public void EncodingFullyCapitalizedStringOfMaxLengthShouldNotExceedMaxLinuxFileNameLength()
            var fullyCapitalizedTag = new string('A', OciArtifactModuleReference.MaxTagLength);
            var encoded             = TagEncoder.Encode(fullyCapitalizedTag);

        protected override string GetModuleDirectoryPath(OciArtifactModuleReference reference)
            // cachePath is already set to %userprofile%\.bicep\br or ~/.bicep/br by default depending on OS
            // we need to split each component of the reference into a sub directory to fit within the max file name length limit on linux and mac

            // TODO: Need to deal with IDNs (internationalized domain names)
            // domain names can only contain alphanumeric chars, _, -, and numbers ( or
            // IPV4 addresses only contain dots and numbers ( or
            // IPV6 addresses are hex digits with colons (2001:db8:3333:4444:CCCC:DDDD:EEEE:FFFF or [2001:db8:3333:4444:CCCC:DDDD:EEEE:FFFF]:5000)
            // the only problematic character is the colon, which we will replace with $ which is not allowed in any of the possible registry values
            // we will also normalize casing for registries since they are case-insensitive
            var registry = reference.Registry.Replace(':', '$').ToLowerInvariant();

            // modules can have mixed hierarchy depths so we will flatten a repository into a single directory name
            // however to do this we must get rid of slashes (not a valid file system char on windows and a directory separator on linux/mac)
            // the replacement char must one that is not valid in a repository string but is valid in common type systems
            var repository = reference.Repository.Replace('/', '$');


            if (reference.Tag is not null)
                // tags are case-sensitive with length up to 128
                tagOrDigest = TagEncoder.Encode(reference.Tag);
            else if (reference.Digest is not null)
                // digests are strings like "sha256:e207a69d02b3de40d48ede9fd208d80441a9e590a83a0bc915d46244c03310d4"
                // and are already guaranteed to be lowercase
                // the only problematic character is the : which we will replace with a #
                // however the encoding we choose must not be ambiguous with the tag encoding
                tagOrDigest = reference.Digest.Replace(':', '#');
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Module reference is missing both tag and digest.");

            //var packageDir = WebUtility.UrlEncode(reference.UnqualifiedReference);
            return(Path.Combine(this.cachePath, registry, repository, tagOrDigest));
        private string GetModuleDirectoryPath(OciArtifactModuleReference reference)
            // cachePath is already set to %userprofile%\.bicep\br or ~/.bicep/br by default depending on OS
            // we need to split each component of the reference into a sub directory to fit within the max file name length limit on linux and mac

            // TODO: Need to deal with IDNs (internationalized domain names)
            // domain names can only contain alphanumeric chars, _, -, and numbers ( or
            // IPV4 addresses only contain dots and numbers ( or
            // IPV6 addresses are hex digits with colons (2001:db8:3333:4444:CCCC:DDDD:EEEE:FFFF or [2001:db8:3333:4444:CCCC:DDDD:EEEE:FFFF]:5000)
            // the only problematic character is the colon, which we will replace with $ which is not allowed in any of the possible registry values
            // we will also normalize casing for registries since they are case-insensitive
            var registry = reference.Registry.Replace(':', '$').ToLowerInvariant();

            // modules can have mixed hierarchy depths so we will flatten a repository into a single directory name
            // however to do this we must get rid of slashes (not a valid file system char on windows and a directory separator on linux/mac)
            // the replacement char must one that is not valid in a repository string but is valid in common type systems
            var repository = reference.Repository.Replace('/', '$');

            // tags are case-sensitive with length up to 128
            var tag = TagEncoder.Encode(reference.Tag);

            //var packageDir = WebUtility.UrlEncode(reference.UnqualifiedReference);
            return(Path.Combine(this.cachePath, registry, repository, tag));
 public void EncoderShouldThrowWhenMaxTagLengthIsExceeded() =>
 .Invoking(() => TagEncoder.Encode(OciArtifactModuleReferenceTests.ExampleTagOfMaxLength + 'A'))
 .Throw <ArgumentException>()
 .WithMessage("The specified tag '*' exceeds max length of 128.");
 public void EncoderShouldProduceExpectedOutut(string tag, string expected) => TagEncoder.Encode(tag).Should().Be(expected);