private cs.CodeExpression BuildResult()
     if (lastExpression == null)
         throw new NotImplementedException("NoResult : " + source.AsText());
 public static string WhatIsThis(this TSqlFragment fragment)
     return(fragment.GetType().Name + " # " + fragment.AsText());
        public static CodeExpression BuildFromCheckConstraintDefinition(string schemaName, DataTable table, string check_name, string check_definition, out bool hasError, out string errorText)
            string       select_statement = "SELECT colx = IIF((" + check_definition + "), 1, 0) FROM " + schemaName + ".[" + table.TableName + "] WHERE " + check_definition;
            TSqlFragment sqlF             = ScriptDomFacade.Parse(select_statement);
            IIFVisitor   iif_visitor      = new IIFVisitor();

            if (iif_visitor.result == null)
                throw new NotSupportedException("Expression 'IIF' could not be found:" + sqlF.AsText());

            BooleanExpression iif_predicate = iif_visitor.result.Predicate;

            //if (iif_visitor != null)
            //    //return null; // comment out if it needed

            //Console.WriteLine("==== " + check_name + " ============");

            var databaseMetadata = new DatabaseMetadataOnTable(table);

            hasError  = false;
            errorText = null;
            return(BooleanExpressionGeneratorVisitor.TryBuildFromFragment(databaseMetadata, iif_predicate, ref hasError, ref errorText));
        public override void Visit(TSqlFragment node)
            if (DumpEnabled)
                Console.WriteLine(fragmentIndex + " " + prefix + node.GetType().Name + "  " + node.AsText());
            if ((node is TSqlScript) ||
                (node is TSqlBatch) ||
                (node is BeginEndBlockStatement) || // CREATE PROCEDURE
                (node is StatementList) ||
                (node is DeclareVariableStatement) || // skip
                (node is DeclareVariableElement) || // skip
                (node is Identifier) || // skip
                (node is SqlDataTypeReference) || // NVARCHAR(MAX)
                (node is SchemaObjectName) || // NVARCHAR
                (node is MaxLiteral) || // MAX
                (node is DeclareTableVariableStatement) || // DECLARE @table TABLE(
                (node is DeclareTableVariableBody) || // @table TABLE(cmdbflowname...
                (node is TableDefinition) || // cmdbflowname NVARCHAR(...
                (node is ColumnDefinition) || // cmdbflowname NVARCHAR(255) NOT NULL
                (node is IntegerLiteral) || // 255
                (node is NullableConstraintDefinition) // NOT NULL

                || (node is InsertStatement) ||
                (node is InsertSpecification) ||
                (node is VariableTableReference) ||
                (node is SelectInsertSource) || // SELECT, [root].
                (node is QuerySpecification) ||
                (node is ColumnReferenceExpression) ||
                (node is MultiPartIdentifier) ||
                (node is FromClause) ||
                (node is QualifiedJoin) ||
                (node is NamedTableReference) || // [dbo].[hlspcmdbflow] AS [root]
                (node is BooleanComparisonExpression) // = [root].[cmdbflowname]

                || (node is VariableReference) ||
                (node is IfStatement) ||
                (node is TryCatchStatement) ||
                (node is SelectElement)

                || (node is ExistsPredicate) || // (SELECT * FROM
                (node is ScalarSubquery) || // (SELECT * FROM @table WHERE cmdbflowid IS NULL OR cmdbflowatt
                (node is WhereClause) || // WHERE cmdbflowid IS NULL OR cmdbflowattri
                (node is BooleanBinaryExpression) || // cmdbflowid IS NULL OR cmdbflowattributeid IS N
                (node is BooleanIsNullExpression) // cmdbflowid IS NULL O

                || (node is SelectStatement) || // SELECT TOP 1 @cmdb
                (node is TopRowFilter) || // TOP 1
                (node is SetVariableStatement) || // SET @error_text = CONCAT(N'C
                (node is FunctionCall) || // CONCAT(N'CmdbFlowAttrib
                (node is StringLiteral) || // N'CmdbFlowAtt
                (node is CastCall) || //CAST(@cmdbflowattributeid AS NVARCHAR(50))
                (node is ThrowStatement) || // THROW 50000, @error_text, 1;
                (node is IdentifierOrValueExpression) || // AttributeDefId
                (node is GroupByClause) || // GROUP BY [a].[attributeid]
                (node is ExpressionGroupingSpecification) // [a].[attributeid]

                //|| (node is ColumnReferenceExpression)
                //|| (node is MultiPartIdentifier)
                //|| (node is Identifier)
                //|| (node is IntegerLiteral)
                //|| (node is BooleanIsNullExpression)
                //|| (node is StringLiteral)

                || (node is ValuesInsertSource) || //=> VALUES(@parentid, @domain, @href, @rel, @title)
                (node is RowValue) || //  (@parentid, @domain, @href, @rel, @title)
                (node is ReturnStatement) || //  RETURN @@ROWCOUNT
                (node is GlobalVariableExpression) || //  @@ROWCOUNT
                (node is DeleteStatement) || //  DELETE [dbo].[hlcmhypermedialinks] WHE
                (node is DeleteSpecification) || //  DELETE [dbo].[hlcmhypermedialinks]
                (node is UpdateStatement) || //  UPDATE [dbo].[hlcmhypermedialinks]
                (node is UpdateSpecification) || //  UPDATE [dbo].[hlcmhypermedialinks]
                (node is AssignmentSetClause) || //  title = @title
                (node is PredicateSetStatement) || //  SET NOCOUNT ON;
                (node is UniqueConstraintDefinition) || //  PRIMARY KEY ([actionid])
                (node is ColumnWithSortOrder) || //  [actionid]
                (node is SchemaObjectFunctionTableReference) || //  [dbo].[hlsyssec_query_agentobjectmsk](@age
                (node is IIfCall) || //  IIF(@objecttype = 7, 789, @objecttype + 783)
                (node is BinaryExpression) || //  @objecttype + 783
                (node is ParenthesisExpression) || //  (@accessmask & 133)
                (node is TableHint) || //  NOLOCK
                (node is BooleanParenthesisExpression) || //  (@isportalsupporter = 1 OR @reservedbyme
                (node is SimpleCaseExpression) || //  CASE [actionid] WHEN 5
                (node is SimpleWhenClause) || //  WHEN 5 /
                (node is OrderByClause) || //  ORDER BY [cs].[creationtime]
                (node is ExpressionWithSortOrder) || //  [cs].[creationtime]
                (node is OffsetClause) || //  OFFSET     @skip ROWS
                (node is UnqualifiedJoin) || //  [dbo].[hlsyssuassociation] AS [ac]
                (node is UserDataTypeReference) || //  SYSNAME
                (node is RaiseErrorStatement) || //  RAISERROR (@errortext, 16, 2)
                (node is MergeStatement) || //  MERGE [dbo].[hlspcmdbflow] AS T
                (node is MergeSpecification) || //  MERGE [dbo].[hlspcmdbflow] AS T
                (node is QueryDerivedTable) || //  (SELECT @processrootid AS cmdbflowid,
                (node is MergeActionClause) || //  INSERT (cmdbflowid, cmdbflowname, deploytime)
                (node is InsertMergeAction) || //  INSERT (cmdbflowid, cmdbflowname, deploytime)
                (node is UpdateMergeAction) || //  UPDATE SET T.deploytime = GETUTCDATE()
                (node is WithCtesAndXmlNamespaces) || //  WITH PartialTarget AS
                (node is CommonTableExpression) || //  PartialTarget AS
                (node is DeleteMergeAction) || //  DELETE
                (node is ExecuteStatement) || //  EXEC [dbo].[hlsp_persistattributes_bool]
                (node is ExecuteSpecification) || //  EXEC [dbo].[hlsp_persistattributes_bool] @
                (node is ExecutableProcedureReference) || //  [dbo].[hlsp_persistattributes_bool] @
                (node is ExecuteParameter) || //  @spinstanceid = @spinstanceid
                (node is ProcedureReferenceName) || //  [dbo].[hlsp_persistattributes_bool]
                (node is ProcedureReference) || //  [dbo].[hlsp_persistattributes_bool]
                (node is BooleanNotExpression) || //  NOT ISNULL(S.[attributevalue],N'') = N''
                (node is OutputClause) || //  OUTPUT INSERTED.[actioncontextid]
                (node is NextValueForExpression) || //  NEXT VALUE FOR [dbo].[SEQ_h
                (node is PrintStatement) || //  PRINT(N'do nothing');
                (node is SetRowCountStatement) || //  SET ROWCOUNT 0
                (node is XmlDataTypeReference) || //  XML
                (node is XmlForClause) || //  PATH(N'person'), ELEMENTS
                (node is XmlForClauseOption) || //  PATH(N'person')
                (node is BinaryQueryExpression) || //  SELECT CAST(N'A' AS SYSNAME) producer
                (node is ConvertCall) || //  CONVERT(NVARCHAR(100), DATEDIFF(m
                (node is ParameterlessCall) || //  CURRENT_TIMESTAMP
                (node is OutputIntoClause) || //  OUTPUT ISNULL(, DELETED.ID) INTO
                (node is MultiPartIdentifierCallTarget) || //  trs
                (node is VariableMethodCallTableReference) || //  @translationmodel.nodes(N'declare default element nam
                (node is OverClause) || //  OVER(PARTITION BY tv.tthc, ttlcid ORDER BY LEN(ttvalu
                (node is SetCommandStatement) || //  SET DEADLOCK_PRIORITY LOW;
                (node is GeneralSetCommand) || //  LOW
                (node is IdentifierLiteral) || //  LOW
                (node is InPredicate) || //  requestid IN (SELECT id FROM @mailstoprocess)
                (node is WhileStatement) || //  WHILE @rowcount > 0
                (node is UnaryExpression) || //  -@retentiondays
                (node is BeginTransactionStatement) || //  BEGIN TRANSACTION;
                (node is ExecuteInsertSource) || //  EXEC
                (node is ExecutableStringList) || // N''hlsys_searchdata_targetsvc'' AND[ce].[state] = ''CO''
                (node is BeginDialogStatement) || //  BEGIN DIALOG CONVERSATION @ch
                (node is OnOffDialogOption) || //  OFF
                (node is SendStatement) || //  SEND ON CONVERSATION @ch MESSAG
                (node is CommitTransactionStatement) || //  COMMIT;
                (node is RollbackTransactionStatement) || //  ROLLBACK TRANSACTION
                (node is NullLiteral) || //  NULL
                (node is WaitForStatement) || //  WAITFOR(
                (node is ReceiveStatement) || //  RECEIVE TOP (1) @ch = co
                (node is InlineDerivedTable) || //  (VALUES (@objectdefid, 10, GETUTCDATE(), @a
                (node is EndConversationStatement) || //  @initiatorconversationhandle
                (node is BinaryLiteral) || //  0xC0400081
                (node is SearchedCaseExpression) || //  CASE WHEN @isapproved = 1 THEN 2
                (node is SearchedWhenClause) || //  WHEN @isapproved = 1 THEN 2
                (node is CoalesceExpression) || //  COALESCE(tib_fromtime,tia_totime,0)
                (node is BooleanTernaryExpression) || //  rd.dayno_wrk BETWEEN (@dfd1_dayno_wrk+1
                (node is BreakStatement) || //  BREAK
                (node is ExpressionCallTarget) || //  s.v.query (N'Name')
                (node is LikePredicate) || //  regkeyvaluedata LIKE(N'dword:%')
                (node is DefaultConstraintDefinition) || //  DEFAULT(0)
                (node is CheckConstraintDefinition) || //  CHECK([configurationid]=1)
                (node is AlterSequenceStatement) || //  ALTER SEQUENCE [dbo].[SEQ_hlsysdailycounter] R
                (node is ScalarExpressionSequenceOption) || //  RESTART WITH 1
                (node is SetTransactionIsolationLevelStatement) || //  SET TRANSACTION ISOLATION LEVEL
                (node is SetIdentityInsertStatement) || //  SET IDENTITY_INSERT [dbo].[hlsysde
                (node is NullIfExpression) || //  NULLIF(@objectid, 0)
                (node is XmlNamespaces) || //  N'' AS pd)
                (node is XmlNamespacesAliasElement) || //  N'' AS pd
                (node is AlterTableConstraintModificationStatement) || //  ALTER TABLE [dbo].[hlspatt
                (node is DbccStatement) || //  DBCC CHECKIDENT (N'dbo.hlsysattrpathodedef', RESEED, 1);
                (node is DbccNamedLiteral) || //  N'dbo.hlsysattrpathodedef'
                (node is XmlNamespacesDefaultElement) || //  DEFAULT N'pd'
                (node is DefaultLiteral) || //  DEFAULT
                (node is QueryParenthesisExpression) || // hltm_getnotificationagentids (SELECT a3.objectida, a3.objectdefida
                (node is FullTextPredicate) || // CONTAINS()
                (node is FullTextTableReference) || // CONTAINS()
                (node is SelectFunctionReturnType) || //  SELECT dv.[defaultattrpathid]
                (node is LeftFunctionCall) || //  LEFT([cd].[description], 100)
                (node is HavingClause) || //  HAVING MIN([fullfillment].[state]) < 2 AND MAX([fullfillment].[state]) >= 2
                (node is TryCastCall) || //  TRY_CAST(settingvalue AS INT)
                (node is CheckpointStatement) //  CHECKPOINT;
                if (node is SelectInsertSource)
                // ok
                //throw new NotImplementedException("Node type:" + node.GetType().Name);
                throw new NotImplementedException("|| (node is " + node.GetType().Name + ") //  " + node.AsText());