        //	public	void	DrawScoreForPlayer( Player netControl,
        //		List<string> teamsFoundSoFar, List<string> teamStrings, string headerString ) {
        public IEnumerable <TableEntryData> GetRowEntries(object row, float x, float y, float labelHeight,
                                                          int areaWidth, List <float> widthPercentages, int fontSize)
            TableEntryData entryData = new TableEntryData();

            entryData.fontSize = fontSize;

            Player player = row as Player;
            bool   isDead = false;

            if (player != null)
                isDead = null == player.PlayerGameObject;

            List <object> values = func_getValuesForRow(row);

            for (int i = 0; i < widthPercentages.Count; i++)
                entryData.color = Color.white;
                if (isDead)
                    entryData.color = Color.black;

                entryData.text = values [i].ToString();

//				switch (i) {
//				case 0:
//					s += player.playerName;
//					break ;
//				case 1:
//					s += player.GetComponent<Score>().numKills;
//					break;
//				case 2:
//					s += player.GetComponent<Score>().numDeaths;
//					break;
//				case 3:
//					s += player.Ping;
//					break;
//				case 4:
//					s += player.health;
//					break;
//				case 5:
//					s += player.GetComponent<NetworkIdentity> ().netId.Value;
//					break;
//				case 6:
//					if (!isDead && player.PlayerGameObject != null)
//						s += player.PlayerGameObject.GetComponent<NetworkIdentity> ().netId.Value.ToString ();
//					break;
//				case 7:
//					s += player.status.ToString ();
//					break;
//				case 8:
//					if (player.conn != null)
//						s += player.conn.address.ToString ();
//					break;
//				}

                entryData.rect = new Rect(x, y, areaWidth * widthPercentages [i], labelHeight);

                yield return(entryData);

                x += areaWidth * widthPercentages [i];

             * string s = "";
             * if (isDead)
             *      s += "<color=black>";
             * s += string.Format ("{0,-35} {1,-7} {2,-8} {3,-6}", new object[] {
             *      netControl.playerName,
             *      netControl.numKills,
             *      netControl.numDeaths,
             *      netControl.ping + " ms"
             * });
             * // add on server: health, net id of net control object, net id of playing object, status, ip
             * if (NetworkManager.singleton.IsServer ()) {
             *      // {0,-9} {1,-7} {2,-7} {3,-15} {4,-15}
             *      Player player = NetworkManager.singleton.GetPlayerByName (netControl.playerName);
             *      string playingObjectIdStr = "" ;
             *      if (!isDead && netControl.playerGameObject != null)
             *              playingObjectIdStr = netControl.playerGameObject.GetComponent<NetworkIdentity> ().netId.Value.ToString ();
             *      string addressStr = "";
             *      if (player.conn != null)
             *              addressStr = player.conn.address.ToString ();
             *      s += string.Format ("{0,-9} {1,-7} {2,-7} {3,-15} {4,-15}", new object[] {
             *              netControl.health,
             *              netControl.GetComponent<NetworkIdentity>().netId.Value,
             *              playingObjectIdStr,
             *              player.status.ToString(),
             *              addressStr
             *      });
             * }
             * if (isDead)
             *      s += "</color>";
             * int index = teamsFoundSoFar.FindIndex (teamName => teamName == netControl.team);
             * if (index < 0) {
             *      teamsFoundSoFar.Add (netControl.team);
             *      teamStrings.Add ("<color=red>Team: " + netControl.team + "\n" + headerString + "</color>" + s + "\n");
             * } else {
             *      // already found this team
             *      teamStrings [index] += s + "\n";
             * }
        public virtual IEnumerable <TableEntryData> GetTableEntries()
            int width  = GetTableWidth();
            int height = GetTableHeight();

            width  -= HorizontalMargin * 2;
            height -= VerticalMargin * 2;

            // gather necessery info
            var rowsPerTeam = func_getRowsPerTeam();

            int numPlayers = rowsPerTeam.Sum(rpt => rpt.rows.Count);

            int numRows = numPlayers + rowsPerTeam.Count * 2;

            // from 0 to 4
            int spaceBetween = Mathf.FloorToInt(4 - numRows / 10.0f);

            if (spaceBetween < 0)
                spaceBetween = 0;

            int totalSpaceBetween = (numRows - 1) * spaceBetween;

            //	float labelHeightF = 18 * (height - totalSpaceBetween) / 400.0f ;
            //	if (numRows != 0)
            //		labelHeightF *= 20.0f / numRows;
            float labelHeightF = (height - totalSpaceBetween);

            if (numRows != 0)
                labelHeightF /= numRows;
            if (labelHeightF > 30)
                labelHeightF = 30;

            float fontSizeF = labelHeightF * 0.6f;              // * height / 400.0f ;

            if (fontSizeF > 15)
                fontSizeF = 15;

            //	if (numPlayers > 20) {
            // if num players is higher than 20, font size and label height need to be decreased

            //		fontSizeF *= 20.0f / numPlayers ;
            //		labelHeightF *= 20.0f / numPlayers ;
            //	}

            int fontSize = Mathf.FloorToInt(fontSizeF);

            var widthPercentages = func_getColumnsWidthPercentages();
            var columnNames      = func_getColumnsNames();

             * string headerStr = string.Format( "{0,-35} {1,-7} {2,-8} {3,-6}", new object[] {"name", "kills", "deaths", "ping"} ) ;
             * // add on server: health, net id of net control object and playing object, status, ip
             * if (NetworkManager.singleton.IsServer ()) {
             *      headerStr += string.Format ("{0,-9} {1,-7} {2,-7} {3,-15} {4,-15}", new object[] { "health", "NetControlObjectId", "PlayingObjectId", "status", "ip" });
             * }
             * headerStr += "\n";

            //	float x = rect.x;
            //	float y = rect.y;
            float          x         = HorizontalMargin;
            float          y         = VerticalMargin;
            TableEntryData entryData = new TableEntryData();

            entryData.color    = Color.black;
            entryData.fontSize = fontSize;
            entryData.isHeader = false;

            //	GUI.Label( new Rect( x, y, rect.width, labelHeightF ), "font size: " + fontSize + ", label height: " + labelHeightF, labelStyle );
            //	y += labelHeightF + spaceBetween;

            foreach (var pair in rowsPerTeam)
                string team = pair.team;

                // team name
                entryData.color = Color.red;
                entryData.rect  = new Rect(x, y, width, labelHeightF);
                entryData.text  = team;

                yield return(entryData);

                y += labelHeightF + spaceBetween;

                // column header names
                entryData.isHeader = true;
                for (int j = 0; j < widthPercentages.Count; j++)
                    entryData.color = Color.red;
                    entryData.text  = columnNames [j];
                    if (SortingColumn == entryData.text)
                        // add a little sign, so that we know this is the sorting column
                        if (DescendingSort)
                            entryData.text += singleton.sortingColumnDescendingTextSuffix;
                            entryData.text += singleton.sortingColumnAscendingTextSuffix;
                    entryData.rect = new Rect(x, y, width * widthPercentages [j], labelHeightF);

                    yield return(entryData);

                    x += width * widthPercentages [j];
                entryData.isHeader = false;

                //	x = rect.x ;
                x  = HorizontalMargin;
                y += labelHeightF + spaceBetween;

                // rows


                foreach (var row in pair.rows)
                    foreach (var e in this.GetRowEntries(row, x, y, labelHeightF, width, widthPercentages, fontSize))
                        yield return(e);

                    y += labelHeightF + spaceBetween;