private UIController uiController = null; //!< The local reference to the UIController

	#region Unity methods /// @name Unity methods
	 * Called when the script is loaded, before the game starts
	void Awake () {
		S = this;

		// Get the controllers
		gameController = GameController.S;
		playerController = PlayerController.S;
		tvUIController = TVUIController.S;
	private LobbyController lobbyController = null; //!< The local reference to the lobby controller

	#region Unity methods /// @name Unity methods
	 * Called when the script is loaded, before the game starts
	void Awake () {
		S = this;

		// Initialize the array
		canvases = new Dictionary<string, GameObject> ();

		// Loop through the panels
		foreach (GameObject panel in panels) {
			// Add to the hash array
			canvases.Add (, panel);