// GET: activity/W20160926 public ActionResult Index(string invitedcode = "") { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(invitedcode)) { Initial(invitedcode); } bool hadUsed = false; ViewBag.CanUseCount = GetCanUseTimes(ref hadUsed); string invitationCode = ""; int userID = Settings.Instance.CurrentUserId; if (userID < 1) { invitationCode = ""; } else { B_member_table bllUser = new B_member_table(); M_member_table user = bllUser.GetModel(userID); if (user == null || user.registerid <= 0) { invitationCode = ""; } else { invitationCode = user.invitedcode; } } TXShareHelper tx = new TXShareHelper(); #region TXShareHelper 赋值逻辑 //tx.link = Request.Url.AbsoluteUri.Replace(Request.Url.AbsolutePath, "") + "/register/?invitedcode=" + invitationCode;// tx.link = Request.Url.AbsoluteUri.ToString().Trim(); tx.CheckSignature(tx.link); tx.appid = Utils.GetAppSetting("WeiXinAppid"); tx.title = "金秋十月收获季,创利投给您送红包啦!"; if (Utils.GetAppSetting("DeBug") == "1") { tx.imgUrl = Utils.GetAppSetting("MDeBugURL") + "Images/shareoutimg.jpg"; } else { tx.imgUrl = Utils.GetAppSetting("MReleaseURL") + "Images/shareoutimg.jpg"; } tx.desc = "金秋十月收获季节,创利投为您锦上添花!动动手指,注册完成就能领现金哦……"; #endregion //ViewBag.InvCode = invitationCode; ViewBag.linkOutUrl = Request.Url.AbsoluteUri.ToString().Trim().Split('?')[0] + "?invitedcode=" + invitationCode; ViewBag.TXShareHelper = tx; return(View()); }
/// <summary> /// 邀请列表 /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public ActionResult List(int pageIndex = 1) { int userid = ChuanglitouP2P.Common.Settings.Instance.CurrentUserId; string invitedcode = string.Empty; if (userid > 0) { string sql = "select registerid,invitedcode from hx_member_table where registerid='" + userid + "' "; DataTable dt = DbHelperSQL.GET_DataTable_List(sql); invitedcode += "register/index?invitedcode=" + dt.Rows[0]["invitedcode"].ToString(); } string shareUrl = Utils.GetAppSetting("MReleaseURL") + invitedcode; TXShareHelper tx = new TXShareHelper(); #region TXShareHelper 赋值逻辑 tx.link = Request.Url.AbsoluteUri.ToString().Trim(); tx.CheckSignature(tx.link); tx.appid = Utils.GetAppSetting("WeiXinAppid"); tx.title = "来创利投金服,新手理财送好礼,现金红包送不停"; if (Utils.GetAppSetting("DeBug") == "1") { tx.imgUrl = Utils.GetAppSetting("MDeBugURL") + "Images/xrzcshl.jpg"; } else { tx.imgUrl = Utils.GetAppSetting("MReleaseURL") + "Images/xrzcshl.jpg"; } tx.desc = "来创利投金服,新手理财送好礼,现金红包送不停"; tx.link = shareUrl; #endregion // var list = ef.V_YaoQinList.Where(p => p.membertable_registerid == userid).OrderByDescending(p => p.Createtime).ToPagedList(pageIndex ?? 1, pgaesize); int pageSize = 5; int pageCount = 0; int count = ef.V_YaoQinList.Where(p => p.membertable_registerid == userid).Count(); if (count > 0) { if (count % pageSize > 0) { pageCount = count / pageSize + 1; } else { pageCount = count / pageSize; } } pageIndex = pageIndex <= 1 ? 1 : pageIndex; pageIndex = pageIndex >= pageCount ? pageCount : pageIndex; var list = ef.V_YaoQinList.Where(p => p.membertable_registerid == userid).OrderByDescending(a => a.Createtime).ToPagedList(pageIndex, pageSize); ViewBag.pageCount = pageCount; ViewBag.pageIndex = pageIndex; ViewBag.TXShareHelper = tx; return(View(list)); }
// GET: register public ActionResult Index(string invitedcode = "") { string cInvitedcode = Utils.CheckSQLHtml(DNTRequest.GetString("channel")); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(cInvitedcode)) { var keyValue = new Dictionary <string, string>(); keyValue.Add("Invitedcode", cInvitedcode); Utils.SetInvCookie("channel", keyValue); Utils.SetInvCookie("Invitation", keyValue, -1); } invitedcode = Utils.CheckSQLHtml(invitedcode); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(invitedcode)) { string sql = "select registerid,invitedcode from hx_member_table where invitedcode='" + invitedcode + "' "; DataTable dt = DbHelperSQL.GET_DataTable_List(sql); if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) { HttpCookie c*k = new HttpCookie("Invitation"); c*k.Values.Add("InvCode", DESEncrypt.Encrypt(invitedcode, ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["webp"].ToString())); c*k.Values.Add("CodeUid", DESEncrypt.Encrypt(dt.Rows[0]["registerid"].ToString(), ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["webp"].ToString())); c*k.Expires = DateTime.Now.AddDays(1); Response.AppendCookie(c*k); } } TXShareHelper tx = new TXShareHelper(); #region TXShareHelper 赋值逻辑 tx.link = Request.Url.AbsoluteUri.ToString().Trim(); tx.CheckSignature(tx.link); tx.appid = Utils.GetAppSetting("WeiXinAppid"); tx.title = "来创利投金服,新手理财送好礼,现金红包送不停"; if (Utils.GetAppSetting("DeBug") == "1") { tx.imgUrl = Utils.GetAppSetting("MDeBugURL") + "Images/xrzcshl.jpg"; } else { tx.imgUrl = Utils.GetAppSetting("MReleaseURL") + "Images/xrzcshl.jpg"; } tx.desc = "创利投金服,新手理财送好礼,现金红包送不停"; #endregion ViewBag.TXShareHelper = tx; return(View()); }
// GET: activity/W20161110 public ActionResult Index() { int userid = ChuanglitouP2P.Common.Settings.Instance.CurrentUserId; string yqUrl = userid <= 0 ? "/login.html" : "/Invitation/List"; string tzUrl = userid <= 0 ? "/login.html" : "/index.html"; string invitedcode = string.Empty; if (userid > 0) { string sql = "select registerid,invitedcode from hx_member_table where registerid='" + userid + "' "; DataTable dt = DbHelperSQL.GET_DataTable_List(sql); invitedcode += "register/index?invitedcode=" + dt.Rows[0]["invitedcode"].ToString(); } string shareUrl = Utils.GetAppSetting("MReleaseURL") + invitedcode; TXShareHelper tx = new TXShareHelper(); #region TXShareHelper 赋值逻辑 tx.link = Request.Url.AbsoluteUri.ToString().Trim(); tx.CheckSignature(tx.link); tx.appid = Utils.GetAppSetting("WeiXinAppid"); tx.title = "邀请好友来投资,双方都有奖励奖励无上限!送3重豪礼不限量 iPhone7 plus等你拿!!"; if (Utils.GetAppSetting("DeBug") == "1") { tx.imgUrl = Utils.GetAppSetting("MDeBugURL") + "Images/yhynhl.jpg"; } else { tx.imgUrl = Utils.GetAppSetting("MReleaseURL") + "Images/yhynhl.jpg"; } tx.desc = "邀请好友来投资,双方都有奖励奖励无上限!送3重豪礼不限量 iPhone7 plus等你拿!!"; tx.link = shareUrl; #endregion ViewBag.TXShareHelper = tx; ViewBag.YqUrl = yqUrl; ViewBag.TzUrl = tzUrl; return(View()); }
// GET: activity/W20170106 public ActionResult Index() { int userid = ChuanglitouP2P.Common.Settings.Instance.CurrentUserId; string yqUrl = userid <= 0 ? "/login.html" : "/Invitation/List"; string tzUrl = userid <= 0 ? "/login.html" : "/index.html"; string invitedcode = ""; if (userid > 0) { string sql = "select registerid,invitedcode from hx_member_table where registerid='" + userid + "' "; DataTable dt = DbHelperSQL.GET_DataTable_List(sql); invitedcode += dt.Rows[0]["invitedcode"].ToString(); } string shareUrl = (invitedcode == "" ? "http://www.chuanglitou.cn/" : "http://www.chuanglitou.cn/Invitation/" + invitedcode + ".html");// Utils.GetAppSetting("MReleaseURL") + invitedcode; TXShareHelper tx = new TXShareHelper(); #region TXShareHelper 赋值逻辑 tx.link = shareUrl;// Request.Url.AbsoluteUri.ToString().Trim(); tx.CheckSignature(tx.link); tx.appid = Utils.GetAppSetting("WeiXinAppid"); tx.title = "邀请好友来投资,双方都有奖励奖励无上限!送3重豪礼不限量 iPhone7 plus等你拿!!"; if (Utils.GetAppSetting("DeBug") == "1") { tx.imgUrl = Utils.GetAppSetting("MDeBugURL") + "Images/yhynhl.jpg"; } else { tx.imgUrl = Utils.GetAppSetting("MReleaseURL") + "Images/yhynhl.jpg"; } tx.desc = "邀请好友来投资,双方都有奖励奖励无上限!送3重豪礼不限量 iPhone7 plus等你拿!!"; tx.link = shareUrl; #endregion ViewBag.TXShareHelper = tx; ViewBag.YqUrl = yqUrl; ViewBag.TzUrl = tzUrl; string codesql = "select TOP 5 (SELECT mobile from hx_member_table where registerid = Invpeopleid) mobile,count(invcode) invcode from hx_td_Userinvitation where invtime >= '2017/1/6 00:00:00' AND invtime <= '2017/3/31 23:59:59' GROUP BY Invpeopleid ORDER BY invcode desc";//查询累计邀请人数排名 DataTable dtcode = DbHelperSQL.GET_DataTable_List(codesql); if (dtcode.Rows.Count > 0) { ViewBag.RenShu = dtcode; } else { ViewBag.RenShu = null; } string codesql2 = "SELECT TOP 5 (SELECT t.mobile from hx_member_table t where t.registerid=a.registerid) mobile , SUM(Amt)amt FROM hx_UserAct a where RewTypeID = 1 AND Createtime >= '2017/1/6 00:00:00' AND Createtime <= '2017/3/31 23:59:59' AND registerid IN(SELECT distinct Invpeopleid from hx_td_Userinvitation where invtime >= '2017/1/6 00:00:00' AND invtime <= '2017/3/31 23:59:59') GROUP BY registerid ORDER BY amt desc";//查询累计邀请返现排名 DataTable dtcode2 = DbHelperSQL.GET_DataTable_List(codesql2); if (dtcode2.Rows.Count > 0) { ViewBag.JinE = dtcode2; } else { ViewBag.JinE = null; } return(View()); }