protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { Response.Cookies["loginreferrer"].Value = "/admin/bypass.aspx"; Response.Cookies["loginreferrer"].Expires = DateTime.Now.AddDays(30); if (Request.Cookies["adminid"] != null && Request.Cookies["adminid"].Value != "") { intProfile = Int32.Parse(Request.Cookies["adminid"].Value); } else { Response.Redirect("/admin/login.aspx"); } oAsset = new Asset(intProfile, dsnAsset, dsn); oLog = new Log(intProfile, dsn); oUser = new Users(intProfile, dsn); oServer = new Servers(intProfile, dsn); oTSM = new TSM(intProfile, dsn); oResourceRequest = new ResourceRequest(intProfile, dsn); oIPAddresses = new IPAddresses(intProfile, dsnIP, dsn); oServerName = new ServerName(intProfile, dsn); oAssetOrder = new AssetOrder(intProfile, dsn, dsnAsset, intEnvironment); if (!IsPostBack) { Variables oVariable = new Variables(intEnvironment); txtUser.Attributes.Add("onkeyup", "return AJAXTextBoxGet(this,'300','195','" + divAJAX.ClientID + "','" + lstAJAX.ClientID + "','hdnAJAXValue','" + oVariable.URL() + "/frame/users.aspx',2);"); lstAJAX.Attributes.Add("ondblclick", "AJAXClickRow();"); txtFind.Attributes.Add("onkeydown", "if(event.which || event.keyCode){if ((event.which == 13) || (event.keyCode == 13)) {document.getElementById('" + btnFind.ClientID + "').click();return false;}} else {return true}; "); btnFind.Attributes.Add("onclick", "SearchText('" + txtFind.ClientID + "','" + panResult.ClientID + "');return false;"); txtName.Focus(); btnSearch.Attributes.Add("onclick", "return ValidateText('" + txtName.ClientID + "','Please enter a device name');"); btnSubmit.Attributes.Add("onclick", "return ValidateHidden0('hdnAJAXValue','" + txtUser.ClientID + "','Please select the requestor / client')" + " && ValidateDate('" + txtDate.ClientID + "','Please enter a valid date')" + " && ValidateText('" + txtPTM.ClientID + "','Please enter a change control')" + " && ValidateText('" + txtReason.ClientID + "','Please enter a reason')" + "&& confirm('WARNING: You are about to alter production data! This action CANNOT be undone!\\n\\nAre you sure you want to continue?') && confirm('LAST CHANCE! If you do not know what you are doing, I suggest you do not do this!\\n\\nAre you REALLY sure you want to do this?');"); } if (Request.QueryString["assets"] != null) { string[] strAssets = Request.QueryString["assets"].Split(strSplit); StringBuilder strDeploy = new StringBuilder(); strDeploy.Append("<table cellpadding=\"3\" cellspacing=\"0\" border=\"0\" style=\"border:solid 1px #CCCCCC\">"); strDeploy.Append("<tr bgcolor=\"#EEEEEE\"><td><b>Server Name</b></td><td><b>Serial Number</b></td><td><b>Power On Using</b></td><td><b>Backup?</b></td></tr>"); int intBypass = 0; for (int ii = 0; ii < strAssets.Length; ii++) { if (strAssets[ii].Trim() != "") { int intAsset = Int32.Parse(strAssets[ii].Trim()); string strILO = oAsset.GetServerOrBlade(intAsset, "ilo"); strDeploy.Append("<tr>"); strDeploy.Append("<td>"); string strName = oAsset.GetStatus(intAsset, "name"); strDeploy.Append(strName); strDeploy.Append("</td>"); strDeploy.Append("<td>"); strDeploy.Append(oAsset.Get(intAsset, "serial")); strDeploy.Append("</td>"); strDeploy.Append("<td>"); strDeploy.Append(strILO == "" ? "VMware Virtual Center" : "ILO: <a href=\"https://" + strILO + "\" target=\"_blank\">" + strILO + "</a>"); strDeploy.Append("</td>"); strDeploy.Append("<td>"); DataSet dsTSM = oTSM.GetDecom(strName); if (dsTSM.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0) { DataRow drTSM = dsTSM.Tables[0].Rows[0]; strDeploy.Append("YES<br/>"); strDeploy.Append("Server: " + drTSM["server"].ToString() + "<br/>"); strDeploy.Append("Port: " + drTSM["port"].ToString() + "<br/>"); strDeploy.Append("Domain: " + drTSM["domain"].ToString() + "<br/>"); strDeploy.Append("Schedule: " + drTSM["schedule"].ToString() + "<br/>"); strDeploy.Append("Contact(s): " + drTSM["contacts"].ToString()); } else { strDeploy.Append("NO"); } strDeploy.Append("</td>"); strDeploy.Append("</tr>"); intBypass++; } } strDeploy.Append("</table>"); lblResult.Text = "<p>ClearView bypassed the cooldown for " + intBypass.ToString() + " device(s)...</p>"; lblResult.Text += "<p>Please use the following information to configure the devices...</p>"; lblResult.Text += strDeploy.ToString(); } }