        //Function DeleteEmployee(ByVal oEmployee As Employee)    ' - deletes employee record

        //CRUD DELETE
        //POST a deletion to the db
        //error checking
        public string DeleteEmployee(TSEmployeeModel tsEmployee)
            if (tsEmployee != null)
                //create a new Employee-type object called oEmployee
                Employee oEmployee = new Employee();
                //populate the DAL-object with the MVC object data
                oEmployee.EmployeeID         = tsEmployee.EmployeeID;
                oEmployee.ShortEmployeeID    = tsEmployee.ShortEmployeeID;
                oEmployee.EmployeeName       = tsEmployee.EmployeeName;
                oEmployee.CostCtr            = tsEmployee.CostCtr;
                oEmployee.CostCenter         = tsEmployee.CostCenter;
                oEmployee.OrganizationalUnit = tsEmployee.OrganizationalUnit;
                oEmployee.EmployeeSubGroup   = tsEmployee.EmployeeSubGroup;
                oEmployee.Job              = tsEmployee.Job;
                oEmployee.PSubArea         = tsEmployee.PSubArea;
                oEmployee.PersonnelSubArea = tsEmployee.PersonnelSubArea;
                oEmployee.EmployeeGroup    = tsEmployee.EmployeeGroup;
                oEmployee.ActivityType     = tsEmployee.ActivityType;
                oEmployee.WorkCenter       = tsEmployee.WorkCenter;
                oEmployee.Active           = tsEmployee.Active;

                //connect via interface to DAL App, and delete the object. The DAL parses out just the id, deleting the object with that id
                return("Employee Deleted Successfully");
                return("Employee Not Deleted! Try Again");
        //inserts/creates an Employee object in the DAL->db
        public string InsertEmployee(TSEmployeeModel tsEmployee)
        {   //error checking. If any of the required values are null or 0, return a error message to AngularJS's backend, while will then create a pop-up rejection message
            //if the object has data, insert the data, else if there is no data just return a string
            if (tsEmployee != null &&
                tsEmployee.EmployeeID != 0 //&&
                //tsEmployee.EmployeeName != null &&
                //tsEmployee.CostCenter != null &&
                //tsEmployee.CostCtr != null &&
                //tsEmployee.OrganizationalUnit != null &&
                //tsEmployee.EmployeeSubGroup != null &&
                //tsEmployee.Job != null &&
                //tsEmployee.PSubArea != null &&
                //tsEmployee.PersonnelSubArea != null &&
                //tsEmployee.EmployeeGroup != null
                //create a new Employee-type object called oEmployee
                Employee oEmployee = new Employee();
                //populate the DAL-object with the MVC object data
                oEmployee.EmployeeID         = tsEmployee.EmployeeID;
                oEmployee.ShortEmployeeID    = tsEmployee.ShortEmployeeID;
                oEmployee.EmployeeName       = tsEmployee.EmployeeName;
                oEmployee.CostCtr            = tsEmployee.CostCtr;
                oEmployee.CostCenter         = tsEmployee.CostCenter;
                oEmployee.OrganizationalUnit = tsEmployee.OrganizationalUnit;
                oEmployee.EmployeeSubGroup   = tsEmployee.EmployeeSubGroup;
                oEmployee.Job              = tsEmployee.Job;
                oEmployee.PSubArea         = tsEmployee.PSubArea;
                oEmployee.PersonnelSubArea = tsEmployee.PersonnelSubArea;
                oEmployee.EmployeeGroup    = tsEmployee.EmployeeGroup;
                oEmployee.ActivityType     = tsEmployee.ActivityType;
                oEmployee.WorkCenter       = tsEmployee.WorkCenter;
                oEmployee.Active           = tsEmployee.Active;

                //connect via interface to DAL App, and insert the object
                return("Employee Added Successfully");
                return("Employee Not Inserted! Try Again");
        //GET and POST: /TSEmployee/GetEmployeesByEmployeeIDInactive
        //gets/reads inactive employee by their employee id
        public ActionResult GetEmployeesByEmployeeIDInactive(TSEmployeeModel tsEmployee)
            if (tsEmployee.EmployeeID != 0)
                //gets entries as Dataview
                //stores the first table
                EmployeesByEmployeeIDInactive = itsApp.GetEmployeesByEmployeeID(tsEmployee.EmployeeID).Tables[0].DefaultView;

                List <Dictionary <string, object> > parentRow = new List <Dictionary <string, object> >();
                Dictionary <string, object>         childRow;
                foreach (DataRow row in EmployeesByEmployeeIDInactive.Table.Rows)
                    childRow = new Dictionary <string, object>();
                    foreach (DataColumn col in EmployeesByEmployeeIDInactive.Table.Columns)
                        childRow.Add(col.ColumnName, row[col]);

                //takes the List, and filters through to data using LINQ to SQL format,
                //gets only the rows of data that have Activity labeled as "false"
                var employeeByIDFilteredByActiveFalse = from x in parentRow
                                                        where x.Keys.Contains("Active") &&
                                                        select x;

                //serializes/converts the DataView to JSON
                JavaScriptSerializer jsSerializer = new JavaScriptSerializer();

                string JsSerializer = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(employeeByIDFilteredByActiveFalse);
                return(Json(JsSerializer, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));