        protected void _(Events.RowPersisting <ARInvoice> e, PXRowPersisting InvokeBaseHandler)
            InvokeBaseHandler?.Invoke(e.Cache, e.Args);

            if (e.Operation == PXDBOperation.Insert || e.Operation == PXDBOperation.Update)
                ARRegisterExt regisExt = PXCache <ARRegister> .GetExtension <ARRegisterExt>(e.Row);

                //if (e.Row.CuryDocBal == decimal.Zero && string.IsNullOrEmpty(regisExt.UsrGUINbr))
                //    regisExt.UsrVATOutCode = string.Empty;
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(regisExt.UsrGUINbr) && (regisExt.UsrVATOutCode == TWGUIFormatCode.vATOutCode31 ||
                                                                 regisExt.UsrVATOutCode == TWGUIFormatCode.vATOutCode32 ||
                                                                 regisExt.UsrVATOutCode == TWGUIFormatCode.vATOutCode35))
                    TWNGUIPreferences gUIPreferences = SelectFrom <TWNGUIPreferences> .View.Select(Base);

                    regisExt.UsrGUINbr = ARGUINbrAutoNumAttribute.GetNextNumber(e.Cache, e.Row, regisExt.UsrVATOutCode == TWGUIFormatCode.vATOutCode32 ? gUIPreferences.GUI2CopiesNumbering : gUIPreferences.GUI3CopiesNumbering,

                    tWNGUIValidation.CheckGUINbrExisted(Base, regisExt.UsrGUINbr, regisExt.UsrVATOutCode);
        protected void _(Events.FieldDefaulting <TWNManualGUIExpense, TWNManualGUIExpense.ourTaxNbr> e)
            var row = (TWNManualGUIExpense)e.Row;

            TWNGUIPreferences preferences = SelectFrom <TWNGUIPreferences> .View.Select(Base);

            e.NewValue = row.VendorID == null ? preferences.OurTaxNbr : e.NewValue;
        protected void buyPlasticBag()
            ARTran aRTran = Base.Transactions.Cache.CreateInstance() as ARTran;

            TWNGUIPreferences GUIPreferences = SelectFrom <TWNGUIPreferences> .View.Select(Base);

            if (GUIPreferences.PlasticBag == null)
                throw new MissingMemberException(TWMessages.NoPlasticBag);

            aRTran.InventoryID = GUIPreferences.PlasticBag;
            aRTran.Qty         = 1;

        public static void Upload(List <TWNGUITrans> tWNGUITrans)
                // Avoid to create empty content file in automation schedule.
                if (tWNGUITrans.Count == 0)

                TWNExpGUIInv2BankPro graph = CreateInstance <TWNExpGUIInv2BankPro>();

                string lines = "", fileName = "";

                TWNGUIPreferences preferences = PXSelect <TWNGUIPreferences> .Select(graph);

                fileName = preferences.OurTaxNbr + "-InvoiceMD--Paper-" + DateTime.Today.ToString("yyyyMMdd") + "-" + DateTime.Now.ToString("hhmmss") + ".txt";

                foreach (TWNGUITrans gUITrans in tWNGUITrans)
                    // File Type
                    lines += "M" + verticalBar;
                    // Bill type
                    lines += GetBillType(gUITrans) + verticalBar;
                    // Invoice No
                    lines += gUITrans.GUINbr + verticalBar;
                    // Invoice Date Time
                    lines += gUITrans.GUIDate.Value.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss") + verticalBar;
                    // Allowance Date
                    // Cancel Date
                    lines += verticalBar + GetCancelDate(gUITrans) + verticalBar;
                    // Bill Attribute
                    // Seller Ban
                    lines += verticalBar + gUITrans.OurTaxNbr + verticalBar;
                    // Seller Code
                    lines += verticalBar;
                    // Buyer Ban
                    lines += gUITrans.TaxNbr + verticalBar;
                    // Buyer Code
                    lines += verticalBar;
                    // Buyer CName
                    lines += gUITrans.GUITitle + verticalBar;
                    // Sales Amount
                    lines += GetSalesAmt(gUITrans) + verticalBar;
                    // Tax Type
                    lines += GetTaxType(gUITrans.VATType) + verticalBar;
                    // Tax Rate
                    lines += GetTaxRate(gUITrans.VATType) + verticalBar;
                    // Tax Amount
                    lines += GetTaxAmt(gUITrans) + verticalBar;
                    // Total Amount
                    lines += (gUITrans.NetAmount + gUITrans.TaxAmount).Value + verticalBar;
                    // Health Tax
                    lines += "0" + verticalBar;
                    // Buyer Remark
                    lines += verticalBar;
                    // Main Remark
                    lines += verticalBar;
                    // Order No = Relate Number1
                    lines += gUITrans.OrderNbr + verticalBar;
                    // Relate Number2
                    // Relate Number3
                    // Relate Number4
                    // Relate Number5
                    // Group Mark
                    // Customs Clearance Mark
                    lines += new string(char.Parse(verticalBar), 5) + GetCustomClearance(gUITrans) + verticalBar;
                    // Bonded Area Enum
                    lines += verticalBar;
                    // Random Number
                    lines += (gUITrans.BatchNbr != null) ? gUITrans.BatchNbr.Substring(gUITrans.BatchNbr.Length - 4, 4) : null;
                    lines += verticalBar;
                    // Carrier Type
                    lines += ARReleaseProcess_Extension.GetCarrierType(gUITrans.CarrierID) + verticalBar;
                    // Carrier ID
                    lines += ARReleaseProcess_Extension.GetCarrierID(gUITrans.TaxNbr, gUITrans.CarrierID) + verticalBar;
                    // NPOBAN
                    lines += ARReleaseProcess_Extension.GetNPOBAN(gUITrans.TaxNbr, gUITrans.NPONbr) + verticalBar;
                    // Request Paper
                    lines += gUITrans.B2CPrinted.Equals(true) ? "Y" : "N" + verticalBar;
                    // Void Reason
                    // Project Number Void Approved
                    lines += new string(char.Parse(verticalBar), 2) + "\r\n";

                    // The following method is only for voided invoice.
                    if (gUITrans.GUIStatus == TWNGUIStatus.Voided)
                        CreateVoidedDetailLine(verticalBar, gUITrans.OrderNbr, ref lines);
                        foreach (PXResult <ARTran> result in graph.RetrieveARTran(gUITrans.OrderNbr))
                            ARTran aRTran = result;

                            string taxCalcMode = SelectFrom <ARRegister> .Where <ARRegister.docType.IsEqual <@P.AsString>
                                                                                 .And <ARRegister.refNbr.IsEqual <@P.AsString> > >
                                                 .View.ReadOnly.Select(graph, aRTran.TranType, aRTran.RefNbr).TopFirst.TaxCalcMode;

                            // File Type
                            lines += "D" + verticalBar;
                            // Description
                            lines += aRTran.TranDesc + verticalBar;
                            // Quantity
                            lines += (aRTran.Qty ?? 1) + verticalBar;
                            // Unit Price
                            // Amount
                            #region Convert design spec logic to code.
                            //if (aRTran.CuryDiscAmt == 0m)
                            //    if (taxCalcMode != PX.Objects.TX.TaxCalculationMode.Gross)
                            //    {
                            //        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(gUITrans.TaxNbr))
                            //        {
                            //            lines += aRTran.UnitPrice + verticalBar;
                            //        }
                            //        else
                            //        {
                            //            lines += aRTran.UnitPrice * fixedRate + verticalBar;
                            //        }
                            //    }
                            //    else
                            //    {
                            //        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(gUITrans.TaxNbr))
                            //        {
                            //            lines += aRTran.UnitPrice / fixedRate + verticalBar;
                            //        }
                            //        else
                            //        {
                            //            lines += aRTran.UnitPrice + verticalBar;
                            //        }
                            //    }
                            //    if (taxCalcMode != PX.Objects.TX.TaxCalculationMode.Gross)
                            //    {
                            //        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(gUITrans.TaxNbr))
                            //        {
                            //            lines += aRTran.TranAmt / aRTran.Qty + verticalBar;
                            //        }
                            //        else
                            //        {
                            //            lines += aRTran.TranAmt / aRTran.Qty * fixedRate + verticalBar;
                            //        }
                            //    }
                            //    else
                            //    {
                            //        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(gUITrans.TaxNbr))
                            //        {
                            //            lines += aRTran.TranAmt / aRTran.Qty / fixedRate + verticalBar;
                            //        }
                            //        else
                            //        {
                            //            lines += aRTran.TranAmt / aRTran.Qty + verticalBar;
                            //        }
                            //    }
                            decimal?unitPrice = (aRTran.CuryDiscAmt == 0m) ? aRTran.UnitPrice : (aRTran.TranAmt / aRTran.Qty);
                            decimal?tranAmt   = aRTran.TranAmt;

                            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(gUITrans.TaxNbr) && taxCalcMode != PX.Objects.TX.TaxCalculationMode.Gross)
                                unitPrice *= fixedRate;
                                tranAmt   *= fixedRate;
                            else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(gUITrans.TaxNbr) && taxCalcMode == PX.Objects.TX.TaxCalculationMode.Gross)
                                unitPrice /= fixedRate;
                                tranAmt   /= fixedRate;
                            lines += string.Format("{0:0.####}", unitPrice) + verticalBar;
                            lines += string.Format("{0:0.####}", tranAmt) + verticalBar;
                            // Unit
                            lines += verticalBar;
                            // Package
                            lines += "0" + verticalBar;
                            // Gift Number 1 (Box)
                            lines += "0" + verticalBar;
                            // Gift Number 2 (Piece)
                            lines += "0" + verticalBar;
                            // Order No
                            lines += gUITrans.OrderNbr;
                            // Buyer Barcode
                            // Buyer Prod No
                            // Seller Prod No
                            // Seller Account No
                            // Seller Shipping No
                            // Remark
                            // Relate Number1
                            // Relate Number2 (Invoice No)
                            // Relate Number3 (Invoice Date)
                            // Relate Number4
                            // Relate Number5
                            lines += new string(char.Parse(verticalBar), 11) + "\r\n";

                // Total Records
                lines += tWNGUITrans.Count;

                graph.UploadFile2FTP(fileName, lines);
            catch (Exception ex)
                PXProcessing <TWNGUITrans> .SetError(ex);

        public static void Upload(List <TWNGUITrans> tWNGUITrans)
                // Avoid to create empty content file in automation schedule.
                if (tWNGUITrans.Count == 0)

                TWNExpOnlineStrGUIInv graph    = CreateInstance <TWNExpOnlineStrGUIInv>();
                TWNExpGUIInv2BankPro  invGraph = CreateInstance <TWNExpGUIInv2BankPro>();

                string lines = "", fileName = "";

                TWNGUIPreferences preferences = PXSelect <TWNGUIPreferences> .Select(graph);

                fileName = preferences.OurTaxNbr + "-O-" + DateTime.Today.ToString("yyyyMMdd") + "-" + DateTime.Now.ToString("hhmmss") + ".txt";

                foreach (TWNGUITrans gUITrans in tWNGUITrans)
                    // 主檔代號
                    lines += "M" + verticalBar;
                    // 訂單編號
                    lines += gUITrans.OrderNbr + verticalBar;
                    // 訂單狀態
                    lines += ((gUITrans.VATType != TWGUIFormatCode.vATOutCode33) ? "0" : "3") + verticalBar;
                    // 訂單日期
                    lines += gUITrans.TransDate.Value.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd") + verticalBar;
                    // 預計出貨日
                    lines += gUITrans.GUIDate.Value.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd") + verticalBar;
                    // 稅率別 -> 1:應稅 2:零稅率 3:免稅 4:特殊稅率(需帶36 & 37欄位)
                    lines += (gUITrans.GUIFormatcode.IsIn(TWGUIFormatCode.vATOutCode36, TWGUIFormatCode.vATOutCode37)) ? "4" : TWNExpGUIInv2BankPro.GetTaxType(gUITrans.VATType) + verticalBar;
                    // 訂單金額(未稅)
                    lines += gUITrans.NetAmount + verticalBar;
                    // 訂單稅額
                    lines += gUITrans.TaxAmount + verticalBar;
                    // 訂單金額(含稅)
                    lines += (gUITrans.NetAmount + gUITrans.TaxAmount) + verticalBar;
                    // 賣方統一編號
                    lines += gUITrans.OurTaxNbr + verticalBar;
                    // 賣方廠編
                    lines += verticalBar;
                    // 買方統一編號
                    lines += gUITrans.TaxNbr + verticalBar;
                    // 買受人公司名稱
                    lines += verticalBar;
                    // 會員編號
                    lines += gUITrans.CustVend + verticalBar;
                    // 會員姓名
                    // 會員郵遞區號
                    // 會員地址
                    // 會員電話
                    lines += new string(char.Parse(verticalBar), 4);
                    // 會員行動電話
                    PX.Objects.AR.Customer customer = PXSelectReadonly <PX.Objects.AR.Customer, Where <PX.Objects.AR.Customer.acctCD, Equal <Required <PX.Objects.AR.Customer.acctCD> > > > .Select(graph, gUITrans.CustVend);

                    PX.Objects.CR.CRContact contact = PX.Objects.CR.CRContact.PK.Find(graph, PX.Objects.AR.Customer.PK.Find(graph, customer.BAccountID).DefContactID);

                    lines += contact?.Phone1 + verticalBar;
                    // 會員電子郵件
                    lines += contact?.Email + verticalBar;
                    // 紅利點數折扣金額
                    lines += verticalBar;
                    // 索取紙本發票
                    lines += "N" + verticalBar;
                    // 發票捐贈註記
                    lines += gUITrans.NPONbr + verticalBar;
                    // 訂單註記
                    // 付款方式
                    // 相關號碼1(出貨單號)
                    lines += new string(char.Parse(verticalBar), 3);
                    // 相關號碼2
                    lines += gUITrans.BatchNbr + verticalBar;
                    // 相關號碼3
                    // 主檔備註
                    // 商品名稱
                    lines += new string(char.Parse(verticalBar), 3);
                    // 載具類別號碼
                    lines += gUITrans.CarrierType + verticalBar;
                    // 載具顯碼id1(明碼)
                    lines += gUITrans.CarrierID + verticalBar;
                    // 載具隱碼id2(內碼)
                    lines += verticalBar;
                    // 發票號碼
                    lines += gUITrans.GUINbr + verticalBar;
                    // 隨機碼
                    lines += gUITrans.OrderNbr.Substring(gUITrans.OrderNbr.Length - 4, 4) + verticalBar;
                    // 稅率代碼
                    // 稅率
                    lines += "0" + verticalBar + "\r\n";

                    int num = 1;
                    foreach (PXResult <PX.Objects.AR.ARTran> result in invGraph.RetrieveARTran(gUITrans.OrderNbr))
                        PX.Objects.AR.ARTran aRTran = result;

                        // 明細代號
                        lines += "D" + verticalBar;
                        // 序號
                        lines += num++ + verticalBar;
                        // 訂單編號
                        lines += aRTran.RefNbr + verticalBar;
                        // 商品編號
                        // 商品條碼
                        lines += new string(char.Parse(verticalBar), 2);
                        // 商品名稱
                        lines += aRTran.TranDesc + verticalBar;
                        // 商品規格
                        // 單位
                        // 單價
                        lines += new string(char.Parse(verticalBar), 3);
                        // 數量
                        lines += (aRTran.Qty == 0m ? 1 : aRTran.Qty) + verticalBar;
                        // 未稅金額
                        lines += verticalBar;
                        // 含稅金額
                        PX.Objects.AR.ARInvoice invoice = PX.Objects.AR.ARInvoice.PK.Find(graph, aRTran.TranType, aRTran.RefNbr);
                        lines += (invoice.TaxCalcMode != PX.Objects.TX.TaxCalculationMode.Gross ? aRTran.CuryTranAmt * (decimal)1.05 : aRTran.CuryTranAmt) + verticalBar;
                        // 健康捐
                        lines += "0" + verticalBar;
                        // 稅率別
                        lines += TWNExpGUIInv2BankPro.GetTaxType(gUITrans.VATType) + verticalBar;
                        // 紅利點數折扣金額
                        // 明細備註
                        lines += new string(char.Parse(verticalBar), 1) + "\r\n";

                    // The following method is only for voided invoice.
                    if (gUITrans.GUIStatus == TWNGUIStatus.Voided)
                        TWNExpGUIInv2BankPro.CreateVoidedDetailLine(verticalBar, gUITrans.OrderNbr, ref lines);

                // Total Records
                lines += tWNGUITrans.Count;

                invGraph.UploadFile2FTP(fileName, lines);
            catch (Exception ex)
                PXProcessing <TWNGUITrans> .SetError(ex);

        public static void Upload(List <TWNGUITrans> tWNGUITrans)
                // Avoid to create empty content file in automation schedule.
                if (tWNGUITrans.Count == 0)

                TWNExpGUIInv2BankPro graph = CreateInstance <TWNExpGUIInv2BankPro>();

                string lines = "", fileName = "";

                TWNGUIPreferences preferences = PXSelect <TWNGUIPreferences> .Select(graph);

                fileName = preferences.OurTaxNbr + "-AllowanceMD--Paper-" + DateTime.Today.ToString("yyyyMMdd") + "-" + DateTime.Now.ToString("hhmmss") + ".txt";

                foreach (TWNGUITrans gUITrans in tWNGUITrans)
                    // File Type
                    lines += "M" + verticalBar;
                    // Bill type
                    lines += TWNExpGUIInv2BankPro.GetBillType(gUITrans) + verticalBar;
                    // Invoice No
                    lines += verticalBar;
                    // Invoice Date Time
                    lines += verticalBar;
                    // Allowance Date
                    lines += gUITrans.GUIDate.Value.ToString("yyyyMMdd") + verticalBar;
                    // Cancel Date
                    lines += TWNExpGUIInv2BankPro.GetCancelDate(gUITrans) + verticalBar;
                    // Bill Attribute
                    lines += verticalBar;
                    // Seller Ban
                    lines += gUITrans.OurTaxNbr + verticalBar;
                    // Seller Code
                    lines += verticalBar;
                    // Buyer Ban
                    lines += gUITrans.TaxNbr + verticalBar;
                    // Buyer Code
                    lines += verticalBar;
                    // Buyer CName
                    lines += gUITrans.GUITitle + verticalBar;
                    // Sales Amount
                    lines += TWNExpGUIInv2BankPro.GetSalesAmt(gUITrans) + verticalBar;
                    // Tax Type
                    lines += TWNExpGUIInv2BankPro.GetTaxType(gUITrans.VATType) + verticalBar;
                    // Tax Rate
                    lines += TWNExpGUIInv2BankPro.GetTaxRate(gUITrans.VATType) + verticalBar;
                    // Tax Amount
                    lines += TWNExpGUIInv2BankPro.GetTaxAmt(gUITrans) + verticalBar;
                    // Total Amount
                    lines += (gUITrans.NetAmount + gUITrans.TaxAmount).Value + verticalBar;
                    // Health Tax
                    lines += "0" + verticalBar;
                    // Buyer Remark
                    lines += verticalBar;
                    // Main Remark
                    lines += verticalBar;
                    // Order No = Relate Number1
                    lines += (gUITrans.OrderNbr.Length > 16) ? gUITrans.OrderNbr.Substring(0, 16) : gUITrans.OrderNbr + verticalBar;
                    // Relate Number2
                    // Relate Number3
                    // Relate Number4
                    // Relate Number5
                    // Group Mark
                    // Customs Clearance Mark
                    lines += new string(char.Parse(verticalBar), 5) + TWNExpGUIInv2BankPro.GetCustomClearance(gUITrans) + verticalBar;
                    // Bonded Area Enum
                    lines += verticalBar;
                    // Random Number
                    lines += (gUITrans.BatchNbr != null) ? gUITrans.BatchNbr.Substring(0, 4) : null;
                    // Carrier Type
                    // Carrier ID
                    // NPOBAN
                    // Request Paper
                    // Void Reason
                    // Project Number Void Approved
                    lines += new string(char.Parse(verticalBar), 6) + "\r\n";

                    foreach (PXResult <ARTran> result in graph.RetrieveARTran(gUITrans.OrderNbr))
                        ARTran aRTran = result;

                        // File Type
                        lines += "D" + verticalBar;
                        // Description
                        lines += aRTran.TranDesc + verticalBar;
                        // Quantity
                        lines += aRTran.Qty + verticalBar;
                        // Unit Price
                        // Amount
                        if (gUITrans.TaxNbr != null)
                            lines += aRTran.UnitPrice + verticalBar;
                            lines += aRTran.TranAmt + verticalBar;
                            lines += (aRTran.UnitPrice * TWNExpGUIInv2BankPro.fixedRate) + verticalBar;
                            lines += (aRTran.TranAmt * TWNExpGUIInv2BankPro.fixedRate) + verticalBar;
                        // Unit
                        lines += verticalBar;
                        // Package
                        lines += "0" + verticalBar;
                        // Gift Number 1 (Box)
                        lines += "0" + verticalBar;
                        // Gift Number 2 (Piece)
                        lines += "0" + verticalBar;
                        // Order No
                        lines += (gUITrans.OrderNbr.Length > 16) ? gUITrans.OrderNbr.Substring(0, 16) : gUITrans.OrderNbr + verticalBar;
                        // Buyer Barcode
                        // Buyer Prod No
                        // Seller Prod No
                        // Seller Account No
                        // Seller Shipping No
                        // Remark
                        // Relate Number1
                        // Relate Number2 (Invoice No)
                        lines += new string(char.Parse(verticalBar), 7) + gUITrans.GUINbr + verticalBar;
                        // Relate Number3 (Invoice Date)
                        // Relate Number4
                        // Relate Number5
                        lines += gUITrans.GUIDate.Value.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss");
                        lines += new string(char.Parse(verticalBar), 2) + "\r\n";

                    // The following method is only for voided invoice.
                    if (gUITrans.GUIStatus == TWNGUIStatus.Voided)
                        TWNExpGUIInv2BankPro.CreateVoidedDetailLine(verticalBar, gUITrans.OrderNbr, ref lines);

                // Total Records
                lines += tWNGUITrans.Count;

                graph.UploadFile2FTP(fileName, lines);
            catch (Exception ex)
                PXProcessing <TWNGUITrans> .SetError(ex);

        public void Export(List <TWNGUITrans> tWNGUITrans)
                TWNGenGUIMediaFile genGUIMediaFile = PXGraph.CreateInstance <TWNGenGUIMediaFile>();
                TWNGUIPreferences  gUIPreferences  = gUIPreferSetup.Current;

                int    count = 1;
                string lines = "", fileName = "", ticketType = "X7";

                using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream())
                    using (StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(ms, Encoding.ASCII))
                        fileName = gUIPreferences.OurTaxNbr + ".t02";

                        foreach (TWNGUITrans gUITrans in tWNGUITrans)
                            // Tax ID
                            lines = gUIPreferences.OurTaxNbr;
                            // Country No
                            lines += gUIPreferences.ZeroTaxTaxCntry;
                            // Tax Registration ID
                            lines += gUIPreferences.TaxRegistrationID;
                            // Tax Filling Date
                            lines += genGUIMediaFile.GetGUILegal(FilterGUITran.Current.ToDate.Value);
                            // GUI Date
                            lines += genGUIMediaFile.GetGUILegal(gUITrans.GUIDate.Value);
                            // GUI Number
                            lines += genGUIMediaFile.GetGUINbr(gUITrans);
                            // Customer Tax ID
                            lines += gUITrans.TaxNbr ?? new string(genGUIMediaFile.space, 8);
                            // Export Method
                            lines += gUITrans.ExportMethods;
                            // Custom Method
                            lines += gUITrans.CustomType;
                            // Ticket Type
                            // Ticket Number
                            if (gUITrans.ExportTicketType == ticketType)
                                lines += new String(genGUIMediaFile.space, 2);
                                lines += new String(genGUIMediaFile.space, 14);
                                lines += gUITrans.ExportTicketType;
                                lines += gUITrans.ExportTicketNbr;
                            // Amount
                            lines += genGUIMediaFile.GetNetAmt(gUITrans);
                            // Custom Clearing Date
                            lines += GetTWNDate(gUITrans.ClearingDate.Value);

                            // Only the last line does not need to be broken.
                            if (count < tWNGUITrans.Count)

                        //Write to file
                        //FixedLengthFile flatFile = new FixedLengthFile();
                        //flatFile.WriteToFile(recordList, sw);


                        PX.SM.FileInfo info = new PX.SM.FileInfo(fileName, null, ms.ToArray());

                        throw new PXRedirectToFileException(info, true);
            catch (Exception ex)
                PXProcessing <TWNGUITrans> .SetError(ex);

        public void Export(List <TWNGUITrans> tWNGUITrans)
                TWNGUIPreferences gUIPreferences = gUIPreferSetup.Current;

                int    count = 1;
                string lines = "", fileName = "";

                using (MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream())
                    using (StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(stream, Encoding.ASCII))
                        fileName = gUIPreferences.OurTaxNbr + ".txt";

                        foreach (TWNGUITrans gUITrans in tWNGUITrans)
                            ourTaxNbr = gUITrans.OurTaxNbr;

                            // Reporting Code
                            lines = gUITrans.GUIFormatcode;
                            // Tax Registration
                            lines += gUIPreferences.TaxRegistrationID;
                            // Sequence Number
                            lines += AutoNumberAttribute.GetNextNumber(GUITransList.Cache, gUITrans, gUIPreferences.MediaFileNumbering, Accessinfo.BusinessDate);
                            // GUI LegalYM
                            lines += GetGUILegal(gUITrans.GUIDate.Value);
                            // Tax ID (Buyer)
                            lines += GetBuyerTaxID(gUITrans);
                            // Tax ID (Seller)
                            lines += GetSellerTaxID(gUITrans);
                            // GUI Number
                            lines += GetGUINbr(gUITrans);
                            // Net Amount
                            lines += GetNetAmt(gUITrans);
                            // Tax Group
                            lines += GetTaxGroup(gUITrans);
                            // Tax Amount
                            lines += GetTaxAmt(gUITrans);
                            // Deduction Code
                            lines += (gUITrans.DeductionCode != null || gUITrans.GUIFormatcode.StartsWith("2")) ? gUITrans.DeductionCode : new string(space, 1);
                            // Blank
                            lines += new string(space, 5);
                            // Special Tax Rate
                            lines += new string(space, 1);
                            // Summary Remark
                            lines += GetSummaryRemark(gUITrans);
                            // Export Method
                            lines += GetExportMethod(gUITrans);

                            // Only the last line does not need to be broken.
                            if (count < tWNGUITrans.Count)

                        count = 1;
                        PXSelectBase <NumberingSequence> query = new PXSelect <NumberingSequence,
                                                                               Where <NumberingSequence.numberingID, Like <GUI2x>,
                                                                                      Or <NumberingSequence.numberingID, Like <GUI3x>,
                                                                                          And <NumberingSequence.startDate, GreaterEqual <Current <GUITransFilter.fromDate> >,
                                                                                               And <NumberingSequence.startDate, LessEqual <Current <GUITransFilter.toDate> > > > > > >(this);

                        foreach (NumberingSequence numSeq in query.Select())
                            int endNbr  = Int32.Parse(numSeq.EndNbr.Substring(2));
                            int lastNbr = Int32.Parse(numSeq.LastNbr.Substring(2));

                            if (numSeq.StartNbr.Equals(numSeq.LastNbr) || lastNbr <= endNbr)
                                lines = "\r\n";
                                // Reporting Code
                                lines += numSeq.NumberingID.Substring(numSeq.NumberingID.IndexOf('I') + 1, 2);
                                // Tax Registration
                                lines += gUIPreferences.TaxRegistrationID;
                                // Sequence Number
                                lines += AutoNumberAttribute.GetNextNumber(GUITransList.Cache, numSeq, gUIPreferences.MediaFileNumbering, Accessinfo.BusinessDate);
                                // GUI LegalYM
                                lines += GetGUILegal(Filter.Current.ToDate.Value);
                                // Tax ID (Buyer)
                                lines += numSeq.EndNbr.Substring(2);
                                // Tax ID (Seller)
                                lines += ourTaxNbr;
                                // GUI Number
                                lines += string.Format("{0}{1}", numSeq.LastNbr.Substring(0, 2), lastNbr + 1);
                                // Net Amount
                                lines += new string(zero, 12);
                                // Tax Group
                                lines += "D";
                                // Tax Amount
                                lines += new string(zero, 10);
                                // Deduction Code
                                lines += new string(space, 1);
                                // Blank
                                lines += new string(space, 5);
                                // Special Tax Rate
                                lines += new string(space, 1);
                                // Summary Remark
                                lines += "A";
                                // Export Method
                                lines += new string(space, 1);



                        // Redirect browser to file created in memory on server
                        throw new PXRedirectToFileException(new PX.SM.FileInfo(Guid.NewGuid(), fileName,
                                                                               null, stream.ToArray(), string.Empty),
            catch (PXException ex)
                PXProcessing <TWNGUITrans> .SetError(ex);
