static void UpdateConfig(Player p, TWMapConfig cfg) { cfg.Save(; if (p.level == TWGame.Instance.Map) { TWGame.Instance.UpdateMapConfig(); } }
static TWMapConfig RetrieveConfig(Player p) { TWMapConfig cfg = new TWMapConfig(); cfg.SetDefaults(p.level); cfg.Load(; return(cfg); }
static void OutputStatus(Player p, TWConfig gameCfg, TWMapConfig cfg) { p.Message("Gamemode: &a{0} &Sat difficulty &a{1}", gameCfg.Mode, gameCfg.Difficulty); p.Message("TNT per player at a time: &a{0}", cfg.MaxActiveTnt == 0 ? "unlimited" : cfg.MaxActiveTnt.ToString()); p.Message("Grace period: {0} &S(for {1} seconds)", GetBool(cfg.GracePeriod), cfg.GracePeriodTime); p.Message("Team balancing: {0}&S, Team killing: {1}", GetBool(cfg.BalanceTeams), GetBool(cfg.TeamKills)); p.Message("Score: &a{0} &Spoints needed to win, &a{1} &Spoints per kill", cfg.ScoreRequired, cfg.ScorePerKill); p.Message("Streaks: {0}&S, Multikill bonus: {1}", GetBool(cfg.Streaks), GetBool(cfg.MultiKillBonus != 0)); p.Message("Assists: {0} &S(at {1} points)", GetBool(cfg.AssistScore > 0), cfg.AssistScore); }
void twMapUse_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { SaveTWMapSettings(); if (tw_lstUsed.SelectedIndex == -1) { tw_grpMapSettings.Text = "Map settings"; tw_grpMapSettings.Enabled = false; twCurCfg = null; return; } twCurMap = tw_lstUsed.SelectedItem.ToString(); tw_grpMapSettings.Text = "Map settings (" + twCurMap + ")"; tw_grpMapSettings.Enabled = true; try { twCurCfg = new TWMapConfig(); twCurCfg.Load(twCurMap); } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.LogError(ex); twCurCfg = null; } if (twCurCfg == null) { return; } tw_numScoreLimit.Value = twCurCfg.ScoreRequired; tw_numScorePerKill.Value = twCurCfg.ScorePerKill; tw_numScoreAssists.Value = twCurCfg.AssistScore; tw_numMultiKills.Value = twCurCfg.MultiKillBonus; tw_cbStreaks.Checked = twCurCfg.Streaks; tw_cbGrace.Checked = twCurCfg.GracePeriod; tw_numGrace.Value = twCurCfg.GracePeriodTime; tw_cbBalance.Checked = twCurCfg.BalanceTeams; tw_cbKills.Checked = twCurCfg.TeamKills; }
protected override void HandleSet(Player p, RoundsGame game_, string[] args) { TWGame game = (TWGame)game_; TWMapConfig cfg = new TWMapConfig(); TWConfig gameCfg = TWGame.Config; LoadMapConfig(p, cfg); if (args.Length == 1) { Help(p, "set"); return; } if (args.Length == 2) { OutputStatus(p, gameCfg, cfg); return; } string prop = args[1], value = args[2]; if (prop.CaselessEq("spawn")) { if (gameCfg.Mode == TWGameMode.FFA) { p.Message("&WCannot set spawns in Free For All mode"); return; } if (value.CaselessEq("red")) { cfg.RedSpawn = (Vec3U16)p.Pos.FeetBlockCoords; p.Message("Set &cRed &Sspawn"); } else if (value.CaselessEq("blue")) { cfg.BlueSpawn = (Vec3U16)p.Pos.FeetBlockCoords; p.Message("Set &9Blue &Sspawn"); } else { Help(p, "team"); return; } } else if (prop.CaselessEq("tnt")) { int amount = 1; if (!CommandParser.GetInt(p, value, "TNT at a time", ref amount, 0)) { return; } cfg.MaxActiveTnt = amount; p.Message("Number of TNTs placeable by a player at a time is now {0}", amount == 0 ? "unlimited" : value); } else if (prop.CaselessEq("graceperiod")) { SetBool(p, ref cfg.GracePeriod, value, "Grace period"); } else if (prop.CaselessEq("gracetime")) { TimeSpan time = default(TimeSpan); if (!CommandParser.GetTimespan(p, value, ref time, "set grace time to", "s")) { return; } cfg.GracePeriodTime = time; p.Message("Grace period is now {0}", time.Shorten(true, true)); } else if (prop.CaselessEq("gamemode")) { if (value.CaselessEq("tdm")) { if (gameCfg.Mode == TWGameMode.FFA) { if (p.level != game.Map) { p.Message("Changed gamemode to Team Deathmatch"); } game.ModeTDM(); } else { p.Message("&cGamemode is already Team Deathmatch"); return; } } else if (value.CaselessEq("ffa")) { if (gameCfg.Mode == TWGameMode.TDM) { if (p.level != game.Map) { p.Message("Changed gamemode to Free For All"); } game.ModeFFA(); } else { p.Message("&cGamemode is already Free For All"); return; } } else { Help(p, "other"); return; } } else if (prop.CaselessEq("difficulty")) { TWDifficulty diff = TWDifficulty.Easy; if (!CommandParser.GetEnum(p, value, "Difficulty", ref diff)) { return; } SetDifficulty(game, diff, p); } else if (prop.CaselessEq("score")) { if (args.Length < 4) { Help(p, "score"); return; } if (!HandleSetScore(p, cfg, args)) { return; } } else if (prop.CaselessEq("balanceteams")) { SetBool(p, ref cfg.BalanceTeams, value, "Team balancing"); } else if (prop.CaselessEq("teamkill")) { SetBool(p, ref cfg.TeamKills, value, "Team killing"); } else if (prop.CaselessEq("zone")) { if (args.Length < 4) { Help(p, "zone"); return; } if (value.CaselessEq("notnt")) { if (!HandleZone(p, game, true, args)) { return; } } else if (value.CaselessEq("nodestroy")) { if (!HandleZone(p, game, false, args)) { return; } } else { Help(p, "zone"); return; } } else { OutputStatus(p, gameCfg, cfg); return; } SaveMapConfig(p, cfg); }
bool HandleSetScore(Player p, TWMapConfig cfg, string[] args) { string opt = args[2], value = args[3]; if (opt.CaselessEq("required")) { int score = 1; if (!CommandParser.GetInt(p, value, "Points", ref score, 0)) { return(false); } cfg.ScoreRequired = score; p.Message("Score required to win is now &a{0} &Spoints!", score); } else if (opt.CaselessEq("streaks")) { SetBool(p, ref cfg.Streaks, value, "Streaks"); } else if (opt.CaselessEq("multi")) { int multi = 1; if (!CommandParser.GetInt(p, value, "Points", ref multi, 0)) { return(false); } cfg.MultiKillBonus = multi; if (multi == 0) { p.Message("Multikill bonus is now &cdisabled"); } else { p.Message("Scores per extra kill is now &a{0} &Spoints", multi); } } else if (opt.CaselessEq("kill")) { int kill = 1; if (!CommandParser.GetInt(p, value, "Points", ref kill, 0)) { return(false); } cfg.ScorePerKill = kill; p.Message("Score per kill is now &a{0} &Spoints", kill); } else if (opt.CaselessEq("assist")) { int assist = 1; if (!CommandParser.GetInt(p, value, "Points", ref assist, 0)) { return(false); } cfg.AssistScore = assist; if (assist == 0) { p.Message("Scores per assist is now &cdisabled"); } else { p.Message("Score per assist is now &a{0} &Spoints", assist); } } else { return(false); } return(true); }