        static void Main(string[] args)
            // Preparations.

            // Construct our connection string - or just copy it from the Application Insights instance entirely.
            var appiConnectionString = $"InstrumentationKey={appiKey};IngestionEndpoint={appiEndpoint}";

            // Wire up a new Application Insights client
            // - Define the TelemetryConfiguration with a connections tring
            // - Define the identity to use. For development purposes, I'm using DefaultAzureCredentials(). In production/cloud workloads, this would be connected using ManagedIdentityCredentials in most of my scenarios.
            // -- Make sure your currently signed in user to VS has access to Application Insights, else it will not work, as it requires an authenticated user.
            // - Set up a new TelemetryClient, use our configuration, and send some traces.

            // required nuget: Microsoft.ApplicationInsights
            var appiConfig = new TelemetryConfiguration
                ConnectionString = appiConnectionString

            // required nuget: Azure.Identity
            var credential = new DefaultAzureCredential(); // For dev: Your VS user - make sure it has RBAC configured with the "Monitoring Metrics Publisher" role for your Application Insights instance.


            var telemetryClient = new TelemetryClient(appiConfig);

            // Send some telemetry, to ensure they end up in the logs as we expect.
            telemetryClient.TrackTrace($"I code. Therefore I am.");
            telemetryClient.TrackException(new System.Exception("Unicorns does not exist"));

            Console.WriteLine("Done sending some telemetry...");