFirstName; // this.lbSender.Text = sFullName; // } // #endregion //} //else //{ // string sFromEmailAddress = EmailTemplateInfo.Rows[0]["FromEmailAddress"].ToString(); // if (sFromEmailAddress != string.Empty) // { // this.lbSender.Text = sFromEmailAddress; // } // else // { // this.lbSender.Text = "There is no sender."; // this.lbSender.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Red; // } //} //#endregion //if (this.IsPostBack == false) //{ // #region 加载Recipient列表 // #region 获取Email Template的Recipient(s) // Template_Email EmailTemplateManager = new Template_Email(); // DataTable RecipientList = EmailTemplateManager.GetRecipientList(this.iEmailTemplateID); // #endregion // #region 获取Loan Team // string sSql = "select * from LoanTeam as a inner join Users as b on a.UserId = b.UserId where a.FileId=" + this.iLoanID; // DataTable LoanTeamList = LPWeb.DAL.DbHelperSQL.ExecuteDataTable(sSql); // #endregion // #region 获取Contacts // string sSql2 = "select * from LoanContacts as a inner join Contacts as b on a.ContactId = b.ContactId where a.FileId=" + this.iLoanID; // DataTable ContactList = LPWeb.DAL.DbHelperSQL.ExecuteDataTable(sSql2); // #endregion // DataTable RecipientListData = this.BuildRecipientDataTable(); // #region To // DataRow[] ToRecipient = RecipientList.Select("RecipientType='To'"); // if (ToRecipient.Length > 0) // { // string sEmailList_To = ToRecipient[0]["EmailAddr"].ToString(); // string sContactList_To = ToRecipient[0]["ContactRoles"].ToString(); // string sUserRoleList_To = ToRecipient[0]["UserRoles"].ToString(); // string sTaskOwner = ToRecipient[0]["TaskOwner"].ToString(); // #region Emails // if (sEmailList_To != string.Empty) // { // string[] EmailArray_To = sEmailList_To.Split(';'); // foreach (string sEmailTo in EmailArray_To) // { // this.AddNewRecipientRow(RecipientListData, "To", string.Empty, sEmailTo); // } // } // #endregion // #region User IDs // if (sUserRoleList_To != string.Empty) // { // string[] UserRoleArray_To = sUserRoleList_To.Split(';'); // foreach (string sUserRoleIDTo in UserRoleArray_To) // { // int iUserRoleIDTo = Convert.ToInt32(sUserRoleIDTo); // DataRow[] LoanTeamRows = LoanTeamList.Select("RoleId=" + iUserRoleIDTo); // foreach (DataRow LoanTeamRow in LoanTeamRows) // { // string sFullName = LoanTeamRow["LastName"].ToString() + ", " + LoanTeamRow["FirstName"].ToString(); // string sEmailAddress = LoanTeamRow["EmailAddress"].ToString(); // if (sEmailAddress == string.Empty) // { // this.AddNewRecipientRow(RecipientListData, "To", sFullName, "There is no emaill address in the user account."); // } // else // { // this.AddNewRecipientRow(RecipientListData, "To", sFullName, sEmailAddress); // } // } // } // } // #endregion // #region Contact IDs // if (sContactList_To != string.Empty) // { // string[] ContactArray_To = sContactList_To.Split(';'); // foreach (string sContactIDTo in ContactArray_To) // { // int iContactRoleIDTo = Convert.ToInt32(sContactIDTo); // DataRow[] ContactRows = ContactList.Select("ContactRoleId=" + iContactRoleIDTo); // foreach (DataRow ContactRow in ContactRows) // { // #region Build FullName // string sFirstName = ContactRow["FirstName"].ToString(); // string sLastName = ContactRow["LastName"].ToString(); // string sMiddleName = ContactRow["MiddleName"].ToString(); // string sFullName = string.Empty; // if (sMiddleName != string.Empty) // { // sFullName = sLastName + ", " + sFirstName + " " + sMiddleName; // } // else // { // sFullName = sLastName + ", " + sFirstName; // } // #endregion // string sEmailAddress = ContactRow["Email"].ToString(); // if (sEmailAddress == string.Empty) // { // this.AddNewRecipientRow(RecipientListData, "To", sFullName, "There is no emaill address in the contact account."); // } // else // { // this.AddNewRecipientRow(RecipientListData, "To", sFullName, sEmailAddress); // } // } // } // } // #endregion // #region TaskOwner // if ((sTaskOwner != string.Empty) && (sTaskOwner != null)) // { // if (sTaskOwner == "True") // { // string sSql_LoanTasks = "select Owner from LoanTasks where LoanTaskId=" + this.iTaskID; // DataTable LoanTasks_List = LPWeb.DAL.DbHelperSQL.ExecuteDataTable(sSql_LoanTasks); // string sOwnerId = LoanTasks_List.Rows[0]["Owner"].ToString(); // if ((sTaskOwner != string.Empty) && (sTaskOwner != null)) // { // int iOwnerId = Convert.ToInt32(sOwnerId); // string sSql_Users = "select EmailAddress, LastName, FirstName from Users where UserId=" + iOwnerId; // DataTable Users_List = LPWeb.DAL.DbHelperSQL.ExecuteDataTable(sSql_Users); // string Owner_EmailAddress = Users_List.Rows[0]["EmailAddress"].ToString(); // if ((Owner_EmailAddress != string.Empty) && (Owner_EmailAddress != null)) // { // string sOwnerFullName = Users_List.Rows[0]["LastName"].ToString() + ", " + Users_List.Rows[0]["FirstName"].ToString(); // this.AddNewRecipientRow(RecipientListData, "To", sOwnerFullName, Owner_EmailAddress); // } // } // } // } // #endregion // } // #endregion // #region CC // DataRow[] CCRecipient = RecipientList.Select("RecipientType='CC'"); // if (CCRecipient.Length > 0) // { // string sEmailList_CC = CCRecipient[0]["EmailAddr"].ToString(); // string sContactList_CC = CCRecipient[0]["ContactRoles"].ToString(); // string sUserRoleList_CC = CCRecipient[0]["UserRoles"].ToString(); // #region Emails // if (sEmailList_CC != string.Empty) // { // string[] EmailArray_CC = sEmailList_CC.Split(';'); // foreach (string sEmailCC in EmailArray_CC) // { // this.AddNewRecipientRow(RecipientListData, "CC", string.Empty, sEmailCC); // } // } // #endregion // #region User IDs // if (sUserRoleList_CC != string.Empty) // { // string[] UserRoleArray_CC = sUserRoleList_CC.Split(';'); // foreach (string sUserRoleIDCC in UserRoleArray_CC) // { // int iUserRoleIDCC = Convert.ToInt32(sUserRoleIDCC); // DataRow[] LoanTeamRows = LoanTeamList.Select("RoleId=" + iUserRoleIDCC); // foreach (DataRow LoanTeamRow in LoanTeamRows) // { // string sFullName = LoanTeamRow["LastName"].ToString() + ", " + LoanTeamRow["FirstName"].ToString(); // string sEmailAddress = LoanTeamRow["EmailAddress"].ToString(); // if (sEmailAddress == string.Empty) // { // this.AddNewRecipientRow(RecipientListData, "CC", sFullName, "There is no emaill address in the user account."); // } // else // { // this.AddNewRecipientRow(RecipientListData, "CC", sFullName, sEmailAddress); // } // } // } // } // #endregion // #region Contact IDs // if (sContactList_CC != string.Empty) // { // string[] ContactArray_CC = sContactList_CC.Split(';'); // foreach (string sContactIDCC in ContactArray_CC) // { // int iContactRoleIDCC = Convert.ToInt32(sContactIDCC); // DataRow[] ContactRows = ContactList.Select("ContactRoleId=" + iContactRoleIDCC); // foreach (DataRow ContactRow in ContactRows) // { // #region Build FullName // string sFirstName = ContactRow["FirstName"].ToString(); // string sLastName = ContactRow["LastName"].ToString(); // string sMiddleName = ContactRow["MiddleName"].ToString(); // string sFullName = string.Empty; // if (sMiddleName != string.Empty) // { // sFullName = sLastName + ", " + sFirstName + " " + sMiddleName; // } // else // { // sFullName = sLastName + ", " + sFirstName; // } // #endregion // string sEmailAddress = ContactRow["Email"].ToString(); // if (sEmailAddress == string.Empty) // { // this.AddNewRecipientRow(RecipientListData, "CC", sFullName, "There is no emaill address in the contact account."); // } // else // { // this.AddNewRecipientRow(RecipientListData, "CC", sFullName, sEmailAddress); // } // } // } // } // #endregion // } // #endregion // this.gridRecipientList.DataSource = RecipientListData; // this.gridRecipientList.DataBind(); // #endregion //} #endregion #region 新页面信息绑定 Borrower/Task/EmailTemplate #region 加载Borrower Info string sSql5 = "select * from LoanContacts as b1 inner join Contacts as b2 on b1.ContactId = b2.ContactId where b1.FileId=" + this.iLoanID + " and b1.ContactRoleId=dbo.lpfn_GetBorrowerRoleId() "; DataTable BorrowerInfo = LPWeb.DAL.DbHelperSQL.ExecuteDataTable(sSql5); #endregion #region 绑定Borrower信息 this.lbBorrower.Text = ""; if (BorrowerInfo.Rows.Count > 0) { string sBorrowerLastName = BorrowerInfo.Rows[0]["LastName"].ToString(); string sBorrowerFristName = BorrowerInfo.Rows[0]["FirstName"].ToString(); string sBorrowerMiddleName = BorrowerInfo.Rows[0]["MiddleName"].ToString(); StringBuilder sbBorrowerName = new StringBuilder(); sbBorrowerName.Append(sBorrowerLastName); if (sBorrowerFristName != string.Empty) { sbBorrowerName.Append(", " + sBorrowerFristName); } if (sBorrowerMiddleName != string.Empty) { sbBorrowerName.Append(" " + sBorrowerMiddleName); } this.lbBorrower.Text = sbBorrowerName.ToString(); } #endregion #region 加载Task Info string sSql6 = "SELECT [Name] FROM [LoanTasks] WHERE LoanTaskId=" + this.iTaskID; DataTable TaskInfo = LPWeb.DAL.DbHelperSQL.ExecuteDataTable(sSql6); #endregion #region 绑定Task Info信息 this.lbTask.Text = ""; if (TaskInfo.Rows.Count > 0) { string taskName = TaskInfo.Rows[0]["Name"].ToString(); this.lbTask.Text = taskName; } #endregion #region 加载email template Template_Email EmailTempManager = new Template_Email(); EmailTemplates = EmailTempManager.GetEmailTemplate(" and Enabled = 1"); DataRow NoneEmailTemplateRow = EmailTemplates.NewRow(); NoneEmailTemplateRow["TemplEmailId"] = 0; NoneEmailTemplateRow["Name"] = "None"; EmailTemplates.Rows.InsertAt(NoneEmailTemplateRow, 0); #endregion #region 加载 任务邮件模板 并绑定 LPWeb.BLL.LoanTask_CompletionEmails bllLT_com_Emails = new LoanTask_CompletionEmails(); var ltceDS = bllLT_com_Emails.GetList("[Enabled]=1 AND LoanTaskid=" + this.iTaskID); gridCompletetionEmails.DataSource = ltceDS;//new List<string>(){"t1","t2"}; gridCompletetionEmails.DataBind(); #endregion #endregion }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.QueryString["needret"])) { strNeedReturn = "0"; } else { strNeedReturn = "1"; } #region 校验必要参数 bool bIsValid = PageCommon.ValidateQueryString(this, "RuleID", QueryStringType.ID); if (bIsValid == false) { this.ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this.GetType(), "_Missing", "$('#divContainer').hide();alert('Missing required query string.');window.parent.CloseDialog_EditRule();", true); return; } this.iRuleID = Convert.ToInt32(this.Request.QueryString["RuleID"]); #endregion #region 加载Rule信息 Template_Rules RuleManager = new Template_Rules(); DataTable RuleInfo = RuleManager.GetRuleInfo(this.iRuleID); if (RuleInfo.Rows.Count == 0) { this.ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this.GetType(), "_Invalid", "$('#divContainer').hide();alert('Invalid required query string.');window.parent.CloseDialog_EditRule();", true); return; } #endregion // is referenced by rule group this.hdnIsRef.Text = RuleManager.bIsRef(this.iRuleID).ToString(); if (this.IsPostBack == false) { #region 加载email template LoanTasks LoanTaskManager = new LoanTasks(); Template_Email EmailTempManager = new Template_Email(); DataTable EmailTemplates = EmailTempManager.GetEmailTemplate(" and Enabled = 1"); DataRow NoneEmailTemplateRow = EmailTemplates.NewRow(); NoneEmailTemplateRow["TemplEmailId"] = 0; NoneEmailTemplateRow["Name"] = "-- select an email template --"; EmailTemplates.Rows.InsertAt(NoneEmailTemplateRow, 0); this.ddlRecomActionTemplate.DataSource = EmailTemplates; this.ddlRecomActionTemplate.DataBind(); this.ddlAlertEmailTemplate.DataSource = EmailTemplates; this.ddlAlertEmailTemplate.DataBind(); #endregion #region 加载Conditions DataTable ConditionListData = RuleManager.GetConditionList(this.iRuleID); this.gridConditionList.DataSource = ConditionListData; this.gridConditionList.DataBind(); #endregion #region 绑定数据 this.txtRuleName.Text = RuleInfo.Rows[0]["Name"].ToString(); this.txtDesc.Text = RuleInfo.Rows[0]["Desc"].ToString(); this.chkEnabled.Checked = Convert.ToBoolean(RuleInfo.Rows[0]["Enabled"]); this.ddlRecomActionTemplate.SelectedValue = RuleInfo.Rows[0]["RecomEmailTemplid"].ToString(); this.ddlAlertEmailTemplate.SelectedValue = RuleInfo.Rows[0]["AlertEmailTemplId"].ToString(); this.chkReqAck.Checked = Convert.ToBoolean(RuleInfo.Rows[0]["AckReq"]); this.txtFormula.Text = RuleInfo.Rows[0]["AdvFormula"].ToString(); this.ddlScope.SelectedValue = RuleInfo.Rows[0]["RuleScope"].ToString(); #region get loan target //this.ddlTarget.SelectedValue = RuleInfo.Rows[0]["LoanTarget"].ToString(); LPWeb.Model.Template_Rules_LoanTarget modelLoanTarget; if (!RuleInfo.Rows[0].IsNull("LoanTarget")) { modelLoanTarget = new LPWeb.Model.Template_Rules_LoanTarget(Convert.ToInt16(RuleInfo.Rows[0]["LoanTarget"])); } else { modelLoanTarget = new LPWeb.Model.Template_Rules_LoanTarget(); } this.chkTargetActiveLoans.Checked = modelLoanTarget.ActiveLoans; this.chkTargetActiveLeads.Checked = modelLoanTarget.ActiveLeads; this.chkTargetArchivedLoans.Checked = modelLoanTarget.ArchivedLoans; this.chkTargetArchivedLeads.Checked = modelLoanTarget.ArchivedLeads; #endregion #endregion if (RuleInfo.Rows[0]["AutoCampaignId"].ToString() != "") { this.hfSelCampaigns.Value = RuleInfo.Rows[0]["AutoCampaignId"].ToString(); MarketingCampaigns _bMarketingCampaigns = new MarketingCampaigns(); LPWeb.Model.MarketingCampaigns _mMarketingCampaigns = _bMarketingCampaigns.GetModel(Convert.ToInt32(RuleInfo.Rows[0]["AutoCampaignId"])); //txtMarketingCampaign.Text = _mMarketingCampaigns.CampaignName; } // set counter this.hdnCounter.Value = ConditionListData.Rows.Count.ToString(); } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { string sErrorJs = "window.parent.CloseDialog_AddTask();"; #region 检查必要参数 bool bIsValid = PageCommon.ValidateQueryString(this, "LoanID", QueryStringType.ID); if (bIsValid == false) { PageCommon.RegisterJsMsg(this, "Missing required query string.", sErrorJs); return; } this.iLoanID = Convert.ToInt32(this.Request.QueryString["LoanID"]); #endregion this.hdnNow.Value = DateTime.Now.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy"); #region 获取Borrower和Property信息 #region Property DataTable LoanInfo = this.LoanManager.GetLoanInfo(this.iLoanID); if (LoanInfo.Rows.Count == 0) { PageCommon.RegisterJsMsg(this, "Invalid required query string.", sErrorJs); return; } string sPropertyAddress = LoanInfo.Rows[0]["PropertyAddr"].ToString(); string sPropertyCity = LoanInfo.Rows[0]["PropertyCity"].ToString(); string sPropertyState = LoanInfo.Rows[0]["PropertyState"].ToString(); string sPropertyZip = LoanInfo.Rows[0]["PropertyZip"].ToString(); string sProperty = sPropertyAddress + ", " + sPropertyCity + ", " + sPropertyState + " " + sPropertyZip; // 存储Loan.EstCloseDate if (LoanInfo.Rows[0]["EstCloseDate"] != DBNull.Value) { this.hdnEstCloseDate.Value = Convert.ToDateTime(LoanInfo.Rows[0]["EstCloseDate"]).ToString("MM/dd/yyyy"); } #endregion #region Borrower DataTable BorrowerInfo = this.LoanManager.GetBorrowerInfo(this.iLoanID); if (BorrowerInfo.Rows.Count == 0) { PageCommon.RegisterJsMsg(this, "There is no Borrower in this loan.", sErrorJs); return; } string sFirstName = BorrowerInfo.Rows[0]["FirstName"].ToString(); string sMiddleName = BorrowerInfo.Rows[0]["MiddleName"].ToString(); string sLastName = BorrowerInfo.Rows[0]["LastName"].ToString(); string sBorrower = sLastName + ", " + sFirstName; if (sMiddleName != string.Empty) { sBorrower += " " + sMiddleName; } this.lbProperty.Text = sProperty; this.lbBorrower.Text = sBorrower; #endregion #endregion if (this.IsPostBack == false) { #region 加载Stage DataTable LoanStages = this.LoanManager.GetLoanStages(this.iLoanID); if (LoanStages == null || LoanStages.Rows.Count <= 0) { this.iCurrentLoanStageId = GetTaskStageID(this.iLoanID); if ((this.iCurrentLoanStageId == null) || (this.iCurrentLoanStageId <= 0)) { this.ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this.GetType(), "_Failed0", "$('#divContainer').hide();alert('The loan does not have any stage to add the task to.');window.parent.RefreshPage();", true); return; } } this.ddlStage.DataSource = LoanStages; this.ddlStage.DataBind(); this.ddlStage2.DataSource = LoanStages; this.ddlStage2.DataBind(); #endregion #region 加载Owner DataTable OwnerList = this.LoanTaskManager.GetLoanTaskOwers(this.iLoanID); DataRow EmptyOwnerRow = OwnerList.NewRow(); EmptyOwnerRow["UserID"] = 0; EmptyOwnerRow["FullName"] = "-- select a task owner--"; OwnerList.Rows.InsertAt(EmptyOwnerRow, 0); this.ddlOwner.DataSource = OwnerList; this.ddlOwner.DataBind(); #endregion #region 加载Prerequisite string sSelectedStageID = string.Empty; if (this.Request.QueryString["Stage"] == null) { sSelectedStageID = this.ddlStage.SelectedItem.Value; } else { sSelectedStageID = this.Request.QueryString["Stage"].ToString(); } DataTable PrerequisiteList = this.LoanTaskManager.GetPrerequisiteList(" and FileID=" + this.iLoanID + " and LoanStageId = " + sSelectedStageID + " and PrerequisiteTaskId is null"); DataRow NonePrerequisiteRow = PrerequisiteList.NewRow(); NonePrerequisiteRow["LoanTaskId"] = 0; NonePrerequisiteRow["Name"] = "None"; PrerequisiteList.Rows.InsertAt(NonePrerequisiteRow, 0); this.ddlPrerequisite.DataSource = PrerequisiteList; this.ddlPrerequisite.DataBind(); this.ddlPrerequisite2.DataSource = PrerequisiteList; this.ddlPrerequisite2.DataBind(); #endregion #region 加载email template Template_Email EmailTempManager = new Template_Email(); DataTable EmailTemplates = EmailTempManager.GetEmailTemplate(" and Enabled = 1"); DataRow NoneEmailTemplateRow = EmailTemplates.NewRow(); NoneEmailTemplateRow["TemplEmailId"] = 0; NoneEmailTemplateRow["Name"] = "None"; EmailTemplates.Rows.InsertAt(NoneEmailTemplateRow, 0); this.ddlCompletionEmail.DataSource = EmailTemplates; this.ddlCompletionEmail.DataBind(); this.ddlWarningEmail.DataSource = EmailTemplates; this.ddlWarningEmail.DataBind(); this.ddlOverdueEmail.DataSource = EmailTemplates; this.ddlOverdueEmail.DataBind(); this.ddlEmailTemplate.DataSource = EmailTemplates; this.ddlEmailTemplate.DataBind(); #endregion gridCompletetionEmails.DataSource = null; gridCompletetionEmails.DataBind(); } }