public void ValidateColor(TLabel color, string msg) { if (EqualityComparer <TLabel> .Default.Equals(color, default(TLabel))) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(color), msg); } }
protected override bool MoveNextCore() { if (!_input.MoveNext()) { return(false); } if (!_newGroupInInputCursorDel()) { return(true); } // If this is the first step, we need to move next on _groupCursor. Otherwise, the position of _groupCursor is // at the start of the next group. if (_groupCursor.State == CursorState.NotStarted) { // The two cursors should have the same number of elements, so if _input.MoveNext() returned true, // then it must return true here too. var good = _groupCursor.MoveNext() && _newGroupInGroupCursorDel(); Ch.Assert(good); } // Read the whole group from the auxiliary cursor. while (_groupCursor.State != CursorState.Done && !_newGroupInGroupCursorDel()) { TLabel label = default(TLabel); TScore score = default(TScore); _labelGetter(ref label); _scoreGetter(ref score); _parent.ProcessExample(_state, label, score); _groupCursor.MoveNext(); } _parent.UpdateState(_state); return(true); }
public State(TLabel label, Action onStart, Action onUpdate, Action onStop) { this.onStart = onStart; this.onUpdate = onUpdate; this.onStop = onStop; this.label = label; }
public ClosestPair(TLabel color1, UnsignedPoint p1, TLabel color2, UnsignedPoint p2, long sqDist) { Color1 = color1; Point1 = p1; Color2 = color2; Point2 = p2; SquareDistance = sqDist; Validate(); }
public static void ApplyLabel(Label Label, TLabel ThemeLabel) { Label.Visibility = ThemeLabel.Enabled ? Visibility.Visible : Visibility.Hidden; Label.Background = ConvertColor(ThemeLabel.BackColor); Label.Foreground = ConvertColor(ThemeLabel.TextColor); Label.FontFamily = new FontFamily(ThemeLabel.Font.Name); Label.FontSize = ThemeLabel.Font.Size; Label.Content = ThemeLabel.Text; }
public ClosestPair(TLabel color1, UnsignedPoint p1, TLabel color2, UnsignedPoint p2) { Color1 = color1; Point1 = p1; Color2 = color2; Point2 = p2; SquareDistance = Point1.Measure(Point2); Validate(); }
private void ViewLabelButton_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { var button = sender as Button; var parentItem = FindControlParent(button, typeof(ListViewItem)) as ListViewItem; SelectedLabel = ViewLabelsList.ItemContainerGenerator.ItemFromContainer(parentItem) as TLabel; if (SelectedLabel != null) { _viewModel.GenerateLabelView(SelectedLabel); } }
/// <summary> /// If Color1 does not match color1, swap Color1 and Color2 and Point1 with Point2. /// </summary> /// <param name="color1">The color that should match Color1.</param> public ClosestPair Swap(TLabel color1) { ValidateColor(Color1, "Swapping with null Color1"); if (!Color1.Equals(color1)) { var tempColor = Color1; Color1 = Color2; Color2 = tempColor; var tempPoint = Point1; Point1 = Point2; Point2 = tempPoint; } return(this); }
private void ButtonPrint_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { var button = sender as Button; var ParentItem = FindControlParent(button, typeof(ListViewItem)) as ListViewItem; SelectedLabel = LabelListView.ItemContainerGenerator.ItemFromContainer(ParentItem) as TLabel; if (SelectedLabel != null) { var result = (Forms.DialogResult)PMessageBox.Show("Print for: " + SelectedLabel.Name + "\nCollection Date is: " + SelectedLabel.DeliveryDate, "Print for: " + SelectedLabel.Name, Forms.MessageBoxButtons.YesNo); if (result == Forms.DialogResult.Yes) { MainWindow.PrintManage.Print(SelectedLabel); } } }
private void ButtonAddDatabase_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { var button = sender as Button; var ParentItem = FindControlParent(button, typeof(ListViewItem)) as ListViewItem; SelectedLabel = LabelListView.ItemContainerGenerator.ItemFromContainer(ParentItem) as TLabel; var newCustomer = new Customer(); if (SelectedLabel != null) { newCustomer.Name = SelectedLabel.Name; newCustomer.AllLabels = new List <TLabel>(); newCustomer.AllLabels.Add(SelectedLabel); MainWindow.FirebaseManage.InsertCustomer(newCustomer, MainWindow.customersPage.CustomersList); } }
public void d_Add_Steve_LabelPage() { TLabel L = new TLabel { Name = "MARIA TANYANYIWA", Address = "FLAT 8,\r\nRADLEY COURT,\r\n34 BEACHBOROUGH ROAD,\r\nBROMLEY", Barcode = "ABR1 540617530372272001", DeliveryDate = "07/09/2018", ConsignmentNumber = "40617530372272", PostCode = "BR1 5RL", Telephone = "+44 7887 420381", Location = "DARTFORD", LocationNumber = "30", ParcelNumber = "001", ParcelSize = "L", Weight = "up to 15.0 kg" }; FirebaseManage.InsertLabel(L); }
private void Shift( ParseTree <TLabel> currentToken, IDfa <Optional <Rule <TLabel> >, TLabel> dfa, IState state, TLabel currentCategory, IEnumerator enumerator) { this.nodesStack.Peek().Add(currentToken); this.statesStack.Pop(); this.statesStack.Push(dfa.Transitions(state)[currentCategory]); if (!enumerator.MoveNext()) { this.diagnostics.Add(new Diagnostic( DiagnosticStatus.Error, PrematureEofDiagnosticType, "Parsing finished before reading all tokens", new List <Range>())); throw new ParseException("Premature EOF"); } }
private void RMenuItem_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { SelectedLabel = (TLabel)LabelListView.SelectedItem; Console.WriteLine("Name: " + SelectedLabel.Name); }
public void GenerateLabelView(TLabel SelectedLabel) { ViewSelectedLabelSource = SelectedLabel; }
private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { //UnitTest3 test = new UnitTest3(); //UnitTest4 test = new UnitTest4(); //UnitTest2 test = new UnitTest2(); //UnitTest1 test = new UnitTest1(); //test.TestTunnelMonth(); //test.test(); // http get请求 //string strURL = "http://localhost/WinformSubmit.php?tel=11111&name=张三"; //System.Net.HttpWebRequest request; //// 创建一个HTTP请求 //request = (System.Net.HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(strURL); ////request.Method="get"; //try //{ // System.Net.HttpWebResponse response; // response = (System.Net.HttpWebResponse)request.GetResponse(); // System.IO.StreamReader myreader = new System.IO.StreamReader(response.GetResponseStream(), Encoding.UTF8); // string responseText = myreader.ReadToEnd(); // myreader.Close(); // MessageBox.Show(responseText); //} //catch(Exception ex) //{ // MessageBox.Show("连接远程服务器失败!"); // Console.Write("finished"); //} // 创建侧线图 Panel tableP = new Panel(); tableP.Location = new Point(20, 20); tableP.Width = 1054; tableP.Height = 660; tableP.BackColor = Color.White; tableP.Paint += new PaintEventHandler(panel1_Paint1); Panel cexianPanel = new Panel(); cexianPanel.Width = 1025; cexianPanel.Height = 616; cexianPanel.Location = new Point(25, 2); cexianPanel.BackColor = Color.Transparent; TLabel title_label = new TLabel() { Angle = -90 }; title_label.Text = "喷射混凝土厚度(cm)"; title_label.Visible = true; title_label.Width = 15; title_label.Height = 200; title_label.Font = new Font("黑体", 9, FontStyle.Regular); title_label.Location = new Point(10, 200); //cexianPanel.Controls.Add(title_label); TLabel b = new TLabel(); b.Text = "里 程"; b.Visible = true; b.Width = 100; b.Height = 20; b.Font = new Font("黑体", 9, FontStyle.Regular); b.Location = new Point(450, 595); cexianPanel.Controls.Add(b); List <String> item = new List <String>() { "G测线", "E测线", "C测线", "A测线", "B测线", "D测线", "F测线" }; List <String> x = new List <String>() { "K10+450", " ", "K10+450", " ", "K10+450", " ", "K10+450", " ", "K10+450", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " " }; List <String> null_x = new List <String>() { " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " " }; List <String> y = new List <String>() { "25", "35", "30", "25", "35", "25", "35", "30", "25", "35", null, null, null, null, null, null, null }; for (var i = 0; i < item.Count; i++) { var isLast = i == item.Count - 1 ? true : false; cexianPanel.Controls.Add(createChart(item[i], i, isLast, x, null_x, y)); } int startW = 2; for (var i = 0; i < 11; i++) { string text = " "; Font font = new Font("黑体", 8); int width = 0; Label label = new Label(); if (i == 0) { text = "贵州省交通建设工程检测中心有限责任公司"; width = 270; } if (i == 1) { text = "保泸高速土建S1合同"; width = 120; } if (i == 2) { text = "老营特长隧道右幅进口喷射混凝土厚度图"; width = 241; } if (i == 3) { text = "制图"; width = 60; } if (i == 3) { text = "王宝强"; width = 70; } if (i == 4) { text = "复核"; width = 50; } if (i == 5) { text = "贾乃亮"; width = 60; } if (i == 6) { text = "图号"; width = 50; } if (i == 7) { text = "附图1"; width = 60; } if (i == 8) { text = "日期"; width = 50; } if (i == 9) { text = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy.MM.dd"); width = 80; } label.Location = new Point(startW, 620); startW += width; label.Text = text; label.TextAlign = ContentAlignment.MiddleCenter; label.Font = font; label.Paint += new PaintEventHandler(panel1_Paint2); label.Width = width; label.Height = 38; tableP.Controls.Add(label); } tableP.Controls.Add(title_label); tableP.Controls.Add(cexianPanel); this.Controls.Add(tableP); // 绘图 Bitmap newBitmap = new Bitmap(tableP.Width, tableP.Height); tableP.DrawToBitmap(newBitmap, tableP.ClientRectangle); Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(newBitmap); g.DrawImage(newBitmap, newBitmap.Width, newBitmap.Height); g.Dispose(); newBitmap.Save(Path.Combine(System.AppDomain.CurrentDomain.SetupInformation.ApplicationBase, "111.png"), System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Png); newBitmap.Dispose(); }
private void Call(IDfa <Optional <Rule <TLabel> >, TLabel> dfa, IState state, TLabel actionLabel) { this.statesStack.Pop(); this.statesStack.Push(dfa.Transitions(state)[actionLabel]); this.dfaStack.Push(this.rules[actionLabel]); this.statesStack.Push(this.rules[actionLabel].StartingState()); this.nodesStack.Push(new List <ParseTree <TLabel> >()); }
public void CreateComponents() { Application = new TApplication(null); Application.Initialize(); Application.Run(); var el = Browser.GetElementById("helloWorld"); var lForm = new TForm(null); lForm.Width = 800; // el it's a div element in html file, we are using as container for our form lForm.Show(el); var lFontsPanel = new TPanel(lForm); lFontsPanel.Height = 150; lFontsPanel.Width = 800; lFontsPanel.Parent = lForm; var lFontsCombo = new TComboBox(lForm); lFontsCombo.Left = 30; lFontsCombo.Top = 50; lFontsCombo.Width = 130; // Add combo inside TPanel lFontsCombo.Parent = lFontsPanel; lFontsCombo.Items.Add("Arial"); lFontsCombo.Items.Add("Verdana"); lFontsCombo.Items.Add("Helvetica"); lFontsCombo.Items.Add("Times"); var lFontSize = new TComboBox(lForm); lFontSize.Left = 200; lFontSize.Top = 50; lFontSize.Width = 80; lFontSize.Parent = lFontsPanel; for (var i = 8; i <= 72; i += 4) { lFontSize.Items.Add(i.ToString()); } var lLabel = new TLabel(lForm); lLabel.Left = 320; lLabel.Top = 50; lLabel.Caption = "Choose font name and size!"; lLabel.Parent = lFontsPanel; // Assign combo events lFontsCombo.OnSelect = (a) => { lLabel.Font.Name = lFontsCombo.Text; }; lFontSize.OnSelect = (a) => { lLabel.Font.Size = StrToInt(lFontSize.Text); }; var lSecondPanel = new TPanel(lForm); lSecondPanel.Top = 220; lSecondPanel.Height = 150; lSecondPanel.Width = 800; lSecondPanel.Parent = lForm; var lCheckBox = new TCheckBox(lForm); lCheckBox.Top = 20; lCheckBox.Left = 30; lCheckBox.Caption = "CheckBox control"; lCheckBox.Parent = lSecondPanel; var lRadioButton = new TRadioButton(lForm); lRadioButton.Top = 80; lRadioButton.Left = 30; lRadioButton.Caption = "RadioButton control"; lRadioButton.Parent = lSecondPanel; var lChangeButton = new TButton(lForm); lChangeButton.Left = 220; lChangeButton.Top = 20; lChangeButton.Caption = "Change progress bar mode"; lChangeButton.Parent = lSecondPanel; lChangeButton.OnClick = @ChangeButtonClick; var lIncButton = new TButton(lForm); lIncButton.Left = 220; lIncButton.Top = 80; lIncButton.Caption = "Increase progress bar value"; lIncButton.Parent = lSecondPanel; lIncButton.OnClick = (a) => { fProgress.Position = fProgress.Position + 5; if (fProgress.Position >= fProgress.Max) { fProgress.Position = 0; } }; fProgress = new TProgressBar(lForm); fProgress.Top = 55; fProgress.Left = 420; fProgress.Max = 100; fProgress.Parent = lSecondPanel; }
/// <summary> /// Since categories may have been merged since this was created, update Color1 and Color2 /// to reflect the current categorization of Point1 and Point2. /// </summary> /// <param name="clusters">Current clustering of points.</param> public ClosestPair Relabel(Classification <UnsignedPoint, TLabel> clusters) { Color1 = clusters.GetClassLabel(Point1); Color2 = clusters.GetClassLabel(Point2); return(this); }
public void HelloWorld() { Application = new TApplication(null); Application.Initialize(); Application.Run(); // Create form var lForm = new TForm(null); lForm.Width = 800; // we can display the form in an existing div element. If Show parameter is nil, a new div is created lForm.Show(null); var lTopLabel = new TLabel(lForm); lTopLabel.Left = 1; lTopLabel.Parent = lForm; lTopLabel.Caption = "Write the item caption on the edit and press Add New button to add to ListBox:"; var lButton = new TButton(lForm); lButton.Left = 50; lButton.Top = 50; lButton.Caption = "Add New"; lButton.Parent = lForm; var lEdit = new TEdit(lForm); lEdit.Left = 150; lEdit.Top = 50; lEdit.Parent = lForm; var lListBox = new TListBox(lForm); lListBox.Left = 350; lListBox.Top = 50; lListBox.Parent = lForm; lListBox.Width = 250; lListBox.MultiSelect = true; lButton.OnClick = (s) => { lListBox.Items.Add(lEdit.Text); }; var lChangeLabel = new TLabel(lForm); lChangeLabel.Top = 165; lChangeLabel.Parent = lForm; lChangeLabel.Caption = "Press button to change label font:"; var lChangeButton = new TButton(lForm); lChangeButton.Left = 50; lChangeButton.Top = 200; lChangeButton.Caption = "Change font"; lChangeButton.Parent = lForm; var lLabel = new TLabel(lForm); lLabel.Left = 150; lLabel.Top = 200; lLabel.Caption = "Sample text!"; lLabel.Parent = lForm; lChangeButton.OnClick = (s) => { lLabel.Font.Name = "Verdana"; lLabel.Font.Size = 24; }; var lMemo = new TMemo(lForm); lMemo.Left = 50; lMemo.Top = 300; lMemo.Width = 250; lMemo.Height = 150; lMemo.Parent = lForm; var lMemoButton = new TButton(lForm); lMemoButton.Left = 350; lMemoButton.Top = 325; lMemoButton.Caption = "Add text"; lMemoButton.Parent = lForm; var lList = TStringList.Create(); lList.Add("one line"); lList.Add("another one"); lMemoButton.OnClick = (s) => { lMemo.Lines.AddStrings(lList); }; var lDisplayButton = new TButton(lForm); lDisplayButton.Top = lMemoButton.Top; lDisplayButton.Left = 450; lDisplayButton.Caption = "Show memo text"; lDisplayButton.Parent = lForm; lDisplayButton.OnClick = (s) => { ShowMessage(lMemo.Lines.Text); }; }