public static CqmSolutionDateRange GetDateRange(this IVL_TS ivlts) { TS low = null; TS high = null; TS center = null; if (ivlts?.ItemsElementName == null || ivlts.Items == null || ivlts.ItemsElementName.Length != ivlts.Items.Length) { center = ivlts; //if there are no items, just use the main value of the IVL_TS, essentially treating it as a single TS } else { for (int i = 0; i < ivlts.ItemsElementName.Length; i++) { switch (ivlts.ItemsElementName[i]) { case ItemsChoiceType2.low: low = ivlts.Items[i] as TS; break; case ItemsChoiceType2.high: high = ivlts.Items[i] as TS; break; case center = ivlts.Items[i] as TS; break; } } } //Some of our sample data files have effectiveTime nodes with only a single value, not low & high values. //If that happens, it represents a Point In Time, so we take that to be both the low and the high value. //TODO: is that correct? return(new CqmSolutionDateRange(low?.GetDate() ?? center?.GetDate(), high?.GetDate() ?? center?.GetDate())); }
public static CqmSolutionDateRange GetDateRangeFromArray(this SXCM_TS[] sxcmts) { if (sxcmts == null || sxcmts.Length == 0) { return(null); } //TODO: is this correct? TS low = sxcmts[0]; TS high = (sxcmts.Length == 1) ? sxcmts[0] : sxcmts[1]; return(new CqmSolutionDateRange(low?.GetDate(), high?.GetDate())); }