        /// <summary>
        /// function selection
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="f">function name</param>
        /// <param name="ops">if ops[1] is nil, and f cannot be evaluated, return nil; otherwise if ops is not nil, print an error if f cannot be evaluated</param>
        /// <returns>void</returns>
        private TVariant FunctionSelector(String f, TVariant[] ops)
            TVariant          ReturnValue = null;
            TRptUserFunctions rptUserFunctions;
            String            s;
            String            s2;

            System.Int32 start;
            System.Int32 length;
            String       logMessage;
            bool         FunctionFound;
            int          counter;

            f = f.ToLower();
            TLogging.SetContext("call to function " + f);
            TParameterList myParams = GetParameters();

            if ((f == "eq") || (f == "ne"))
                // check if at least one of the parameters is a variable; otherwise give warning
                if ((ops[1].ToString().IndexOf('{') == -1) && (ops[2].ToString().IndexOf('{') == -1))
                        "Warning: comparison should contain at least one variable: " + f.ToString() + '(' + ops[1].ToString() + ',' + ops[2].ToString(
                            ) +
                        ')', TLoggingType.ToLogfile | TLoggingType.ToConsole);

            if ((f == "isnull") || (f == "exists") || (f == "or") || (f == "and") || (f == "iif") || (f == "assign"))
                // need to replace the variables manually
                // either because we don't want them replaced at all (isnull or exists needs the variable name),
                // or because we don't want to evaluate the second parameter if the first one already defines the result (e.g. or)
                for (counter = 1; counter <= ReportingConsts.MAX_FUNCTION_PARAMETER; counter += 1)
                    ops[counter] = EvaluateOperand(ops[counter]);

            if (f == "eq")
                ReturnValue = new TVariant(ops[1].CompareToI(ops[2]) == 0);
            else if (f == "ne")
                ReturnValue = new TVariant(ops[1].CompareToI(ops[2]) != 0);
            else if (f == "lt")
                ReturnValue = new TVariant(ops[1].CompareTo(ops[2]) < 0);
            else if (f == "le")
                ReturnValue = new TVariant(ops[1].CompareTo(ops[2]) <= 0);
            else if (f == "gt")
                ReturnValue = new TVariant(ops[1].CompareTo(ops[2]) > 0);
            else if (f == "ge")
                ReturnValue = new TVariant(ops[1].CompareTo(ops[2]) >= 0);
            else if (f == "sub")
                ReturnValue = new TVariant(ops[1].ToDecimal() - ops[2].ToDecimal());
            else if (f == "adddays")
                ReturnValue = new TVariant(ops[1].ToDate().AddDays(ops[2].ToDouble()));
            else if (f == "add")
                ReturnValue = new TVariant(ops[1].ToDecimal() + ops[2].ToDecimal());
            else if (f == "additems")
                length = ops[1].ToInt() + 1;

                decimal result = 0.0M;

                for (counter = 2; counter <= length; ++counter)
                    result += ops[counter].ToDecimal();

                ReturnValue = new TVariant(result);
            else if (f == "mul")
                ReturnValue = new TVariant(ops[1].ToDecimal() * ops[2].ToDecimal());
            else if (f == "div")
                if (ops[2].ToDecimal() == 0)
                    ReturnValue = new TVariant(0.0);
                    ReturnValue = new TVariant(ops[1].ToDecimal() / ops[2].ToDecimal());
            else if (f == "mod")
                if (ops[2].ToDecimal() == 0)
                    ReturnValue = new TVariant(0.0);
                    ReturnValue = new TVariant(ops[1].ToInt64() % ops[2].ToInt64());
            else if (f == "floor")
                ReturnValue = new TVariant(Math.Floor(ops[1].ToDecimal()));
            else if (f == "round")
                ReturnValue = new TVariant(Math.Round(ops[1].ToDecimal()));
            else if (f == "not")
                ReturnValue = new TVariant(!ops[1].ToBool());
            else if (f == "iif")
                // iif ( condition, value_if_true, value_if_false )
                ops[1] = EvaluateOperand(ops[1]);

                if (ops[1].ToBool() == true)
                    ops[2]      = EvaluateOperand(ops[2]);
                    ReturnValue = new TVariant(ops[2]);
                    ops[3]      = EvaluateOperand(ops[3]);
                    ReturnValue = new TVariant(ops[3]);
            else if (f == "or")
                ops[1] = EvaluateOperand(ops[1]);

                if (ops[1].ToBool() == false)
                    ops[2]      = EvaluateOperand(ops[2]);
                    ReturnValue = new TVariant(ops[2].ToBool());
                    ReturnValue = new TVariant(true);
            else if (f == "and")
                ops[1] = EvaluateOperand(ops[1]);

                if (ops[1].ToBool() == true)
                    ops[2]      = EvaluateOperand(ops[2]);
                    ReturnValue = new TVariant(ops[2].ToBool());
                    ReturnValue = new TVariant(false);
            else if (f == "log")
                if (ops[2] != null)
                    ReturnValue = new TVariant(ops[1].ToString() + " " + ops[2].ToString());
                    if (myParams.Exists(ops[1].ToString()))
                        ReturnValue = new TVariant();
                        ReturnValue = ops[1];

                if (!ReturnValue.IsNil())
            else if (f == "length")
                ReturnValue = new TVariant(ops[1].ToString().Length);
            else if (StringHelper.IsSame(f, "ContainsCSV"))
                ReturnValue = new TVariant(StringHelper.ContainsCSV(ops[1].ToString(), ops[2].ToString()));
            else if (f == "replace")
                ReturnValue = new TVariant(ops[1].ToString().Replace(ops[2].ToString(), ops[3].ToString()));
            else if ((f == "substring") || (f == "substr"))
                s      = ops[1].ToString();
                start  = ops[2].ToInt();
                length = ops[3].ToInt();

                if ((start < s.Length) && (start + length <= s.Length) && (length > 0))
                    ReturnValue = new TVariant(s.Substring(start, length));
                    ReturnValue = new TVariant("");
                    TLogging.Log("Text is not long enough or length is wrong: " + s + ' ' + start.ToString() + ' ' + length.ToString());
            else if ((f == "substringright") || (f == "substrright"))
                s      = ops[1].ToString();
                length = ops[2].ToInt();
                start  = s.Length - length;

                if ((start < s.Length) && (start + length <= s.Length) && (length > 0))
                    ReturnValue = new TVariant(s.Substring(start, length));
                    ReturnValue = new TVariant("");
                    TLogging.Log("Text is not long enough or length is wrong: " + s + ' ' + start.ToString() + ' ' + length.ToString());
            else if ((f == "substringwithoutright") || (f == "substrwithoutright"))
                s      = ops[1].ToString();
                length = s.Length - ops[2].ToInt();
                start  = 0;

                if ((start < s.Length) && (start + length <= s.Length) && (length > 0))
                    ReturnValue = new TVariant(s.Substring(start, length));
                    ReturnValue = new TVariant("");
                    TLogging.Log("Text is not long enough or length is wrong: " + s + ' ' + start.ToString() + ' ' + length.ToString());
            else if (f == "concatenate")
                s = ops[1].ToString();

                s = s + ops[2].ToString();

                ReturnValue = new TVariant(s);
            else if (f == "concatenateww")
                s      = ops[1].ToString();
                length = ops[3].ToInt();

                s = s.PadRight(s.Length + length);

                s = s + ops[2].ToString();

                ReturnValue = new TVariant(s);
            else if (f == "concatenatewithcomma")
                s  = ops[1].ToString();
                s2 = ops[2].ToString();

                if ((s.Length > 0) &&
                    (s2.Length > 0))
                    s = s + ", ";

                s = s + s2;

                ReturnValue = new TVariant(s);
            else if (f == "format")
                ReturnValue = new TVariant(ops[1].ToFormattedString(ops[2].ToString()));
            else if (f == "formattime")
                String separator = ops[1].ToString();
                String hour      = ops[2].ToString();
                String min       = ops[3].ToString();
                String sec       = "";

                if ((ops.Length > 4) && (ops[4] != null))
                    sec = ops[4].ToString();

                if (hour.Length < 2)
                    hour = "0" + hour;

                if (min.Length < 2)
                    min = "0" + min;

                if ((sec.Length < 2) && (sec.Length > 0))
                    sec = "0" + sec;

                if (sec.Length > 0)
                    ReturnValue = new TVariant(hour + separator + min + separator + sec);
                    ReturnValue = new TVariant(hour + separator + min);
            else if (f == "assign")
                string targetVariableName = ops[1].ToString();

                if (targetVariableName.StartsWith("{") && targetVariableName.EndsWith("}"))
                    targetVariableName = targetVariableName.Substring(1, targetVariableName.Length - 2);

                ops[2] = EvaluateOperand(ops[2]);

                if (myParams.Exists(targetVariableName))
                    // we should overwrite the existing variable, not add on another level
                    TParameter origParameter = myParams.GetParameter(targetVariableName);
                    origParameter.value = ops[2];
                    myParams.Add(targetVariableName, ops[2], -1, -1, null, null, ReportingConsts.CALCULATIONPARAMETERS);

//              TLogging.Log("Assign: " + targetVariableName + "=" + ops[2].ToString());
                ReturnValue = ops[2];
            else if (f == "exists")
                ReturnValue = new TVariant(myParams.Exists(ops[1].ToString(), column, Depth));
            else if (f == "isnull")
                ReturnValue =
                    new TVariant((!myParams.Exists(ops[1].ToString(), column,
                                                   Depth) || myParams.Get(ops[1].ToString(), column, Depth).IsZeroOrNull()));
            else if (f == "template")
                TRptCalculation         rptTemplate        = ReportStore.GetCalculation(CurrentReport, ops[1].ToString());
                TRptDataCalcCalculation rptTempCalculation = new TRptDataCalcCalculation(this);
                ReturnValue = rptTempCalculation.Calculate(rptTemplate, null).VariantValue;
            else if (f == "columnexist")
                String ColumnID    = ops[1].ToString();
                bool   ColumnExist = false;

                System.Data.DataTable TempTable = myParams.ToDataTable();
                int numColumns = TempTable.Columns.Count;

                foreach (System.Data.DataRow Row in TempTable.Rows)
                    for (int Counter = 0; Counter < numColumns; ++Counter)
                        if (Row[Counter].ToString() == ColumnID)
                            ColumnExist = true;

                    if (ColumnExist)

                ReturnValue = new TVariant(ColumnExist);
            else if (f == "conditionrow")
                ReturnValue = new TVariant(ops[1]);

                if (ReturnValue.ToBool() == false)
                    // clear this row, we don't want to display it
                    // set all parameters of this row to NULL
                    myParams.Add("DONTDISPLAYROW", new TVariant(true));
                    myParams.Add("DONTDISPLAYROW", new TVariant(false), -1, -1, null, null, ReportingConsts.CALCULATIONPARAMETERS);
            else if (f == "column")
                if ((ops[1].ToInt() >= 0) && (ops[1].ToInt() < CurrentColumns.Length))
                    ReturnValue = new TVariant(CurrentColumns[ops[1].ToInt()]);
                    TLogging.Log("referenced column does not exist: " + ops[1].ToString());
                    ReturnValue = new TVariant();
            else if (f == "HasColumns".ToLower())
                ReturnValue = new TVariant(Results.HasColumns(this.LineId));
            else if (f == "HasChildRows".ToLower())
                ReturnValue = new TVariant(Results.HasChildRows(this.LineId));
            else if (f == "CountChildRows".ToLower())
                ReturnValue = new TVariant(Results.CountChildRows(this.LineId));
            else if (f == "HasChildColumns".ToLower())
                ReturnValue = new TVariant(Results.HasChildColumns(this.LineId));
            else if (f == "invisible".ToLower())
                // need to return true so that calculation happens.
                ReturnValue = new TVariant(true);
            else if (f == "fatherColumn")
                ReturnValue = GetParentValue(ParentRowId, ops[1].ToInt());
            else if (f == "childColumn")
                ReturnValue = GetChildValue(LineId, ops[1].ToInt());
            else if (StringHelper.IsSame(f, "SecondLevelColumn"))
                ReturnValue = Get2ndLevelValue(ParentRowId, ops[1].ToInt());
            else if (StringHelper.IsSame(f, "FirstLevelColumn"))
                ReturnValue = Get1stLevelValue(ParentRowId, ops[1].ToInt());
            else if (StringHelper.IsSame(f, "GetShortCaption"))
                ReturnValue = new TVariant(GetShortCaption(ops[1].ToInt()));
            else if (StringHelper.IsSame(f, "GetCaption"))
                ReturnValue = new TVariant(GetCaption(ops[1].ToInt()));
            else if (StringHelper.IsSame(f, "getSumLower2Report"))
                if (ops[3] == null)
                    ReturnValue = new TVariant(GetSumLower2Report(ops[1].ToInt(), ops[2].ToInt(), true), "currency");
                    ReturnValue = new TVariant(GetSumLower2Report(ops[1].ToInt(), ops[2].ToInt(), ops[3].ToBool()), "currency");
            else if (StringHelper.IsSame(f, "getSumLowerReport"))
                if (ops[3] == null)
                    ReturnValue = new TVariant(GetSumLowerReport(ops[1].ToInt(), ops[2].ToInt(), true), "currency");
                    ReturnValue = new TVariant(GetSumLowerReport(ops[1].ToInt(), ops[2].ToInt(), ops[3].ToBool()), "currency");
            else if (StringHelper.IsSame(f, "getSumLowerReportCredit"))
                ReturnValue = new TVariant(GetSumLowerReportCredit(ops[1].ToInt(), ops[2].ToInt()), "currency");
                FunctionFound = false;

                foreach (System.Type userFunctionsClass in FUserFunctions)
                    if (!FunctionFound)
                        rptUserFunctions = (TRptUserFunctions)Activator.CreateInstance(userFunctionsClass);

                        if (rptUserFunctions.FunctionSelector(this, f, ops, out ReturnValue))
                            FunctionFound = true;

                        rptUserFunctions = null;

                if (!FunctionFound)
                    TRptCalculation calculation = ReportStore.GetCalculation(CurrentReport, f);

                    if (calculation != null)
                        TRptDataCalcCalculation calc = new TRptDataCalcCalculation(this);
                        ReturnValue = calc.EvaluateCalculation(calculation, null, String.Empty, -1);
                    else if (ops[1] == null)
                        // don't print an error if ops[1] is null;
                        // just return f;
                        // this is needed e.g. for HasChildRows etc, called from TRptEvaluator.evaluateOperator
                        ReturnValue = null;
                        ReturnValue = new TVariant();
                        logMessage  = "unknown function " + f;

                        if (ops[1] != null)
                            logMessage = logMessage + ' ' + ops[1].ToString();

                        if (ops[2] != null)
                            logMessage = logMessage + ' ' + ops[2].ToString();

