public void TTest() { TTestResult ttest = BasicStatisticalFormulas.TTestEqualVariances(this.AssociatedObject.meandiff.Value, 0.1, this.AssociatedObject.series1, this.AssociatedObject.series2); this.AssociatedObject.result.Text = "T Value = " + ttest.TValue.ToString() + "\n" + "T Critical Value one Tail = " + ttest.TCriticalValueOneTail.ToString() + "\n" + "T Critical value two Tail = " + ttest.TCriticalValueTwoTail.ToString() + "\n" + "Probability T One Tail = " + ttest.ProbabilityTOneTail.ToString() + "\n" + "Probability T Two Tail = " + ttest.ProbabilityTTwoTail.ToString() + "\n" + "First Series Mean = " + ttest.FirstSeriesMean.ToString() + "\n" + "First Series Variance = " + ttest.FirstSeriesVariance.ToString() + "\n" + "Second Series Mean = " + ttest.SecondSeriesMean.ToString() + "\n" + "Second Series Variance =" + ttest.SecondSeriesVariance.ToString() + "\n"; }
private void tryTAndFTest(String mode) { if (modeFirst.Equals("") | modeFirst.Equals(mode)) { modeFirst = mode; return; } TTestResult resultTTest = dummyChart.DataManipulator.Statistics.TTestPaired(0.3, 0.05, modeFirst, mode); textBox_Results.AppendText("\r\nTTest for " + modeFirst + "\r\nand " + mode + "\r\nis " + resultTTest.TValue); textBox_Results.AppendText("\r\nProbability: " + resultTTest.ProbabilityTOneTail); textBox_Results.AppendText("\r\nCritical TValue: " + resultTTest.TCriticalValueOneTail); FTestResult resultFTest = dummyChart.DataManipulator.Statistics.FTest(0.05, modeFirst, mode); textBox_Results.AppendText("\r\nFTest for " + modeFirst + "\r\nand " + mode + "\r\nis " + resultFTest.FValue); textBox_Results.AppendText("\r\nProbability: " + resultFTest.ProbabilityFOneTail); textBox_Results.AppendText("\r\nCritical FValue: " + resultFTest.FCriticalValueOneTail); modeFirst = ""; }
public static TTestResult TTest(double[] x, double[] y) { TTestResult result = new TTestResult(); // Welch's t-test for two samples double sumX = 0.0; // calculate means double sumY = 0.0; for (int i = 0; i < x.Length; ++i) { sumX += x[i]; } for (int i = 0; i < y.Length; ++i) { sumY += y[i]; } int n1 = x.Length; int n2 = y.Length; double meanX = sumX / n1; double meanY = sumY / n2; double sumXminusMeanSquared = 0.0; // calculate (sample) variances double sumYminusMeanSquared = 0.0; for (int i = 0; i < n1; ++i) { sumXminusMeanSquared += (x[i] - meanX) * (x[i] - meanX); } for (int i = 0; i < n2; ++i) { sumYminusMeanSquared += (y[i] - meanY) * (y[i] - meanY); } double varX = sumXminusMeanSquared / (n1 - 1); double varY = sumYminusMeanSquared / (n2 - 1); // t statistic double top = (meanX - meanY); double bot = Math.Sqrt((varX / n1) + (varY / n2)); double t = top / bot; // df mildly tricky // double num = ((varX / n1) + (varY / n2)) * ((varX / n1) + (varY / n2)); double denomLeft = ((varX / n1) * (varX / n1)) / (n1 - 1); double denomRight = ((varY / n2) * (varY / n2)) / (n2 - 1); double denom = denomLeft + denomRight; double df = num / denom; double p = Student(t, df); // cumulative two-tail density System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("mean of x = " + meanX.ToString("F2")); System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("mean of y = " + meanY.ToString("F2")); System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("t (t-統計)= " + t.ToString("F4")); System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("df (自由度) = " + df.ToString("F3")); System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("p-value (顯著性) = " + p.ToString("F5")); result.df = df; result.p = p; result.t = t; result.meanX = meanX; result.meanY = meanY; Explain(); return(result); }