public override void Activate(Vector2 position, params object[] args) { if (!Main.gameMenu) { TUAPlayer p = Main.LocalPlayer.GetModPlayer <TUAPlayer>(); if (p != null) { if (p.currentDimension == "solar") { isActive = true; } for (int i = 0; i < 50; i++) { zDistance[i] = Main.rand.NextFloat(0.1f, 0.7f); // get a random 3rd Dimension distance xPos[i] = (Main.rand.NextFloat(0, Main.maxTilesX)) * 16; //makes so that objects dont spawn outside of the world yPos[i] = (Main.rand.NextFloat(50, 51)); //same for Y } } } /*for (int i = 0; i < Main.npc.Length; i++) { * if (Main.npc[i].active && Main.npc[i].type == NPCID.EyeofCthulhu) { * EoCUp = true; * } * }*/ }
public override void EditSpawnPool(IDictionary <int, float> pool, NPCSpawnInfo spawnInfo) { TUAPlayer p = Main.LocalPlayer.GetModPlayer <TUAPlayer>(); if (p.currentDimension == "solar") { pool.Clear(); pool.Add(npcList[1][0], 10f); pool.Add(npcList[1][1], 1f); pool.Add(npcList[1][2], 5f); pool.Add(npcList[1][3], 9f); } }
private void UpdateCamera(FrameEventData evt) { Vector2 cameraPosition = Main.screenPosition; //Vector2 difference = cameraPosition - _CameraTarget; //difference = Vector2.Normalize(difference); //var dif = difference * (float) TUA.gameTime.ElapsedGameTime.TotalSeconds; cameraPosition = Vector2.Lerp(cameraPosition, _CameraTarget, 0.6f); //cameraPosition += difference * (float) TUA.gameTime.ElapsedGameTime.TotalSeconds * 0.4f; if ((cameraPosition - _CameraTarget).Length() < _speed) { cameraPosition = _CameraTarget; } TUAPlayer.LockPlayerCamera(cameraPosition, true); }
public override void PostUpdate() { TUAPlayer plr = Main.LocalPlayer.GetModPlayer <TUAPlayer>(); if (plr.currentDimension == "solar") { Player p = Main.LocalPlayer; if (solarRainCooldown == 0) { Vector2 spawnPosition = new Vector2(p.Center.X + Main.rand.NextFloat(-300f, 300f), p.Center.Y - 400f); NPC.NewNPC((int)spawnPosition.X, (int)spawnPosition.Y, NPCID.SolarFlare); spawnPosition = new Vector2(p.Center.X + Main.rand.NextFloat(-300f, 300f), p.Center.Y - 400f); NPC.NewNPC((int)spawnPosition.X, (int)spawnPosition.Y, NPCID.SolarFlare); spawnPosition = new Vector2(p.Center.X + Main.rand.NextFloat(-300f, 300f), p.Center.Y - 400f); NPC.NewNPC((int)spawnPosition.X, (int)spawnPosition.Y, NPCID.SolarFlare); solarRainCooldown = 150; } solarRainCooldown--; } }
public override bool UseItem(Player player) { TUAPlayer p = player.GetModPlayer <TUAPlayer>(mod); FieldInfo info = typeof(FileData).GetField("_path", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic); string get = (string)info.GetValue(Main.ActiveWorldFileData); if (itemUseCooldown == 0) { WorldFile.saveWorld(false, true); if (p.currentDimension != "solar") { p.currentDimension = "solar"; Main.NewText("You are entering into the solar dimension...", Color.Orange); if (!File.Exists(Main.SavePath + "/World/Solar/" + Main.worldName + ".wld")) { info.SetValue(Main.ActiveWorldFileData, Main.SavePath + "/World/Solar/" + Main.worldName + ".wld"); generateDimension(); p.player.Spawn(); return(true); } info.SetValue(Main.ActiveWorldFileData, Main.SavePath + "/World/Solar/" + Main.worldName + ".wld"); itemUseCooldown = 500; WorldGen.EveryTileFrame(); WorldGen.playWorld(); return(true); } info.SetValue(Main.ActiveWorldFileData, Main.SavePath + "/World/" + Main.worldName + ".wld"); p.currentDimension = "overworld"; itemUseCooldown = 500; WorldGen.playWorld(); return(true); } return(false); }
public override void AI() { if (npc.localAI[0] != 1f) { RotateToPlayer(); if (cutscenePhase != 7) { if (cutscenePhase >= 1) { SpawnCircleDust(10 * 16, DustID.Shadowflame); } ExecuteCutscene(); return; } TUAPlayer.LockPlayerCamera(null, false); Main.musicVolume = previousMusicVolume; if ([1] == 0) { } } }
public void InitLoreUI(TUAPlayer instance) { this.instance = instance; }
private void ExecuteCutscene() { Vector2 centerPosition = new Vector2(npc.position.X + 300, npc.Center.Y); npc.velocity = Vector2.Zero; TUAPlayer.LockPlayerCamera(new Vector2(npc.position.X + 300 - Main.screenWidth / 2, npc.Center.Y - Main.screenHeight / 2), true); if (CutsceneTimer == 0) { switch (CutscenePhase) { case 0: npc.GivenName = "Eye of Cthulhu"; TUA.BroadcastMessage("<Eye of Cthulhu> I'm sorry, I failed you master... The terrarian are much more stronger than I thought"); CutsceneTimer = 200; CutscenePhase++; break; case 1: TUA.BroadcastMessage("<???> You failure of a minion, you can't even do your job properly. I was sealed for 1000 year ago and when I wake up I find that the terrarian are more strong than what they were during the god reign time."); CutsceneTimer = 300; CutscenePhase++; break; case 2: TUA.BroadcastMessage("<Eye of Cthulhu> But master, those are not the same from 1000 year ago, those area new race."); CutsceneTimer = 250; CutscenePhase++; break; case 3: TUA.BroadcastMessage("<???> I do not care about what they are or what they became, I can still smell the presence of the traveler around the world, the one that made us perish."); TUA.BroadcastMessage("<???> Anyway, enough talking for now, I'll give you one last chance and don't fail on me. Here is a fraction of my power"); CutsceneTimer = 400; CutscenePhase++; break; case 4: TUA.BroadcastMessage("<Ultra Eye of Cthulhu> Master, I promise I will do this request, the terrarian will be destroyed."); TUA.instance.SetTitle("Ultra Eye of Cthulhu", "Not what you were expecting?", Color.White, Color.DarkRed, Main.fontDeathText, 600, 0.8f, true); TUAPlayer.LockPlayerCamera(null, false); IsCutsceneExecuting = false; CutscenePhase++; npc.GivenName = "Ultra Eye of Cthulhu"; break; } } if (CutscenePhase == 4) { npc.rotation -= 0.5f; if (CutsceneDustTimer == 0) { Dust.NewDust(npc.Center, 2, 2, DustID.Shadowflame, Main.rand.Next(-4, 4), Main.rand.Next(-4, 4), 0, Color.White, 2f); CutsceneDustTimer = 2; } CutsceneDustTimer--; } else { rotateToPosition(centerPosition); } CutsceneTimer--; }
private void ExecuteCutscene() { if (previousMusicVolume == -1f) { previousMusicVolume = Main.musicVolume; } Main.musicVolume = 0f; cutscenetimer--; if (cutscenetimer == 0) { cutscenetimer = 300; opacity += 0.3f; npc.Opacity = opacity; switch (cutscenePhase) { case 0: TUA.instance.SetTitle("Eye of Azathoth", "The god of destruction", Color.Red, Color.Black, Main.fontDeathText, 300, 1, true); TUA.BroadcastMessage("<???> Who hath summoned this to this wretched world? " + "It will be a pleasure to destroy them, like I did a years ago.", Color.Black); npc.GivenName = "???"; break; case 1: TUA.BroadcastMessage("<???> Humans sealed me eons ago, but now I'm finally free " + "and I'll bring this world back to its most glorious stage, the era of destruction!"); break; case 2: npc.GivenName = "Eye of Azathoth"; TUA.BroadcastMessage($"<{npc.GivenName}> I, the Eye of Azathoth, the divine incarnation of destruction, " + "will bring the world back to the times when humanity was nothing more than a speck on the earth."); break; case 3: TUA.BroadcastMessage($"<{npc.GivenName}> Once I reigned supreme over all other gods of this world , " + "but that despicable man completely defeated me, impossibly, " + "and somehow me and my brotherhood was rendered powerless and trapped in another dimension."); break; case 4: TUA.BroadcastMessage($"<{npc.GivenName}> I'll never forgive that human, never."); break; case 5: TUA.BroadcastMessage($"<{npc.GivenName}> But now I am back to seek revenge on the humans, " + "their worthless spells and so-called \"technology\" won't be able to stop me this time " + "and everyone will perish under the plagues! I will allow all of humanity to be crushed by " + "our divine power!"); break; case 6: TUA.instance.SetTitle("Eye of Azathoth", "The god of destruction", Color.Red, Color.Black, Main.fontDeathText, 300, 1, true); TUA.BroadcastMessage($"<{npc.GivenName}> We are taking our throne back " + "and we will conquer the world like we did a millenia ago, I hope you're ready to fight Terraria, " + "otherwise it would be boring for me."); break; } cutscenePhase++; } TUAPlayer.LockPlayerCamera(new Vector2(npc.Center.X - Main.screenWidth / 2, npc.Center.Y - Main.screenHeight / 2), true); Dust.NewDust(npc.Center, 5, 5, DustID.Electric, Main.rand.Next(-5, 5), Main.rand.Next(-5, 5), 255, Color.White * opacity, 1f); }
private void FreeLock(FrameEventData evt) { TUAPlayer.LockPlayerCamera(null, false); }