/// <summary>
        /// This is used to request the task list during initialization
        /// </summary>
        public async Task InitializeGettingTasks()
            //var fieldsOne = new ObservableCollection<CheckItemFieldViewModel>()
            //    new CheckItemFieldViewModel("Presure","kPa",""),
            //    new CheckItemFieldViewModel("Water Pressure", "kPa", ""),
            //var checklists = new List<CheckItemViewModel>()
            //    new CheckItemViewModel(1, 1, "INSPECT fire door panel to ensure it is free of any visible delamination, and other damage", ChecklistStatus.NoTest,
            //                           new CommentViewModel("https://5.imimg.com/data5/IC/IC/MY-25107910/fire-doors-shakti-met-door-500x500.png", "The seal on the fire door at G20 theatre needs to be replaced"),
            //                           fieldsOne),
            //    new CheckItemViewModel(2, 2, "INSPECT that the perimeter seal is in good condition and not damaged", ChecklistStatus.NoTest, null, null)

            //var comments = new List<CommentViewModel>()
            //    new CommentViewModel("https://5.imimg.com/data5/IC/IC/MY-25107910/fire-doors-shakti-met-door-500x500.png", "The fire door needs to be fixed ASAP"),
            //    new CommentViewModel("https://firesafe-au.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/06/fire-doors.jpg", "The fire door outside the building needs to be reinstalled")

            //ToDoTasks = new ObservableCollection<TaskViewModel>
            //    new TaskViewModel()
            //    {
            //        // new API
            //        TaskInfo = new TaskInformation()
            //        {
            //            Contractor = "FBS",
            //            TaskTypeDescription = "Building elements to sarisy fire",
            //            Location = "Near Front Office",
            //            Barcode = 1234456,
            //            OPNumber = 12345,
            //            IsMoving2012Standard = true,
            //            MaintainedStandard = "Earlier than 2005",
            //            LastServicedBy = "John"
            //        },
            //        LastService = new DateTime(2019, 8, 20),
            //        LastResult = TaskResultStatus.Pass,
            //        ThisResult = TaskResultStatus.NoTest,
            //        TaskType = "passive",
            //        ServiceVisitItemNumber = 700006,
            //        TaskName = "Test Fire Door",
            //        SiteEquipmentLineNumber = 21,
            //        ServiceVisitId = 7000001,
            //        SiteId = 61435214,

            //        // old API
            //        TaskNumber = "234234",
            //        EquipmentName = "Building elements to sarisy fire",
            //        EquipmentLocation = "Throughout",
            //        LastServiceDate = new DateTime(2019, 10, 31),
            //        ReferenceNumber = "23434",
            //        LastTestResult = "Passed",
            //        Barcode = "12345678",
            //        Checklists = checklists,
            //        Comments = comments
            //    },
            //    new TaskViewModel()
            //    {
            //        TaskInfo = new TaskInformation()
            //        {
            //            Contractor = "FBS",
            //            TaskTypeDescription = "Fire indices for materials",
            //            Location = "Throughout",
            //            Barcode = 1234457,
            //            OPNumber = 12346,
            //            IsMoving2012Standard = true,
            //            MaintainedStandard = "Earlier than 2005",
            //            LastServicedBy = "John"
            //        },
            //        LastService = new DateTime(2019, 8, 20),
            //        LastResult = TaskResultStatus.Failed,
            //        ThisResult = TaskResultStatus.NoTest,
            //        TaskType = "passive",
            //        ServiceVisitItemNumber = 700006,
            //        TaskName = "Test Fire Door",
            //        SiteEquipmentLineNumber = 21,
            //        ServiceVisitId = 7000001,
            //        SiteId = 61435214,

            //        // old API
            //        TaskNumber = "234236",
            //        EquipmentName = "Fire indices for materials",
            //        EquipmentLocation = "Throughout",
            //        LastServiceDate = new DateTime(2019, 10, 31),
            //        ReferenceNumber = "23434",
            //        LastTestResult = "Passed",
            //        Barcode = "123456789",
            //        Checklists = checklists,
            //        Comments = comments
            //    },
            //    new TaskViewModel()
            //    {
            //        TaskInfo = new TaskInformation()
            //        {
            //            Contractor = "FBS",
            //            TaskTypeDescription = "Fire indices for materials",
            //            Location = "Throughout",
            //            Barcode = 1234457,
            //            OPNumber = 12346,
            //            IsMoving2012Standard = true,
            //            MaintainedStandard = "Earlier than 2005",
            //            LastServicedBy = "John"
            //        },
            //        LastService = new DateTime(2019, 8, 20),
            //        LastResult = TaskResultStatus.Failed,
            //        ThisResult = TaskResultStatus.NoTest,
            //        TaskType = "passive",
            //        ServiceVisitItemNumber = 700006,
            //        TaskName = "Test Fire Door",
            //        SiteEquipmentLineNumber = 21,
            //        ServiceVisitId = 7000001,
            //        SiteId = 61435214,

            //        // old API
            //        TaskNumber = "234236",
            //        EquipmentName = "Fire indices for materials",
            //        EquipmentLocation = "Throughout",
            //        LastServiceDate = new DateTime(2019, 10, 31),
            //        ReferenceNumber = "23434",
            //        LastTestResult = "Passed",
            //        Barcode = "123456789",
            //        Checklists = checklists,
            //        Comments = comments
            //    }

            //TODO initialise done tasks - for now this is empty
            //DoneTasks = new ObservableCollection<TaskViewModel>
            //    new TaskViewModel()
            //    {
            //        // new API
            //        TaskInfo = new TaskInformation()
            //        {
            //            Contractor = "FBS",
            //            TaskTypeDescription = "Penetrations in fire rated structures",
            //            Location = "Near Front Office",
            //            Barcode = 1234456,
            //            OPNumber = 12345,
            //            IsMoving2012Standard = true,
            //            MaintainedStandard = "Later than 2005",
            //            LastServicedBy = "John"
            //        },
            //        LastService = new DateTime(2019, 8, 20),
            //        LastResult = TaskResultStatus.Pass,
            //        ThisResult = TaskResultStatus.Failed,
            //        TaskType = "passive",
            //        ServiceVisitItemNumber = 700006,
            //        TaskName = "Test Fire Door",
            //        SiteEquipmentLineNumber = 21,
            //        ServiceVisitId = 7000001,
            //        SiteId = 61435214,

            //        // old API
            //        TaskNumber = "234234",
            //        EquipmentName = "Building elements to sarisy fire",
            //        EquipmentLocation = "Throughout",
            //        LastServiceDate = new DateTime(2019, 10, 31),
            //        ReferenceNumber = "23434",
            //        LastTestResult = "Passed",
            //        Barcode = "12345678",
            //        Checklists = checklists,
            //        Comments = comments
            //    },
            //    new TaskViewModel()
            //    {
            //        TaskInfo = new TaskInformation()
            //        {
            //            Contractor = "FBS",
            //            TaskTypeDescription = "Fire resisting structures",
            //            Location = "Throughout",
            //            Barcode = 1234457,
            //            OPNumber = 12346,
            //            IsMoving2012Standard = true,
            //            MaintainedStandard = "Later than 2005",
            //            LastServicedBy = "John"
            //        },
            //        LastService = new DateTime(2019, 8, 20),
            //        LastResult = TaskResultStatus.Failed,
            //        ThisResult = TaskResultStatus.Pass,
            //        TaskType = "passive",
            //        ServiceVisitItemNumber = 700006,
            //        TaskName = "Test Fire Door",
            //        SiteEquipmentLineNumber = 21,
            //        ServiceVisitId = 7000001,
            //        SiteId = 61435214,

            //        // old API
            //        TaskNumber = "234236",
            //        EquipmentName = "Fire indices for materials",
            //        EquipmentLocation = "Throughout",
            //        LastServiceDate = new DateTime(2019, 10, 31),
            //        ReferenceNumber = "23434",
            //        LastTestResult = "Passed",
            //        Barcode = "123456789",
            //        Checklists = checklists,
            //        Comments = comments
            //    },
            //    new TaskViewModel()
            //    {
            //        TaskInfo = new TaskInformation()
            //        {
            //            Contractor = "FBS",
            //            TaskTypeDescription = "Fire resisting structures",
            //            Location = "Throughout",
            //            Barcode = 1234457,
            //            OPNumber = 12346,
            //            IsMoving2012Standard = true,
            //            MaintainedStandard = "Later than 2005",
            //            LastServicedBy = "John"
            //        },
            //        LastService = new DateTime(2019, 8, 20),
            //        LastResult = TaskResultStatus.Failed,
            //        ThisResult = TaskResultStatus.Pass ,
            //        TaskType = "passive",
            //        ServiceVisitItemNumber = 700006,
            //        TaskName = "Test Fire Door",
            //        SiteEquipmentLineNumber = 21,
            //        ServiceVisitId = 7000001,
            //        SiteId = 61435214,

            //        // old API
            //        TaskNumber = "234236",
            //        EquipmentName = "Fire indices for materials",
            //        EquipmentLocation = "Throughout",
            //        LastServiceDate = new DateTime(2019, 10, 31),
            //        ReferenceNumber = "23434",
            //        LastTestResult = "Passed",
            //        Barcode = "123456789",
            //        Checklists = checklists,
            //        Comments = comments
            //    }

            //also record the full tasks in case user starts to filter down the list by searching

            if (IsBusy)
            IsBusy = true;

            _fullUndoneTasks = new List <TaskViewModel>();
            _fullDoneTasks   = new List <TaskViewModel>();

            List <TaskViewModel> taskViewModelFromAPI = new List <TaskViewModel>();

                var result = await _taskService.GetTaskForServiceVisit(_serviceVisitID.ToString());

                if (result != null)
                    taskViewModelFromAPI = new List <TaskClass>(result).Select(s => new TaskViewModel(s)).ToList();
                    List <TaskClass> tasks = new List <TaskClass>(result);
                    foreach (TaskClass t in tasks)
                        TaskDBInfo taskDBInfo = new TaskDBInfo(t);
                        _ = App.TaskDatabase.SaveTaskAsync(taskDBInfo);

                        foreach (CheckItem checkItem in t.checkLists)
                            CheckItemDBInfo checkItemDBInfo = new CheckItemDBInfo(t.serviceVisitItemNumber, checkItem);
                            //Console.WriteLine(checkItemDBInfo.taskTypeDescription + " " + checkItemDBInfo.serviceVisitID);
                            await App.CheckItemDatabase.SaveCheckListInfoAsync(checkItemDBInfo);
                        foreach (DefectReport defect in t.defectReport)
                            DefectReportDBInfo defectDBInfo = new DefectReportDBInfo(defect, t.serviceVisitItemNumber);
                            await App.DefectReportDatabase.SaveDefectReportInfoAsync(defectDBInfo);
            catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e.StackTrace); }
                IsBusy = false;
                Console.WriteLine("In task list vm" + taskViewModelFromAPI[0].TaskInfo.Barcode);
            if (taskViewModelFromAPI != null)
                foreach (TaskViewModel taskvm in taskViewModelFromAPI)
                    if (taskvm.ThisResult.Equals(TaskResultStatus.NoTest))

            ToDoTasks = new ObservableCollection <TaskViewModel>(_fullUndoneTasks);
            DoneTasks = new ObservableCollection <TaskViewModel>(_fullDoneTasks);