public RenderVertex3D[] GetCentralCurve(Table.Table table, float acc = -1.0f)
            float accuracy;

            // as solid ramps are rendered into the static buffer, always use maximum precision
            if (acc != -1.0)
                accuracy = acc;                 // used for hit shape calculation, always!
                var mat = table.GetMaterial(_data.Material);
                if (mat == null || !mat.IsOpacityActive)
                    accuracy = 10.0f;
                    accuracy = table.GetDetailLevel();

            // min = 4 (highest accuracy/detail level), max = 4 * 10^(10/1.5) = ~18.000.000 (lowest accuracy/detail level)
            accuracy = 4.0f * MathF.Pow(10.0f, (10.0f - accuracy) * (1.0f / 1.5f));
            return(DragPoint.GetRgVertex <RenderVertex3D, CatmullCurve3DCatmullCurveFactory>(_data.DragPoints, false, accuracy));
        public Mesh GetMesh(Table.Table table, RubberData rubberData)
            var mesh = GetTransformedMesh(table.TableHeight, _data.Height, table.GetDetailLevel());

            mesh.Name = rubberData.Name;
            var preMatrix = new Matrix3D();

            preMatrix.SetTranslation(0, 0, -_data.Height);
        public Mesh GetMesh(Table.Table table, MetalWireGuideData metalWireGuideData)
            var mesh = GetTransformedMesh(table.TableHeight, _data.Height, table.GetDetailLevel(), _data.Bendradius);

            mesh.Name = metalWireGuideData.Name;
            var preMatrix = new Matrix3D();

            preMatrix.SetTranslation(0, 0, -_data.Height);
        internal Mesh GetMesh(Table.Table table, int acc = -1, bool createHitShape = false)
            var       mesh     = new Mesh(_data.Name);
            const int accuracy = (int)(10.0f * 1.2f);             // see also above

            var splineAccuracy = acc != -1 ? 4.0f * MathF.Pow(10.0f, (10.0f - PhysicsConstants.HitShapeDetailLevel) * (float)(1.0 / 1.5)) : -1.0f;
            var sv             = new SplineVertex(_data.DragPoints, _data.Thickness, table.GetDetailLevel(), (int)splineAccuracy);

            var numRings    = sv.VertexCount - 1;
            var numSegments = accuracy;

            var numVertices = numRings * numSegments;
            var numIndices  = 6 * numVertices;            //m_numVertices*2+2;
            var height      = _data.HitHeight + table.TableHeight;

            mesh.Vertices = new Vertex3DNoTex2[numVertices];
            mesh.Indices  = new int[numIndices];

            var prevB = new Vertex3D();
            var invNr = 1.0f / numRings;
            var invNs = 1.0f / numSegments;
            var index = 0;

            for (var i = 0; i < numRings; i++)
                var i2      = i == numRings - 1 ? 0 : i + 1;
                var tangent = new Vertex3D(sv.MiddlePoints[i2].X - sv.MiddlePoints[i].X,
                                           sv.MiddlePoints[i2].Y - sv.MiddlePoints[i].Y, 0.0f);

                Vertex3D biNormal;
                Vertex3D normal;
                if (i == 0)
                    var up = new Vertex3D(sv.MiddlePoints[i2].X + sv.MiddlePoints[i].X, sv.MiddlePoints[i2].Y + sv.MiddlePoints[i].Y, height * 2.0f);
                    normal   = new Vertex3D(tangent.Y * up.Z, -tangent.X * up.Z, tangent.X * up.Y - tangent.Y * up.X);                   // = CrossProduct(tangent, up)
                    biNormal = new Vertex3D(tangent.Y * normal.Z, -tangent.X * normal.Z, tangent.X * normal.Y - tangent.Y * normal.X);   // = CrossProduct(tangent, normal)
                    normal   = prevB.Clone().Cross(tangent);
                    biNormal = tangent.Clone().Cross(normal);

                prevB = biNormal;
                var u = i * invNr;
                for (var j = 0; j < numSegments; j++)
                    var v   = ((float)j + u) * invNs;
                    var tmp = Vertex3D.GetRotatedAxis(j * (360.0f * invNs), tangent, normal)
                              .MultiplyScalar(_data.Thickness * 0.5f);

                    mesh.Vertices[index] = new Vertex3DNoTex2 {
                        X = sv.MiddlePoints[i].X + tmp.X,
                        Y = sv.MiddlePoints[i].Y + tmp.Y
                    if (createHitShape && (j == 0 || j == 3))
                        //!! hack, adapt if changing detail level for hitshape
                        // for a hit shape create a more rectangle mesh and not a smooth one
                        tmp.Z *= 0.6f;

                    mesh.Vertices[index].Z = height + tmp.Z;
                    mesh.Vertices[index].Tu = u;
                    mesh.Vertices[index].Tv = v;

            // calculate faces
            for (var i = 0; i < numRings; i++)
                for (var j = 0; j < numSegments; j++)
                    var quad = new int[4];
                    quad[0] = i * numSegments + j;

                    if (j != numSegments - 1)
                        quad[1] = i * numSegments + j + 1;
                        quad[1] = i * numSegments;

                    if (i != numRings - 1)
                        quad[2] = (i + 1) * numSegments + j;
                        if (j != numSegments - 1)
                            quad[3] = (i + 1) * numSegments + j + 1;
                            quad[3] = (i + 1) * numSegments;
                        quad[2] = j;
                        if (j != numSegments - 1)
                            quad[3] = j + 1;
                            quad[3] = 0;

                    mesh.Indices[(i * numSegments + j) * 6]     = quad[0];
                    mesh.Indices[(i * numSegments + j) * 6 + 1] = quad[1];
                    mesh.Indices[(i * numSegments + j) * 6 + 2] = quad[2];
                    mesh.Indices[(i * numSegments + j) * 6 + 3] = quad[3];
                    mesh.Indices[(i * numSegments + j) * 6 + 4] = quad[2];
                    mesh.Indices[(i * numSegments + j) * 6 + 5] = quad[1];

            Mesh.ComputeNormals(mesh.Vertices, numVertices, mesh.Indices, numIndices);

            var maxX = Constants.FloatMin;
            var minX = Constants.FloatMax;
            var maxY = Constants.FloatMin;
            var minY = Constants.FloatMax;
            var maxZ = Constants.FloatMin;
            var minZ = Constants.FloatMax;

            for (var i = 0; i < numVertices; i++)
                if (maxX < mesh.Vertices[i].X)
                    maxX = mesh.Vertices[i].X;

                if (minX > mesh.Vertices[i].X)
                    minX = mesh.Vertices[i].X;

                if (maxY < mesh.Vertices[i].Y)
                    maxY = mesh.Vertices[i].Y;

                if (minY > mesh.Vertices[i].Y)
                    minY = mesh.Vertices[i].Y;

                if (maxZ < mesh.Vertices[i].Z)
                    maxZ = mesh.Vertices[i].Z;

                if (minZ > mesh.Vertices[i].Z)
                    minZ = mesh.Vertices[i].Z;

            MiddlePoint.X = (maxX + minX) * 0.5f;
            MiddlePoint.Y = (maxY + minY) * 0.5f;
            MiddlePoint.Z = (maxZ + minZ) * 0.5f;

        private Tuple <Mesh, Mesh> GenerateBaseWires(Table.Table table)
            int accuracy;

            if (table.GetDetailLevel() < 5)
                accuracy = 6;
            else if (table.GetDetailLevel() >= 5 && table.GetDetailLevel() < 8)
                accuracy = 8;
                accuracy = (int)(table.GetDetailLevel() * 1.3f);                  // see below

            // as solid ramps are rendered into the static buffer, always use maximum precision
            var mat = table.GetMaterial(_data.Material);

            if (mat == null || !mat.IsOpacityActive)
                accuracy = 12;                 // see above

            var rv           = GetRampVertex(table, -1, false);
            var middlePoints = rv.MiddlePoints;

            var numRings    = rv.VertexCount;
            var numSegments = accuracy;
            var numVertices = numRings * numSegments;
            var numIndices  = 6 * numVertices;            //m_numVertices*2+2;

            var tmpPoints = new Vertex2D[rv.VertexCount];

            for (var i = 0; i < rv.VertexCount; i++)
                tmpPoints[i] = rv.RgvLocal[rv.VertexCount * 2 - i - 1];

            Vertex3DNoTex2[] vertBuffer;
            Vertex3DNoTex2[] vertBuffer2;

            if (_data.RampType != RampType.RampType1Wire)
                vertBuffer  = CreateWire(numRings, numSegments, rv.RgvLocal, rv.PointHeights);
                vertBuffer2 = CreateWire(numRings, numSegments, tmpPoints, rv.PointHeights);
                vertBuffer  = CreateWire(numRings, numSegments, middlePoints, rv.PointHeights);
                vertBuffer2 = null;

            // calculate faces
            var indices = new int[numIndices];

            for (var i = 0; i < numRings - 1; i++)
                for (var j = 0; j < numSegments; j++)
                    var quad = new int[4];
                    quad[0] = i * numSegments + j;

                    if (j != numSegments - 1)
                        quad[1] = i * numSegments + j + 1;
                        quad[1] = i * numSegments;

                    if (i != numRings - 1)
                        quad[2] = (i + 1) * numSegments + j;
                        if (j != numSegments - 1)
                            quad[3] = (i + 1) * numSegments + j + 1;
                            quad[3] = (i + 1) * numSegments;
                        quad[2] = j;
                        if (j != numSegments - 1)
                            quad[3] = j + 1;
                            quad[3] = 0;

                    var offs = (i * numSegments + j) * 6;
                    indices[offs]     = quad[0];
                    indices[offs + 1] = quad[1];
                    indices[offs + 2] = quad[2];
                    indices[offs + 3] = quad[3];
                    indices[offs + 4] = quad[2];
                    indices[offs + 5] = quad[1];

            if (_data.RampType != RampType.RampType1Wire)
                return(new Tuple <Mesh, Mesh>(
                           new Mesh(vertBuffer, indices),
                           new Mesh(vertBuffer2, indices)
            return(new Tuple <Mesh, Mesh>(new Mesh(vertBuffer, indices), null));