private void InitUI() { var root = new TableLayout(this); root.SetPadding(0, 20, 0, 0); //add buttons var buttonLayout = new LinearLayout(this); root.AddView(buttonLayout); selectFolderButton = new Button(this) { Text = "Select Folder", }; selectFolderButton.Click += BrowseOnClick; buttonLayout.AddView(selectFolderButton); readWriteButton = new Button(this) { Text = "Read & Write", }; readWriteButton.Click += ReadWriteClick; buttonLayout.AddView(readWriteButton); readZipButton = new Button(this) { Text = "Read Zip Contents", }; readZipButton.Click += ReadZipClick; buttonLayout.AddView(readZipButton); //add uri uriView = new TextView(this) { Text = "Uri: ", }; root.AddView(uriView); //add text infoView = new TextView(this) { TextSize = 20, Text = StorageUri == null ? "Info: First \"Select Folder\" then press \"Read & Write\" to check access." : "", }; root.AddView(infoView); SetContentView(root); }
public override Android.Views.View GetView(int position, Android.Views.View convertView, Android.Views.ViewGroup parent) { View row = convertView; if (row == null) { row = LayoutInflater.From(theContext).Inflate(Resource.Layout.theMatAppAdapter, null, false); } TableLayout theItem = row.FindViewById <TableLayout> (Resource.Id.tableLayout1); theItem.Focusable = false; theItem.FocusableInTouchMode = false; theItem.RemoveAllViews(); /// UI code for the TableLayout , theItem. theItem.SetPadding(1, 20, 20, 10); theItem.SetHorizontalGravity(GravityFlags.Center); theItem.Clickable = true; Expression CurrentExpression = theExpressionList [position]; TextView theStatement = StyleCSCode.MatAppStyleCSCode.StyledTextView(theContext); //Text view to print the give Statement of the Expression. theStatement.Text = "Statement : \t\t\t" + CurrentExpression.getStatement() + "\t\t\t"; theStatement.SetTextSize(ComplexUnitType.Dip, 12); theStatement.TextAlignment = TextAlignment.TextEnd; theItem.AddView(theStatement); if (CurrentExpression.getExpType() == 2) { var text = StyleCSCode.MatAppStyleCSCode.StyledTextView(theContext); //new TextView (theContext); text.Text = $"{CurrentExpression.getTag()} = {(CurrentExpression.getNumber().getNumber())}"; theItem.AddView(text); } if (CurrentExpression.getExpType() == 1) { Matrix theMatrix = CurrentExpression.getMatrix(); var theMatrixTag = StyleCSCode.MatAppStyleCSCode.StyledTextView(theContext); //new TextView (theContext); theMatrixTag.SetTypeface(Android.Graphics.Typeface.Serif, Android.Graphics.TypefaceStyle.Normal); theMatrixTag.Text = $"{theMatrix.getTag()} = "; theItem.AddView(theMatrixTag); for (int c = 1; c <= theMatrix.getRows(); c++) { var theText = StyleCSCode.MatAppStyleCSCode.StyledTextView(theContext); //new TextView (theContext); theText.TextAlignment = TextAlignment.Center; theText.Text = ""; string theString = "\t\t\t"; for (int c1 = 1; c1 <= theMatrix.getColumns(); c1++) { theString += "\t\t\t" + Math.Round(theMatrix.getElement(c, c1), 6); } theString += "\t\t\t\t\t\t"; theText.Text = theString; theItem.AddView(theText); } } return(row); }