public async void BotOnMessageReceived(object sender, MessageEventArgs messageEventArgs) { Message message = messageEventArgs.Message; if (message == null || message.Type != MessageType.TextMessage) { return; } _chatid = message.Chat.Id; try { Logger.ColoredConsoleWrite(ConsoleColor.Red, "[TelegramAPI] Got Request from " + message.From.Username + " | " + message.Text); string username = _botSettings.TelegramName; string telegramAnswer = string.Empty; if (username != message.From.Username) { using (System.IO.Stream stream = new System.IO.MemoryStream()) { PokemonGo.RocketAPI.Logic.Properties.Resources.norights.Save(stream, System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Jpeg); stream.Position = 0; await _telegram.SendPhotoAsync(_chatid, new FileToSend("norights.jpg", stream), replyMarkup : new ReplyKeyboardHide()).ConfigureAwait(false); } return; } // [0]-Commando; [1+]-Argument var msgText = message.Text; string[] textCMD = msgText.Split(new char[] { ' ' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); TelegramUtilTask cmd = getTask(textCMD[0]); switch (cmd) { case TelegramUtilTask.UNKNOWN: telegramAnswer = string.Format("Usage:\r\n{0}\r\n{1}\r\n{2}\r\n{3}\r\n{4}\r\n{5}\r\n{6}\r\n{7}\r\n{8}\r\n{9}", @"/stats - Get Current Stats", @"/livestats - Enable/Disable Live Stats", @"/information <topic> - Enable/Disable Information topics", @"/top <HowMany?> - Outputs Top (?) Pokemons", @"/transfer pokemon cp - transfer pokemons that matches with the given data", @"/items - Outputs Items List", @"/drop item amount - Throws the amount of items given", @"/forceevolve - Forces Evolve", @"/snipe pokemon latitude, longitude - snipe desired pokemon", @"/stopbot - stop running bot"); break; case TelegramUtilTask.GET_STATS: var ps = _client.Inventory.GetPlayerStats(); int l = ps.First().Level; long expneeded = ((ps.First().NextLevelXp - ps.First().PrevLevelXp) - StringUtils.getExpDiff(ps.First().Level)); long curexp = ((ps.First().Experience - ps.First().PrevLevelXp) - StringUtils.getExpDiff(ps.First().Level)); double curexppercent = (Convert.ToDouble(curexp) / Convert.ToDouble(expneeded)) * 100; string curloc = _client.CurrentLatitude + "%20" + _client.CurrentLongitude; curloc = curloc.Replace(",", "."); string curlochtml = "" + curloc + "/"; double shortenLng = Math.Round(_client.CurrentLongitude, 3); double shortenLat = Math.Round(_client.CurrentLatitude, 3); var player = _client.Player.GetPlayer(); telegramAnswer += "\nNickname: " + player.PlayerData.Username; telegramAnswer += "\nLevel: " + ps.First().Level; telegramAnswer += "\nEXP Needed: " + ((ps.First().NextLevelXp - ps.First().PrevLevelXp) - StringUtils.getExpDiff(ps.First().Level)); telegramAnswer += $"\nCurrent EXP: {curexp} ({Math.Round(curexppercent)}%)"; telegramAnswer += "\nEXP to Level up: " + ((ps.First().NextLevelXp) - (ps.First().Experience)); telegramAnswer += "\nKM walked: " + ps.First().KmWalked; telegramAnswer += "\nPokeStops visited: " + ps.First().PokeStopVisits; telegramAnswer += "\nStardust: " + player.PlayerData.Currencies.ToArray()[1].Amount; telegramAnswer += "\nPokemons: " + (_client.Inventory.GetPokemons()).Count() + "/" + player.PlayerData.MaxPokemonStorage; telegramAnswer += "\nItems: " + _client.Inventory.GetItems().Count() + " / " + player.PlayerData.MaxItemStorage; telegramAnswer += "\nCurentLocation:\n" + curlochtml; break; case TelegramUtilTask.GET_TOPLIST: int shows = 10; if (textCMD.Length > 1 && !int.TryParse(textCMD[1], out shows)) { telegramAnswer += $"Error! This is not a Number: {textCMD[1]}\nNevermind...\n"; shows = 10; //TryParse error will reset to 0 } telegramAnswer += "Showing " + shows + " Pokemons...\nSorting..."; await _telegram.SendTextMessageAsync(_chatid, telegramAnswer, replyMarkup : new ReplyKeyboardHide()).ConfigureAwait(false); var myPokemons = _client.Inventory.GetPokemons(); myPokemons = myPokemons.OrderByDescending(x => x.Cp); var PogoUsername = _client.Player.GetPlayer().PlayerData.Username; telegramAnswer = $"Top {shows} Pokemons of {PogoUsername}:"; IEnumerable <PokemonData> topPokemon = myPokemons.Take(shows); foreach (PokemonData pokemon in topPokemon) { telegramAnswer += string.Format("\n{0} | CP: {1} ({2}% perfect)", pokemon.PokemonId, pokemon.Cp, Math.Round(PokemonInfo.CalculatePokemonPerfection(pokemon), 2)); } break; case TelegramUtilTask.SWITCH_LIVESTATS: _livestats = SwitchAndGetAnswer(_livestats, out telegramAnswer, "Live Stats"); break; case TelegramUtilTask.SWITCH_INFORMATION: //_informations = SwitchAndGetAnswer(_informations, out telegramAnswer, "Information"); Array topics = Enum.GetValues(typeof(TelegramUtilInformationTopics)); if (textCMD.Length > 1) { if (textCMD[1] == "all-enable") { foreach (TelegramUtilInformationTopics topic in topics) { String niceName = topic.ToString().Substring(0, 1).ToUpper() + topic.ToString().Substring(1).ToLower(); telegramAnswer += "Enabled information topic " + niceName + "\n"; _information[topic] = true; } break; } else if (textCMD[1] == "all-disable") { foreach (TelegramUtilInformationTopics topic in topics) { String niceName = topic.ToString().Substring(0, 1).ToUpper() + topic.ToString().Substring(1).ToLower(); telegramAnswer += "Disabled information topic " + niceName + "\n"; _information[topic] = false; } break; } else { foreach (TelegramUtilInformationTopics topic in topics) { if (textCMD[1].ToLower() == topic.ToString().ToLower()) { String niceName = topic.ToString().Substring(0, 1).ToUpper() + topic.ToString().Substring(1).ToLower(); _information[topic] = !_information[topic]; telegramAnswer = (_information[topic] ? "En" : "Dis") + "abled information topic " + niceName + "\n"; break; } } } } else { foreach (TelegramUtilInformationTopics topic in topics) { String niceName = topic.ToString().Substring(0, 1).ToUpper() + topic.ToString().Substring(1).ToLower(); telegramAnswer += " - " + niceName + "\n"; telegramAnswer += " - " + _informationDescription[topic] + "\n"; telegramAnswer += " - Currently " + (_information[topic] ? "enabled" : "disabled") + "\n"; telegramAnswer += "\n"; } telegramAnswer += " - all-disable\n"; telegramAnswer += " - " + TranslationHandler.GetString("telegram-disable-all", "Disable all topics") + "\n"; telegramAnswer += "\n"; telegramAnswer += " - all-enable\n"; telegramAnswer += " - " + TranslationHandler.GetString("telegram-enable-all", "Enable all topics") + "\n"; telegramAnswer += "\n"; break; } break; case TelegramUtilTask.RUN_FORCEEVOLVE: IEnumerable <PokemonData> pokemonToEvolve = Setout.GetPokemonToEvolve(true); if (pokemonToEvolve.Count() > 3) { Setout.UseLuckyEgg(_client); } foreach (PokemonData pokemon in pokemonToEvolve) { if (_botSettings.pokemonsToEvolve.Contains(pokemon.PokemonId)) { var evolvePokemonOutProto = _client.Inventory.EvolvePokemon((ulong)pokemon.Id); if (evolvePokemonOutProto.Result == POGOProtos.Networking.Responses.EvolvePokemonResponse.Types.Result.Success) { await _telegram.SendTextMessageAsync(_chatid, $"Evolved {pokemon.PokemonId} successfully for {evolvePokemonOutProto.ExperienceAwarded}xp", replyMarkup : new ReplyKeyboardHide()).ConfigureAwait(false); } else { await _telegram.SendTextMessageAsync(_chatid, $"Failed to evolve {pokemon.PokemonId}. EvolvePokemonOutProto.Result was {evolvePokemonOutProto.Result}, stopping evolving {pokemon.PokemonId}", replyMarkup : new ReplyKeyboardHide()).ConfigureAwait(false); } RandomHelper.RandomSleep(2000); } } telegramAnswer = "Done."; break; case TelegramUtilTask.RUN_SNIPE: telegramAnswer = ProcessSnipeCommand(msgText.Replace(textCMD[0], "").Trim()); break; case TelegramUtilTask.FORCE_STOP: var secs = 1; if (textCMD.Length > 1) { int.TryParse(textCMD[1].Trim(), out secs); } telegramAnswer = $"Stopping bot in {secs} seconds"; await _telegram.SendTextMessageAsync(_chatid, telegramAnswer, replyMarkup : new ReplyKeyboardHide()).ConfigureAwait(false); _telegram.StopReceiving(); RandomHelper.RandomSleep(secs * 1000); Environment.Exit(0); break; case TelegramUtilTask.TRANSFER_POKEMON: telegramAnswer = ProcessTransferPokemon(msgText.Replace(textCMD[0], "").Trim()); break; case TelegramUtilTask.GET_ITEMSLIST: telegramAnswer = ProcessGetItemList(); break; case TelegramUtilTask.DROP_ITEM: telegramAnswer = ProcessDropItem(msgText.Replace(textCMD[0], "").Trim()); break; } await _telegram.SendTextMessageAsync(_chatid, telegramAnswer, replyMarkup : new ReplyKeyboardHide()).ConfigureAwait(false); } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.Debug(ex.ToString()); var apiRequestException = ex as ApiRequestException; if (apiRequestException != null) { await _telegram.SendTextMessageAsync(_chatid, apiRequestException.Message, replyMarkup : new ReplyKeyboardHide()).ConfigureAwait(false); } } }
public async void BotOnMessageReceived(object sender, MessageEventArgs messageEventArgs) { Message message = messageEventArgs.Message; if (message == null || message.Type != MessageType.TextMessage) { return; } _chatid = message.Chat.Id; try { Logger.ColoredConsoleWrite(ConsoleColor.Red, "[TelegramAPI] Got Request from " + message.From.Username + " | " + message.Text); string username = _clientSettings.TelegramName; string telegramAnswer = string.Empty; if (username != message.From.Username) { using (System.IO.Stream stream = new System.IO.MemoryStream()) { Properties.Resources.norights.Save(stream, System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Jpeg); stream.Position = 0; await _telegram.SendPhotoAsync(_chatid, new FileToSend("norights.jpg", stream), replyMarkup : new ReplyKeyboardHide()); } return; } // [0]-Commando; [1+]-Argument string[] textCMD = message.Text.Split(new char[] { ' ' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); TelegramUtilTask cmd = getTask(textCMD[0]); switch (cmd) { case TelegramUtilTask.UNKNOWN: telegramAnswer = string.Format("Usage:\r\n{0}\r\n{1}\r\n{2}\r\n{3}\r\n{4}", @"/stats - Get Current Stats", @"/livestats - Enable/Disable Live Stats", @"/information <topic> - Enable/Disable Information topics", @"/top <HowMany?> - Outputs Top (?) Pokemons", @"/forceevolve - Forces Evolve"); break; case TelegramUtilTask.GET_STATS: var inventory = await _client.GetInventory(); var profil = await _client.GetProfile(); IEnumerable <PlayerStats> stats = inventory.InventoryDelta.InventoryItems .Select(i => i.InventoryItemData.PlayerStats) .Where(i => i != null); foreach (PlayerStats ps in stats) { int l = ps.Level; long expneeded = ((ps.NextLevelXp - ps.PrevLevelXp) - StringUtils.getExpDiff(ps.Level)); long curexp = ((ps.Experience - ps.PrevLevelXp) - StringUtils.getExpDiff(ps.Level)); double curexppercent = (Convert.ToDouble(curexp) / Convert.ToDouble(expneeded)) * 100; string curloc = _client.CurrentLat + "%20" + _client.CurrentLng; curloc = curloc.Replace(",", "."); string curlochtml = "" + curloc + "/"; double shortenLng = Math.Round(_client.CurrentLng, 3); double shortenLat = Math.Round(_client.CurrentLat, 3); string pokemap = shortenLat + ";" + shortenLng; pokemap = pokemap.Replace(",", ".").Replace(";", ","); string pokevishtml = "" + pokemap + ",14"; telegramAnswer += "\nNickname: " + profil.Profile.Username + "\nLevel: " + ps.Level + "\nEXP Needed: " + ((ps.NextLevelXp - ps.PrevLevelXp) - StringUtils.getExpDiff(ps.Level)) + $"\nCurrent EXP: {curexp} ({Math.Round(curexppercent)}%)" + "\nEXP to Level up: " + ((ps.NextLevelXp) - (ps.Experience)) + "\nKM walked: " + ps.KmWalked + "\nPokeStops visited: " + ps.PokeStopVisits + "\nStardust: " + profil.Profile.Currency.ToArray()[1].Amount + "\nPokemons: " + await _inventory.getPokemonCount() + "/" + profil.Profile.PokeStorage + "\nItems: " + await _inventory.getInventoryCount() + " / " + profil.Profile.ItemStorage + "\nCurentLocation:\n" + curlochtml + "\nPokevision:\n" + pokevishtml; } break; case TelegramUtilTask.GET_TOPLIST: int shows = 10; if (textCMD.Length > 1 && !int.TryParse(textCMD[1], out shows)) { telegramAnswer += $"Error! This is not a Number: {textCMD[1]}\nNevermind...\n"; shows = 10; //TryParse error will reset to 0 } telegramAnswer += "Showing " + shows + " Pokemons...\nSorting..."; await _telegram.SendTextMessageAsync(_chatid, telegramAnswer, replyMarkup : new ReplyKeyboardHide()); var myPokemons = await _inventory.GetPokemons(); myPokemons = myPokemons.OrderByDescending(x => x.Cp); var profile = await _client.GetProfile(); telegramAnswer = $"Top {shows} Pokemons of {profile.Profile.Username}:"; IEnumerable <PokemonData> topPokemon = myPokemons.Take(shows); foreach (PokemonData pokemon in topPokemon) { telegramAnswer += string.Format("\n{0} ({1}) | CP: {2} ({3}% perfect)", pokemon.PokemonId, StringUtils.getPokemonNameGer(pokemon.PokemonId), pokemon.Cp, PokemonInfo.CalculatePokemonPerfection(pokemon)); } break; case TelegramUtilTask.SWITCH_LIVESTATS: _livestats = SwitchAndGetAnswer(_livestats, out telegramAnswer, "Live Stats"); break; case TelegramUtilTask.SWITCH_INFORMATION: //_informations = SwitchAndGetAnswer(_informations, out telegramAnswer, "Information"); Array topics = Enum.GetValues(typeof(TelegramUtilInformationTopics)); if (textCMD.Length > 1) { if (textCMD[1] == "all-enable") { foreach (TelegramUtilInformationTopics topic in topics) { String niceName = topic.ToString().Substring(0, 1).ToUpper() + topic.ToString().Substring(1).ToLower(); telegramAnswer += "Enabled information topic " + niceName + "\n"; _information[topic] = true; } break; } else if (textCMD[1] == "all-disable") { foreach (TelegramUtilInformationTopics topic in topics) { String niceName = topic.ToString().Substring(0, 1).ToUpper() + topic.ToString().Substring(1).ToLower(); telegramAnswer += "Disabled information topic " + niceName + "\n"; _information[topic] = false; } break; } else { foreach (TelegramUtilInformationTopics topic in topics) { String niceName = topic.ToString().Substring(0, 1).ToUpper() + topic.ToString().Substring(1).ToLower(); telegramAnswer = (_information[topic] ? "Dis" : "En") + "abled information topic " + niceName + "\n"; _information[topic] = !_information[topic]; break; } } } else { foreach (TelegramUtilInformationTopics topic in topics) { String niceName = topic.ToString().Substring(0, 1).ToUpper() + topic.ToString().Substring(1).ToLower(); telegramAnswer += " - " + niceName + "\n"; telegramAnswer += " - " + _informationDescription[topic] + "\n"; telegramAnswer += " - Currently " + (_information[topic] ? "enabled" : "disabled") + "\n"; telegramAnswer += "\n"; } telegramAnswer += " - all-disable\n"; telegramAnswer += " - " + TranslationHandler.getString("telegram-disable-all", "Disable all topics") + "\n"; telegramAnswer += "\n"; telegramAnswer += " - all-enable\n"; telegramAnswer += " - " + TranslationHandler.getString("telegram-enable-all", "Enable all topics") + "\n"; telegramAnswer += "\n"; break; } break; case TelegramUtilTask.RUN_FORCEEVOLVE: IEnumerable <PokemonData> pokemonToEvolve = await _inventory.GetPokemonToEvolve(null); if (pokemonToEvolve.Count() > 3) { await _inventory.UseLuckyEgg(_client); } foreach (PokemonData pokemon in pokemonToEvolve) { if (_clientSettings.pokemonsToEvolve.Contains(pokemon.PokemonId)) { var evolvePokemonOutProto = await _client.EvolvePokemon((ulong)pokemon.Id); if (evolvePokemonOutProto.Result == EvolvePokemonOut.Types.EvolvePokemonStatus.PokemonEvolvedSuccess) { await _telegram.SendTextMessageAsync(_chatid, $"Evolved {pokemon.PokemonId} successfully for {evolvePokemonOutProto.ExpAwarded}xp", replyMarkup : new ReplyKeyboardHide()); } else { await _telegram.SendTextMessageAsync(_chatid, $"Failed to evolve {pokemon.PokemonId}. EvolvePokemonOutProto.Result was {evolvePokemonOutProto.Result}, stopping evolving {pokemon.PokemonId}", replyMarkup : new ReplyKeyboardHide()); } await RandomHelper.RandomDelay(1000, 2000); } } telegramAnswer = "Done."; break; } await _telegram.SendTextMessageAsync(_chatid, telegramAnswer, replyMarkup : new ReplyKeyboardHide()); } catch (Exception ex) { if (ex is ApiRequestException) { await _telegram.SendTextMessageAsync(_chatid, (ex as ApiRequestException).Message, replyMarkup : new ReplyKeyboardHide()); } } }