internal static void Reset()
            _allUnits = null;
            _myArmy = null; //All the bots army units.
           // _mySquad = null;//new List<Unit>();
            _myWorkers = null;
            _taa = null;
            OptimizedPropertiesGeneList = null;

            //System.Console.WriteLine("getFrameCount: " + SWIG.BWAPI.bwapi.Broodwar.getFrameCount());
            _gameRestarted = true;
        /// <summary>
        /// Add all units to separate lists. For instance will there be a list with own/my units and one for enemyUnits.
        /// </summary>
        private static void AddAllUnitsToSeparateLists()
            var mySquad = new List<UnitAgent>();

            foreach (var unit in _allUnits) // Game.PlayerSelf.GetUnits IS EQUAL TO MyOwn Units
                if (unit.IsMine)
                    if (IsWorker(unit)) //Add all worker units to one workers.
                        _myWorkers.Add(ConvertUnitToUnitAgent(unit));//new UnitAgent(unit));
                    else //Add all military units to one squad.
            _taa = new TacticalAssaultAgent(_myArmy[0]); //Add the only existing squad.