protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { this.channel_id = TWRequest.GetQueryInt("channel_id", 1); this.category_id = TWRequest.GetQueryInt("category_id"); this.keywords = TWRequest.GetQueryString("keywords"); = TWRequest.GetQueryString("property"); this.status = TWRequest.GetQueryString("status"); if (channel_id == 0) { JscriptMsg("頻道參數不正確!", "back"); return; } statusSelect.Visible = true; this.channel_name = new; //取得頻道名稱 this.pageSize = GetPageSize(50); //每頁數量 this.prolistview = Utils.GetCookie("vip_list_view"); //顯示方式 if (!Page.IsPostBack) { //ChkAdminLevel("channel_" + this.channel_name + "_list", TWEnums.ActionEnum.View.ToString()); //檢查權限 TreeBind(this.channel_id); //綁定類別 RptBind(this.channel_id, this.category_id, "id>0" + CombSqlTxt(this.keywords,, this.status), "sort_id,add_time desc,id desc"); } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { string _action = TWRequest.GetQueryString("action"); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(_action) && _action == TWEnums.ActionEnum.Edit.ToString()) { this.action = TWEnums.ActionEnum.Edit.ToString();//修改類型 = TWRequest.GetQueryInt("id"); if ( == 0) { JscriptMsg("傳輸參數不正確!", "back"); return; } if (!new BLL.basic().Exists( { JscriptMsg("資料不存在或已被刪除!", "back"); return; } } if (!Page.IsPostBack) { txtbasic_type.DataSource = Tea.DBUtility.DbHelperSQL.Query("select * from shop_basic where basic_where='qu' order by basic_sort"); txtbasic_type.DataTextField = "basic_label"; txtbasic_type.DataValueField = "basic_value"; txtbasic_type.DataBind(); //ChkAdminLevel("plugin_link", TWEnums.ActionEnum.View.ToString()); //檢查權限 if (action == TWEnums.ActionEnum.Edit.ToString()) //修改 { ShowInfo(; } } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { tid = TWRequest.GetQueryInt("tid"); id = TWRequest.GetQueryInt("id"); DataSet ds = Tea.DBUtility.DbHelperSQL.Query("select * from shop_basic where basic_where='help' order by basic_sort"); data_type.DataSource = ds; data_type.DataBind(); if (tid == 0) { if (ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0) { tid = Utils.StrToInt(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["basic_value"].ToString(), 0); } } if (tid > 0) { sql = "channel_id=1 and category_id=" + tid + " and status=0 and datediff(minute,add_time,getdate())>=0"; } if (id > 0) { sql = "id=" + id + ""; } data_list.DataSource = Tea.DBUtility.DbHelperSQL.Query("select * from shop_about where " + sql + " order by sort_id desc,id desc"); data_list.DataBind(); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { ChkAdminLevelEdit("user_list", "Edit"); this.channel_id = TWRequest.GetQueryInt("channel_id"); this.category_id = TWRequest.GetQueryInt("category_id"); this.keywords = TWRequest.GetQueryString("keywords"); = TWRequest.GetQueryString("property"); this.goods_ids = TWRequest.GetQueryString("goods_ids"); if (channel_id == 0) { JscriptMsg("頻道參數不正確!", "back", "Error"); return; } this.channel_name = new; //取得頻道名稱 this.pageSize = GetPageSize(50); //每頁數量 if (!Page.IsPostBack) { TreeBind(this.channel_id); //綁定類別 if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(goods_ids)) { RptBind(this.channel_id, this.category_id, "wheresql='tuan' and brand_id=1" + CombSqlTxt(this.keywords,, "id desc"); } else { RptBind(this.channel_id, this.category_id, "wheresql='tuan' and brand_id=1" + CombSqlTxt(this.keywords,, "id desc"); } } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { = TWRequest.GetQueryInt("id"); if ( == 0) { JscriptMsg("傳輸參數不正確!", "back"); return; } if (!new BLL.orders().Exists( { JscriptMsg("記錄不存在或已被刪除!", "back"); return; } if (!Page.IsPostBack) { bll2 = new; DataTable dt = bll2.GetList("").Tables[0]; ddlExpressId.Items.Clear(); ddlExpressId.Items.Add(new ListItem("請選擇配送方式", "")); foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows) { ddlExpressId.Items.Add(new ListItem(dr["title"].ToString(), dr["id"].ToString())); } //ChkAdminLevel("order_list", TWEnums.ActionEnum.View.ToString()); //檢查許可權 ShowInfo(; } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { id = TWRequest.GetQueryInt("id"); Tea.BLL.orders bll = new Tea.BLL.orders(); model = bll.GetModel(id); if (model.user_id != { Response.Redirect("order.aspx"); } try { area = model.area.Split(',')[1].ToString(); city = model.area.Split(',')[2].ToString(); } catch (Exception eee) { } payModel = new Tea.BLL.payment().GetModel(model.payment_id); if (payModel == null) { payModel = new Tea.Model.payment(); } data_cart.DataSource = Tea.DBUtility.DbHelperSQL.Query("select * from shop_order_goods where order_id=" + id + ""); data_cart.DataBind(); data_gift.DataSource = Tea.DBUtility.DbHelperSQL.Query("select * from view_order_gift where order_id=" + id + ""); data_gift.DataBind(); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { this.channel_id = TWRequest.GetQueryInt("channel_id"); this.category_id = TWRequest.GetQueryInt("category_id"); this.keywords = TWRequest.GetQueryString("keywords"); = TWRequest.GetQueryString("property"); this.goods_ids = TWRequest.GetQueryString("goods_ids"); if (channel_id == 0) { JscriptMsg("頻道參數不正確!", "back", "Error"); return; } this.channel_name = new; //取得頻道名稱 this.pageSize = GetPageSize(50); //每頁數量 if (!Page.IsPostBack) { ////ChkAdminLevel("channel_" + this.channel_name + "_list", DTEnums.ActionEnum.View.ToString()); //檢查權限 TreeBind(this.channel_id); //綁定類別 if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(goods_ids)) { RptBind(this.channel_id, this.category_id, "id not in(" + goods_ids + ") and brand_id in(1,2,3,5) and yu_lock<1" + CombSqlTxt(this.keywords,, "id desc"); } else { RptBind(this.channel_id, this.category_id, "brand_id in(1,2,3,5) and yu_lock<1" + CombSqlTxt(this.keywords,, "id desc"); } } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { string _action = TWRequest.GetQueryString("action"); = TWRequest.GetQueryInt("id"); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(_action) && _action == TWEnums.ActionEnum.Edit.ToString()) { this.action = TWEnums.ActionEnum.Edit.ToString();//修改類型 if ( == 0) { JscriptMsg("傳輸參數不正確!", "back"); return; } if (!new BLL.manager_role().Exists( { JscriptMsg("角色不存在或已被刪除!", "back"); return; } } if (!Page.IsPostBack) { //ChkAdminLevel("manager_role", TWEnums.ActionEnum.View.ToString()); //檢查許可權 RoleTypeBind(); //綁定角色類型 NavBind(); //綁定導航 if (action == TWEnums.ActionEnum.Edit.ToString()) //修改 { ShowInfo(; } } }
private void RptBind(string _strWhere, string _orderby) { = TWRequest.GetQueryInt("page", 1); if (this.status > 0) { this.ddlStatus.SelectedValue = this.status.ToString(); } if (this.payment_status > 0) { this.ddlPaymentStatus.SelectedValue = this.payment_status.ToString(); } if (this.express_status > 0) { this.ddlExpressStatus.SelectedValue = this.express_status.ToString(); } txtKeywords.Text = this.keywords; txtdate.SelectedValue = data; txtbegin.Text = begin; txtend.Text = end; Tea.Web.UI.ShopPage bll = new UI.ShopPage(); this.rptList.DataSource = bll.GetViewList("shop_orders", "", this.pageSize,, _strWhere, _orderby, out this.totalCount); this.rptList.DataBind(); //綁定頁碼 txtPageNum.Text = this.pageSize.ToString(); string pageUrl = Utils.CombUrlTxt("order_list.aspx", "status={0}&payment_status={1}&express_status={2}&keywords={3}&page={4}&cid={5}&data={6}&begin={7}&end={8}", this.status.ToString(), this.payment_status.ToString(), this.express_status.ToString(), this.keywords, "__id__", cid.ToString(), data, begin, end); PageContent.InnerHtml = Utils.OutPageList(this.pageSize,, this.totalCount, pageUrl, 8); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { string _action = TWRequest.GetQueryString("action"); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(_action) && _action == TWEnums.ActionEnum.Edit.ToString()) { this.action = TWEnums.ActionEnum.Edit.ToString();//修改類型 = TWRequest.GetQueryInt("id"); if ( == 0) { JscriptMsg("傳輸參數不正確!", "back"); return; } if (!new BLL.basic().Exists( { JscriptMsg("資料不存在或已被刪除!", "back"); return; } } if (!Page.IsPostBack) { //ChkAdminLevel("plugin_link", TWEnums.ActionEnum.View.ToString()); //檢查權限 if (action == TWEnums.ActionEnum.Edit.ToString()) //修改 { ShowInfo(; } } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { id = TWRequest.GetQueryInt("id", 1); if (id != 0) { model = bll.GetModel(id); } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { id = TWRequest.GetQueryInt("id"); if (id != 0) { weburl = config.weburl; model = bll.GetModel(id); } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { _users = new Tea.Web.UI.ShopPage().GetUserInfo(); data_type.DataSource = Tea.DBUtility.DbHelperSQL.Query("select * from shop_article_category where channel_id=7 and call_index='1' order by sort_id desc"); data_type.DataBind(); key = TWRequest.GetQueryString("key"); = TWRequest.GetQueryInt("page", 1); this.tid = TWRequest.GetQueryInt("tid", 0); this.hid = TWRequest.GetQueryInt("hid", 0); this.sort = TWRequest.GetQueryInt("sort", 0); if (sort == 1) { _orderby = "add_time desc,id desc"; } if (sort == 2) { _orderby = "click desc"; } if (sort == 3) { _orderby = "market_price,id"; } if (sort == 4) { _orderby = "market_price desc,id"; } if (tid != 0) { _sql = _sql + " and (category_id=" + tid + " or more_type like'%," + tid + ",%')"; tname = new Tea.BLL.article_category().GetTitle(tid); try { Tea.Model.article_category model = new Tea.BLL.article_category().GetModel(tid); title = model.seo_title; keyword = model.seo_keywords; describe = model.seo_description; } catch (Exception eee) { } } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(key)) { _sql = _sql + " and title like'%" + key + "%'"; tname = key; } Tea.Web.UI.ShopPage bll_view = new Tea.Web.UI.ShopPage(); data_list.DataSource = bll_view.GetViewList("view_article_product", "", this.pageSize,, _sql, _orderby, out this.totalCount); data_list.DataBind(); string pageUrl = Utils.CombUrlTxt("index.aspx", "tid={0}&key={1}&sort={2}&page={3}", tid.ToString(), key.ToString(), sort.ToString(), "__id__"); PageContent.InnerHtml = Utils.OutPageListWeb(this.pageSize,, this.totalCount, pageUrl, 8); }
private void RptBind(int _channel_id, int _category_id, string _strWhere, string _orderby) { = TWRequest.GetQueryInt("page", 1); if (this.category_id > 0) { this.ddlCategoryId.SelectedValue = _category_id.ToString(); } this.ddlProperty.SelectedValue =; this.txtKeywords.Text = this.keywords; if (this.brand_id > 0) { this.ddlBrandId.SelectedValue = this.brand_id.ToString(); } if (sort > 0) { this.ddlSort.SelectedValue = this.sort.ToString(); if (sort == 1) { _orderby = "begin_time"; } if (sort == 2) { _orderby = "add_time"; } if (sort == 3) { _orderby = "id"; } } //圖表或清單顯示 Tea.Web.UI.ShopPage bll = new UI.ShopPage(); switch (this.prolistview) { case "Txt": this.rptList2.Visible = false; this.rptList1.DataSource = bll.GetViewList("view_article_product", "", this.pageSize,, _strWhere, _orderby, out this.totalCount); this.rptList1.DataBind(); break; default: this.rptList1.Visible = false; this.rptList2.DataSource = bll.GetViewList("view_article_product", "", this.pageSize,, _strWhere, _orderby, out this.totalCount); this.rptList2.DataBind(); break; } //綁定頁碼 txtPageNum.Text = this.pageSize.ToString(); string pageUrl = Utils.CombUrlTxt("tuan_list.aspx", "channel_id={0}&category_id={1}&keywords={2}&property={3}&brand_id={4}&page={5}&status={6}", _channel_id.ToString(), _category_id.ToString(), this.keywords,, this.brand_id.ToString(), "__id__", status.ToString()); PageContent.InnerHtml = Utils.OutPageList(this.pageSize,, this.totalCount, pageUrl, 8); }
protected void bu_no_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { id = TWRequest.GetQueryInt("id"); ChkAdminLevelEdit("order_list", "Edit"); string order_bao = chang.Text.Trim() + "|" + kuan.Text.Trim() + "|" + gao.Text.Trim() + "|" + txtzhong.Text.Trim(); new Tea.BLL.orders().UpdateField(id, "express_no='" + express_no.Text.Trim() + "',order_bao='" + order_bao + "',express_id=" + ddlExpressId.SelectedValue + ""); Response.Write(ljd.function.LocalHint("成功送出", "order_edit.aspx?action=Edit&id=" + id)); Response.End(); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { id = TWRequest.GetQueryInt("id"); if (id != 0) { weburl = config.weburl; weburl = Utils.DelLastChar(weburl, "/"); model = bll.GetModel(id); data_cart.DataSource = Tea.DBUtility.DbHelperSQL.Query("select * from shop_order_goods where order_id=" + id + ""); data_cart.DataBind(); } }
private void RptBind(string _strWhere, string _orderby) { = TWRequest.GetQueryInt("page", 1); this.txtKeywords.Text = this.keywords; BLL.basic bll = new BLL.basic(); this.rptList.DataSource = bll.GetList(this.pageSize,, _strWhere, _orderby, out this.totalCount); this.rptList.DataBind(); //綁定頁碼 txtPageNum.Text = this.pageSize.ToString(); string pageUrl = Utils.CombUrlTxt("list.aspx", "keywords={0}&page={1}", this.keywords, "__id__"); PageContent.InnerHtml = Utils.OutPageList(this.pageSize,, this.totalCount, pageUrl, 8); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { this.keywords = TWRequest.GetQueryString("keywords"); Status = TWRequest.GetQueryInt("Status", -1); = TWRequest.GetQueryString("data"); this.begin = TWRequest.GetQueryString("begin"); this.end = TWRequest.GetQueryString("end"); this.pageSize = GetPageSize(50); //每頁數量 if (!Page.IsPostBack) { //ChkAdminLevel("plugin_feedback", TWEnums.ActionEnum.View.ToString()); //檢查權限 RptBind("id>0" + CombSqlTxt(this.keywords, Status, data, begin, end), "add_time desc"); } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { id = TWRequest.GetQueryInt("id"); if (id != 0) { model = bll.GetModel(id); title = model.seo_title; keyword = model.seo_keywords; describe = model.seo_description; bll.UpdateField(id, "click=click+1"); } data_news.DataSource = new Tea.BLL.basic().GetList(0, "basic_where='news'", "basic_sort"); data_news.DataBind(); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { id = TWRequest.GetQueryInt("id"); code = TWRequest.GetQueryString("code"); Tea.Model.users model = bll.GetModel(id); if (model.password != code) { Response.Write(ljd.function.LocalHint("郵箱驗證失敗,請重新驗證", "reg.aspx")); } else { model.status = 0; bll.Update(model); } }
protected string channel_name = string.Empty; //頻道名稱 protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { this.channel_id = TWRequest.GetQueryInt("channel_id"); this.channel_name = new; //取得頻道名稱 if (this.channel_id == 0) { JscriptMsg("頻道參數不正確!", "back"); return; } if (!Page.IsPostBack) { //ChkAdminLevel("channel_" + this.channel_name + "_category", TWEnums.ActionEnum.View.ToString()); //檢查許可權 RptBind(); } }
private void RptBind(string _strWhere, string _orderby) { = TWRequest.GetQueryInt("page", 1); txtKeywords.Text = this.keywords; Tea.Web.UI.ShopPage bll_view = new Tea.Web.UI.ShopPage(); rptList.DataSource = bll_view.GetViewList("shop_quan", "", this.pageSize,, _strWhere, _orderby, out this.totalCount); rptList.DataBind(); //綁定頁碼 txtPageNum.Text = this.pageSize.ToString(); string pageUrl = Utils.CombUrlTxt("user_list.aspx", "keywords={0}&page={1}", this.keywords, "__id__"); PageContent.InnerHtml = Utils.OutPageList(this.pageSize,, this.totalCount, pageUrl, 8); }
private void RptBind() { = TWRequest.GetQueryInt("page", 1); //Response.Write(begin+"-"+end); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(begin)) { ddlYear.SelectedValue = begin; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(end)) { ddlMonth.SelectedValue = end; } this.rptList.DataSource = Tea.DBUtility.DbHelperSQL.Query("select * from shop_basic where basic_where='city' and basic_label!='台灣'"); this.rptList.DataBind(); }
protected void bu_submit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { id = TWRequest.GetQueryInt("id"); ChkAdminLevelEdit("order_list", "Edit"); int invoice_taxes = 0; if (cbFaPiao.Checked) { invoice_taxes = 1; } new Tea.BLL.orders().UpdateField(id, "trade_no='" + trade_no.Text.Trim() + "',invoice_taxes=" + invoice_taxes + ""); Response.Write(ljd.function.LocalHint("成功送出", "order_edit.aspx?action=Edit&id=" + id)); Response.End(); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { string _action = TWRequest.GetQueryString("action"); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(_action) && _action == TWEnums.ActionEnum.Edit.ToString()) { this.action = TWEnums.ActionEnum.Edit.ToString();//修改類型 = TWRequest.GetQueryInt("id"); if ( == 0) { JscriptMsg("傳輸參數不正確!", "back"); return; } if (!new { JscriptMsg("記錄不存在或已被刪除!", "back"); return; } } if (!Page.IsPostBack) { for (int i = 1; i <= 12; i++) { if (i < 10) { ddlMonth.Items.Add(new ListItem("0" + i.ToString(), "0" + i.ToString())); } else { ddlMonth.Items.Add(new ListItem(i.ToString(), i.ToString())); } } int year = System.DateTime.Now.Year; for (int i = 2018; i <= year + 1; i++) { ddlYear.Items.Add(new ListItem(i.ToString(), i.ToString())); } //ChkAdminLevel("goods_gift", TWEnums.ActionEnum.View.ToString()); //檢查權限 if (action == TWEnums.ActionEnum.Edit.ToString()) //修改 { ShowInfo(; } } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { key = TWRequest.GetQueryString("key"); = TWRequest.GetQueryInt("page", 1); _sql = _sql + " and quan_where='zhe'"; Tea.BLL.article bll = new Tea.BLL.article(); Tea.Web.UI.ShopPage bll_view = new Tea.Web.UI.ShopPage(); data_list.DataSource = bll_view.GetViewList("shop_quan", "", this.pageSize,, _sql, _orderby, out this.totalCount); data_list.DataBind(); string pageUrl = Utils.CombUrlTxt("quan.aspx", "key={0}&page={1}", key.ToString(), "__id__"); PageContent.InnerHtml = Utils.OutPageListWeb(this.pageSize,, this.totalCount, pageUrl, 8); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { string _action = TWRequest.GetQueryString("action"); this.channel_id = TWRequest.GetQueryInt("channel_id"); = TWRequest.GetQueryInt("id"); if (this.channel_id == 0) { JscriptMsg("頻道參數不正確!", "back"); return; } this.channel_name = new; //取得頻道名稱 if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(_action) && _action == TWEnums.ActionEnum.Edit.ToString()) { this.action = TWEnums.ActionEnum.Edit.ToString();//修改類型 if ( == 0) { JscriptMsg("傳輸參數不正確!", "back"); return; } if (!new BLL.article_category().Exists( { JscriptMsg("類別不存在或已被刪除!", "back"); return; } } if (!Page.IsPostBack) { //ChkAdminLevel("channel_" + this.channel_name + "_category", TWEnums.ActionEnum.View.ToString()); //檢查許可權 TreeBind(this.channel_id); //綁定類別 if (action == TWEnums.ActionEnum.Edit.ToString()) //修改 { ShowInfo(; } else { if ( > 0) { this.ddlParentId.SelectedValue =; } } } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { = TWRequest.GetQueryInt("id"); if ( == 0) { JscriptMsg("傳輸參數不正確!", "back"); return; } if (!new BLL.payment().Exists( { JscriptMsg("付款方式不存在或已刪除!", "back"); return; } if (!Page.IsPostBack) { //ChkAdminLevel("order_payment", TWEnums.ActionEnum.View.ToString()); //檢查許可權 ShowInfo(; } }
private void RptBind(int _channel_id, int _category_id, string _strWhere, string _orderby) { = TWRequest.GetQueryInt("page", 1); if (this.category_id > 0) { this.ddlCategoryId.SelectedValue = _category_id.ToString(); } this.txtKeywords.Text = this.keywords; //圖表或列表顯示 Tea.Web.UI.ShopPage bll_view = new Tea.Web.UI.ShopPage(); this.rptList1.DataSource = bll_view.GetViewList("view_goods", "", this.pageSize,, _strWhere, _orderby, out this.totalCount); this.rptList1.DataBind(); //綁定頁碼 txtPageNum.Text = this.pageSize.ToString(); string pageUrl = Utils.CombUrlTxt("dialog_group.aspx", "channel_id={0}&category_id={1}&keywords={2}&page={3}&goods_ids={4}", _channel_id.ToString(), _category_id.ToString(), this.keywords, "__id__", this.goods_ids); PageContent.InnerHtml = Utils.OutPageList(this.pageSize,, this.totalCount, pageUrl, 8); }
//頁面載入事件 protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { string _action = TWRequest.GetQueryString("action"); url = TWRequest.GetQueryString("url"); if (this.channel_id == 0) { JscriptMsg("頻道參數不正確!", "back"); return; } this.channel_name = new; //取得頻道名稱 //如果是編輯或複製則檢查資料是否存在 if (_action == TWEnums.ActionEnum.Edit.ToString() || _action == TWEnums.ActionEnum.Copy.ToString()) { this.action = _action;//修改類型 = TWRequest.GetQueryInt("id"); if ( == 0) { JscriptMsg("傳輸參數不正確!", "back"); return; } if (!new BLL.article().Exists( { JscriptMsg("資訊不存在或已被刪除!", "back"); return; } } if (!Page.IsPostBack) { txtAddTime.Text = System.DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"); //ChkAdminLevel("channel_" + this.channel_name + "_list", TWEnums.ActionEnum.View.ToString()); //檢查許可權 GroupBind("1=2"); //綁定用戶組 TreeBind(this.channel_id); //綁定類別 if (action == TWEnums.ActionEnum.Edit.ToString()) //修改 { ShowInfo(; } } }