public async Task <ResponseData <Dashboard> > DashBoardForMobile(string uuid) { try { var response = new ResponseData <Dashboard>(); var lAppliance = _accountApplianceService.GetApplianceByUUID(uuid); if (!TelitApi.IsConnected) { await TelitApi.CheckIOTConnection(); } if (lAppliance != null && lAppliance.Count() > 0) { foreach (var item in lAppliance) { var thingFind = await TelitApi.ThingFind(item.SerialNumber); Telit.ThingFind.Params _params = new Telit.ThingFind.Params(); string applianceEnvironment = string.Empty; if (thingFind != null && thingFind.Things != null && thingFind.Things.success && thingFind.Things.@params != null) { _params = thingFind.Things.@params; } if (_params != null && _params.alarms != null && _params.alarms.env != null && _params.alarms.env.state >= 0 && _params.alarms.env.state < 16) { applianceEnvironment = Convert.ToString(_params.alarms.env.state, 2).PadLeft(4, '0'); var array = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(applianceEnvironment) ? applianceEnvironment.ToArray() : new char[] { }; item.IsOn = _params != null && _params.alarms != null && _params.alarms.on != null?CheckApplianceIsOn(Convert.ToInt16(_params.alarms.on.state)) : false; item.IsConnected = _params.connected; item.Cellular = array.Length == 4 ? Convert.ToBoolean(Convert.ToInt16(array[2].ToString())) : false; item.Power = array.Length == 4 ? Convert.ToBoolean(Convert.ToInt16(array[3].ToString())) : false; item.Wifi = array.Length == 4 ? Convert.ToBoolean(Convert.ToInt16(array[1].ToString())) : false; item.WiFiInternet = array.Length == 4 ? Convert.ToBoolean(Convert.ToInt16(array[0].ToString())) : false; item.TrustLevel = != null ? (int?) : null; } } } var dashboard = new Dashboard() { ApplianceDTO = lAppliance, IsIOTConnected = TelitApi.IsConnected }; response.Data = dashboard; response.Status = ResponseStatus.Success.ToString(); return(response); } catch (Exception ex) { var response = new ResponseData <Dashboard>(); response.Message = ex.Message; response.Status = ResponseStatus.Error.ToString(); return(response); } }
public async Task <ResponseData <bool> > UpdateAppliance(string subscriptionId, string update) { try { var accountAppliance = _accountApplianceService.GetAccountApplianceBySubScription(subscriptionId); var appliance = _applianceService.GetApplianceById(accountAppliance.FirstOrDefault().ApplianceId.Value); var response = new ResponseData <bool>(); var thingFind = await TelitApi.ThingFind(appliance.SerialNumber); Telit.ThingFind.Params _params = new Telit.ThingFind.Params(); _params = thingFind.Things.@params; var success = await TelitApi.UpdateStatusOfAppliance(_params.iccid, update == Configuration.Disable?true : false); if (success) { appliance.Status = update == Configuration.Enable ? true : false; _applianceService.Update(appliance); if (!appliance.Status.Value) { accountAppliance.FirstOrDefault().SubscriptionId = null; _accountApplianceService.Update(accountAppliance.FirstOrDefault()); } response.Message = ResponseMessage.Success; } else { response.Message = ResponseMessage.Error; } response.Status = ResponseStatus.Success.ToString(); return(response); } catch (Exception ex) { var response = new ResponseData <bool>(); response.Message = ex.Message; response.Status = ResponseStatus.Error.ToString(); return(response); } }
public async Task <ResponseData <ApplianceDTO> > SetupThink([FromBody] ApplianceDTO appliance) { try { var response = new ResponseData <ApplianceDTO>(); var things = await TelitApi.ThingList(); bool isMatching = false; bool hasSerialNumber = false; Telit.ThingList.Result thing = new Telit.ThingList.Result(); if (things != null && things.things != null && things.things.success && things.things.@params != null && [email protected] != null && [email protected]() > 0) { foreach (var item in [email protected]) { if (item.key == appliance.SerialNumber) { hasSerialNumber = true; if (item.loc != null && item.loc.addr != null) { isMatching = await calculateAddressAsync(appliance.Street1.Trim(), appliance.City.Trim(), _stateService.GetStateById(appliance.StateId.Value).Name, appliance.ZipCode.Trim(),, item.loc.lng); thing = item; break; } } } } if (!hasSerialNumber) { response.Message = ResponseMessage.SerialNumberInCorrect; response.Status = ResponseStatus.Success.ToString(); return(response); } if (isMatching) { var isSerialNumberExist = _applianceService.GetApplianceBySerialNumber(appliance.SerialNumber); var thingFind = await TelitApi.ThingFind(thing.key); bool thingIsOn = false; bool thingIsConnected = false; bool thingCellular = false; bool thingPower = false; bool thingWifi = false; bool thingWifiInternet = false; int? thingTrustLevel = null; Telit.ThingFind.Params _params = new Telit.ThingFind.Params(); string applianceEnvironment = string.Empty; if (thingFind != null && thingFind.Things != null && thingFind.Things.success && thingFind.Things.@params != null) { _params = thingFind.Things.@params; } if (_params != null && _params.alarms != null && _params.alarms.env != null && _params.alarms.env.state >= 0 && _params.alarms.env.state < 16) { applianceEnvironment = Convert.ToString(_params.alarms.env.state, 2).PadLeft(4, '0'); var array = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(applianceEnvironment) ? applianceEnvironment.ToArray() : new char[] { }; thingIsOn = Convert.ToBoolean(_params.alarms.on.state); thingIsConnected = _params.connected; thingCellular = array.Length == 4 ? Convert.ToBoolean(Convert.ToInt16(array[2].ToString())) : false; thingPower = array.Length == 4 ? Convert.ToBoolean(Convert.ToInt16(array[3].ToString())) : false; thingWifi = array.Length == 4 ? Convert.ToBoolean(Convert.ToInt16(array[1].ToString())) : false; thingWifiInternet = array.Length == 4 ? Convert.ToBoolean(Convert.ToInt16(array[0].ToString())) : false; thingTrustLevel = != null ? (int?) : null; } if (isSerialNumberExist == null) { var app = _applianceService.Insert(new Appliance() { AccountId = appliance.AccountId, Cellular = thingCellular, IsConnected = thingIsConnected, City = appliance.City, DeviceName = _params != null && _params.attrs != null && != null ? : string.Empty, OsVersion = "", GeoFenceEnabled = _params.alarms != null && _params.alarms.timerState != null && _params.alarms.timerState.state != 0 ? true : false, Lat = _params.loc != null ? : 0, Lon = _params.loc != null ? _params.loc.lng : 0, SerialNumber = appliance.SerialNumber, Power = thingPower, StateId = appliance.StateId, Street1 = appliance.Street1, Street2 = appliance.Street2, TimerEnabled = _params.alarms != null && _params.alarms.timerState != null && _params.alarms.timerState.state != 0 ? true : false, TriggerMile = Convert.ToDecimal(_appSettings.TriggerMiles), Wifi = thingWifi, WiFiInternet = thingWifiInternet, ZipCode = appliance.ZipCode, TrustLevel = thingTrustLevel != null ? thingTrustLevel : 0, IsOn = thingIsOn }); if (app != null) { var accountAppliance = _accountApplianceService.Insert(new AccountAppliance() { AccountId = app.AccountId, AirGapVersion = "", ApplianceId = app.Id, IsQRCodeScaned = false, IsVerified = false }); appliance.Id = app.Id; if (_params.attrs != null && _params.attrs.timerSchedule != null) { var timerScheduleDTO = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <TimerScheduleFromTelit>(_params.attrs.timerSchedule.value); char[] weekDayArray = timerScheduleDTO.Weekdays.ToCharArray(); char[] weekEndArray = timerScheduleDTO.Weekends.ToCharArray(); string valueWeekDay = string.Empty; string valueWeekEnd = string.Empty; for (int i = 0; i < weekDayArray.Length; i++) { if (weekDayArray[i] == '1') { valueWeekDay += i + 1 + ","; } } for (int i = 0; i < weekEndArray.Length; i++) { if (weekEndArray[i] == '1') { valueWeekEnd += i + 1 + ","; } } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(valueWeekDay)) { var timerScheduleOfWeekDays = new TimerSchedule() { TimerTypeId = Configuration.Weekdays, ApplianceId = app.Id, ActiveValues = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(valueWeekDay) ? valueWeekDay.Remove(valueWeekDay.Length - 1) : string.Empty }; _timerScheduleService.Insert(timerScheduleOfWeekDays); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(valueWeekEnd)) { var timerScheduleOfWeekEnd = new TimerSchedule() { TimerTypeId = Configuration.Weekends, ApplianceId = app.Id, ActiveValues = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(valueWeekEnd) ? valueWeekEnd.Remove(valueWeekEnd.Length - 1) : string.Empty }; _timerScheduleService.Insert(timerScheduleOfWeekEnd); } } } } else { if (isSerialNumberExist.AccountId == null) { isSerialNumberExist.AccountId = appliance.AccountId; isSerialNumberExist.Street1 = appliance.Street1; isSerialNumberExist.Street2 = appliance.Street2; isSerialNumberExist.City = appliance.City; isSerialNumberExist.StateId = appliance.StateId; isSerialNumberExist.ZipCode = appliance.ZipCode; isSerialNumberExist.Lat = _params.loc != null ? : 0; isSerialNumberExist.Lon = _params.loc != null ? _params.loc.lng : 0; isSerialNumberExist.Cellular = thingCellular; isSerialNumberExist.IsConnected = thingIsConnected; isSerialNumberExist.DeviceName = _params != null && _params.attrs != null && != null ? : string.Empty; isSerialNumberExist.OsVersion = ""; isSerialNumberExist.GeoFenceEnabled = _params.alarms != null && _params.alarms.timerState != null && _params.alarms.timerState.state != 0 ? true : false; isSerialNumberExist.Power = thingPower; isSerialNumberExist.TimerEnabled = _params.alarms != null && _params.alarms.timerState != null && _params.alarms.timerState.state != 0 ? true : false; isSerialNumberExist.Wifi = thingWifi; isSerialNumberExist.WiFiInternet = thingWifiInternet; isSerialNumberExist.ZipCode = appliance.ZipCode; isSerialNumberExist.TrustLevel = thingTrustLevel != null ? thingTrustLevel : 0; isSerialNumberExist.IsOn = thingIsOn; isSerialNumberExist.TriggerMile = Convert.ToDecimal(_appSettings.TriggerMiles); _applianceService.Update(isSerialNumberExist); var accountAppliance = _accountApplianceService.Insert(new AccountAppliance() { AccountId = appliance.AccountId, AirGapVersion = "", ApplianceId = isSerialNumberExist.Id, IsQRCodeScaned = false, IsVerified = false }); appliance.Id = isSerialNumberExist.Id; if (_params.attrs != null && _params.attrs.timerSchedule != null) { var timerScheduleDTO = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <TimerScheduleFromTelit>(_params.attrs.timerSchedule.value); char[] weekDayArray = timerScheduleDTO.Weekdays.ToCharArray(); char[] weekEndArray = timerScheduleDTO.Weekends.ToCharArray(); string valueWeekDay = string.Empty; string valueWeekEnd = string.Empty; for (int i = 0; i < weekDayArray.Length; i++) { if (weekDayArray[i] == '1') { valueWeekDay += i + 1 + ","; } } for (int i = 0; i < weekEndArray.Length; i++) { if (weekEndArray[i] == '1') { valueWeekEnd += i + 1 + ","; } } var timerSchedule = _timerScheduleService.GetTimerScheduleByApplianceId(appliance.Id); if (timerSchedule != null && timerSchedule.Count > 0) { foreach (var item in timerSchedule) { if (item.TimerTypeId == Configuration.Weekdays) { item.ActiveValues = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(valueWeekDay) ? valueWeekDay.Remove(valueWeekDay.Length - 1) : string.Empty; } if (item.TimerTypeId == Configuration.Weekends) { item.ActiveValues = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(valueWeekEnd) ? valueWeekEnd.Remove(valueWeekEnd.Length - 1) : string.Empty; } _timerScheduleService.Update(item); } } else { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(valueWeekDay)) { var timerScheduleOfWeekDays = new TimerSchedule() { TimerTypeId = Configuration.Weekdays, ApplianceId = isSerialNumberExist.Id, ActiveValues = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(valueWeekDay) ? valueWeekDay.Remove(valueWeekDay.Length - 1) : string.Empty }; _timerScheduleService.Insert(timerScheduleOfWeekDays); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(valueWeekEnd)) { var timerScheduleOfWeekEnd = new TimerSchedule() { TimerTypeId = Configuration.Weekends, ApplianceId = isSerialNumberExist.Id, ActiveValues = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(valueWeekEnd) ? valueWeekEnd.Remove(valueWeekEnd.Length - 1) : string.Empty }; _timerScheduleService.Insert(timerScheduleOfWeekEnd); } } } } else { response.Status = ResponseStatus.Success.ToString(); response.Message = ResponseMessage.SerialNumberIsExist; return(response); } } } appliance.IsMatching = isMatching; appliance.HasSerialNumber = hasSerialNumber; response.Data = appliance; response.Status = ResponseStatus.Success.ToString(); return(response); } catch (Exception ex) { var response = new ResponseData <ApplianceDTO>(); response.Message = ex.Message; response.Status = ResponseStatus.Error.ToString(); return(response); } }
public async Task <IActionResult> UpdateStatusFromTelit([FromBody] RequestTelit request) { try { Event _event = null; var appliance = _applianceService.GetApplianceBySerialNumber(request.thing); if (appliance == null) { return(Json(new { success = true, message = ResponseMessage.SerialNumberInCorrect })); } if (request.key.ToLower() == Configuration.TurnOn) { if (appliance != null) { var thingFind = await TelitApi.ThingFind(request.thing); Telit.ThingFind.Params _params = new Telit.ThingFind.Params(); bool isMatching = false; if (thingFind != null && thingFind.Things != null && thingFind.Things.success && thingFind.Things.@params != null) { _params = thingFind.Things.@params; if (_params.loc != null) { isMatching = DistanceBetweenPlaces(appliance.Lat.Value, appliance.Lon.Value,, _params.loc.lng) <= Convert.ToDouble(_appSettings.Miles) ? true : false; if (!isMatching) { appliance.StateId = _params.loc != null && _params.loc.addr != null && _stateService.GetStateByNameOrCode(_params.loc.addr.state) != null ? (long?)_stateService.GetStateByNameOrCode(_params.loc.addr.state).Id : null; appliance.Street1 = _params.loc != null && _params.loc.addr != null ? _params.loc.addr.streetNumber + " " + _params.loc.addr.street : string.Empty; appliance.Street2 = string.Empty; appliance.Lat = _params.loc != null ? : 0; appliance.Lon = _params.loc != null ? _params.loc.lng : 0; appliance.City = _params.loc != null && _params.loc.addr != null ? : string.Empty; appliance.ZipCode = _params.loc != null && _params.loc.addr != null ? _params.loc.addr.zipCode : string.Empty; } } } appliance.IsOn = Convert.ToBoolean(Convert.ToInt16(request.value)); if (Convert.ToInt16(request.value) == Configuration.Off) { appliance.TimerEnabled = true; appliance.GeoFenceEnabled = true; } _applianceService.Update(appliance); if (Convert.ToInt32(request.value) == (Int32)AlarmStatus.OffScheduleTimer || Convert.ToInt32(request.value) == (Int32)AlarmStatus.OnScheduleTimer) { request.msg = ResponseMessage.ScheduleTimerChange; } _event = new Event() { ApplianceId = Convert.ToInt64(appliance.Id), EventTypeId = Constant.EventType.ConnectionChange, EventDetail = Constant.ResponseMessage.ConnectionChange, Timestamp = DateTime.UtcNow, Message = request.msg }; _eventService.Insert(_event); } } else if (request.key.ToLower() == Configuration.Name) { if (appliance != null) { appliance.DeviceName = request.value; _applianceService.Update(appliance); } } else if (request.key.ToLower() == Configuration.Env) { var applianceEnvironment = Convert.ToString(Convert.ToInt16(request.value), 2).PadLeft(4, '0'); var array = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(applianceEnvironment) ? applianceEnvironment.ToArray() : new char[] { }; if (appliance != null) { bool isPowerStatusChange = appliance.Power != (array.Length == 4 ? Convert.ToBoolean(Convert.ToInt16(array[3].ToString())) : false) ? true : false; bool isWifiStatusChange = appliance.Wifi != (array.Length == 4 ? Convert.ToBoolean(Convert.ToInt16(array[1].ToString())) : false) ? true : false; bool isWiFiInternetStatusChange = appliance.WiFiInternet != (array.Length == 4 ? Convert.ToBoolean(Convert.ToInt16(array[0].ToString())) : false) ? true : false; appliance.Cellular = array.Length == 4 ? Convert.ToBoolean(Convert.ToInt16(array[2].ToString())) : false; appliance.Power = array.Length == 4 ? Convert.ToBoolean(Convert.ToInt16(array[3].ToString())) : false; appliance.Wifi = array.Length == 4 ? Convert.ToBoolean(Convert.ToInt16(array[1].ToString())) : false; appliance.WiFiInternet = array.Length == 4 ? Convert.ToBoolean(Convert.ToInt16(array[0].ToString())) : false; var thingFind = await TelitApi.ThingFind(request.thing); Telit.ThingFind.Params _params = new Telit.ThingFind.Params(); bool isMatching = false; if (thingFind != null && thingFind.Things != null && thingFind.Things.success && thingFind.Things.@params != null) { _params = thingFind.Things.@params; if (_params.loc != null) { isMatching = DistanceBetweenPlaces(appliance.Lat.Value, appliance.Lon.Value,, _params.loc.lng) <= Convert.ToDouble(_appSettings.Miles) ? true : false; if (!isMatching) { appliance.StateId = _params.loc != null && _params.loc.addr != null && _stateService.GetStateByNameOrCode(_params.loc.addr.state) != null ? (long?)_stateService.GetStateByNameOrCode(_params.loc.addr.state).Id : null; appliance.Street1 = _params.loc != null && _params.loc.addr != null ? _params.loc.addr.streetNumber + " " + _params.loc.addr.street : string.Empty; appliance.Street2 = string.Empty; appliance.Lat = _params.loc != null ? : 0; appliance.Lon = _params.loc != null ? _params.loc.lng : 0; appliance.City = _params.loc != null && _params.loc.addr != null ? : string.Empty; appliance.ZipCode = _params.loc != null && _params.loc.addr != null ? _params.loc.addr.zipCode : string.Empty; } } } _applianceService.Update(appliance); var lAccount = _accountApplianceService.GetAccountByApplianceId(appliance.Id, true); if (isPowerStatusChange) { _event = new Event() { ApplianceId = Convert.ToInt64(appliance.Id), EventTypeId = Constant.EventType.HomePowerLoss, EventDetail = Constant.ResponseMessage.ManualConnectedStatusChange, Timestamp = DateTime.UtcNow, Message = appliance.DeviceName + "(" + appliance.SerialNumber.Substring(appliance.SerialNumber.Length - 4) + ")" + ": " + Constant.ResponseMessage.HomePower + " " + (array.Length == 4 && Convert.ToBoolean(Convert.ToInt16(array[3].ToString())) ? Configuration.TurnOn.ToUpper() : Configuration.TurnOff.ToUpper()) }; var insEvent = _eventService.Insert(_event); if (lAccount != null && lAccount.Count > 0) { foreach (var item in lAccount) { var notificationPreference = _notificationPreferenceService.GetNotificationPreferenceByAccountId(item.Id.Value); if (notificationPreference.Any(x => x.EventTypeId == Constant.EventType.HomePowerLoss && x.ApplianceId == appliance.Id)) { var temp = notificationPreference.FirstOrDefault(x => x.EventTypeId == Constant.EventType.HomePowerLoss && x.ApplianceId == appliance.Id); var accountAppliance = _accountApplianceService.GetAccountApplianceByAccountIdAndApplianceId(temp.AccountId, temp.ApplianceId); if (accountAppliance.PhoneType == Configuration.Android) { var pushGcmotification = new AndroidGcmPushNotification(_appSettings); pushGcmotification.InitPushNotification(accountAppliance.DeviceToken, insEvent.Message); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(1000); } else { var applePush = new ApplePushNotificationService(_appSettings); applePush.PushMessage(insEvent.Message, accountAppliance.DeviceToken, 0, null).Wait(); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(1000); } var notification = new Notification() { AccountId = accountAppliance.AccountId, ApplianceId = accountAppliance.ApplianceId, EventId = insEvent.Id, Timestamp = DateTime.UtcNow }; _notificationService.Insert(notification); } } } } if (isWifiStatusChange) { _event = new Event() { ApplianceId = Convert.ToInt64(appliance.Id), EventTypeId = request.msg != null && request.msg == Constant.EventType.StatusChangeFromGeoFence.ToString() ? Constant.EventType.StatusChangeFromGeoFence : Constant.EventType.NetWorkStatusChange, EventDetail = Constant.ResponseMessage.Wifi, Timestamp = DateTime.UtcNow, Message = appliance.DeviceName + "(" + appliance.SerialNumber.Substring(appliance.SerialNumber.Length - 4) + ")" + ": " + Constant.ResponseMessage.Wifi + " " + (array.Length == 4 && Convert.ToBoolean(Convert.ToInt16(array[1].ToString())) ? Configuration.TurnOn.ToUpper() : Configuration.TurnOff.ToUpper()) }; var insEvent = _eventService.Insert(_event); if (lAccount != null && lAccount.Count > 0) { foreach (var item in lAccount) { var notificationPreference = _notificationPreferenceService.GetNotificationPreferenceByAccountId(item.Id.Value); if (notificationPreference.Any(x => x.EventTypeId == Constant.EventType.NetWorkStatusChange && x.ApplianceId == appliance.Id)) { var temp = notificationPreference.FirstOrDefault(x => x.EventTypeId == Constant.EventType.NetWorkStatusChange && x.ApplianceId == appliance.Id); var accountAppliance = _accountApplianceService.GetAccountApplianceByAccountIdAndApplianceId(temp.AccountId, temp.ApplianceId); if (accountAppliance.PhoneType == Configuration.Android) { var pushGcmotification = new AndroidGcmPushNotification(_appSettings); pushGcmotification.InitPushNotification(accountAppliance.DeviceToken, insEvent.Message); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(1000); } else { var applePush = new ApplePushNotificationService(_appSettings); applePush.PushMessage(insEvent.Message, accountAppliance.DeviceToken, 0, null).Wait(); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(1000); } var notification = new Notification() { AccountId = accountAppliance.AccountId, ApplianceId = accountAppliance.ApplianceId, EventId = insEvent.Id, Timestamp = DateTime.UtcNow }; _notificationService.Insert(notification); } } } } if (isWiFiInternetStatusChange) { _event = new Event() { ApplianceId = Convert.ToInt64(appliance.Id), EventTypeId = Constant.EventType.ISPOutage, EventDetail = Constant.ResponseMessage.ISPOutage, Timestamp = DateTime.UtcNow, Message = appliance.DeviceName + "(" + appliance.SerialNumber.Substring(appliance.SerialNumber.Length - 4) + ")" + ": " + Constant.ResponseMessage.ISPOutage + " " + (array.Length == 4 && Convert.ToBoolean(Convert.ToInt16(array[0].ToString())) ? Configuration.Connected : Configuration.Disconnected) }; var insEvent = _eventService.Insert(_event); if (lAccount != null && lAccount.Count > 0) { foreach (var item in lAccount) { var notificationPreference = _notificationPreferenceService.GetNotificationPreferenceByAccountId(item.Id.Value); if (notificationPreference.Any(x => x.EventTypeId == Constant.EventType.ISPOutage && x.ApplianceId == appliance.Id)) { var temp = notificationPreference.FirstOrDefault(x => x.EventTypeId == Constant.EventType.ISPOutage && x.ApplianceId == appliance.Id); var accountAppliance = _accountApplianceService.GetAccountApplianceByAccountIdAndApplianceId(temp.AccountId, temp.ApplianceId); if (accountAppliance.PhoneType == Configuration.Android) { var pushGcmotification = new AndroidGcmPushNotification(_appSettings); pushGcmotification.InitPushNotification(accountAppliance.DeviceToken, insEvent.Message); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(1000); } else { var applePush = new ApplePushNotificationService(_appSettings); applePush.PushMessage(insEvent.Message, accountAppliance.DeviceToken, 0, null).Wait(); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(1000); } var notification = new Notification() { AccountId = accountAppliance.AccountId, ApplianceId = accountAppliance.ApplianceId, EventId = insEvent.Id, Timestamp = DateTime.UtcNow }; _notificationService.Insert(notification); } } } } } } else if (request.key.ToLower() == Configuration.Trust.ToLower()) { if (appliance != null) { bool isStatusChange = appliance.TrustLevel != null && appliance.TrustLevel.Value.ToString() != request.value ? true : false; _event = new Event() { ApplianceId = Convert.ToInt64(appliance.Id), EventTypeId = Constant.EventType.TrustLevelChange, EventDetail = Constant.ResponseMessage.TrustLevel, Timestamp = DateTime.UtcNow, Message = Constant.ResponseMessage.TrustLevel + " " + request.value }; _eventService.Insert(_event); appliance.TrustLevel = Convert.ToInt16(request.value); _applianceService.Update(appliance); } } else if (request.key.ToLower() == Configuration.TimmerState) { if (appliance != null) { appliance.TimerEnabled = Convert.ToInt16(request.value) != Configuration.TimerDisable ? true : false; _applianceService.Update(appliance); } } else if (request.key.ToLower() == Configuration.TimerSchedule) { var timerScheduleDTO = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <TimerScheduleFromTelit>(request.value); var timerScheduleOldValue = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <TimerScheduleFromTelit>(request.prev); char[] weekDayArray = timerScheduleDTO.Weekdays.ToCharArray(); char[] weekEndArray = timerScheduleDTO.Weekends.ToCharArray(); string valueWeekDay = string.Empty; string valueWeekEnd = string.Empty; for (int i = 0; i < weekDayArray.Length; i++) { if (weekDayArray[i] == '1') { valueWeekDay += i + 1 + ","; } } for (int i = 0; i < weekEndArray.Length; i++) { if (weekEndArray[i] == '1') { valueWeekEnd += i + 1 + ","; } } var timerSchedule = _timerScheduleService.GetTimerScheduleByApplianceId(appliance.Id); if (timerSchedule != null && timerSchedule.Count > 0) { foreach (var item in timerSchedule) { if (item.TimerTypeId == Configuration.Weekdays) { item.ActiveValues = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(valueWeekDay) ? valueWeekDay.Remove(valueWeekDay.Length - 1) : string.Empty; } if (item.TimerTypeId == Configuration.Weekends) { item.ActiveValues = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(valueWeekEnd) ? valueWeekEnd.Remove(valueWeekEnd.Length - 1) : string.Empty; } _timerScheduleService.Update(item); } _event = new Event() { ApplianceId = Convert.ToInt64(appliance.Id), EventTypeId = Constant.EventType.ScheduleTimerChange, EventDetail = Constant.ResponseMessage.ScheduleTimerChange, Timestamp = DateTime.UtcNow, Message = "from Weekdays: " + timerScheduleOldValue.Weekdays + " Weekends: " + timerScheduleOldValue.Weekends + " to Weekdays: " + timerScheduleDTO.Weekdays + " Weekends: " + timerScheduleDTO.Weekends }; _eventService.Insert(_event); } else { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(valueWeekDay)) { var timerScheduleOfWeekDays = new TimerSchedule() { TimerTypeId = Configuration.Weekdays, ApplianceId = appliance.Id, ActiveValues = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(valueWeekDay) ? valueWeekDay.Remove(valueWeekDay.Length - 1) : string.Empty }; _timerScheduleService.Insert(timerScheduleOfWeekDays); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(valueWeekEnd)) { var timerScheduleOfWeekEnd = new TimerSchedule() { TimerTypeId = Configuration.Weekends, ApplianceId = appliance.Id, ActiveValues = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(valueWeekEnd) ? valueWeekEnd.Remove(valueWeekEnd.Length - 1) : string.Empty }; _timerScheduleService.Insert(timerScheduleOfWeekEnd); } _event = new Event() { ApplianceId = Convert.ToInt64(appliance.Id), EventTypeId = Constant.EventType.ScheduleTimerChange, EventDetail = Constant.ResponseMessage.ScheduleTimerChange, Timestamp = DateTime.UtcNow, Message = "from Weekdays: " + timerScheduleOldValue.Weekdays + " Weekends: " + timerScheduleOldValue.Weekends + " to Weekdays: " + timerScheduleDTO.Weekdays + " Weekends: " + timerScheduleDTO.Weekends }; _eventService.Insert(_event); } } } catch (Exception ex) { return(Json(new { success = false, message = ex.Message })); } return(Json(new { success = true, message = request.msg })); }
public async Task <ResponseData <Dashboard> > UpdateGeoFenceTrip(string uuid, string lat, string lon) { try { var response = new ResponseData <Dashboard>(); var lAccountAppliance = _accountApplianceService.GetAccountApplianceByUUID(uuid); //get all appliance by uuid var listAppliance = _accountApplianceService.GetAllApplianceOfUUID(uuid); if (listAppliance != null && listAppliance.Count() > 0) { foreach (var item in listAppliance) { if (item.GeoFenceEnabled == false && item.TimerEnabled == false) { continue; } bool isTurnOnNetwork = false; if (item.GeoFenceEnabled.Value) { if (lAccountAppliance != null && lAccountAppliance.Count > 0) { foreach (var accountAppliance in lAccountAppliance) { if (accountAppliance.ApplianceId == item.Id) { accountAppliance.Lat = Convert.ToDouble(lat); accountAppliance.Lon = Convert.ToDouble(lon); _accountApplianceService.Update(accountAppliance); } } } var lAccounts = _accountApplianceService.GetAccountByApplianceId(item.Id, true); //lAccounts = lAccounts.Where(x => x.Id != item.Id).ToList(); foreach (var account in lAccounts) { if (!isTurnOnNetwork) { double lon1 = item.Lon != null && item.Lon.HasValue ? item.Lon.Value : 0; double lat1 = item.Lat != null && item.Lat.HasValue ? item.Lat.Value : 0; double lon2 = account.Lon != null && account.Lon.HasValue ? account.Lon.Value : 0; double lat2 = account.Lat != null && account.Lat.HasValue ? account.Lat.Value : 0; var isMatching = DistanceBetweenPlaces(lon1, lat1, lon2, lat2); if (isMatching < Convert.ToDouble(item.TriggerMile)) { isTurnOnNetwork = true; } } } //get appliance in telit string applianceEnvironment = string.Empty; var thingFind = await TelitApi.ThingFind(item.SerialNumber); Telit.ThingFind.Params _params = new Telit.ThingFind.Params(); bool?wifi = null; if (thingFind != null && thingFind.Things != null && thingFind.Things.success && thingFind.Things.@params != null) { _params = thingFind.Things.@params; } if (_params != null && _params.alarms != null && _params.alarms.env != null && _params.alarms.env.state >= 0 && _params.alarms.env.state < 16) { applianceEnvironment = Convert.ToString(_params.alarms.env.state, 2).PadLeft(4, '0'); var array = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(applianceEnvironment) ? applianceEnvironment.ToArray() : new char[] { }; wifi = array.Length == 4 ? Convert.ToBoolean(Convert.ToInt16(array[1].ToString())) : false; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(applianceEnvironment) && wifi != null && wifi.HasValue) { if (wifi.Value != isTurnOnNetwork) { if (isTurnOnNetwork) { var updateTimerState = await TelitApi.UpdateTimerState(item.SerialNumber, Configuration.TimerEnable, true); string message = "Update from Geofence"; await TelitApi.UpdateAlarmState(item.SerialNumber, AlarmStatus.OnGeofence, message); var UpdateNetwork = await TelitApi.UpdateEnvironment(item.SerialNumber, Convert.ToInt32(ReplaceAt(applianceEnvironment, 1, '1'), 2), Constant.EventType.StatusChangeFromGeoFence.ToString()); var isSuccess = await TelitApi.UpdateAlarmState(item.SerialNumber, AlarmStatus.OnGeofence, string.Empty); } else { var updateTimerState = await TelitApi.UpdateTimerState(item.SerialNumber, Configuration.TimerDisable, false); string message = "Update from Geofence"; await TelitApi.UpdateAlarmState(item.SerialNumber, AlarmStatus.OffGeofence, message); var UpdateNetwork = await TelitApi.UpdateEnvironment(item.SerialNumber, Convert.ToInt32(ReplaceAt(applianceEnvironment, 1, '0'), 2), Constant.EventType.StatusChangeFromGeoFence.ToString()); var isSuccess = await TelitApi.UpdateAlarmState(item.SerialNumber, AlarmStatus.OffGeofence, string.Empty); } } } } } } response.Status = ResponseStatus.Success.ToString(); return(response); } catch (Exception ex) { var response = new ResponseData <Dashboard>(); response.Message = ex.Message; response.Status = ResponseStatus.Error.ToString(); return(response); } }
public async Task <ResponseData <Dashboard> > Index(string accountid, string applianceid) { try { var accountAppliance = _accountApplianceService.GetAccountApplianceByAccountId(Convert.ToInt64(accountid)); var _event = _eventService.GetEventByApplianceId(Convert.ToInt64(applianceid)); var lAccounts = _accountApplianceService.GetAccountByApplianceId(Convert.ToInt64(applianceid), true); List <AccountApplianceDTO> accountApplianceDTO = new List <AccountApplianceDTO>(); if (accountAppliance != null && accountAppliance.Count > 0) { foreach (var item in accountAppliance) { accountApplianceDTO.Add(new AccountApplianceDTO(item)); } } lAccounts = lAccounts.Where(x => x.Id != Convert.ToInt64(accountid)).ToList(); if (!TelitApi.IsConnected) { TelitApi.CheckIOTConnection().Wait(); } var appliance = _applianceService.GetApplianceById(Convert.ToInt64(applianceid)); var thingFind = await TelitApi.ThingFind(appliance.SerialNumber); Telit.ThingFind.Params _params = new Telit.ThingFind.Params(); string applianceEnvironment = string.Empty; ApplianceDTO applianceDTO = new ApplianceDTO(); if (thingFind != null && thingFind.Things != null && thingFind.Things.success && thingFind.Things.@params != null) { _params = thingFind.Things.@params; } if (_params != null && _params.alarms != null && _params.alarms.env != null && _params.alarms.env.state >= 0 && _params.alarms.env.state < 16) { applianceEnvironment = Convert.ToString(_params.alarms.env.state, 2).PadLeft(4, '0'); var array = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(applianceEnvironment) ? applianceEnvironment.ToArray() : new char[] { }; applianceDTO.Cellular = array.Length == 4 ? Convert.ToBoolean(Convert.ToInt16(array[2].ToString())) : false; applianceDTO.Power = array.Length == 4 ? Convert.ToBoolean(Convert.ToInt16(array[3].ToString())) : false; applianceDTO.Wifi = array.Length == 4 ? Convert.ToBoolean(Convert.ToInt16(array[1].ToString())) : false; applianceDTO.WiFiInternet = array.Length == 4 ? Convert.ToBoolean(Convert.ToInt16(array[0].ToString())) : false; } applianceDTO.TimerEnabled = _params != null && _params.alarms != null && _params.alarms.timerState != null ? (Convert.ToInt64(_params.alarms.timerState.state) != 0 ? true : false) : false; applianceDTO.DeviceName = _params != null && _params.attrs != null && != null ? : appliance.DeviceName; applianceDTO.SerialNumber = appliance.SerialNumber; applianceDTO.TriggerMile = appliance.TriggerMile; applianceDTO.Id = appliance.Id; applianceDTO.IsOn = _params != null && _params.alarms != null && _params.alarms.on != null?CheckApplianceIsOn(Convert.ToInt16(_params.alarms.on.state)) : false; applianceDTO.IsConnected = _params.connected; applianceDTO.Lat = appliance.Lat; applianceDTO.Lon = appliance.Lon; applianceDTO.GeoFenceEnabled = appliance.GeoFenceEnabled; applianceDTO.Status = appliance.Status; if (_params != null && _params.alarms != null) { applianceDTO.TrustLevel = != null ? (int?) : 3; } var plans = _stripeService.GetPlans(); var subscriptionId = _accountApplianceService.GetAccountApplianceByAccountIdAndApplianceId(Convert.ToInt64(accountid), Convert.ToInt64(applianceid)); DateTime?expireDate = null; bool cancelAtEnd = false; if (subscriptionId != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(subscriptionId.SubscriptionId)) { var stripe = _stripeService.RetrieveSubscription(subscriptionId.SubscriptionId); // current period end expireDate = stripe.CurrentPeriodEnd; cancelAtEnd = stripe.CancelAtPeriodEnd; } var dashboard = new Dashboard() { AccountAppliance = accountApplianceDTO, Events = _event, ListAccountsDTO = lAccounts, IsIOTConnected = TelitApi.IsConnected, Plans = plans, AppDTO = applianceDTO, ExpireDate = expireDate, CancelAtEnd = cancelAtEnd, IsApplianceConnected = applianceDTO.IsConnected.Value }; var response = new ResponseData <Dashboard>(); response.Data = dashboard; response.Message = ResponseMessage.Success; response.Status = ResponseStatus.Success.ToString(); return(response); } catch (Exception ex) { var response = new ResponseData <Dashboard>(); response.Message = ex.Message; response.Status = ResponseStatus.Error.ToString(); return(response); } }
public async Task <ResponseData <Dashboard> > SetAirGapOn(string applianceid, string accountId, string airGapAlwaysStatus) { try { var appliance = _applianceService.GetApplianceById(Convert.ToInt64(applianceid)); var account = _accountService.GetAccountById(appliance.AccountId.Value); var thingFind = await TelitApi.ThingFind(appliance.SerialNumber); Telit.ThingFind.Params _params = new Telit.ThingFind.Params(); string applianceEnvironment = string.Empty; if (thingFind != null && thingFind.Things != null && thingFind.Things.success && thingFind.Things.@params != null) { _params = thingFind.Things.@params; } bool isOn = _params != null && _params.alarms != null && _params.alarms.on != null?CheckApplianceIsOn(Convert.ToInt16(_params.alarms.on.state)) : false; if (airGapAlwaysStatus.ToLower() == Configuration.TurnOff.ToLower()) { appliance.TimerEnabled = true; appliance.GeoFenceEnabled = true; var isSuccess = await TelitApi.UpdateTimerState(appliance.SerialNumber, Configuration.TimerEnable, appliance.IsOn.Value); } else { if (isOn == false) { string message = "Update from WebPortal by " + account.Email; var isSuccess = await TelitApi.UpdateAlarmState(appliance.SerialNumber, airGapAlwaysStatus == Configuration.TurnOff.ToLower()?AlarmStatus.OffPortal : AlarmStatus.OnPortal, message); var updateTimerState = await TelitApi.UpdateTimerState(appliance.SerialNumber, Configuration.TimerDisable, appliance.IsOn.Value); } else { var updateTimerState = await TelitApi.UpdateTimerState(appliance.SerialNumber, Configuration.TimerDisable, appliance.IsOn.Value); } appliance.TimerEnabled = false; appliance.GeoFenceEnabled = false; } _applianceService.Update(appliance); var _event = new Event() { ApplianceId = Convert.ToInt64(applianceid), AccountId = Convert.ToInt64(accountId), EventTypeId = Constant.EventType.AlwaysOnStatusChange, EventDetail = Constant.ResponseMessage.AlwaysOnStatusChange, Timestamp = DateTime.UtcNow, Message = Constant.ResponseMessage.AlwaysOnStatusChange + " " + airGapAlwaysStatus.ToUpper() }; _eventService.Insert(_event); var response = new ResponseData <Dashboard>(); response.Message = ResponseMessage.Success; response.Status = ResponseStatus.Success.ToString(); return(response); } catch (Exception ex) { var response = new ResponseData <Dashboard>(); response.Message = ex.Message; response.Status = ResponseStatus.Error.ToString(); return(response); } }