private void Execute()
            var assets = AssetDatabase.FindAssets("t:Sprite", new string[] { m_Path });

            if (assets.Length == 0)
                Debug.Log("Could not find any assets!");

            for (int i = 0; i < m_SpriteAsset.spriteInfoList.Count; i++)
                var info     = m_SpriteAsset.spriteInfoList[i];
                var path     = AssetDatabase.GUIDToAssetPath(assets[i]);
                var fileName = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(path);
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(fileName))
                        info.unicode = int.Parse(fileName, System.Globalization.NumberStyles.HexNumber);
                catch (Exception)
                    Debug.Log($"Could not replace unicode for asset ath path: {path}");

    private IEnumerator LoadUserSpritesIE()
        if (!File.Exists(Application.persistentDataPath + "/user_sprites.png"))
            byte[] bits = placeholderUserSprites.EncodeToPNG();
            File.WriteAllBytes(Application.persistentDataPath + "/user_sprites.png", bits);

        yield return(new WaitForEndOfFrame());

        if (!File.Exists(Application.persistentDataPath + "/user_sprites.png"))
            yield break;

        WWW image = new WWW(Application.persistentDataPath + "/user_sprites.png");

        yield return(image);

        // Create Texture
        stex = new Texture2D(1, 1);

        // adjust texture settings = "loaded_sprites";

        // Apply to sprite asset
        spriteAsset.spriteSheet = stex;
        private static void PushSprite(EmojiTexture emojiTex)
            if (currentEmojiIndex >= SHEET_TILES * SHEET_TILES)
                var newSheet = CreateTMP_SpriteAsset();
                currentEmojiAsset = newSheet;
                currentEmojiIndex = 0;

            int row    = currentEmojiIndex % SHEET_TILES;
            int column = currentEmojiIndex / SHEET_TILES;

            if (EmojiTexture.CanCopyTextures)
                Graphics.CopyTexture(emojiTex, 0, 0, 0, 0, EMOJI_SIZE, EMOJI_SIZE,
                                     currentEmojiAsset.spriteSheet, 0, 0, row * EMOJI_SIZE,
                                     (SHEET_SIZE)-((column + 1) * EMOJI_SIZE));
                //If we can't copy on the GPU, we copy on the CPU
                var pixels = ((Texture2D)emojiTex).GetPixels32(0);
                    row * EMOJI_SIZE, (SHEET_SIZE)-((column + 1) * EMOJI_SIZE), EMOJI_SIZE, EMOJI_SIZE, pixels, 0);

                //Free CPU copy of the texture (mark as non readable) if it's full
                var makeNoLongerReadable = currentEmojiIndex == SHEET_TILES * SHEET_TILES - 1;
                if (makeNoLongerReadable)
                    ((Texture2D)currentEmojiAsset.spriteSheet).Apply(false, makeNoLongerReadable);
                textureNeedsApply = !makeNoLongerReadable;

            TMP_Sprite tmp_Sprite = new TMP_Sprite();

            tmp_Sprite.hashCode = TMP_TextUtilities.GetSimpleHashCode(emojiTex.Text);
            tmp_Sprite.height   = EMOJI_SIZE;
         = currentEmojiIndex;
       = emojiTex.Text;
            tmp_Sprite.pivot    = * 0.5f;
            tmp_Sprite.scale    = 1;
            tmp_Sprite.unicode  = emojiTexture.Unicode;
            tmp_Sprite.width    = EMOJI_SIZE;
            tmp_Sprite.x        = row * EMOJI_SIZE;
            tmp_Sprite.xAdvance = EMOJI_SIZE;
            tmp_Sprite.xOffset  = 0;
            tmp_Sprite.y        = (SHEET_SIZE)-((column + 1) * EMOJI_SIZE);
            tmp_Sprite.yOffset  = EMOJI_SIZE * 0.9f;

        void FixLookupTable(TMP_SpriteAsset spriteAtlas, float globalGlyphScale, bool fixOffset)
#if TMP_1_4_0_OR_NEWER
            if (spriteAtlas == null)

            var changed = false;
            for (int i = 0; i < spriteAtlas.spriteCharacterTable.Count; i++)
                var sprite        = spriteAtlas.spriteCharacterTable[i];
                var requiredIndex = (uint)i;
                if (sprite != null && sprite.glyphIndex != requiredIndex)
                    sprite.glyphIndex = requiredIndex;
                    changed           = true;

            //Update GlyphTable Index (fix bug in some textmesh pro versions) and Update Global Scale
            for (int i = 0; i < spriteAtlas.spriteGlyphTable.Count; i++)
                var glyph = spriteAtlas.spriteGlyphTable[i];
                //glyph.index = (uint)i;

                //Change metrics if required
                if (glyph != null && m_CreatedWithEmojiJson)
                    changed     = true;
                    glyph.scale = globalGlyphScale;
                    //Change metrics based in Scale
                    var newOffset = glyph.metrics.height * 0.75f;
                    var metrics   = glyph.metrics;
                    //Fix offset scale (really dont know why this bug happens so we must fix this)
                    metrics.horizontalBearingY = newOffset;
                    glyph.metrics = metrics;
            if (changed)
        void SaveSpriteAsset(string filePath)
            filePath = filePath.Substring(0, filePath.Length - 6); // Trim file extension from filePath.

            string dataPath = Application.dataPath;

            if (filePath.IndexOf(dataPath, System.StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) == -1)
                Debug.LogError("You're saving the font asset in a directory outside of this project folder. This is not supported. Please select a directory under \"" + dataPath + "\"");

            string relativeAssetPath = filePath.Substring(dataPath.Length - 6);
            string dirName           = Path.GetDirectoryName(relativeAssetPath);
            string fileName          = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(relativeAssetPath);
            string pathNoExt         = dirName + "/" + fileName;

            // Create new Sprite Asset using this texture
            m_SpriteAsset = CreateInstance <TMP_EmojiSpriteAsset>();
            AssetDatabase.CreateAsset(m_SpriteAsset, pathNoExt + ".asset");

            // Compute the hash code for the sprite asset.
            m_SpriteAsset.hashCode = TMP_TextUtilities.GetSimpleHashCode(;

            // Assign new Sprite Sheet texture to the Sprite Asset.
            m_SpriteAsset.spriteSheet    = m_SpriteAtlas;
            m_SpriteAsset.spriteInfoList = m_SpriteInfoList;

            // Add new default material for sprite asset.

#if TMP_1_4_0_OR_NEWER
            //Upgrade Lookup tables (we must set Version to Empty before)
            FieldInfo versionField = typeof(TMP_SpriteAsset).GetField("m_Version", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Public);
            if (versionField != null)
                versionField.SetValue(m_SpriteAsset, string.Empty);
            if (m_SpriteInfoList != null)
                FixLookupTable(m_SpriteAsset, m_globalGlyphScale, m_CreatedWithEmojiJson);
        public override void OnInspectorGUI()
            //Debug.Log("OnInspectorGUI Called.");
            Event  currentEvent = Event.current;
            string evt_cmd      = currentEvent.commandName; // Get Current Event CommandName to check for Undo Events


            #region Display Sprite Asset Face Info
            Rect rect = EditorGUILayout.GetControlRect(false, 24);

            GUI.Label(rect, new GUIContent("<b>Face Info</b> - v" + m_SpriteAsset.version), TMP_UIStyleManager.sectionHeader);

            rect.x     += rect.width - 132f;
            rect.y     += 2;
            rect.width  = 130f;
            rect.height = 18f;
            if (GUI.Button(rect, new GUIContent("Update Sprite Asset")))
            EditorGUI.indentLevel = 1;


            #region Display Atlas Texture and Material
            rect = EditorGUILayout.GetControlRect(false, 24);

            if (GUI.Button(rect, new GUIContent("<b>Atlas & Material</b>"), TMP_UIStyleManager.sectionHeader))
                UI_PanelState.spriteAtlasInfoPanel = !UI_PanelState.spriteAtlasInfoPanel;

            GUI.Label(rect, (UI_PanelState.spriteAtlasInfoPanel ? "" : s_UiStateLabel[1]), TMP_UIStyleManager.rightLabel);

            if (UI_PanelState.spriteAtlasInfoPanel)
                EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(m_spriteAtlas_prop, new GUIContent("Sprite Atlas"));
                if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck())
                    // Assign the new sprite atlas texture to the current material
                    Texture2D tex = m_spriteAtlas_prop.objectReferenceValue as Texture2D;
                    if (tex != null)
                        Material mat = m_material_prop.objectReferenceValue as Material;
                        if (mat != null)
                            mat.mainTexture = tex;

                EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(m_material_prop, new GUIContent("Default Material"));

            #region Display Sprite Fallbacks
            rect = EditorGUILayout.GetControlRect(false, 24);
            EditorGUI.indentLevel = 0;
            if (GUI.Button(rect, new GUIContent("<b>Fallback Sprite Assets</b>", "Select the Sprite Assets that will be searched and used as fallback when a given sprite is missing from this sprite asset."), TMP_UIStyleManager.sectionHeader))
                UI_PanelState.fallbackSpriteAssetPanel = !UI_PanelState.fallbackSpriteAssetPanel;

            GUI.Label(rect, (UI_PanelState.fallbackSpriteAssetPanel ? "" : s_UiStateLabel[1]), TMP_UIStyleManager.rightLabel);

            if (UI_PanelState.fallbackSpriteAssetPanel)

            #region Display Sprite Character Table
            EditorGUI.indentLevel = 0;
            rect = EditorGUILayout.GetControlRect(false, 24);

            if (GUI.Button(rect, new GUIContent("<b>Sprite Character Table</b>", "List of sprite characters contained in this sprite asset."), TMP_UIStyleManager.sectionHeader))
                UI_PanelState.spriteCharacterTablePanel = !UI_PanelState.spriteCharacterTablePanel;

            GUI.Label(rect, (UI_PanelState.spriteCharacterTablePanel ? "" : s_UiStateLabel[1]), TMP_UIStyleManager.rightLabel);

            if (UI_PanelState.spriteCharacterTablePanel)
                int arraySize    = m_SpriteCharacterTableProperty.arraySize;
                int itemsPerPage = 10;

                // Display Glyph Management Tools
                EditorGUILayout.BeginVertical(EditorStyles.helpBox, GUILayout.ExpandWidth(true));
                    // Search Bar implementation
                    #region DISPLAY SEARCH BAR
                        EditorGUIUtility.labelWidth = 110f;
                        string searchPattern = EditorGUILayout.TextField("Sprite Search", m_CharacterSearchPattern, "SearchTextField");
                        if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck() || m_IsCharacterSearchDirty)
                            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(searchPattern) == false)
                                //GUIUtility.keyboardControl = 0;
                                m_CharacterSearchPattern = searchPattern.ToLower(System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture).Trim();

                                // Search Glyph Table for potential matches
                                SearchCharacterTable(m_CharacterSearchPattern, ref m_CharacterSearchList);
                                m_CharacterSearchPattern = null;

                            m_IsCharacterSearchDirty = false;

                        string styleName = string.IsNullOrEmpty(m_CharacterSearchPattern) ? "SearchCancelButtonEmpty" : "SearchCancelButton";
                        if (GUILayout.Button(GUIContent.none, styleName))
                            GUIUtility.keyboardControl = 0;
                            m_CharacterSearchPattern   = string.Empty;

                    // Display Page Navigation
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(m_CharacterSearchPattern))
                        arraySize = m_CharacterSearchList.Count;

                    // Display Page Navigation
                    DisplayPageNavigation(ref m_CurrentCharacterPage, arraySize, itemsPerPage);

                if (arraySize > 0)
                    // Display each SpriteInfo entry using the SpriteInfo property drawer.
                    for (int i = itemsPerPage * m_CurrentCharacterPage; i < arraySize && i < itemsPerPage * (m_CurrentCharacterPage + 1); i++)
                        // Define the start of the selection region of the element.
                        Rect elementStartRegion = GUILayoutUtility.GetRect(0f, 0f, GUILayout.ExpandWidth(true));

                        int elementIndex = i;
                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(m_CharacterSearchPattern))
                            elementIndex = m_CharacterSearchList[i];

                        SerializedProperty spriteCharacterProperty = m_SpriteCharacterTableProperty.GetArrayElementAtIndex(elementIndex);

                            EditorGUI.BeginDisabledGroup(i != m_selectedElement);

                        // Define the end of the selection region of the element.
                        Rect elementEndRegion = GUILayoutUtility.GetRect(0f, 0f, GUILayout.ExpandWidth(true));

                        // Check for Item selection
                        Rect selectionArea = new Rect(elementStartRegion.x, elementStartRegion.y, elementEndRegion.width, elementEndRegion.y - elementStartRegion.y);
                        if (DoSelectionCheck(selectionArea))
                            if (m_selectedElement == i)
                                m_selectedElement = -1;
                                m_selectedElement          = i;
                                GUIUtility.keyboardControl = 0;

                        // Draw & Handle Section Area
                        if (m_selectedElement == i)
                            // Draw selection highlight
                            TMP_EditorUtility.DrawBox(selectionArea, 2f, new Color32(40, 192, 255, 255));

                            // Draw options to MoveUp, MoveDown, Add or Remove Sprites
                            Rect controlRect = EditorGUILayout.GetControlRect(true, EditorGUIUtility.singleLineHeight * 1f);
                            controlRect.width /= 8;

                            // Move sprite up.
                            bool guiEnabled = GUI.enabled;
                            if (i == 0)
                                GUI.enabled = false;
                            if (GUI.Button(controlRect, "Up"))
                                SwapCharacterElements(i, i - 1);
                            GUI.enabled = guiEnabled;

                            // Move sprite down.
                            controlRect.x += controlRect.width;
                            if (i == arraySize - 1)
                                GUI.enabled = false;
                            if (GUI.Button(controlRect, "Down"))
                                SwapCharacterElements(i, i + 1);
                            GUI.enabled = guiEnabled;

                            // Move sprite to new index
                            controlRect.x += controlRect.width * 2;
                            //if (i == arraySize - 1) { GUI.enabled = false; }
                            m_moveToIndex  = EditorGUI.IntField(controlRect, m_moveToIndex);
                            controlRect.x -= controlRect.width;
                            if (GUI.Button(controlRect, "Goto"))
                                MoveCharacterToIndex(i, m_moveToIndex);
                            //controlRect.x += controlRect.width;
                            GUI.enabled = guiEnabled;

                            // Add new Sprite
                            controlRect.x += controlRect.width * 4;
                            if (GUI.Button(controlRect, "+"))
                                m_SpriteCharacterTableProperty.arraySize += 1;

                                int index = m_SpriteCharacterTableProperty.arraySize - 1;

                                SerializedProperty spriteInfo_prop = m_SpriteCharacterTableProperty.GetArrayElementAtIndex(index);

                                // Copy properties of the selected element
                                CopyCharacterSerializedProperty(m_SpriteCharacterTableProperty.GetArrayElementAtIndex(elementIndex), ref spriteInfo_prop);

                                //spriteInfo_prop.FindPropertyRelative("m_Index").intValue = index;

                                m_IsCharacterSearchDirty = true;

                            // Delete selected Sprite
                            controlRect.x += controlRect.width;
                            if (m_selectedElement == -1)
                                GUI.enabled = false;
                            if (GUI.Button(controlRect, "-"))

                                m_selectedElement = -1;

                                m_IsCharacterSearchDirty = true;


                DisplayPageNavigation(ref m_CurrentCharacterPage, arraySize, itemsPerPage);

                EditorGUIUtility.labelWidth = 40f;
                EditorGUIUtility.fieldWidth = 20f;


                // GLOBAL TOOLS
                #region Global Tools

                 * GUI.enabled = true;
                 * EditorGUILayout.BeginVertical(EditorStyles.helpBox);
                 * rect = EditorGUILayout.GetControlRect(false, 40);
                 * float width = (rect.width - 75f) / 4;
                 * EditorGUI.LabelField(rect, "Global Offsets & Scale", EditorStyles.boldLabel);
                 * rect.x += 70;
                 * bool old_ChangedState = GUI.changed;
                 * GUI.changed = false;
                 * m_xOffset = EditorGUI.FloatField(new Rect(rect.x + 5f + width * 0, rect.y + 20, width - 5f, 18), new GUIContent("OX:"), m_xOffset);
                 * if (GUI.changed) UpdateGlobalProperty("m_HorizontalBearingX", m_xOffset);
                 * m_yOffset = EditorGUI.FloatField(new Rect(rect.x + 5f + width * 1, rect.y + 20, width - 5f, 18), new GUIContent("OY:"), m_yOffset);
                 * if (GUI.changed) UpdateGlobalProperty("m_HorizontalBearingY", m_yOffset);
                 * m_xAdvance = EditorGUI.FloatField(new Rect(rect.x + 5f + width * 2, rect.y + 20, width - 5f, 18), new GUIContent("ADV."), m_xAdvance);
                 * if (GUI.changed) UpdateGlobalProperty("m_HorizontalAdvance", m_xAdvance);
                 * m_scale = EditorGUI.FloatField(new Rect(rect.x + 5f + width * 3, rect.y + 20, width - 5f, 18), new GUIContent("SF."), m_scale);
                 * if (GUI.changed) UpdateGlobalProperty("m_Scale", m_scale);
                 * EditorGUILayout.EndVertical();
                 * GUI.changed = old_ChangedState;

            // SPRITE GLYPH TABLE
            #region Display Sprite Glyph Table
            EditorGUI.indentLevel = 0;
            rect = EditorGUILayout.GetControlRect(false, 24);

            if (GUI.Button(rect, new GUIContent("<b>Sprite Glyph Table</b>", "A list of the SpriteGlyphs contained in this sprite asset."), TMP_UIStyleManager.sectionHeader))
                UI_PanelState.spriteGlyphTablePanel = !UI_PanelState.spriteGlyphTablePanel;

            GUI.Label(rect, (UI_PanelState.spriteGlyphTablePanel ? "" : s_UiStateLabel[1]), TMP_UIStyleManager.rightLabel);

            if (UI_PanelState.spriteGlyphTablePanel)
                int arraySize    = m_SpriteGlyphTableProperty.arraySize;
                int itemsPerPage = 10;

                // Display Glyph Management Tools
                EditorGUILayout.BeginVertical(EditorStyles.helpBox, GUILayout.ExpandWidth(true));
                    // Search Bar implementation
                    #region DISPLAY SEARCH BAR
                        EditorGUIUtility.labelWidth = 110f;
                        string searchPattern = EditorGUILayout.TextField("Sprite Search", m_GlyphSearchPattern, "SearchTextField");
                        if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck() || m_IsGlyphSearchDirty)
                            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(searchPattern) == false)
                                //GUIUtility.keyboardControl = 0;
                                m_GlyphSearchPattern = searchPattern.ToLower(System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture).Trim();

                                // Search Glyph Table for potential matches
                                SearchCharacterTable(m_GlyphSearchPattern, ref m_GlyphSearchList);
                                m_GlyphSearchPattern = null;

                            m_IsGlyphSearchDirty = false;

                        string styleName = string.IsNullOrEmpty(m_GlyphSearchPattern) ? "SearchCancelButtonEmpty" : "SearchCancelButton";
                        if (GUILayout.Button(GUIContent.none, styleName))
                            GUIUtility.keyboardControl = 0;
                            m_GlyphSearchPattern       = string.Empty;

                    // Display Page Navigation
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(m_GlyphSearchPattern))
                        arraySize = m_GlyphSearchList.Count;

                    // Display Page Navigation
                    DisplayPageNavigation(ref m_CurrentGlyphPage, arraySize, itemsPerPage);

                if (arraySize > 0)
                    // Display each SpriteInfo entry using the SpriteInfo property drawer.
                    for (int i = itemsPerPage * m_CurrentGlyphPage; i < arraySize && i < itemsPerPage * (m_CurrentGlyphPage + 1); i++)
                        // Define the start of the selection region of the element.
                        Rect elementStartRegion = GUILayoutUtility.GetRect(0f, 0f, GUILayout.ExpandWidth(true));

                        int elementIndex = i;
                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(m_GlyphSearchPattern))
                            elementIndex = m_GlyphSearchList[i];

                        SerializedProperty spriteGlyphProperty = m_SpriteGlyphTableProperty.GetArrayElementAtIndex(elementIndex);

                            EditorGUI.BeginDisabledGroup(i != m_selectedElement);

                        // Define the end of the selection region of the element.
                        Rect elementEndRegion = GUILayoutUtility.GetRect(0f, 0f, GUILayout.ExpandWidth(true));

                        // Check for Item selection
                        Rect selectionArea = new Rect(elementStartRegion.x, elementStartRegion.y, elementEndRegion.width, elementEndRegion.y - elementStartRegion.y);
                        if (DoSelectionCheck(selectionArea))
                            if (m_selectedElement == i)
                                m_selectedElement = -1;
                                m_selectedElement          = i;
                                GUIUtility.keyboardControl = 0;

                        // Draw & Handle Section Area
                        if (m_selectedElement == i)
                            // Draw selection highlight
                            TMP_EditorUtility.DrawBox(selectionArea, 2f, new Color32(40, 192, 255, 255));

                            // Draw options to MoveUp, MoveDown, Add or Remove Sprites
                            Rect controlRect = EditorGUILayout.GetControlRect(true, EditorGUIUtility.singleLineHeight * 1f);
                            controlRect.width /= 8;

                            // Move sprite up.
                            bool guiEnabled = GUI.enabled;
                            if (i == 0)
                                GUI.enabled = false;
                            if (GUI.Button(controlRect, "Up"))
                                SwapGlyphElements(i, i - 1);
                            GUI.enabled = guiEnabled;

                            // Move sprite down.
                            controlRect.x += controlRect.width;
                            if (i == arraySize - 1)
                                GUI.enabled = false;
                            if (GUI.Button(controlRect, "Down"))
                                SwapGlyphElements(i, i + 1);
                            GUI.enabled = guiEnabled;

                            // Move sprite to new index
                            controlRect.x += controlRect.width * 2;
                            //if (i == arraySize - 1) { GUI.enabled = false; }
                            m_moveToIndex  = EditorGUI.IntField(controlRect, m_moveToIndex);
                            controlRect.x -= controlRect.width;
                            if (GUI.Button(controlRect, "Goto"))
                                MoveGlyphToIndex(i, m_moveToIndex);
                            //controlRect.x += controlRect.width;
                            GUI.enabled = guiEnabled;

                            // Add new Sprite
                            controlRect.x += controlRect.width * 4;
                            if (GUI.Button(controlRect, "+"))
                                m_SpriteGlyphTableProperty.arraySize += 1;

                                int index = m_SpriteGlyphTableProperty.arraySize - 1;

                                SerializedProperty newSpriteGlyphProperty = m_SpriteGlyphTableProperty.GetArrayElementAtIndex(index);

                                // Copy properties of the selected element
                                CopyGlyphSerializedProperty(m_SpriteGlyphTableProperty.GetArrayElementAtIndex(elementIndex), ref newSpriteGlyphProperty);

                                newSpriteGlyphProperty.FindPropertyRelative("m_Index").intValue = index;


                                m_IsGlyphSearchDirty = true;


                            // Delete selected Sprite
                            controlRect.x += controlRect.width;
                            if (m_selectedElement == -1)
                                GUI.enabled = false;
                            if (GUI.Button(controlRect, "-"))
                                SerializedProperty selectedSpriteGlyphProperty = m_SpriteGlyphTableProperty.GetArrayElementAtIndex(elementIndex);

                                int selectedGlyphIndex = selectedSpriteGlyphProperty.FindPropertyRelative("m_Index").intValue;


                                // Remove all Sprite Characters referencing this glyph.
                                for (int j = 0; j < m_SpriteCharacterTableProperty.arraySize; j++)
                                    int glyphIndex = m_SpriteCharacterTableProperty.GetArrayElementAtIndex(j).FindPropertyRelative("m_GlyphIndex").intValue;

                                    if (glyphIndex == selectedGlyphIndex)
                                        // Remove character

                                m_selectedElement = -1;

                                m_IsGlyphSearchDirty = true;



                DisplayPageNavigation(ref m_CurrentGlyphPage, arraySize, itemsPerPage);

                EditorGUIUtility.labelWidth = 40f;
                EditorGUIUtility.fieldWidth = 20f;


                // GLOBAL TOOLS
                #region Global Tools
                GUI.enabled = true;
                rect = EditorGUILayout.GetControlRect(false, 40);

                float width = (rect.width - 75f) / 4;
                EditorGUI.LabelField(rect, "Global Offsets & Scale", EditorStyles.boldLabel);

                rect.x += 70;
                bool old_ChangedState = GUI.changed;

                GUI.changed = false;
                m_xOffset   = EditorGUI.FloatField(new Rect(rect.x + 5f + width * 0, rect.y + 20, width - 5f, 18), new GUIContent("OX:"), m_xOffset);
                if (GUI.changed)
                    UpdateGlobalProperty("m_HorizontalBearingX", m_xOffset);

                m_yOffset = EditorGUI.FloatField(new Rect(rect.x + 5f + width * 1, rect.y + 20, width - 5f, 18), new GUIContent("OY:"), m_yOffset);
                if (GUI.changed)
                    UpdateGlobalProperty("m_HorizontalBearingY", m_yOffset);

                m_xAdvance = EditorGUI.FloatField(new Rect(rect.x + 5f + width * 2, rect.y + 20, width - 5f, 18), new GUIContent("ADV."), m_xAdvance);
                if (GUI.changed)
                    UpdateGlobalProperty("m_HorizontalAdvance", m_xAdvance);

                m_scale = EditorGUI.FloatField(new Rect(rect.x + 5f + width * 3, rect.y + 20, width - 5f, 18), new GUIContent("SF."), m_scale);
                if (GUI.changed)
                    UpdateGlobalProperty("m_Scale", m_scale);


                GUI.changed = old_ChangedState;

            if (serializedObject.ApplyModifiedProperties() || evt_cmd == k_UndoRedo || isAssetDirty)
                if (m_SpriteAsset.m_IsSpriteAssetLookupTablesDirty || evt_cmd == k_UndoRedo)

                TMPro_EventManager.ON_SPRITE_ASSET_PROPERTY_CHANGED(true, m_SpriteAsset);

                isAssetDirty = false;

            // Clear selection if mouse event was not consumed.
            GUI.enabled = true;
            if (currentEvent.type == EventType.MouseDown && currentEvent.button == 0)
                m_selectedElement = -1;
        public override void OnGUI(Rect position, SerializedProperty property, GUIContent label)
            //SerializedProperty prop_fileID = property.FindPropertyRelative("fileID");
            SerializedProperty prop_id       = property.FindPropertyRelative("id");
            SerializedProperty prop_name     = property.FindPropertyRelative("name");
            SerializedProperty prop_hashCode = property.FindPropertyRelative("hashCode");
            SerializedProperty prop_unicode  = property.FindPropertyRelative("unicode");
            SerializedProperty prop_x        = property.FindPropertyRelative("x");
            SerializedProperty prop_y        = property.FindPropertyRelative("y");
            SerializedProperty prop_width    = property.FindPropertyRelative("width");
            SerializedProperty prop_height   = property.FindPropertyRelative("height");
            SerializedProperty prop_xOffset  = property.FindPropertyRelative("xOffset");
            SerializedProperty prop_yOffset  = property.FindPropertyRelative("yOffset");
            SerializedProperty prop_xAdvance = property.FindPropertyRelative("xAdvance");
            SerializedProperty prop_scale    = property.FindPropertyRelative("scale");
            SerializedProperty prop_sprite   = property.FindPropertyRelative("sprite");

            // Get a reference to the sprite texture
            Texture tex = (property.serializedObject.targetObject as TMP_SpriteAsset).spriteSheet;

            // Return if we don't have a texture assigned to the sprite asset.
            if (tex == null)
                Debug.LogWarning("Please assign a valid Sprite Atlas texture to the [" + + "] Sprite Asset.", property.serializedObject.targetObject);

            Vector2 spriteTexPosition = new Vector2(position.x, position.y);
            Vector2 spriteSize        = new Vector2(65, 65);

            if (prop_width.floatValue >= prop_height.floatValue)
                spriteSize.y         = prop_height.floatValue * spriteSize.x / prop_width.floatValue;
                spriteTexPosition.y += (spriteSize.x - spriteSize.y) / 2;
                spriteSize.x         = prop_width.floatValue * spriteSize.y / prop_height.floatValue;
                spriteTexPosition.x += (spriteSize.y - spriteSize.x) / 2;

            // Compute the normalized texture coordinates
            Rect texCoords = new Rect(prop_x.floatValue / tex.width, prop_y.floatValue / tex.height, prop_width.floatValue / tex.width, prop_height.floatValue / tex.height);

            GUI.DrawTextureWithTexCoords(new Rect(spriteTexPosition.x + 5, spriteTexPosition.y + 2.5f, spriteSize.x, spriteSize.y), tex, texCoords, true);

            // We get Rect since a valid position may not be provided by the caller.
            Rect rect = new Rect(position.x, position.y, position.width, 49);

            rect.x += 70;

            bool isEnabled = GUI.enabled;

            GUI.enabled = false;
            EditorGUIUtility.labelWidth = 30f;
            EditorGUI.PropertyField(new Rect(rect.x + 5f, rect.y, 65f, 18), prop_id, new GUIContent("ID:"));

            GUI.enabled = isEnabled;
            EditorGUIUtility.labelWidth = 55f;
            GUI.SetNextControlName("Unicode Input");
            string unicode = EditorGUI.TextField(new Rect(rect.x + 75f, rect.y, 105, 18), "Unicode:", prop_unicode.intValue.ToString("X"));

            if (GUI.GetNameOfFocusedControl() == "Unicode Input")
                //Filter out unwanted characters.
                char chr = Event.current.character;
                if ((chr < '0' || chr > '9') && (chr < 'a' || chr > 'f') && (chr < 'A' || chr > 'F'))
                    Event.current.character = '\0';

                if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck())
                    prop_unicode.intValue = TMP_TextUtilities.StringToInt(unicode);


                    TMP_SpriteAsset spriteAsset = property.serializedObject.targetObject as TMP_SpriteAsset;

            EditorGUIUtility.labelWidth = 45f;
            EditorGUI.PropertyField(new Rect(rect.x + 185f, rect.y, rect.width - 260, 18), prop_name, new GUIContent("Name: " + prop_name.stringValue));
            if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck())
                Sprite sprite = prop_sprite.objectReferenceValue as Sprite;
                if (sprite != null)
           = prop_name.stringValue;

                // Recompute hashCode for new name
                prop_hashCode.intValue = TMP_TextUtilities.GetSimpleHashCode(prop_name.stringValue);
                // Check to make sure for duplicates
                // Dictionary needs to be updated since HashCode has changed.

            EditorGUIUtility.labelWidth = 30f;
            EditorGUIUtility.fieldWidth = 10f;

            //GUI.enabled = false;
            float width = (rect.width - 75f) / 4;

            EditorGUI.PropertyField(new Rect(rect.x + 5f + width * 0, rect.y + 22, width - 5f, 18), prop_x, new GUIContent("X:"));
            EditorGUI.PropertyField(new Rect(rect.x + 5f + width * 1, rect.y + 22, width - 5f, 18), prop_y, new GUIContent("Y:"));
            EditorGUI.PropertyField(new Rect(rect.x + 5f + width * 2, rect.y + 22, width - 5f, 18), prop_width, new GUIContent("W:"));
            EditorGUI.PropertyField(new Rect(rect.x + 5f + width * 3, rect.y + 22, width - 5f, 18), prop_height, new GUIContent("H:"));

            //GUI.enabled = true;

            EditorGUI.PropertyField(new Rect(rect.x + 5f + width * 0, rect.y + 44, width - 5f, 18), prop_xOffset, new GUIContent("OX:"));
            EditorGUI.PropertyField(new Rect(rect.x + 5f + width * 1, rect.y + 44, width - 5f, 18), prop_yOffset, new GUIContent("OY:"));
            EditorGUI.PropertyField(new Rect(rect.x + 5f + width * 2, rect.y + 44, width - 5f, 18), prop_xAdvance, new GUIContent("Adv."));
            EditorGUI.PropertyField(new Rect(rect.x + 5f + width * 3, rect.y + 44, width - 5f, 18), prop_scale, new GUIContent("SF."));
            if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck())
                //Sprite sprite = prop_sprite.objectReferenceValue as Sprite;
                //sprite = Sprite.Create(sprite.texture, sprite.rect, new Vector2(0.1f, 0.8f));
                //prop_sprite.objectReferenceValue = sprite;
        internal static void UpdateSpriteAsset(TMP_SpriteAsset spriteAsset)
            // Get a list of all the sprites contained in the texture referenced by the sprite asset.
            // This only works if the texture is set to sprite mode.
            string filePath = AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(spriteAsset.spriteSheet);

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(filePath))

            // Get all the sprites defined in the sprite sheet texture referenced by this sprite asset.
            Sprite[] sprites = AssetDatabase.LoadAllAssetsAtPath(filePath).Select(x => x as Sprite).Where(x => x != null).ToArray();

            // Return if sprite sheet texture does not have any sprites defined in it.
            if (sprites.Length == 0)
                Debug.Log("Sprite Asset <color=#FFFF80>[" + + "]</color>'s atlas texture does not appear to have any sprites defined in it. Use the Unity Sprite Editor to define sprites for this texture.", spriteAsset.spriteSheet);

            List <TMP_SpriteGlyph> spriteGlyphTable = spriteAsset.spriteGlyphTable;

            // Find available glpyh indexes
            uint[]      existingGlyphIndexes  = spriteGlyphTable.Select(x => x.index).ToArray();
            List <uint> availableGlyphIndexes = new List <uint>();

            uint lastGlyphIndex = existingGlyphIndexes.Length > 0 ? existingGlyphIndexes.Last() : 0;
            int  elementIndex   = 0;

            for (uint i = 0; i < lastGlyphIndex; i++)
                uint existingGlyphIndex = existingGlyphIndexes[elementIndex];

                if (i == existingGlyphIndex)
                    elementIndex += 1;

            // Iterate over sprites contained in the updated sprite sheet to identify new and / or modified sprites.
            for (int i = 0; i < sprites.Length; i++)
                Sprite sprite = sprites[i];

                // Check if current sprites is already contained in the sprite glyph table of the sprite asset.
                TMP_SpriteGlyph spriteGlyph = spriteGlyphTable.FirstOrDefault(x => x.sprite == sprite);

                if (spriteGlyph != null)
                    // update existing sprite glyph
                    if (spriteGlyph.glyphRect.x != sprite.rect.x || spriteGlyph.glyphRect.y != sprite.rect.y || spriteGlyph.glyphRect.width != sprite.rect.width || spriteGlyph.glyphRect.height != sprite.rect.height)
                        spriteGlyph.glyphRect = new GlyphRect(sprite.rect);
                    TMP_SpriteCharacter spriteCharacter;

                    // Check if this sprite potentially exists under the same name in the sprite character table.
                    if (spriteAsset.spriteCharacterTable != null && spriteAsset.spriteCharacterTable.Count > 0)
                        spriteCharacter = spriteAsset.spriteCharacterTable.FirstOrDefault(x => ==;
                        spriteGlyph     = spriteCharacter != null ? spriteGlyphTable[(int)spriteCharacter.glyphIndex] : null;

                        if (spriteGlyph != null)
                            // Update sprite reference and data
                            spriteGlyph.sprite = sprite;

                            if (spriteGlyph.glyphRect.x != sprite.rect.x || spriteGlyph.glyphRect.y != sprite.rect.y || spriteGlyph.glyphRect.width != sprite.rect.width || spriteGlyph.glyphRect.height != sprite.rect.height)
                                spriteGlyph.glyphRect = new GlyphRect(sprite.rect);

                    // Add new Sprite Glyph to the table
                    spriteGlyph = new TMP_SpriteGlyph();

                    // Get available glyph index
                    if (availableGlyphIndexes.Count > 0)
                        spriteGlyph.index = availableGlyphIndexes[0];
                        spriteGlyph.index = (uint)spriteGlyphTable.Count;

                    spriteGlyph.metrics   = new GlyphMetrics(sprite.rect.width, sprite.rect.height, -sprite.pivot.x, sprite.rect.height - sprite.pivot.y, sprite.rect.width);
                    spriteGlyph.glyphRect = new GlyphRect(sprite.rect);
                    spriteGlyph.scale     = 1.0f;
                    spriteGlyph.sprite    = sprite;


                    spriteCharacter       = new TMP_SpriteCharacter(0xFFFE, spriteGlyph);
                    spriteCharacter.scale = 1.0f;


            // Update Sprite Character Table to replace unicode 0x0 by 0xFFFE
            for (int i = 0; i < spriteAsset.spriteCharacterTable.Count; i++)
                TMP_SpriteCharacter spriteCharacter = spriteAsset.spriteCharacterTable[i];
                if (spriteCharacter.unicode == 0)
                    spriteCharacter.unicode = 0xFFFE;

            // Sort glyph table by glyph index
            TMPro_EventManager.ON_SPRITE_ASSET_PROPERTY_CHANGED(true, spriteAsset);
        public static void CreateSpriteAsset()
            Object target = Selection.activeObject;

            if (target == null || target.GetType() != typeof(Texture2D)) // && target.GetType() != typeof(SpriteAtlas)))
                Debug.LogWarning("A texture must first be selected in order to create a TextMesh Pro Sprite Asset.");

            // Get the path to the selected asset.
            string filePathWithName         = AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(target);
            string fileNameWithExtension    = Path.GetFileName(filePathWithName);
            string fileNameWithoutExtension = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(filePathWithName);
            string filePath = filePathWithName.Replace(fileNameWithExtension, "");

            // Create new Sprite Asset
            TMP_SpriteAsset spriteAsset = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance <TMP_SpriteAsset>();

            AssetDatabase.CreateAsset(spriteAsset, filePath + fileNameWithoutExtension + ".asset");

            spriteAsset.version = "1.1.0";

            // Compute the hash code for the sprite asset.
            spriteAsset.hashCode = TMP_TextUtilities.GetSimpleHashCode(;

            List <TMP_SpriteGlyph>     spriteGlyphTable     = new List <TMP_SpriteGlyph>();
            List <TMP_SpriteCharacter> spriteCharacterTable = new List <TMP_SpriteCharacter>();

            if (target.GetType() == typeof(Texture2D))
                Texture2D sourceTex = target as Texture2D;

                // Assign new Sprite Sheet texture to the Sprite Asset.
                spriteAsset.spriteSheet = sourceTex;

                PopulateSpriteTables(sourceTex, ref spriteCharacterTable, ref spriteGlyphTable);

                spriteAsset.spriteCharacterTable = spriteCharacterTable;
                spriteAsset.spriteGlyphTable     = spriteGlyphTable;

                // Add new default material for sprite asset.
            else if (target.GetType() == typeof(SpriteAtlas))
                //SpriteAtlas spriteAtlas = target as SpriteAtlas;

                //PopulateSpriteTables(spriteAtlas, ref spriteCharacterTable, ref spriteGlyphTable);

                //spriteAsset.spriteCharacterTable = spriteCharacterTable;
                //spriteAsset.spriteGlyphTable = spriteGlyphTable;

                //spriteAsset.spriteSheet = spriteGlyphTable[0].sprite.texture;

                //// Add new default material for sprite asset.

            // Update Lookup tables.

            // Get the Sprites contained in the Sprite Sheet

            //spriteAsset.sprites = sprites;

            // Set source texture back to Not Readable.
            //texImporter.isReadable = false;


            AssetDatabase.ImportAsset(AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(spriteAsset));  // Re-import font asset to get the new updated version.

        public override void OnGUI(Rect position, SerializedProperty property, GUIContent label)
            SerializedProperty property2           = property.FindPropertyRelative("id");
            SerializedProperty serializedProperty  = property.FindPropertyRelative("name");
            SerializedProperty serializedProperty2 = property.FindPropertyRelative("hashCode");
            SerializedProperty serializedProperty3 = property.FindPropertyRelative("unicode");
            SerializedProperty serializedProperty4 = property.FindPropertyRelative("x");
            SerializedProperty serializedProperty5 = property.FindPropertyRelative("y");
            SerializedProperty serializedProperty6 = property.FindPropertyRelative("width");
            SerializedProperty serializedProperty7 = property.FindPropertyRelative("height");
            SerializedProperty property3           = property.FindPropertyRelative("xOffset");
            SerializedProperty property4           = property.FindPropertyRelative("yOffset");
            SerializedProperty property5           = property.FindPropertyRelative("xAdvance");
            SerializedProperty property6           = property.FindPropertyRelative("scale");
            SerializedProperty serializedProperty8 = property.FindPropertyRelative("sprite");
            Texture            spriteSheet         = (property.serializedObject.targetObject as TMP_SpriteAsset).spriteSheet;

            if (spriteSheet == null)
                Debug.LogWarning("Please assign a valid Sprite Atlas texture to the [" + + "] Sprite Asset.", property.serializedObject.targetObject);
            Vector2 vector = new Vector2(65f, 65f);

            if (serializedProperty6.floatValue >= serializedProperty7.floatValue)
                vector.y    = serializedProperty7.floatValue * vector.x / serializedProperty6.floatValue;
                position.y += (vector.x - vector.y) / 2f;
                vector.x    = serializedProperty6.floatValue * vector.y / serializedProperty7.floatValue;
                position.x += (vector.y - vector.x) / 2f;
            GUI.DrawTextureWithTexCoords(texCoords: new Rect(serializedProperty4.floatValue / (float)spriteSheet.width, serializedProperty5.floatValue / (float)spriteSheet.height, serializedProperty6.floatValue / (float)spriteSheet.width, serializedProperty7.floatValue / (float)spriteSheet.height), position: new Rect(position.x + 5f, position.y, vector.x, vector.y), image: spriteSheet, alphaBlend: true);
            Rect rect = new Rect(position.x, position.y, position.width, 49f);

            rect.x += 70f;
            bool enabled = GUI.enabled;

            GUI.enabled = false;
            EditorGUIUtility.labelWidth = 30f;
            EditorGUI.PropertyField(new Rect(rect.x + 5f, rect.y, 65f, 18f), property2, new GUIContent("ID:"));
            GUI.enabled = enabled;
            EditorGUIUtility.labelWidth = 55f;
            GUI.SetNextControlName("Unicode Input");
            string s = EditorGUI.TextField(new Rect(rect.x + 75f, rect.y, 105f, 18f), "Unicode:", serializedProperty3.intValue.ToString("X"));

            if (GUI.GetNameOfFocusedControl() == "Unicode Input")
                char character = Event.current.character;
                if ((character < '0' || character > '9') && (character < 'a' || character > 'f') && (character < 'A' || character > 'F'))
                    Event.current.character = '\0';
                if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck())
                    serializedProperty3.intValue = TMP_TextUtilities.StringToInt(s);
                    TMP_SpriteAsset tMP_SpriteAsset = property.serializedObject.targetObject as TMP_SpriteAsset;
            EditorGUIUtility.labelWidth = 45f;
            EditorGUI.PropertyField(new Rect(rect.x + 185f, rect.y, rect.width - 260f, 18f), serializedProperty, new GUIContent("Name: " + serializedProperty.stringValue));
            if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck())
                Sprite sprite = serializedProperty8.objectReferenceValue as Sprite;
                if (sprite != null)
           = serializedProperty.stringValue;
                serializedProperty2.intValue = TMP_TextUtilities.GetSimpleHashCode(serializedProperty.stringValue);
            EditorGUIUtility.labelWidth = 30f;
            EditorGUIUtility.fieldWidth = 10f;
            float num = (rect.width - 75f) / 4f;

            EditorGUI.PropertyField(new Rect(rect.x + 5f + num * 0f, rect.y + 22f, num - 5f, 18f), serializedProperty4, new GUIContent("X:"));
            EditorGUI.PropertyField(new Rect(rect.x + 5f + num * 1f, rect.y + 22f, num - 5f, 18f), serializedProperty5, new GUIContent("Y:"));
            EditorGUI.PropertyField(new Rect(rect.x + 5f + num * 2f, rect.y + 22f, num - 5f, 18f), serializedProperty6, new GUIContent("W:"));
            EditorGUI.PropertyField(new Rect(rect.x + 5f + num * 3f, rect.y + 22f, num - 5f, 18f), serializedProperty7, new GUIContent("H:"));
            EditorGUI.PropertyField(new Rect(rect.x + 5f + num * 0f, rect.y + 44f, num - 5f, 18f), property3, new GUIContent("OX:"));
            EditorGUI.PropertyField(new Rect(rect.x + 5f + num * 1f, rect.y + 44f, num - 5f, 18f), property4, new GUIContent("OY:"));
            EditorGUI.PropertyField(new Rect(rect.x + 5f + num * 2f, rect.y + 44f, num - 5f, 18f), property5, new GUIContent("Adv."));
            EditorGUI.PropertyField(new Rect(rect.x + 5f + num * 3f, rect.y + 44f, num - 5f, 18f), property6, new GUIContent("SF."));
            if (!EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck())
        internal static void UpdateSpriteAsset(TMP_SpriteAsset spriteAsset)
            // Get a list of all the sprites contained in the texture referenced by the sprite asset.
            // This only works if the texture is set to sprite mode.
            string filePath = AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(spriteAsset.spriteSheet);

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(filePath))

            // Get all the Sprites sorted Left to Right / Top to Bottom
            Sprite[] sprites = AssetDatabase.LoadAllAssetsAtPath(filePath).Select(x => x as Sprite).Where(x => x != null).OrderByDescending(x => x.rect.y).ThenBy(x => x.rect.x).ToArray();

            List <TMP_SpriteGlyph> spriteGlyphTable = spriteAsset.spriteGlyphTable;

            // Finding available glyph indexes to insert new glyphs into.
            var         tempGlyphTable        = spriteGlyphTable.OrderBy(glyph => glyph.index).ToList();
            List <uint> availableGlyphIndexes = new List <uint>();

            int elementIndex = 0;

            for (uint i = 0; i < tempGlyphTable[tempGlyphTable.Count - 1].index; i++)
                uint currentElementIndex = tempGlyphTable[elementIndex].index;

                if (i == currentElementIndex)
                    elementIndex += 1;

            // Iterate over each of the sprites in the texture to try to match them to existing sprites in the sprite asset.
            for (int i = 0; i < sprites.Length; i++)
                int id = sprites[i].GetInstanceID();

                int glyphIndex = spriteGlyphTable.FindIndex(item => item.sprite.GetInstanceID() == id);

                if (glyphIndex == -1)
                    // Add new Sprite Glyph to the table
                    Sprite sprite = sprites[i];

                    TMP_SpriteGlyph spriteGlyph = new TMP_SpriteGlyph();

                    // Get available glyph index
                    if (availableGlyphIndexes.Count > 0)
                        spriteGlyph.index = availableGlyphIndexes[0];
                        spriteGlyph.index = (uint)spriteGlyphTable.Count;

                    spriteGlyph.metrics   = new GlyphMetrics(sprite.rect.width, sprite.rect.height, -sprite.pivot.x, sprite.rect.height - sprite.pivot.y, sprite.rect.width);
                    spriteGlyph.glyphRect = new GlyphRect(sprite.rect);
                    spriteGlyph.scale     = 1.0f;
                    spriteGlyph.sprite    = sprite;


                    TMP_SpriteCharacter spriteCharacter = new TMP_SpriteCharacter(0, spriteGlyph);
                    spriteCharacter.scale = 1.0f;

                    // Look for changes in existing Sprite Glyph
                    Sprite sprite = sprites[i];

                    TMP_SpriteGlyph spriteGlyph = spriteGlyphTable[glyphIndex];

                    // We only update changes to the sprite position / glyph rect.
                    if (spriteGlyph.glyphRect.x != sprite.rect.x || spriteGlyph.glyphRect.y != sprite.rect.y || spriteGlyph.glyphRect.width != sprite.rect.width || spriteGlyph.glyphRect.height != sprite.rect.height)
                        spriteGlyph.glyphRect = new GlyphRect(sprite.rect);

            // Sort glyph table by glyph index
            TMPro_EventManager.ON_SPRITE_ASSET_PROPERTY_CHANGED(true, spriteAsset);
        public static void CreateSpriteAsset()
            Object target = Selection.activeObject;

            // Make sure the selection is a texture.
            if (target == null || target.GetType() != typeof(Texture2D))
                Debug.LogWarning("A texture which contains sprites must first be selected in order to create a TextMesh Pro Sprite Asset.");

            Texture2D sourceTex = target as Texture2D;

            // Get the path to the selected texture.
            string filePathWithName         = AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(sourceTex);
            string fileNameWithExtension    = Path.GetFileName(filePathWithName);
            string fileNameWithoutExtension = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(filePathWithName);
            string filePath = filePathWithName.Replace(fileNameWithExtension, "");

            // Check if Sprite Asset already exists
            TMP_SpriteAsset spriteAsset = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath(filePath + fileNameWithoutExtension + ".asset", typeof(TMP_SpriteAsset)) as TMP_SpriteAsset;
            bool            isNewAsset  = spriteAsset == null ? true : false;

            if (isNewAsset)
                // Create new Sprite Asset using this texture
                spriteAsset = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance <TMP_SpriteAsset>();
                AssetDatabase.CreateAsset(spriteAsset, filePath + fileNameWithoutExtension + ".asset");

                spriteAsset.version = "1.1.0";

                // Compute the hash code for the sprite asset.
                spriteAsset.hashCode = TMP_TextUtilities.GetSimpleHashCode(;

                // Assign new Sprite Sheet texture to the Sprite Asset.
                spriteAsset.spriteSheet = sourceTex;

                List <TMP_SpriteGlyph>     spriteGlyphTable     = new List <TMP_SpriteGlyph>();
                List <TMP_SpriteCharacter> spriteCharacterTable = new List <TMP_SpriteCharacter>();

                PopulateSpriteTables(sourceTex, ref spriteCharacterTable, ref spriteGlyphTable);

                spriteAsset.spriteCharacterTable = spriteCharacterTable;
                spriteAsset.spriteGlyphTable     = spriteGlyphTable;

                // Add new default material for sprite asset.
            //    spriteAsset.spriteInfoList = UpdateSpriteInfo(spriteAsset);

            //    // Make sure the sprite asset already contains a default material
            //    if (spriteAsset.material == null)
            //    {
            //        // Add new default material for sprite asset.
            //        AddDefaultMaterial(spriteAsset);
            //    }


            // Update Lookup tables.

            // Get the Sprites contained in the Sprite Sheet

            //spriteAsset.sprites = sprites;

            // Set source texture back to Not Readable.
            //texImporter.isReadable = false;


            AssetDatabase.ImportAsset(AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(spriteAsset));  // Re-import font asset to get the new updated version.
