protected void LoadData() { string key = string.Format("Prediction-{0}", Guid.NewGuid().ToString()); hfCache.Value = key; // load setting BizPredictionGameSettings settings = TNHelper.GetPredictionGameSettings(); if (settings != null && settings.Timer > 0) { hfTimer.Value = settings.Timer.ToString(); pnlQuestion.Attributes["style"] = "display: none"; } // check user already play this game User user = Utils.GetCurrentUser(); PredictionGameUser pgu = TNHelper.GetPredictionGameUserByGameId(settings.PredictionGameID, user.Id); prePlayedInfo.Visible = false; if (pgu != null) { PredictionGameUser = pgu; prePlayedInfo.Visible = true; divContainer.Attributes["class"] = "invisible " + divContainer.Attributes["class"]; } // load radom question and save to cache PredictionGame pgame = TNHelper.GetCurrentPredictionGame(); if (pgame != null && pgame.Predictionses.Count > 0) { Prediction prediction = pgame.Predictionses[0] as Prediction; LoadAnswerList(prediction); litQuestion.Text = prediction.PredictionName; litInfo.Text = string.Format("Bạn đang trả lời câu hỏi {0}/{1}", 1, pgame.Predictionses.Count); CMSCache.Insert(key, pgame); hfIndex.Value = "0"; hfTotal.Value = pgame.Predictionses.Count.ToString(); hfID.Value = prediction.Id.ToString(); } else { Utils.ShowMessage(lblMsg, "Mời bạn quay lại sau, bạn vui lòng xem thông báo ở cột bên phải để biết thêm chi tiết."); divContainer.Visible = false; prePlayedInfo.Visible = false; } }