        /// <summary>
        /// initializes view components
        /// </summary>
        public EditTimeTrialViewModel(IFrameNavigationService navigationService)
            _navigationService = navigationService;
            timeTrial          = navigationService.Parameter as TimeTrial;

            selectedModel = timeTrial.Model;
            modelText     = timeTrial.Model.Base;
            date          = timeTrial.Date;
            salesOrder    = timeTrial.SalesOrder;
            productionNum = timeTrial.ProductionNumber;
            driveTime     = timeTrial.DriveTime;
            AVTime        = timeTrial.AVTime;
            numOptions    = timeTrial.NumOptions;

            foreach (TimeTrialsOptionTime TTOption in timeTrial.TTOptionTimes)

            cancelCommand = new RelayCommand(cancel);

//            loadedCommand = new RelayCommand(loaded);
            //addTTCommand = new RelayCommand(addTT);
            //submitCommand = new RelayCommand(submit);
        /// <summary>
        /// Checks to see if all necessary fields are filled out with correct formatting
        /// before the time trial can be added.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns> true if the form is complete, otherwise false </returns>
        private bool checkComplete()
            informationText = "";
            bool complete = true;

            _haveOptionTimes = true;

            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(modelText) || selectedModel == null)
                complete        = false;
                modelText       = "";
                informationText = "Please select a valid model.";
            else if (date == null ||
                     salesOrder == null || salesOrder <= 0 ||
                     productionNum == null || productionNum <= 0)
                complete        = false;
                informationText = "Fill out all fields before adding time trial.";
                //Check that options are filled out
                foreach (TimeTrialsOptionTime option in TTOptions)
                    if (!complete)
                        if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(option.OptionCode))
                            complete        = false;
                            informationText = "Fill out all options before adding time trial.";
                        else if (option.OptionCode.Length != 2)
                            informationText = "Invalid Option Code Format.  Must be 2 letters";
                            complete        = false;
                            if (!option.OptionCode.ElementAt(0).Equals('P') && !option.OptionCode.ElementAt(0).Equals('T') &&
                                !option.OptionCode.ElementAt(0).Equals('p') && !option.OptionCode.ElementAt(0).Equals('t'))
                                informationText = "Option Code must start with a 'P' or 'T'";
                                complete        = false;
                            else if (option.OptionCode.ElementAt(1).Equals('P') || option.OptionCode.ElementAt(1).Equals('T') ||
                                     option.OptionCode.ElementAt(1).Equals('p') || option.OptionCode.ElementAt(1).Equals('t'))
                                informationText = "Option Code cannot end with a 'P' or 'T'";
                                complete        = false;

                    if (option.Time <= 0)
                        _haveOptionTimes = false;

                //Check for duplicate options
                if (complete && TTOptions.GroupBy(n => n.OptionCode).Any(c => c.Count() > 1))
                    complete        = false;
                    informationText = "Invalid Options.  Duplicate option exists in list.";

            if (complete)
                //If the AV time, Drive time, or all options times are not filled out, then the total time needs to be filled out
                if (!_haveOptionTimes || driveTime == null || driveTime <= 0 || AVTime == null || AVTime <= 0)
                    if (totalTime == null || totalTime <= 0)
                        complete        = false;
                        informationText = "Enter the total time or fill out the drive time, av time, and all option times.";
                    else if (driveTime != null || AVTime != null)
                        if (totalTime < ((driveTime == null ? 0 : driveTime) + (AVTime == null ? 0 : AVTime)))
                            complete        = false;
                            informationText = "Total time cannot be less than drive time plus av time.";
