/// +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=
        /// <summary>
        /// This is the routine that performs the transform. Unless the sinkWriter object
        /// is set all we do is pass the sample on. If the sink writer object is set
        /// we give the sample to it for writing. There are two modes - one where we just
        /// give the sinkwriter the input sample and the other where we clone the input
        /// sample and rebase the timestamps.
        /// An override of the abstract version in TantaMFTBase_Sync.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="pOutputSamples">The structure to populate with output values.</param>
        /// <returns>S_Ok unless error.</returns>
        /// <history>
        ///    01 Nov 18  Cynic - Originally written
        /// </history>
        protected override HResult OnProcessOutput(ref MFTOutputDataBuffer outputSampleDataStruct)
            HResult        hr = HResult.S_OK;
            IMFMediaBuffer inputMediaBuffer = null;
            IMFSample      sinkWriterSample = null;
            IMFAttributes  sampleAttributes = null;
            long           sampleDuration   = 0;
            int            sampleSize       = 0;
            long           sampleTimeStamp  = 0;
            int            sampleFlags      = 0;

            // in this MFT we are processing in place, the input sample is the output sample, the media buffer of the
            // input sample is the media buffer of the output sample. Thats for the pipeline. If a sink writer exists
            // we also write the sample data out to the sink writer. This provides the effect of displaying on the
            // screen and simultaneously recording.

            // There are two ways the sink writer can be given the media sample data. It can just be given the
            // input sample directly or a copy of the sample can be made and that copy given to the sink writer.

            // There is also an additional complication - the sample has a timestamp and video cameras tend
            // to just use the current date and time as a timestamp. There are several reports that MP4 files
            // need to have their first frame starting at zero and then every subsequent frame adjusted to that
            // new base time. Certainly the Microsoft supplied example code (and see the
            // TantaCaptureToFileViaReaderWriter also) take great care to do this. This requirement does not
            // seem to exist - my tests indicate it is not necessary to start from 0 in the mp4 file. Maybe the
            // Sink Writer has been improved and now does this automatically. For demonstration purposes
            // the timebase-rebase functionality has been included and choosing that mode copies the sample
            // and resets the time. If the user does not rebase the time we simply send the input sample
            // to the Sink Writer as-is.

                // Set status flags.
                outputSampleDataStruct.dwStatus = MFTOutputDataBufferFlags.None;

                // The output sample is the input sample. We get a new IUnknown for the Input
                // sample since we are going to release it below. The client will release this
                // new IUnknown
                outputSampleDataStruct.pSample = Marshal.GetIUnknownForObject(InputSample);

                // are we recording?
                if (workingSinkWriter != null)
                    // we do everything in a lock
                    lock (sinkWriterLockObject)
                        // are we in timebase rebase mode?
                        if (wantTimebaseRebase == false)
                            // we are not. Just give the input sample to the Sink Writer which will
                            // write it out.
                            hr = workingSinkWriter.WriteSample(sinkWriterVideoStreamId, InputSample);
                            if (hr != HResult.S_OK)
                                throw new Exception("OnProcessOutput call to WriteSample(a) failed. Err=" + hr.ToString());
                            // the timebase rebase option has been chosen. We need to create a copy of the input sample
                            // so we can adjust the time on it.

                            // Get the data buffer from the input sample. If the sample contains more than one buffer,
                            // this method copies the data from the original buffers into a new buffer, and replaces
                            // the original buffer list with the new buffer. The new buffer is returned in the inputMediaBuffer parameter.
                            // If the sample contains a single buffer, this method returns a pointer to the original buffer.
                            // In typical use, most samples do not contain multiple buffers.
                            hr = InputSample.ConvertToContiguousBuffer(out inputMediaBuffer);
                            if (hr != HResult.S_OK)
                                throw new Exception("OnProcessOutput call to InputSample.ConvertToContiguousBuffer failed. Err=" + hr.ToString());

                            // get some other things from the input sample
                            hr = InputSample.GetSampleDuration(out sampleDuration);
                            if (hr != HResult.S_OK)
                                throw new Exception("OnProcessOutput call to InputSample.GetSampleDuration failed. Err=" + hr.ToString());
                            hr = InputSample.GetTotalLength(out sampleSize);
                            if (hr != HResult.S_OK)
                                throw new Exception("OnProcessOutput call to InputSample.GetTotalLength failed. Err=" + hr.ToString());
                            hr = InputSample.GetSampleTime(out sampleTimeStamp);
                            if (hr != HResult.S_OK)
                                throw new Exception("OnProcessOutput call to InputSample.GetSampleTime failed. Err=" + hr.ToString());

                            // get the attributes from the input sample
                            if (InputSample is IMFAttributes)
                                sampleAttributes = (InputSample as IMFAttributes);
                                sampleAttributes = null;

                            // we have all the information we need to create a new output sample
                            sinkWriterSample = TantaWMFUtils.CreateMediaSampleFromBuffer(sampleFlags, sampleTimeStamp, sampleDuration, inputMediaBuffer, sampleSize, sampleAttributes);
                            if (sinkWriterSample == null)
                                throw new Exception("OnProcessOutput, Error on call to CreateMediaSampleFromBuffer sinkWriterSample == null");

                            // we have a sample, if so is it the first non null one?
                            if (isFirstSample)
                                // yes it is set up our timestamp
                                firstSampleBaseTime = sampleTimeStamp;
                                isFirstSample       = false;

                            // rebase the time stamp
                            sampleTimeStamp -= firstSampleBaseTime;

                            hr = sinkWriterSample.SetSampleTime(sampleTimeStamp);
                            if (hr != HResult.S_OK)
                                throw new Exception("OnProcessOutput call to InputSample.SetSampleTime failed. Err=" + hr.ToString());

                            // write the sample out
                            hr = workingSinkWriter.WriteSample(sinkWriterVideoStreamId, sinkWriterSample);
                            if (hr != HResult.S_OK)
                                throw new Exception("OnProcessOutput call to WriteSample(b) failed. Err=" + hr.ToString());
                // clean up
                if (inputMediaBuffer != null)
                    inputMediaBuffer = null;

                if (sinkWriterSample != null)
                    sinkWriterSample = null;

                // Release the current input sample so we can get another one.
                // the act of setting it to null releases it because the property
                // is coded that way
                InputSample = null;
