private void CheckFutureFunction(TParsedTokenListBuilder TokenBuilder, ref int np, TNameRecordList Names, ref TCellFunctionData fd2, TTokenOffset TokenOffset, ref bool HasAggregate) { //We need to recursively read parameters in back order to find out the name, which is stored as far as possible from the function :( TParsedTokenList ParsedList = TokenBuilder.ToParsedTokenList(); ParsedList.ResetPositionToLast(); for (int i = 0; i < np; i++) //np is +1. But we will move below the name, then inc 1, so we know there isn't a "neutral" token like parent or memarea, intead of the real thing. { ParsedList.Flush(); } ParsedList.MoveBack(); TNameToken bp = ParsedList.ForwardPop() as TNameToken; if (bp is TNameXToken) { return; //This name isn't an internal 2007 name. } if (bp == null) { return; } if (bp.NameIndex <= 0 || bp.NameIndex > Names.Count) { return; } string FunctionName = Names[bp.NameIndex - 1].Name; if (FunctionName.StartsWith("_xlfn.", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) { TCellFunctionData fn = TXlsFunction.GetData(FunctionName.Substring("_xlfn.".Length)); if (fn != null) { if (fn.Index == (int)TFutureFunctions.Aggregate) { HasAggregate = true; } fd2 = fn; int tPos = ParsedList.SavePosition(); TokenBuilder.RemoveAt(tPos); TokenOffset.RemoveToken(tPos); np--; } } }
protected override void DoMemArea(TParsedTokenList Tokens, TMemAreaToken areat, bool RefIsInInsertingSheet) { //Instead of trying to keep this list of areas synchronized, merging ranges that are together, etc, we will just remove this token. It isn't really needed anyway. Tokens.RemoveToken(); Tokens.MoveBack(); //We can't call LightPop here to go back, since it would raise an Exception if at first token. }