 /// <summary>
 /// By calling this method the shape inertia and mass is used.
 /// </summary>
 public void SetMassProperties()
     this.inertia = Shape.inertia;
     TSMatrix.Inverse(ref inertia, out invInertia);
     this.inverseMass       = FP.One / Shape.mass;
     useShapeMassProperties = true;
        /// <summary>
        /// Calculates the inverse of a give matrix.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="matrix">The matrix to invert.</param>
        /// <returns>The inverted JMatrix.</returns>
        #region public static JMatrix Inverse(JMatrix matrix)
        public static TSMatrix Inverse(TSMatrix matrix)
            TSMatrix result;

            TSMatrix.Inverse(ref matrix, out result);
 /// <summary>
 /// By calling this method the shape inertia and mass is used.
 /// </summary>
 public void SetMassProperties()
     TSLinearDrag  = TrueSyncManager.Config.linearDrag;
     TSAngularDrag = TrueSyncManager.Config.angularDrag;
     this.inertia  = Shape.inertia;
     TSMatrix.Inverse(ref inertia, out invInertia);
     this.inverseMass       = FP.One / Shape.mass;
     useShapeMassProperties = true;
        /// <summary>
        /// Called once before iteration starts.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="timestep">The 5simulation timestep</param>
        public override void PrepareForIteration(FP timestep)
            effectiveMass = body1.invInertiaWorld + body2.invInertiaWorld;

            softnessOverDt = softness / timestep;

            effectiveMass.M11 += softnessOverDt;
            effectiveMass.M22 += softnessOverDt;
            effectiveMass.M33 += softnessOverDt;

            TSMatrix.Inverse(ref effectiveMass, out effectiveMass);

            TSMatrix orientationDifference;

            TSMatrix.Multiply(ref initialOrientation1, ref initialOrientation2, out orientationDifference);
            TSMatrix.Transpose(ref orientationDifference, out orientationDifference);

            TSMatrix q = orientationDifference * body2.invOrientation * body1.orientation;
            TSVector axis;

            FP x = q.M32 - q.M23;
            FP y = q.M13 - q.M31;
            FP z = q.M21 - q.M12;

            FP r = TSMath.Sqrt(x * x + y * y + z * z);
            FP t = q.M11 + q.M22 + q.M33;

            FP angle = FP.Atan2(r, t - 1);

            axis = new TSVector(x, y, z) * angle;

            if (r != FP.Zero)
                axis = axis * (FP.One / r);

            bias = axis * biasFactor * (-FP.One / timestep);

            // Apply previous frame solution as initial guess for satisfying the constraint.
            if (!body1.IsStatic)
                body1.angularVelocity += TSVector.Transform(accumulatedImpulse, body1.invInertiaWorld);
            if (!body2.IsStatic)
                body2.angularVelocity += TSVector.Transform(-FP.One * accumulatedImpulse, body2.invInertiaWorld);
        /// <summary>
        /// The engine used the given values for inertia and mass and ignores
        /// the shape mass properties.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="inertia">The inertia/inverse inertia of the untransformed object.</param>
        /// <param name="mass">The mass/inverse mass of the object.</param>
        /// <param name="setAsInverseValues">Sets the InverseInertia and the InverseMass
        /// to this values.</param>
        public void SetMassProperties(TSMatrix inertia, FP mass, bool setAsInverseValues)
            if (setAsInverseValues)
                if (!isParticle)
                    this.invInertia = inertia;
                    TSMatrix.Inverse(ref inertia, out this.inertia);
                this.inverseMass = mass;
                if (!isParticle)
                    this.inertia = inertia;
                    TSMatrix.Inverse(ref inertia, out this.invInertia);
                this.inverseMass = FP.One / mass;

            useShapeMassProperties = false;
        public FP GetSphereDistance(ref BoxShape box, ref TSVector boxPosition, ref TSMatrix boxOrientation, ref TSVector sphereCenter, FP radius,
                                    ref TSVector pointOnBox, ref TSVector pointOnSphere, ref TSVector normal)
            FP margins;

            bounds[0] = TSVector.Negate(box.halfSize);
            bounds[1] = box.halfSize;

            margins = FP.Zero; //TODO: box.Margin; //also add sphereShape margin?

            boundsVec[0] = bounds[0];
            boundsVec[1] = bounds[1];

            TSVector marginsVec = TSVector.one * margins;

            // add margins
            bounds[0] += marginsVec;
            bounds[1] -= marginsVec;

            TSVector prel, v3P;
            FP       sep = FP.MaxValue;
            FP       sepThis;

            // convert  point in local space
            TSVector.Subtract(ref sphereCenter, ref boxPosition, out sphereCenter);
            TSMatrix invBoxOrientation;

            TSMatrix.Inverse(ref boxOrientation, out invBoxOrientation);
            TSVector.Transform(ref sphereCenter, ref invBoxOrientation, out prel);

            bool found = false;

            v3P = prel;

            for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++)
                int j = i < 3 ? 0 : 1;
                if ((sepThis = (TSVector.Dot(v3P - bounds[j], n[i]))) > FP.Zero)
                    v3P   = v3P - n[i] * sepThis;
                    found = true;

            if (found)
                bounds[0] = boundsVec[0];
                bounds[1] = boundsVec[1];

                normal        = TSVector.Normalize(prel - v3P);
                pointOnBox    = v3P + normal * margins;
                pointOnSphere = prel - normal * radius;

                if ((TSVector.Dot(pointOnSphere - pointOnBox, normal)) > FP.Zero)

                FP seps2 = (pointOnBox - pointOnSphere).sqrMagnitude;

                //if this fails, fallback into deeper penetration case, below
                if (seps2 > TSMath.Epsilon)
                    // transform back in world space
                    TSVector.Transform(ref pointOnBox, ref boxOrientation, out pointOnBox);
                    TSVector.Add(ref pointOnBox, ref boxPosition, out pointOnBox);
                    TSVector.Transform(ref pointOnSphere, ref boxOrientation, out pointOnSphere);
                    TSVector.Add(ref pointOnSphere, ref boxPosition, out pointOnSphere);

                    sep     = -TSMath.Sqrt(seps2);
                    normal  = (pointOnBox - pointOnSphere);
                    normal *= FP.One / sep;
        public FP GetSphereDistance(ref BoxShape box, ref TSVector boxPosition, ref TSMatrix boxOrientation, ref TSVector sphereCenter, FP radius,
                                    ref TSVector pointOnBox, ref TSVector pointOnSphere, ref TSVector normal)
            TSVector boxHalfSize = box.halfSize;
            TSVector prel;

            // convert sphere center into box local space
            TSVector.Subtract(ref sphereCenter, ref boxPosition, out prel);
            TSMatrix invBoxOrientation;

            TSMatrix.Inverse(ref boxOrientation, out invBoxOrientation);
            TSVector.Transform(ref prel, ref invBoxOrientation, out prel);

            pointOnBox = prel;
            bool outSide = false;

            if (prel.x < -boxHalfSize.x)
                outSide      = true;
                pointOnBox.x = -boxHalfSize.x;
            else if (prel.x > boxHalfSize.x)
                outSide      = true;
                pointOnBox.x = boxHalfSize.x;

            if (prel.y < -boxHalfSize.y)
                outSide      = true;
                pointOnBox.y = -boxHalfSize.y;
            else if (prel.y > boxHalfSize.y)
                outSide      = true;
                pointOnBox.y = boxHalfSize.y;

            if (prel.z < -boxHalfSize.z)
                outSide      = true;
                pointOnBox.z = -boxHalfSize.z;
            else if (prel.z > boxHalfSize.z)
                outSide      = true;
                pointOnBox.z = boxHalfSize.z;

            if (outSide)
                normal = prel - pointOnBox;

                FP dist2 = normal.sqrMagnitude;
                if (dist2 > radius * radius)

                FP distance;
                if (dist2 <= TSMath.Epsilon)
                    distance = -GetSpherePenetration(boxHalfSize, prel, ref pointOnBox, out normal);
                    distance = normal.magnitude;
                    normal  /= distance;
                // transform back in world space
                TSVector.Transform(ref pointOnBox, ref boxOrientation, out pointOnBox);
                TSVector.Add(ref pointOnBox, ref boxPosition, out pointOnBox);

                pointOnSphere = prel - normal * radius;
                TSVector.Transform(ref pointOnSphere, ref boxOrientation, out pointOnSphere);
                TSVector.Add(ref pointOnSphere, ref boxPosition, out pointOnSphere);

                normal = TSVector.Transform(normal, boxOrientation);
                normal = TSVector.Negate(normal);

                return(distance - radius);
                FP distance;
                distance      = -GetSpherePenetration(boxHalfSize, prel, ref pointOnBox, out normal);
                normal        = TSVector.Transform(normal, boxOrientation);
                normal        = TSVector.Negate(normal);
                pointOnSphere = sphereCenter + normal * radius;
                TSVector.Transform(ref pointOnBox, ref boxOrientation, out pointOnBox);
                TSVector.Add(ref pointOnBox, ref boxPosition, out pointOnBox);
                return(distance - radius);