protected void BuildMaterial()
            // If the highlight type changes, we need to use a different shader, so we load a
            // different material to go with it.
            if (typeChange)
                if (material != null)
                    //LogManager.Instance.Write("Free Material: {0}", material.Name);

                    material = null;

                materialName = String.Format("AutoSplat-{0}-{1}-{2}", pageX, pageZ, HighlightTypeString);

                //LogManager.Instance.Write("Create Material: {0}", materialName);

                Material tmpMaterial = MaterialManager.Instance.GetByName(HighlightMaterialName(highlightType));
                if (tmpMaterial != null)
                    material = tmpMaterial.Clone(materialName);

                typeChange = false;

            if (material == null)

            Technique tech = material.GetTechnique(0);


            // Only do this stuff if we are using technique 0.  Otherwise we are using the
            // fixed function fallback technique, so we don't want to do any shader stuff.
            if (tech.IsSupported)
                // set the highlight mask texture
                int size = TerrainManager.Instance.PageSize;
                tech.GetPass(0).VertexProgramParameters.SetNamedConstant("pageSize", new Vector3(size * TerrainManager.oneMeter, size * TerrainManager.oneMeter, size * TerrainManager.oneMeter));
                if (highlightType != TerrainPage.PageHilightType.None)
                //Page.SetShadeMask(hilightMaterial, 4);


            material.Lighting = true;

            dirty = false;
        private string BuildInstancedMaterial(string originalMaterialName)
            // already instanced ?
            if (originalMaterialName.EndsWith("/instanced"))

            var originalMaterial = (Material)MaterialManager.Instance.GetByName(originalMaterialName);

            // if originalMat doesn't exists use "Instancing" material name
            string instancedMaterialName = (null == originalMaterial ? "Instancing" : originalMaterialName + "/Instanced");
            var    instancedMaterial     = (Material)MaterialManager.Instance.GetByName(instancedMaterialName);

            // already exists ?
            if (null == instancedMaterial)
                instancedMaterial = originalMaterial.Clone(instancedMaterialName);
                Technique t = instancedMaterial.GetBestTechnique();
                for (int pItr = 0; pItr < t.PassCount; pItr++)
                    Pass p = t.GetPass(pItr);
                    p.SetVertexProgram("Instancing", false);
        public override void Build()

            foreach (BatchedGeometry.SubBatch it in mBatch.SubBatches.Values)
                BatchedGeometry.SubBatch subBatch = it;
                Material mat = subBatch.Material;

                //Disable specular unless a custom shader is being used.
                //This is done because the default shader applied by BatchPage
                //doesn't support specular, and fixed-function needs to look
                //the same as the shader (for computers with no shader support)
                for (int t = 0; t < mat.TechniqueCount; t++)
                    Technique tech = mat.GetTechnique(t);
                    for (int p = 0; p < tech.PassCount; p++)
                        Pass pass = tech.GetPass(p);
                        if (pass.VertexProgramName == "")
                            pass.Specular = new ColorEx(1, 0, 0, 0);

                //store the original materials

        private bool InitTextures(Application application, PixelFormat format, int width, int height)
            bgTexture.Create(application, format, width, height, 0);
            uvTexture.Create(application, format, width, height, 1);
            vTexture.Create(application, format, width, height, 2);

            string shaderName = GetShaderName(format);

            // Update the material
            Technique technique = application.ResourceCache.GetTechnique("Techniques/Diff.xml");

            for (uint i = 0; i < technique.NumPasses; i++)
                Pass pass = technique.GetPass(i);
                if (pass != null)
                    pass.VertexShader = shaderName;
                    pass.PixelShader  = shaderName;
            Material.SetTechnique(0, technique);
            bgTexture.SetNameIfValid(Material, TextureUnit.Diffuse);
            uvTexture.SetNameIfValid(Material, TextureUnit.Normal);
            vTexture.SetNameIfValid(Material, TextureUnit.Specular);
            Material.CullMode = CullMode.None;

            this.initializedFormat = format;
            this.initializedWidth  = width;
            this.initializedHeight = height;

        protected override void CreateScene()
            mSceneMgr.AmbientLight = new ColourValue(1, 1, 1);
            //Entity ent = mSceneMgr.CreateEntity("Head", "ogrehead.mesh");
            //SceneNode node = mSceneMgr.RootSceneNode.CreateChildSceneNode("HeadNode");
            MaterialPtr      mat  = MaterialManager.Singleton.Create("BoxColor", "General", true);
            Technique        tech = mat.GetTechnique(0);
            Pass             pass = tech.GetPass(0);
            TextureUnitState tex  = pass.CreateTextureUnitState();

            tex.SetTextureName("sphax.jpg", TextureType.TEX_TYPE_2D);
            tex.NumMipmaps        = 0;
            tex.TextureAnisotropy = 0;
            tex.SetTextureFiltering(FilterOptions.FO_POINT, FilterOptions.FO_POINT, FilterOptions.FO_POINT);
            //pass.CullingMode = CullingMode.CULL_NONE;
            //mCamMan = new Tutorials.CameraMan(mCamera,mc);
            //mCameraMan = null;
            mCamera.SetPosition((float)mc.x, (float)mc.y, (float)mc.z);
            mCamera.Pitch(new Degree(mc.pitch).ValueRadians);
            mCamera.Yaw(new Degree(mc.yaw).ValueRadians);
            oldCamPos = mCamera.Position;
        public override void CreateScene()
            // Setup animation default
            Animation.DefaultInterpolationMode         = Animation.InterpolationMode.IM_LINEAR;
            Animation.DefaultRotationInterpolationMode = Animation.RotationInterpolationMode.RIM_LINEAR;

            // Set ambient light
            sceneMgr.AmbientLight = new ColourValue(0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f);

            Entity ent    = null;
            int    row    = 0;
            int    column = 0;
            Random rnd    = new Random();

            for (int i = 0; i < NUM_ROBOTS; ++i, ++column)
                if (column > ROW_COUNT)
                    column = 0;
                ent = sceneMgr.CreateEntity("robot" + i, "robot.mesh");
                    new Vector3(-(row * 100), 0, (column * 50))).AttachObject(ent);

                _animState[i]         = ent.GetAnimationState("Walk");
                _animState[i].Enabled = true;
                _animationSpeed[i]    = (float)(rnd.NextDouble() + 0.5);

            // Give it a little ambience with lights
            Light l = null;

            l = sceneMgr.CreateLight("BlueLight");
            l.SetPosition(-200, -80, -100);
            l.SetDiffuseColour(0.5f, 0.5f, 1.0f);

            l = sceneMgr.CreateLight("GreenLight");
            l.SetPosition(0, 0, -100);
            l.SetDiffuseColour(0.5f, 1.0f, 0.5f);

            // Position the camera
            camera.SetPosition(100, 50, 100);
            camera.LookAt(-50, 50, 0);

            // Report whether hardware skinning is enabled or not
            Technique te = ent.GetSubEntity(0).GetMaterial().GetBestTechnique();
            Pass      p  = te.GetPass(0);

            if (p.HasVertexProgram && p.GetVertexProgram().IsSkeletalAnimationIncluded)
                mDebugText = "Hardware skinning is enabled";
                mDebugText = "Software skinning is enabled";
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="visibleDist"></param>
        /// <param name="invisibleDist"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private Material GetFadeMaterial(float visibleDist, float invisibleDist)
            string materialSignature = string.Empty;

            materialSignature += mEntityName + "|";
            materialSignature += visibleDist + "|";
            materialSignature += invisibleDist + "|";
            materialSignature += mMaterial.GetTechnique(0).GetPass(0).GetTextureUnitState(0).TextureScrollU + "|";
            materialSignature += mMaterial.GetTechnique(0).GetPass(0).GetTextureUnitState(0).TextureScrollV + "|";

            Material fadeMaterial = null;

            if (!mFadedMaterialMap.TryGetValue(materialSignature, out fadeMaterial))
                //clone the material
                fadeMaterial = mMaterial.Clone(GetUniqueID("ImpostorFade"));

                //And apply the fade shader
                for (int t = 0; t < fadeMaterial.TechniqueCount; t++)
                    Technique tech = fadeMaterial.GetTechnique(t);
                    for (int p = 0; p < tech.PassCount; p++)
                        Pass pass = tech.GetPass(p);
                        //Setup vertex program
                        GpuProgramParameters gparams = pass.VertexProgramParameters;
                        gparams.SetNamedAutoConstant("worldViewProj", GpuProgramParameters.AutoConstantType.WorldViewProjMatrix, 0);
                        gparams.SetNamedAutoConstant("uScroll", GpuProgramParameters.AutoConstantType.Custom, 0);
                        gparams.SetNamedAutoConstant("vScroll", GpuProgramParameters.AutoConstantType.Custom, 0);
                        gparams.SetNamedAutoConstant("preRotatedQuad[0]", GpuProgramParameters.AutoConstantType.Custom, 0);
                        gparams.SetNamedAutoConstant("preRotatedQuad[1]", GpuProgramParameters.AutoConstantType.Custom, 0);
                        gparams.SetNamedAutoConstant("preRotatedQuad[2]", GpuProgramParameters.AutoConstantType.Custom, 0);
                        gparams.SetNamedAutoConstant("preRotatedQuad[3]", GpuProgramParameters.AutoConstantType.Custom, 0);

                        gparams.SetNamedAutoConstant("camPos", GpuProgramParameters.AutoConstantType.CameraPositionObjectSpace, 0);
                        gparams.SetNamedAutoConstant("fadeGap", GpuProgramParameters.AutoConstantType.Custom, 0);
                        gparams.SetNamedAutoConstant("invisibleDist", GpuProgramParameters.AutoConstantType.Custom, 0);

                        //Set fade ranges
                        gparams.SetNamedConstant("invisibleDist", invisibleDist);
                        gparams.SetNamedConstant("fadeGap", invisibleDist - visibleDist);


                //Add it to the list so it can be reused later
                mFadedMaterialMap.Add(materialSignature, fadeMaterial);

 public static void setEntityOpacity(Entity ent, float val)
     for (uint x = 0; x < ent.NumSubEntities; x++)
         Mogre.MaterialPtr mat = ent.GetSubEntity(x).GetMaterial();
         Technique         t   = mat.GetTechnique(0);                                            // we are only bothering the fade with the first technique.
         //t.SetSceneBlending(SceneBlendFactor.SBF_DEST_ALPHA, SceneBlendFactor.SBF_ONE_MINUS_DEST_COLOUR); //sweet color invert effect
         t.SetSceneBlending(SceneBlendFactor.SBF_DEST_ALPHA, SceneBlendFactor.SBF_SOURCE_ALPHA); //works
         // iterate through passes and textureUnitStates, setting their opacity.
         for (ushort p = 0; p < t.NumPasses; p++)
             for (ushort s = 0; s < t.GetPass(p).NumTextureUnitStates; s++)
                 t.GetPass(p).GetTextureUnitState(s).SetAlphaOperation(LayerBlendOperationEx.LBX_MODULATE, LayerBlendSource.LBS_MANUAL, LayerBlendSource.LBS_CURRENT, val);
        protected override void CreateScene()
            // set some ambient light
            scene.TargetRenderSystem.LightingEnabled = true;
            scene.AmbientLight = ColorEx.Gray;

            Entity entity = null;

            // create the robot entity
            for (int i = 0; i < NumRobots; i++)
                string robotName = string.Format("Robot{0}", i);
                entity = scene.CreateEntity(robotName, "robot.mesh");
                    new Vector3(0, 0, (i * 50) - (NumRobots * 50 / 2))).AttachObject(entity);
                animState[i]           = entity.GetAnimationState("Walk");
                animState[i].IsEnabled = true;
                animationSpeed[i]      = MathUtil.RangeRandom(0.5f, 1.5f);

            Light light = scene.CreateLight("BlueLight");

            light.Position = new Vector3(-200, -80, -100);
            light.Diffuse  = new ColorEx(1.0f, .5f, .5f, 1.0f);

            //light = scene.CreateLight("GreenLight");
            //light.Position = new Vector3(0, 0, -100);
            //light.Diffuse = new ColorEx(1.0f, 0.5f, 1.0f, 0.5f);

            // setup the camera for a nice view of the robot
            camera.Position = new Vector3(100, 50, 100);
            camera.LookAt(new Vector3(0, 50, 0));

            Technique t = entity.GetSubEntity(0).Material.GetBestTechnique();
            Pass      p = t.GetPass(0);

            if (p.HasVertexProgram && p.VertexProgram.IsSkeletalAnimationIncluded)
                window.DebugText = "Hardware skinning is enabled.";
                window.DebugText = "Software skinning is enabled.";
        protected void BuildMaterial()
            // If the highlight type changes, we need to use a different shader, so we load a
            // different material to go with it.
            if (typeChange)
                if (material != null)
                    //LogManager.Instance.Write("Free Material: {0}", material.Name);

                    material = null;

                materialName = String.Format("AlphaSplat-{0}-{1}-{2}", pageX, pageZ, HighlightTypeString);

                //LogManager.Instance.Write("Create Material: {0}", materialName);

                Material tmpMaterial = MaterialManager.Instance.GetByName(HighlightMaterialName(highlightType));
                material = tmpMaterial.Clone(materialName);

                typeChange = false;

            Technique tech = material.GetTechnique(0);

            if (tech.IsSupported)
                Pass pass = tech.GetPass(0);
                // set the highlight mask texture
                int size = TerrainManager.Instance.PageSize;
                pass.VertexProgramParameters.SetNamedConstant("pageSize", new Vector3(size * TerrainManager.oneMeter, size * TerrainManager.oneMeter, size * TerrainManager.oneMeter));
                if (highlightType != TerrainPage.PageHilightType.None)
                //Page.SetShadeMask(hilightMaterial, 4);

                int pageSize = TerrainManager.Instance.PageSize;

                for (int index = 0; index < AlphaSplatTerrainConfig.NUM_ALPHA_MAPS; index++)
                    TextureMosaic alphaMap = config.GetAlphaMap(index);
                    if (alphaMap != null)
                        // pass in the alpha texture names and the texture coord adjustment params.
                        // The coord adjustment params are used to convert from a page relative texture
                        // coordinate to the appropriate coords for the alpha texture.
                        float  u1, u2, v1, v2;
                        string alphaTextureName = alphaMap.GetTexture(
                            pageX * pageSize, pageZ * pageSize, pageSize, pageSize,
                            out u1, out v1, out u2, out v2);


                        string coordAdjustParam = "alpha" + index + "TextureCoordAdjust";
                            coordAdjustParam, new Vector4(u1, u2 - u1, v1, v2 - v1));

                        //todo: Disabled page logging because it slows down terrain edits
                        // in the terrain editor.  We should probably make this
                        // logging be conditional. -Trev 9/4/08
//                        LogManager.Instance.Write("page[{0},{1}]: {2} : ({3},{4}) : ({5},{6})", pageX, pageZ,
//                                                  alphaTextureName, u1, v1, u2, v2);


            material.Lighting = true;

            dirty = false;
            /// <see cref="Translator.Translate"/>
            public override void Translate(ScriptCompiler compiler, AbstractNode node)
                throw new NotImplementedException();
                ObjectAbstractNode obj = (ObjectAbstractNode)node;

                // It has to have one value identifying the texture source name
                if (obj.Values.Count == 0)
                    compiler.AddError(CompileErrorCode.StringExpected, node.File, node.Line,
                                      "texture_source requires a type value");

                // Set the value of the source
                //TODO: ExternalTextureSourceManager::getSingleton().setCurrentPlugIn(obj->values.front()->getValue());

                // Set up the technique, pass, and texunit levels
                if (true /*TODO: ExternalTextureSourceManager::getSingleton().getCurrentPlugIn() != 0*/)
                    TextureUnitState texunit   = (TextureUnitState)obj.Parent.Context;
                    Pass             pass      = texunit.Parent;
                    Technique        technique = pass.Parent;
                    Material         material  = technique.Parent;

                    ushort techniqueIndex = 0, passIndex = 0, texUnitIndex = 0;
                    for (ushort i = 0; i < material.TechniqueCount; i++)
                        if (material.GetTechnique(i) == technique)
                            techniqueIndex = i;
                    for (ushort i = 0; i < technique.PassCount; i++)
                        if (technique.GetPass(i) == pass)
                            passIndex = i;
                    for (ushort i = 0; i < pass.TextureUnitStageCount; i++)
                        if (pass.GetTextureUnitState(i) == texunit)
                            texUnitIndex = i;

                    string tps = string.Format("{0} {1} {2}", techniqueIndex, passIndex, texUnitIndex);

                    //TODO: ExternalTextureSourceManager::getSingleton().getCurrentPlugIn()->setParameter( "set_T_P_S", tps );

                    foreach (AbstractNode i in obj.Children)
                        if (i is PropertyAbstractNode)
                            PropertyAbstractNode prop = (PropertyAbstractNode)i;
                            // Glob the property values all together
                            string str = string.Empty;

                            foreach (AbstractNode j in prop.Values)
                                if (j != prop.Values[0])
                                    str += " ";

                                str = str + j.Value;
                            //TODO: ExternalTextureSourceManager::getSingleton().getCurrentPlugIn()->setParameter(prop->name, str);
                        else if (i is ObjectAbstractNode)
                            _processNode(compiler, i);

                    //TODO: ExternalTextureSourceManager::getSingleton().getCurrentPlugIn()->createDefinedTexture(material->getName(), material->getGroup());
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="pageNum"></param>
        protected void ChangePage(int pageNum)
            if (this.materialControlsContainer.Count == 0)

            this.currentPage = (pageNum == -1) ? (this.currentPage + 1) % this.numPages : pageNum;

            string pageText = string.Format("Parameters {0} / {1}", this.currentPage + 1, this.numPages);

            ((Button)TrayManager.GetWidget("PageButtonControl")).Caption = pageText;

            if (this.activeMaterial != null && this.activeMaterial.SupportedTechniques.Count > 0)
                Technique currentTechnique = this.activeMaterial.SupportedTechniques[0];
                if (currentTechnique != null)
                    this.activePass = currentTechnique.GetPass(0);
                    if (this.activePass != null)
                        if (this.activePass.HasFragmentProgram)
                            this.activeFragmentProgram    = this.activePass.FragmentProgram;
                            this.activeFragmentParameters = this.activePass.FragmentProgramParameters;
                        if (this.activePass.HasVertexProgram)
                            this.activeVertexProgram    = this.activePass.VertexProgram;
                            this.activeVertexParameters = this.activePass.VertexProgramParameters;

                        int activeControlCount = this.materialControlsContainer[this.currentMaterial].ShaderControlsCount;

                        int startControlIndex = this.currentPage * ControlsPerPage;
                        int numControls       = activeControlCount - startControlIndex;
                        if (numControls <= 0)
                            this.currentPage  = 0;
                            startControlIndex = 0;
                            numControls       = activeControlCount;

                        for (int i = 0; i < ControlsPerPage; i++)
                            Slider shaderControlSlider = this.shaderControls[i];
                            if (i < numControls)

                                int           controlIndex    = startControlIndex + i;
                                ShaderControl activeShaderDef =
                                shaderControlSlider.SetRange(activeShaderDef.MinVal, activeShaderDef.MaxVal, 50, false);
                                shaderControlSlider.Caption      = activeShaderDef.Name;
                                shaderControlSlider.SliderMoved += new SliderMovedHandler(shaderControlSlider_SliderMoved);
                                float uniformVal = 0.0f;
                                switch (activeShaderDef.Type)
                                case ShaderType.GpuVertex:
                                case ShaderType.GpuFragment:
                                    GpuProgramParameters activeParameters = (activeShaderDef.Type == ShaderType.GpuVertex)
                                                                                                                                ? this.activeVertexParameters
                                                                                                                                : this.activeFragmentParameters;

                                    if (activeParameters != null)
                                        throw new NotImplementedException("Fix this");
                                        //int idx = activeParameters.GetParamIndex( activeShaderDef.ParamName );
                                        //activeShaderDef.PhysicalIndex = idx;

                                        //uniformVal = activeParameters.GetNamedFloatConstant( activeShaderDef.ParamName ).val[ activeShaderDef.ElementIndex ];

                                case ShaderType.MatSpecular:
                                    // get the specular values from the material pass
                                    ColorEx oldSpec = this.activePass.Specular;
                                    int     x       = activeShaderDef.ElementIndex;
                                    uniformVal = x == 0 ? oldSpec.r : x == 1 ? oldSpec.g : x == 2 ? oldSpec.b : x == 3 ? oldSpec.a : 0;

                                case ShaderType.MatDiffuse:
                                    // get the specular values from the material pass
                                    ColorEx oldSpec = this.activePass.Diffuse;
                                    int     x       = activeShaderDef.ElementIndex;
                                    uniformVal = x == 0 ? oldSpec.r : x == 1 ? oldSpec.g : x == 2 ? oldSpec.b : x == 3 ? oldSpec.a : 0;

                                case ShaderType.MatAmbient:
                                    // get the specular values from the material pass
                                    ColorEx oldSpec = this.activePass.Ambient;
                                    int     x       = activeShaderDef.ElementIndex;
                                    uniformVal = x == 0 ? oldSpec.r : x == 1 ? oldSpec.g : x == 2 ? oldSpec.b : x == 3 ? oldSpec.a : 0;

                                case ShaderType.MatShininess:
                                    // get the specular values from the material pass
                                    uniformVal = this.activePass.Shininess;
                                shaderControlSlider.Value = uniformVal;
        public void SetupTerrainMaterial()
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.mCustomMaterialName))
                // define our own material
                Options.terrainMaterial = (Material)MaterialManager.Instance.GetByName(TERRAIN_MATERIAL_NAME);
                // Make unique terrain material name
                string s = mName + "/Terrain";
                Options.terrainMaterial = (Material)MaterialManager.Instance.GetByName(s);
                if (null == Options.terrainMaterial)
                    Options.terrainMaterial =
                        (Material)MaterialManager.Instance.Create(s, ResourceGroupManager.Instance.WorldResourceGroupName);

                Pass pass = Options.terrainMaterial.GetTechnique(0).GetPass(0);

                if (this.mWorldTextureName != "")
                    pass.CreateTextureUnitState(this.mWorldTextureName, 0);
                if (this.mDetailTextureName != "")
                    pass.CreateTextureUnitState(this.mDetailTextureName, 1);

                Options.terrainMaterial.Lighting = Options.lit;

                if (Options.lodMorph && mPCZSM.TargetRenderSystem.Capabilities.HasCapability(Capabilities.VertexPrograms) &&
                    GpuProgramManager.Instance.GetByName("Terrain/VertexMorph") == null)
                    // Create & assign LOD morphing vertex program
                    String syntax;
                    if (GpuProgramManager.Instance.IsSyntaxSupported("arbvp1"))
                        syntax = "arbvp1";
                        syntax = "vs_1_1";

                    // Get source, and take into account current fog mode
                    FogMode fm     = mPCZSM.FogMode;
                    string  source = new TerrainVertexProgram().getProgramSource(fm, syntax, false);

                    GpuProgram prog = GpuProgramManager.Instance.CreateProgramFromString("Terrain/VertexMorph",
                                                                                         WorldResourceGroupName, source,
                                                                                         GpuProgramType.Vertex, syntax);

                    // Attach

                    // Get params
                    GpuProgramParameters paras = pass.VertexProgramParameters;

                    // worldviewproj
                    paras.SetAutoConstant(0, GpuProgramParameters.AutoConstantType.WorldViewProjMatrix);
                    // morph factor
                    paras.SetAutoConstant(4, GpuProgramParameters.AutoConstantType.Custom, TerrainZoneRenderable.MORPH_CUSTOM_PARAM_ID);
                    // fog exp density(if relevant)
                    if (fm == FogMode.Exp || fm == FogMode.Exp2)
                        paras.SetConstant(5, new Vector3(mPCZSM.FogDensity, 0, 0));
                        // Override scene fog since otherwise it's applied twice
                        // Set to linear and we derive [0,1] fog value in the shader
                        pass.SetFog(true, FogMode.Linear, mPCZSM.FogColor, 0, 1, 0);

                    // Also set shadow receiver program
                    string source2 = new TerrainVertexProgram().getProgramSource(fm, syntax, true);

                    prog = GpuProgramManager.Instance.CreateProgramFromString("Terrain/VertexMorphShadowReceive",
                                                                              source2, GpuProgramType.Vertex, syntax);
                    paras = pass.ShadowReceiverVertexProgramParameters;
                    // worldviewproj
                    paras.SetAutoConstant(0, GpuProgramParameters.AutoConstantType.WorldViewProjMatrix);
                    // world
                    paras.SetAutoConstant(4, GpuProgramParameters.AutoConstantType.WorldMatrix);
                    // texture view / proj
                    paras.SetAutoConstant(8, GpuProgramParameters.AutoConstantType.TextureViewProjMatrix);
                    // morph factor
                    paras.SetAutoConstant(12, GpuProgramParameters.AutoConstantType.Custom,

                    // Set param index
                    this.mLodMorphParamName  = "";
                    this.mLodMorphParamIndex = 4;

                // Custom material
                Options.terrainMaterial = (Material)MaterialManager.Instance.GetByName(this.mCustomMaterialName);

            // now set up the linkage between vertex program and LOD morph param
            if (Options.lodMorph)
                Technique t = Options.terrainMaterial.GetBestTechnique();
                for (ushort i = 0; i < t.PassCount; ++i)
                    Pass p = t.GetPass(i);
                    if (p.HasVertexProgram)
                        // we have to assume vertex program includes LOD morph capability
                        GpuProgramParameters paras = p.VertexProgramParameters;
                        // Check to see if custom param is already there
                        //GpuProgramParameters::AutoConstantIterator aci = params->getAutoConstantIterator();
                        bool found = false;
                        foreach (GpuProgramParameters.AutoConstantEntry ace in paras.AutoConstantList)
                            if (ace.Type == GpuProgramParameters.AutoConstantType.Custom &&
                                ace.Data == TerrainZoneRenderable.MORPH_CUSTOM_PARAM_ID)
                                found = true;
                        if (!found)
                            if (this.mLodMorphParamName != "")
                                paras.SetNamedAutoConstant(this.mLodMorphParamName, GpuProgramParameters.AutoConstantType.Custom,
                                paras.SetAutoConstant(this.mLodMorphParamIndex, GpuProgramParameters.AutoConstantType.Custom,
        // Returns the number of geometry buckets
        public int Build(bool stencilShadows, bool logDetails)
            int bucketCount = 0;

            // Create a node
            node = sceneMgr.RootSceneNode.CreateChildSceneNode(name, center);
            // We need to create enough LOD buckets to deal with the highest LOD
            // we encountered in all the meshes queued
            for (ushort lod = 0; lod < lodSquaredDistances.Count; ++lod)
                LODBucket lodBucket = new LODBucket(this, lod, (float)lodSquaredDistances[lod]);
                // Now iterate over the meshes and assign to LODs
                // LOD bucket will pick the right LOD to use
                foreach (QueuedSubMesh qsm in queuedSubMeshes)
                    lodBucket.Assign(qsm, lod);
                // now build
                bucketCount += lodBucket.Build(stencilShadows, logDetails);

            // Do we need to build an edge list?
            if (stencilShadows)
                EdgeListBuilder eb = new EdgeListBuilder();
                foreach (LODBucket lod in lodBucketList)
                    foreach (MaterialBucket mat in lod.MaterialBucketMap.Values)
                        // Check if we have vertex programs here
                        Technique t = mat.Material.GetBestTechnique();
                        if (null != t)
                            Pass p = t.GetPass(0);
                            if (null != p)
                                if (p.HasVertexProgram)
                                    vertexProgramInUse = true;

                        foreach (GeometryBucket geom in mat.GeometryBucketList)
                            // Check we're dealing with 16-bit indexes here
                            // Since stencil shadows can only deal with 16-bit
                            // More than that and stencil is probably too CPU-heavy
                            // in any case
                            if (geom.IndexData.indexBuffer.Type != IndexType.Size16)
                                throw new AxiomException("Only 16-bit indexes allowed when using stencil shadows");
                edgeList = eb.Build();
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        private void UpdateShaders()
            if (!mShadersSupported)

            int i = 0;

            foreach (BatchedGeometry.SubBatch it in mBatch.SubBatches.Values)
                BatchedGeometry.SubBatch subBatch = it;
                Material mat = mUnfadedMaterials[i++];

                //check ig lighting should be enabled
                bool lightningEnabled = false;
                for (int t = 0; t < mat.TechniqueCount; t++)
                    Technique tech = mat.GetTechnique(t);
                    for (int p = 0; p < tech.PassCount; p++)
                        Pass pass = tech.GetPass(p);
                        if (pass.LightingEnabled)
                            lightningEnabled = true;
                        if (lightningEnabled)

                //Compile the CG shader script based on various material / fade options
                string tmpName = string.Empty;

                tmpName += "BatchPage_";
                if (mFadeEnabled)
                    tmpName += "fade_";
                if (lightningEnabled)
                    tmpName += "lit_";

                tmpName += "vp";

                string vertexProgName = tmpName;

                //If the shader hasn't been created yet, create it
                if (HighLevelGpuProgramManager.Instance.GetByName(tmpName) == null)
                    string vertexProgSource =
                        "void main( \n" +
                        "	float4 iPosition : POSITION, \n"+
                        "	float3 normal    : NORMAL,	\n"+
                        "	float2 iUV       : TEXCOORD0,	\n"+
                        "	float4 iColor    : COLOR, \n"+

                        "	out float4 oPosition : POSITION, \n"+
                        "	out float2 oUV       : TEXCOORD0,	\n"+
                        "	out float4 oColor : COLOR, \n"+
                        "	out float4 oFog : FOG,	\n";

                    if (lightningEnabled)
                        vertexProgSource +=
                            "	uniform float4 objSpaceLight,	\n"+
                            "	uniform float4 lightDiffuse,	\n"+
                            "	uniform float4 lightAmbient,	\n";

                    if (mFadeEnabled)
                        vertexProgSource +=
                            "	uniform float3 camPos, \n";

                    vertexProgSource +=
                        "	uniform float4x4 worldViewProj,	\n"+
                        "	uniform float fadeGap, \n"+
                        "   uniform float invisibleDist )\n" +
                        "{	\n";

                    if (lightningEnabled)
                        vertexProgSource +=
                            //Perform lighting calculations (no specular)
                            "	float3 light = normalize( - ( * objSpaceLight.w)); \n"+
                            "	float diffuseFactor = max(dot(normal, light), 0); \n"+
                            "	oColor = (lightAmbient + diffuseFactor * lightDiffuse) * iColor; \n";
                        vertexProgSource +=
                            "	oColor = iColor; \n";

                    if (mFadeEnabled)
                        vertexProgSource +=
                            //Fade out in the distance
                            "	float dist = distance(camPos.xz, iPosition.xz);	\n"+
                            "	oColor.a *= (invisibleDist - dist) / fadeGap;   \n";

                    vertexProgSource +=
                        "	oUV = iUV;	\n"+
                        "	oPosition = mul(worldViewProj, iPosition);  \n"+
                        "	oFog.x = oPosition.z; \n"+

                    HighLevelGpuProgram vertexShader = HighLevelGpuProgramManager.Instance.CreateProgram(
                        "cg", GpuProgramType.Vertex);

                    vertexShader.Source = vertexProgSource;
                    vertexShader.SetParam("profiles", "vs_1_1 arbvp1");
                    vertexShader.SetParam("entry_point", "main");

                //Now that the shader is ready to be applied, apply it
                string materialSignature = string.Empty;
                materialSignature += "BatchMat|";
                materialSignature += mat.Name + "|";
                if (mFadeEnabled)
                    materialSignature += mVisibleDist + "|";
                    materialSignature += mInvisibleDist + "|";
                //Search for the desired material
                Material generatedMaterial = (Material)MaterialManager.Instance.GetByName(materialSignature);
                if (generatedMaterial == null)
                    //Clone the material
                    generatedMaterial = mat.Clone(materialSignature);

                    //And apply the fade shader
                    for (int t = 0; t < generatedMaterial.TechniqueCount; t++)
                        Technique tech = generatedMaterial.GetTechnique(t);
                        for (int p = 0; p < tech.PassCount; p++)
                            Pass pass = tech.GetPass(p);
                            //Setup vertex program
                            if (pass.VertexProgramName == "")
                                pass.VertexProgramName = vertexProgName;
                                GpuProgramParameters gparams = pass.VertexProgramParameters;
                                if (lightningEnabled)
                                    gparams.SetNamedAutoConstant("objSpaceLight", GpuProgramParameters.AutoConstantType.LightPositionObjectSpace, 0);
                                    gparams.SetNamedAutoConstant("lightDiffuse", GpuProgramParameters.AutoConstantType.LightDiffuseColor, 0);
                                    gparams.SetNamedAutoConstant("lightAmbient", GpuProgramParameters.AutoConstantType.AmbientLightColor, 0);

                                gparams.SetNamedAutoConstant("worldViewProj", GpuProgramParameters.AutoConstantType.WorldViewProjMatrix, 0);

                                if (mFadeEnabled)
                                    gparams.SetNamedAutoConstant("camPos", GpuProgramParameters.AutoConstantType.CameraPositionObjectSpace, 0);

                                    //set fade ranges
                                    gparams.SetNamedAutoConstant("invisibleDist", GpuProgramParameters.AutoConstantType.Custom, 0);
                                    gparams.SetNamedConstant("invisibleDist", mInvisibleDist);
                                    gparams.SetNamedAutoConstant("fadeGap", GpuProgramParameters.AutoConstantType.Custom, 0);
                                    gparams.SetNamedConstant("fadeGap", mInvisibleDist - mVisibleDist);

                                    if (pass.AlphaRejectFunction == CompareFunction.AlwaysPass)
                                throw new Exception("Error configuring batched geometry transitions." +
                                                    "If you're using materials with custom vertex shaders, they will need to implement fade transitions to be compatible with BatchPage.");

                //Apply the material
                subBatch.Material = generatedMaterial;