private static void SetChildItemsTabPosition <TPersisted>(TabbedContentItem <ContentPropertyDisplay, TPersisted> display,
                                                                  IDictionary <string, object> listViewConfig,
                                                                  Tab <ContentPropertyDisplay> listViewTab)
            where TPersisted : IContentBase
            // Find position of tab from config
            var tabIndexForChildItems = 0;

            if (listViewConfig["displayAtTabNumber"] != null && int.TryParse((string)listViewConfig["displayAtTabNumber"], out tabIndexForChildItems))
                // Tab position is recorded 1-based but we insert into collection 0-based

                // Ensure within bounds
                if (tabIndexForChildItems < 0)
                    tabIndexForChildItems = 0;

                if (tabIndexForChildItems > display.Tabs.Count())
                    tabIndexForChildItems = display.Tabs.Count();

            // Recreate tab list with child items tab at configured position
            var tabs = new List <Tab <ContentPropertyDisplay> >();

            tabs.Insert(tabIndexForChildItems, listViewTab);
            display.Tabs = tabs;
        /// <summary>
        /// Adds the container (listview) tab to the document
        /// </summary>
        /// <typeparam name="TPersisted"></typeparam>
        /// <param name="display"></param>
        /// <param name="entityType">This must be either 'content' or 'media'</param>
        /// <param name="dataTypeService"></param>
        /// <param name="localizedTextService"></param>
        internal static void AddListView <TPersisted>(TabbedContentItem <ContentPropertyDisplay, TPersisted> display, string entityType, IDataTypeService dataTypeService, ILocalizedTextService localizedTextService)
            where TPersisted : IContentBase
            int dtdId;
            var customDtdName = Constants.Conventions.DataTypes.ListViewPrefix + display.ContentTypeAlias;

            switch (entityType)
            case "content":
                dtdId = Constants.System.DefaultContentListViewDataTypeId;


            case "media":
                dtdId = Constants.System.DefaultMediaListViewDataTypeId;

            case "member":
                dtdId = Constants.System.DefaultMembersListViewDataTypeId;

                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("entityType does not match a required value");

            //first try to get the custom one if there is one
            var dt = dataTypeService.GetDataTypeDefinitionByName(customDtdName)
                     ?? dataTypeService.GetDataTypeDefinitionById(dtdId);

            if (dt == null)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("No list view data type was found for this document type, ensure that the default list view data types exists and/or that your custom list view data type exists");

            var preVals = dataTypeService.GetPreValuesCollectionByDataTypeId(dt.Id);

            var editor = PropertyEditorResolver.Current.GetByAlias(dt.PropertyEditorAlias);

            if (editor == null)
                throw new NullReferenceException("The property editor with alias " + dt.PropertyEditorAlias + " does not exist");

            var listViewTab = new Tab <ContentPropertyDisplay>();

            listViewTab.Alias    = Constants.Conventions.PropertyGroups.ListViewGroupName;
            listViewTab.Label    = localizedTextService.Localize("content/childItems");
            listViewTab.Id       = display.Tabs.Count() + 1;
            listViewTab.IsActive = true;

            var listViewConfig = editor.PreValueEditor.ConvertDbToEditor(editor.DefaultPreValues, preVals);

            //add the entity type to the config
            listViewConfig["entityType"] = entityType;

            //Override Tab Label if tabName is provided
            if (listViewConfig.ContainsKey("tabName"))
                var configTabName = listViewConfig["tabName"];
                if (configTabName != null && string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(configTabName.ToString()) == false)
                    listViewTab.Label = configTabName.ToString();

            var listViewProperties = new List <ContentPropertyDisplay>();

            listViewProperties.Add(new ContentPropertyDisplay
                Alias     = string.Format("{0}containerView", Constants.PropertyEditors.InternalGenericPropertiesPrefix),
                Label     = "",
                Value     = null,
                View      = editor.ValueEditor.View,
                HideLabel = true,
                Config    = listViewConfig
            listViewTab.Properties = listViewProperties;

            SetChildItemsTabPosition(display, listViewConfig, listViewTab);