    public void ProjectileIntercepted(Projectile pr, RaycastHit2D hit)
        // Called on both client and server.
        // Disable the projectile.
        // On server, this is authorative.
        // On client, this hides it, and could lead to visual desync. Oh well.

        // Ignore if not attached.
        if (!Attachment.IsAttached)

        // Do not shoot down our own projectiles!
        if (Attachment.ParentUnit.Faction == pr.Faction)


        // Play the shoot down effect, and spawn a shot down particle effect.

        var particle = Pool.Get(TempEffect.GetPrefab(TempEffects.DESTROYED_SPARKS).PoolableObject);

        particle.transform.position    = hit.point;
        particle.transform.eulerAngles = pr.transform.eulerAngles;
    public void ProcessHit(RaycastHit2D hit, int penetration, DamageModel model)
        // Can run on either server or client.

        // On server, deals damage, applies forces.
        if (isServer)
            ProcessServerHit(hit, penetration, model);

        // On clients, spawns hit effects and audio ect.
        // TODO apply hit effect and audio.

        // Apply hit effect.
        if (model != null)
            if (model.ColliderPartMap.ContainsKey(hit.collider))
                var hitEffect = model.ColliderPartMap[hit.collider].HitEffect;
                if (hitEffect != TempEffects.NONE)
                    // Spawn hit effect.
                    var prefab = TempEffect.GetPrefab(hitEffect).PoolableObject;
                    var effect = Pool.Get(prefab);
                    if (effect != null)
                        effect.transform.position = hit.point;
                        float angle = Mathf.Atan2(hit.normal.y, hit.normal.x) * Mathf.Rad2Deg;
                        effect.transform.eulerAngles = new Vector3(0f, 0f, angle);
                        Debug.LogWarning("Tried to spawn effect for projectile hit, but the pool returned null!");