private void TelnetInitialConnect(
            string ServerName, bool AutoConnect, string DeviceName,
            string TerminalType)
            var             host            = ServerName;
            int             port            = 23;
            SessionSettings sessionSettings = null;

            // already connected.
            if (this.ConnectPack?.IsConnected() == true)
                MessageBox.Show("already connected to telnet server.");


            // TelnetNegotiateSettings
            //    - WILL EOR
            //    - WILL TERMINAL TYPE
            //    - TERMINAL TYPE
            //    - user name, terminal name
            // TelnetCommand.Negotiate( negotiateSettings )
            // returns TelnetSessionAttributes

            // after negotiate, call method to send and receive 5250 DataStreamHeader
            // followed by escape 04 orders
            // code is receive 5250 command, render to screen, wait for screen AID key,
            // send 5250 command response.
            var negSettings = NegotiateSettings.Build5250Settings(
                "SRICHTER", DeviceName, TerminalType);

            // connect to the server.
            var rv = ConnectToServer_StartServerThreads(ServerName, port);

            this.ConnectPack = rv.Item1;
            sessionSettings  = rv.Item2;

            if (this.ConnectPack.IsConnected() == true)
                // send message to connect thread. This will run telnet device startup
                // processing on a backround thread. This way problems do not lock up
                // the UI.
                    var startupMessage = new TelnetStartupMessage(
                        this.ConnectPack, negSettings, this, MainWindow_TelnetStartupComplete,

        private void TelnetPrinterConnect(string ServerName)
            var             host            = ServerName;
            int             port            = 23;
            SessionSettings sessionSettings = null;

            // already connected.
            if (this.ConnectPack?.IsConnected() == true)
                MessageBox.Show("already connected to telnet server.");


            var negSettings = NegotiateSettings.Build5250Settings(
                "SRICHTER", "STEVE41P", "IBM-3812-1");
            //      var negSettings = NegotiateSettings.Build5250Settings(
            //        "SRICHTER", "STEVE42P", "IBM-5256-1");

            // connect to the server.
            var rv = ConnectToServer_StartServerThreads(ServerName, port);

            this.ConnectPack = rv.Item1;
            sessionSettings  = rv.Item2;

            if (this.ConnectPack.IsConnected() == true)
                // send message to connect thread. This will run telnet device startup
                // processing on a backround thread. This way problems do not lock up
                // the UI.
                    var startupMessage = new TelnetStartupMessage(
                        this.ConnectPack, negSettings, this, MainWindow_TelnetStartupComplete,