public void fill(TLVAmqp map) { if (!map.isNull()) { _annotations = AMQPUnwrapper <Object> .unwrapMap(map); } }
public void fill(TLVAmqp list) { if (!list.isNull()) { _sequence = AMQPUnwrapper <Object> .unwrapList(list); } }
public void fill(TLVAmqp value) { if (!value.isNull()) { this._value = AMQPUnwrapper <AMQPSymbol> .unwrap(value); } }
public void fill(TLVList list) { if (list.getList().Count > 0) { TLVAmqp element = list.getList()[0]; if (!element.isNull()) { _condition = (ErrorCodes)StringEnum.Parse(typeof(ErrorCodes), AMQPUnwrapper <AMQPSymbol> .unwrapSymbol(element).Value); } } if (list.getList().Count > 1) { TLVAmqp element = list.getList()[1]; if (!element.isNull()) { _description = AMQPUnwrapper <AMQPSymbol> .unwrapString(element); } } if (list.getList().Count > 2) { TLVAmqp element = list.getList()[2]; if (!element.isNull()) { _info = AMQPUnwrapper <AMQPSymbol> .unwrapMap(element); } } }
public override void fillArguments(TLVList list) { int size = list.getList().Count; if (size == 0) { throw new MalformedMessageException("Received malformed SASL-Challenge header: challenge can't be null"); } if (size > 1) { throw new MalformedMessageException("Received malformed SASL-Challenge header. Invalid number of arguments: " + size); } if (size > 0) { TLVAmqp element = list.getList()[0]; if (element.isNull()) { throw new MalformedMessageException("Received malformed SASL-Challenge header: challenge can't be null"); } _challenge = AMQPUnwrapper <AMQPSymbol> .unwrapBinary(element); } }
public void fill(TLVList list) { if (list.getList().Count > 0) { TLVAmqp element = list.getList()[0]; if (!element.isNull()) { _deliveryFailed = AMQPUnwrapper <AMQPSymbol> .unwrapBool(element); } } if (list.getList().Count > 1) { TLVAmqp element = list.getList()[1]; if (!element.isNull()) { _undeliverableHere = AMQPUnwrapper <AMQPSymbol> .unwrapBool(element); } } if (list.getList().Count > 2) { TLVAmqp element = list.getList()[2]; if (!element.isNull()) { _messageAnnotations = AMQPUnwrapper <AMQPSymbol> .unwrapMap(element); } } }
public void fill(TLVAmqp value) { if (!value.isNull()) { _data = AMQPUnwrapper <AMQPSymbol> .unwrapBinary(value); } }
public override void fillArguments(TLVList list) { int size = list.getList().Count; if (size == 0) { throw new MalformedMessageException("Received malformed SASL-Outcome header: code can't be null"); } if (size > 2) { throw new MalformedMessageException("Received malformed SASL-Outcome header. Invalid number of arguments: " + size); } if (size > 0) { TLVAmqp element = list.getList()[0]; if (element.isNull()) { throw new MalformedMessageException("Received malformed SASL-Outcome header: code can't be null"); } _outcomeCode = (OutcomeCodes)AMQPUnwrapper <AMQPSymbol> .unwrapUByte(element); } if (list.getList().Count > 1) { TLVAmqp element = list.getList()[1]; if (!element.isNull()) { _additionalData = AMQPUnwrapper <AMQPSymbol> .unwrapBinary(element); } } }
public void fill(TLVAmqp map) { if (!map.isNull()) { _properties = AMQPUnwrapper <String> .unwrapMap(map); } }
public override void fillArguments(TLVList list) { if (list.getList().Count > 0) { TLVAmqp element = list.getList()[0]; if (!element.isNull()) { _mechanisms = AMQPUnwrapper <AMQPSymbol> .unwrapArray(element); } } }
public override void fillArguments(TLVList list) { int size = list.getList().Count; if (size == 0) { throw new MalformedMessageException("Received malformed Detach header: handle can't be null"); } if (size > 3) { throw new MalformedMessageException("Received malformed Detach header. Invalid number of arguments: " + size); } if (size > 0) { TLVAmqp element = list.getList()[0]; if (element.isNull()) { throw new MalformedMessageException("Received malformed Detach header: handle can't be null"); } _handle = AMQPUnwrapper <AMQPSymbol> .unwrapUInt(element); } if (size > 1) { TLVAmqp element = list.getList()[1]; if (!element.isNull()) { _closed = AMQPUnwrapper <AMQPSymbol> .unwrapBool(element); } } if (size > 2) { TLVAmqp element = list.getList()[2]; if (!element.isNull()) { AMQPType code = element.Code; if (code != AMQPType.LIST_0 && code != AMQPType.LIST_8 && code != AMQPType.LIST_32) { throw new MalformedMessageException("Expected type 'ERROR' - received: " + element.Code); } _error = new AMQPError(); _error.fill((TLVList)element); } } }
public void addToArray(int index, TLVAmqp element) { if (_count <= index) { addElement(index, new TLVArray()); } TLVAmqp array = elements[index]; if (array.isNull()) { setElement(index, new TLVArray()); } ((TLVArray)elements[index]).addElement(element); _size += element.getLength(); update(); }
public void addToMap(int index, TLVAmqp key, TLVAmqp value) { if (_count <= index) { addElement(index, new TLVMap()); } TLVAmqp map = elements[index]; if (map.isNull()) { setElement(index, new TLVMap()); } ((TLVMap)elements[index]).putElement(key, value); _size += key.getLength() + value.getLength(); update(); }
public void addToList(int index, int elemIndex, TLVAmqp element) { if (_count <= index) { addElement(index, new TLVList()); } TLVAmqp list = this.elements[index]; if (list.isNull()) { setElement(index, new TLVList()); } ((TLVList)this.elements[index]).addElement(elemIndex, element); _size += element.getLength(); update(); }
public void fill(TLVAmqp value) { TLVList list = (TLVList)value; if (list.getList().Count > 0) { TLVAmqp element = list.getList()[0]; if (!element.isNull()) { _durable = AMQPUnwrapper <AMQPSymbol> .unwrapBool(element); } } if (list.getList().Count > 1) { TLVAmqp element = list.getList()[1]; if (!element.isNull()) { _priority = AMQPUnwrapper <AMQPSymbol> .unwrapUByte(element); } } if (list.getList().Count > 2) { TLVAmqp element = list.getList()[2]; if (!element.isNull()) { _milliseconds = AMQPUnwrapper <AMQPSymbol> .unwrapUInt(element); } } if (list.getList().Count > 3) { TLVAmqp element = list.getList()[3]; if (!element.isNull()) { _firstAquirer = AMQPUnwrapper <AMQPSymbol> .unwrapBool(element); } } if (list.getList().Count > 4) { TLVAmqp element = list.getList()[4]; if (!element.isNull()) { _deliveryCount = AMQPUnwrapper <AMQPSymbol> .unwrapUInt(element); } } }
public void fill(TLVList list) { if (list.getList().Count > 0) { TLVAmqp element = list.getList()[0]; if (!element.isNull()) { AMQPType code = element.Code; if (code != AMQPType.LIST_0 && code != AMQPType.LIST_8 && code != AMQPType.LIST_32) { throw new ArgumentException("Expected type 'ERROR' - received: " + element.Code); } _error = new AMQPError(); _error.fill((TLVList)element); } } }
public override void fillArguments(TLVList list) { int size = list.getList().Count; if (size == 0) { throw new MalformedMessageException("Received malformed SASL-Init header: mechanism can't be null"); } if (size > 3) { throw new MalformedMessageException("Received malformed SASL-Init header. Invalid number of arguments: " + size); } if (size > 0) { TLVAmqp element = list.getList()[0]; if (element.isNull()) { throw new MalformedMessageException("Received malformed SASL-Init header: mechanism can't be null"); } _mechanism = AMQPUnwrapper <AMQPSymbol> .unwrapSymbol(element); } if (size > 1) { TLVAmqp element = list.getList()[1]; if (!element.isNull()) { _initialResponse = AMQPUnwrapper <AMQPSymbol> .unwrapBinary(element); } } if (size > 2) { TLVAmqp element = list.getList()[2]; if (!element.isNull()) { _hostName = AMQPUnwrapper <AMQPSymbol> .unwrapString(element); } } }
public void fill(TLVList list) { if (list.getList().Count > 0) { TLVAmqp element = list.getList()[0]; if (!element.isNull()) { _sectionNumber = AMQPUnwrapper <AMQPSymbol> .unwrapUInt(element); } } if (list.getList().Count > 1) { TLVAmqp element = list.getList()[1]; if (!element.isNull()) { _sectionOffset = AMQPUnwrapper <AMQPSymbol> .unwrapULong(element); } } }
public void fill(TLVList list) { if (list.getList().Count > 0) { TLVAmqp element = list.getList()[0]; if (!element.isNull()) { _address = AMQPUnwrapper <AMQPSymbol> .unwrapString(element); } } if (list.getList().Count > 1) { TLVAmqp element = list.getList()[1]; if (!element.isNull()) { _durable = (TerminusDurability)AMQPUnwrapper <AMQPSymbol> .unwrapUInt(element); } } if (list.getList().Count > 2) { TLVAmqp element = list.getList()[2]; if (!element.isNull()) { _expiryPeriod = (TerminusExpiryPolicy)StringEnum.Parse(typeof(TerminusExpiryPolicy), AMQPUnwrapper <AMQPSymbol> .unwrapSymbol(element).Value); } } if (list.getList().Count > 3) { TLVAmqp element = list.getList()[3]; if (!element.isNull()) { _timeout = AMQPUnwrapper <AMQPSymbol> .unwrapUInt(element); } } if (list.getList().Count > 4) { TLVAmqp element = list.getList()[4]; if (!element.isNull()) { _dynamic = AMQPUnwrapper <AMQPSymbol> .unwrapBool(element); } } if (list.getList().Count > 5) { TLVAmqp element = list.getList()[5]; if (!element.isNull()) { if (_dynamic != null) { if (_dynamic.Value) { _dynamicNodeProperties = AMQPUnwrapper <AMQPSymbol> .unwrapMap(element); } else { throw new MalformedMessageException("Received malformed Source: dynamic-node-properties can't be specified when dynamic flag is false"); } } else { throw new MalformedMessageException("Received malformed Source: dynamic-node-properties can't be specified when dynamic flag is not set"); } } } if (list.getList().Count > 6) { TLVAmqp element = list.getList()[6]; if (!element.isNull()) { _distributionMode = (DistributionMode)StringEnum.Parse(typeof(DistributionMode), AMQPUnwrapper <AMQPSymbol> .unwrapSymbol(element).Value); } } if (list.getList().Count > 7) { TLVAmqp element = list.getList()[7]; if (!element.isNull()) { _filter = AMQPUnwrapper <AMQPSymbol> .unwrapMap(element); } } if (list.getList().Count > 8) { TLVAmqp element = list.getList()[8]; if (!element.isNull()) { AMQPType code = element.Code; if (code != AMQPType.LIST_0 && code != AMQPType.LIST_8 && code != AMQPType.LIST_32) { throw new MalformedMessageException("Expected type 'OUTCOME' - received: " + element.Code); } _defaultOutcome = AMQPFactory.getOutcome((TLVList)element); _defaultOutcome.fill((TLVList)element); } } if (list.getList().Count > 9) { TLVAmqp element = list.getList()[9]; if (!element.isNull()) { _outcomes = AMQPUnwrapper <AMQPSymbol> .unwrapArray(element); } } if (list.getList().Count > 10) { TLVAmqp element = list.getList()[10]; if (!element.isNull()) { _capabilities = AMQPUnwrapper <AMQPSymbol> .unwrapArray(element); } } }
public override void fillArguments(TLVList list) { int size = list.getList().Count; if (size < 3) { throw new MalformedMessageException("Received malformed Attach header: mandatory " + "fields name, handle and role must not be null"); } if (size > 14) { throw new MalformedMessageException("Received malformed Attach header. Invalid number of arguments: " + size); } if (size > 0) { TLVAmqp element = list.getList()[0]; if (element.isNull()) { throw new MalformedMessageException("Received malformed Attach header: name can't be null"); } _name = AMQPUnwrapper <AMQPSymbol> .unwrapString(element); } if (size > 1) { TLVAmqp element = list.getList()[1]; if (element.isNull()) { throw new MalformedMessageException("Received malformed Attach header: handle can't be null"); } _handle = AMQPUnwrapper <AMQPSymbol> .unwrapUInt(element); } if (size > 2) { TLVAmqp element = list.getList()[2]; if (element.isNull()) { throw new MalformedMessageException("Received malformed Attach header: role can't be null"); } Boolean value = AMQPUnwrapper <AMQPSymbol> .unwrapBool(element); if (value) { _role = RoleCodes.RECEIVER; } else { _role = RoleCodes.SENDER; } } if (size > 3) { TLVAmqp element = list.getList()[3]; if (!element.isNull()) { _sndSettleMode = (SendCodes)AMQPUnwrapper <AMQPSymbol> .unwrapUByte(element); } } if (size > 4) { TLVAmqp element = list.getList()[4]; if (!element.isNull()) { _rcvSettleMode = (ReceiveCodes)AMQPUnwrapper <AMQPSymbol> .unwrapUByte(element); } } if (size > 5) { TLVAmqp element = list.getList()[5]; if (!element.isNull()) { AMQPType code = element.Code; if (code != AMQPType.LIST_0 && code != AMQPType.LIST_8 && code != AMQPType.LIST_32) { throw new MalformedMessageException("Expected type SOURCE - received: " + element.Code); } _source = new AMQPSource(); _source.fill((TLVList)element); } } if (size > 6) { TLVAmqp element = list.getList()[6]; if (!element.isNull()) { AMQPType code = element.Code; if (code != AMQPType.LIST_0 && code != AMQPType.LIST_8 && code != AMQPType.LIST_32) { throw new MalformedMessageException("Expected type TARGET - received: " + element.Code); } _target = new AMQPTarget(); _target.fill((TLVList)element); } } if (size > 7) { TLVAmqp unsettledMap = list.getList()[7]; if (!unsettledMap.isNull()) { _unsettled = AMQPUnwrapper <AMQPSymbol> .unwrapMap(unsettledMap); } } if (size > 8) { TLVAmqp element = list.getList()[8]; if (!element.isNull()) { _incompleteUnsettled = AMQPUnwrapper <AMQPSymbol> .unwrapBool(element); } } if (size > 9) { TLVAmqp element = list.getList()[9]; if (!element.isNull()) { _initialDeliveryCount = AMQPUnwrapper <AMQPSymbol> .unwrapUInt(element); } else if (_role == RoleCodes.SENDER) { throw new MalformedMessageException("Received an attach header with a null initial-delivery-count"); } } if (size > 10) { TLVAmqp element = list.getList()[10]; if (!element.isNull()) { _maxMessageSize = AMQPUnwrapper <AMQPSymbol> .unwrapULong(element); } } if (size > 11) { TLVAmqp element = list.getList()[11]; if (!element.isNull()) { _offeredCapabilities = AMQPUnwrapper <AMQPSymbol> .unwrapArray(element); } } if (size > 12) { TLVAmqp element = list.getList()[12]; if (!element.isNull()) { _desiredCapabilities = AMQPUnwrapper <AMQPSymbol> .unwrapArray(element); } } if (size > 13) { TLVAmqp element = list.getList()[13]; if (!element.isNull()) { _properties = AMQPUnwrapper <AMQPSymbol> .unwrapMap(element); } } }
public void fill(TLVList list) { if (list.getList().Count > 0) { TLVAmqp element = list.getList()[0]; if (!element.isNull()) { _address = AMQPUnwrapper <AMQPSymbol> .unwrapString(element); } } if (list.getList().Count > 1) { TLVAmqp element = list.getList()[1]; if (!element.isNull()) { _durable = (TerminusDurability)AMQPUnwrapper <AMQPSymbol> .unwrapUInt(element); } } if (list.getList().Count > 2) { TLVAmqp element = list.getList()[2]; if (!element.isNull()) { _expiryPeriod = (TerminusExpiryPolicy)StringEnum.Parse(typeof(TerminusExpiryPolicy), AMQPUnwrapper <AMQPSymbol> .unwrapSymbol(element).Value); } } if (list.getList().Count > 3) { TLVAmqp element = list.getList()[3]; if (!element.isNull()) { _timeout = AMQPUnwrapper <AMQPSymbol> .unwrapUInt(element); } } if (list.getList().Count > 4) { TLVAmqp element = list.getList()[4]; if (!element.isNull()) { _dynamic = AMQPUnwrapper <AMQPSymbol> .unwrapBool(element); } } if (list.getList().Count > 5) { TLVAmqp element = list.getList()[5]; if (!element.isNull()) { if (_dynamic != null) { if (_dynamic.HasValue) { _dynamicNodeProperties = AMQPUnwrapper <AMQPSymbol> .unwrapMap(element); } else { throw new MalformedMessageException("Received malformed Target: dynamic-node-properties can't be specified when dynamic flag is false"); } } else { throw new MalformedMessageException("Received malformed Target: dynamic-node-properties can't be specified when dynamic flag is not set"); } } } if (list.getList().Count > 6) { TLVAmqp element = list.getList()[6]; if (!element.isNull()) { _capabilities = AMQPUnwrapper <AMQPSymbol> .unwrapArray(element); } } }
public override void fillArguments(TLVList list) { int size = list.getList().Count; if (size < 4) { throw new MalformedMessageException("Received malformed Flow header: mandatory " + "fields incoming-window, next-outgoing-id and " + "outgoing-window must not be null"); } if (size > 11) { throw new MalformedMessageException("Received malformed Flow header. Invalid arguments size: " + size); } if (size > 0) { TLVAmqp element = list.getList()[0]; if (!element.isNull()) { _nextIncomingId = AMQPUnwrapper <AMQPSymbol> .unwrapUInt(element); } } if (size > 1) { TLVAmqp element = list.getList()[1]; if (element.isNull()) { throw new MalformedMessageException("Received malformed Flow header: incoming-window can't be null"); } _incomingWindow = AMQPUnwrapper <AMQPSymbol> .unwrapUInt(element); } if (size > 2) { TLVAmqp element = list.getList()[2]; if (element.isNull()) { throw new MalformedMessageException("Received malformed Flow header: next-outgoing-id can't be null"); } _nextOutgoingId = AMQPUnwrapper <AMQPSymbol> .unwrapUInt(element); } if (size > 3) { TLVAmqp element = list.getList()[3]; if (element.isNull()) { throw new MalformedMessageException("Received malformed Flow header: outgoing-window can't be null"); } _outgoingWindow = AMQPUnwrapper <AMQPSymbol> .unwrapUInt(element); } if (size > 4) { TLVAmqp element = list.getList()[4]; if (!element.isNull()) { _handle = AMQPUnwrapper <AMQPSymbol> .unwrapUInt(element); } } if (size > 5) { TLVAmqp element = list.getList()[5]; if (!element.isNull()) { if (_handle != null) { _deliveryCount = AMQPUnwrapper <AMQPSymbol> .unwrapUInt(element); } else { throw new MalformedMessageException("Received malformed Flow header: delivery-count can't be present when handle is null"); } } } if (size > 6) { TLVAmqp element = list.getList()[6]; if (!element.isNull()) { if (_handle != null) { _linkCredit = AMQPUnwrapper <AMQPSymbol> .unwrapUInt(element); } else { throw new MalformedMessageException("Received malformed Flow header: link-credit can't be present when handle is null"); } } } if (size > 7) { TLVAmqp element = list.getList()[7]; if (!element.isNull()) { if (_handle != null) { _avaliable = AMQPUnwrapper <AMQPSymbol> .unwrapUInt(element); } else { throw new MalformedMessageException( "Received malformed Flow header: avaliable can't be present when handle is null"); } } } if (size > 8) { TLVAmqp element = list.getList()[8]; if (!element.isNull()) { if (_handle != null) { _drain = AMQPUnwrapper <AMQPSymbol> .unwrapBool(element); } else { throw new MalformedMessageException( "Received malformed Flow header: drain can't be present when handle is null"); } } } if (size > 9) { TLVAmqp element = list.getList()[9]; if (!element.isNull()) { _echo = AMQPUnwrapper <AMQPSymbol> .unwrapBool(element); } } if (size > 10) { TLVAmqp element = list.getList()[10]; if (!element.isNull()) { _properties = AMQPUnwrapper <AMQPSymbol> .unwrapMap(element); } } }
public override void fillArguments(TLVList list) { int size = list.getList().Count; if (size < 4) { throw new MalformedMessageException("Received malformed Begin header: mandatory " + "fields next-outgoing-id, incoming-window and " + "outgoing-window must not be null"); } if (size > 8) { throw new MalformedMessageException("Received malformed Begin header. Invalid number of arguments: " + size); } if (size > 0) { TLVAmqp element = list.getList()[0]; if (!element.isNull()) { _remoteChannel = AMQPUnwrapper <AMQPSymbol> .unwrapUShort(element); } } if (size > 1) { TLVAmqp element = list.getList()[1]; if (element.isNull()) { throw new MalformedMessageException("Received malformed Begin header: next-outgoing-id can't be null"); } _nextOutgoingId = AMQPUnwrapper <AMQPSymbol> .unwrapUInt(element); } if (size > 2) { TLVAmqp element = list.getList()[2]; if (element.isNull()) { throw new MalformedMessageException("Received malformed Begin header: incoming-window can't be null"); } _incomingWindow = AMQPUnwrapper <AMQPSymbol> .unwrapUInt(element); } if (size > 3) { TLVAmqp element = list.getList()[3]; if (element.isNull()) { throw new MalformedMessageException("Received malformed Begin header: outgoing-window can't be null"); } _outgoingWindow = AMQPUnwrapper <AMQPSymbol> .unwrapUInt(element); } if (size > 4) { TLVAmqp element = list.getList()[4]; if (!element.isNull()) { _handleMax = AMQPUnwrapper <AMQPSymbol> .unwrapUInt(element); } } if (size > 5) { TLVAmqp element = list.getList()[5]; if (!element.isNull()) { _offeredCapabilities = AMQPUnwrapper <AMQPSymbol> .unwrapArray(element); } } if (size > 6) { TLVAmqp element = list.getList()[6]; if (!element.isNull()) { _desiredCapabilities = AMQPUnwrapper <AMQPSymbol> .unwrapArray(element); } } if (size > 7) { TLVAmqp element = list.getList()[7]; if (!element.isNull()) { _properties = AMQPUnwrapper <AMQPSymbol> .unwrapMap(element); } } }
public override void fillArguments(TLVList list) { int size = list.getList().Count; if (size < 2) { throw new MalformedMessageException("Received malformed Disposition header: role and first can't be null"); } if (size > 6) { throw new MalformedMessageException("Received malformed Disposition header. Invalid number of arguments: " + size); } if (size > 0) { TLVAmqp element = list.getList()[0]; if (element.isNull()) { throw new MalformedMessageException("Received malformed Disposition header: role can't be null"); } Boolean role = AMQPUnwrapper <AMQPSymbol> .unwrapBool(element); if (role) { _role = RoleCodes.RECEIVER; } else { _role = RoleCodes.SENDER; } } if (size > 1) { TLVAmqp element = list.getList()[1]; if (element.isNull()) { throw new MalformedMessageException("Received malformed Disposition header: first can't be null"); } _first = AMQPUnwrapper <AMQPSymbol> .unwrapUInt(element); } if (size > 2) { TLVAmqp element = list.getList()[2]; if (!element.isNull()) { _last = AMQPUnwrapper <AMQPSymbol> .unwrapUInt(element); } } if (size > 3) { TLVAmqp element = list.getList()[3]; if (!element.isNull()) { _settled = AMQPUnwrapper <AMQPSymbol> .unwrapBool(element); } } if (size > 4) { TLVAmqp element = list.getList()[4]; if (!element.isNull()) { AMQPType code = element.Code; if (code != AMQPType.LIST_0 && code != AMQPType.LIST_8 && code != AMQPType.LIST_32) { throw new MalformedMessageException("Expected type 'STATE' - received: " + element.Code); } _state = AMQPFactory.getState((TLVList)element); _state.fill((TLVList)element); } } if (size > 5) { TLVAmqp element = list.getList()[5]; if (!element.isNull()) { _batchable = AMQPUnwrapper <AMQPSymbol> .unwrapBool(element); } } }
public override void fillArguments(TLVList list) { int size = list.getList().Count; if (size == 0) { throw new MalformedMessageException("Received malformed Transfer header: handle can't be null"); } if (size > 11) { throw new MalformedMessageException("Received malformed Transfer header. Invalid number of arguments: " + size); } if (size > 0) { TLVAmqp element = list.getList()[0]; if (element.isNull()) { throw new MalformedMessageException("Received malformed Transfer header: handle can't be null"); } _handle = AMQPUnwrapper <SectionCodes> .unwrapUInt(element); } if (size > 1) { TLVAmqp element = list.getList()[1]; if (!element.isNull()) { _deliveryId = AMQPUnwrapper <SectionCodes> .unwrapUInt(element); } } if (size > 2) { TLVAmqp element = list.getList()[2]; if (!element.isNull()) { _deliveryTag = AMQPUnwrapper <SectionCodes> .unwrapBinary(element); } } if (size > 3) { TLVAmqp element = list.getList()[3]; if (!element.isNull()) { _messageFormat = new AMQPMessageFormat(AMQPUnwrapper <SectionCodes> .unwrapUInt(element)); } } if (size > 4) { TLVAmqp element = list.getList()[4]; if (!element.isNull()) { _settled = AMQPUnwrapper <SectionCodes> .unwrapBool(element); } } if (size > 5) { TLVAmqp element = list.getList()[5]; if (!element.isNull()) { _more = AMQPUnwrapper <SectionCodes> .unwrapBool(element); } } if (size > 6) { TLVAmqp element = list.getList()[6]; if (!element.isNull()) { _rcvSettleMode = (ReceiveCodes)(AMQPUnwrapper <SectionCodes> .unwrapUByte(element)); } } if (size > 7) { TLVAmqp element = list.getList()[7]; if (!element.isNull()) { AMQPType code = element.Code; if (code != AMQPType.LIST_0 && code != AMQPType.LIST_8 && code != AMQPType.LIST_32) { throw new MalformedMessageException("Expected type 'STATE' - received: " + element.Code); } _state = AMQPFactory.getState((TLVList)element); _state.fill((TLVList)element); } } if (size > 8) { TLVAmqp element = list.getList()[8]; if (!element.isNull()) { _resume = AMQPUnwrapper <SectionCodes> .unwrapBool(element); } } if (size > 9) { TLVAmqp element = list.getList()[9]; if (!element.isNull()) { _aborted = AMQPUnwrapper <SectionCodes> .unwrapBool(element); } } if (size > 10) { TLVAmqp element = list.getList()[10]; if (!element.isNull()) { _batchable = AMQPUnwrapper <SectionCodes> .unwrapBool(element); } } }
public override void fillArguments(TLVList list) { int size = list.getList().Count; if (size == 0) { throw new MalformedMessageException("Received malformed Open header: container id can't be null"); } if (size > 10) { throw new MalformedMessageException("Received malformed Open header. Invalid number of arguments: " + size); } TLVAmqp element = list.getList()[0]; if (element.isNull()) { throw new MalformedMessageException("Received malformed Open header: container id can't be null"); } _containerId = AMQPUnwrapper <AMQPSymbol> .unwrapString(element); if (size > 1) { element = list.getList()[1]; if (!element.isNull()) { _hostname = AMQPUnwrapper <AMQPSymbol> .unwrapString(element); } } if (size > 2) { element = list.getList()[2]; if (!element.isNull()) { _maxFrameSize = AMQPUnwrapper <AMQPSymbol> .unwrapUInt(element); } } if (size > 3) { element = list.getList()[3]; if (!element.isNull()) { _channelMax = AMQPUnwrapper <AMQPSymbol> .unwrapUShort(element); } } if (size > 4) { element = list.getList()[4]; if (!element.isNull()) { _idleTimeout = AMQPUnwrapper <AMQPSymbol> .unwrapUInt(element); } } if (size > 5) { element = list.getList()[5]; if (!element.isNull()) { _outgoingLocales = AMQPUnwrapper <AMQPSymbol> .unwrapArray(element); } } if (size > 6) { element = list.getList()[6]; if (!element.isNull()) { _incomingLocales = AMQPUnwrapper <AMQPSymbol> .unwrapArray(element); } } if (size > 7) { element = list.getList()[7]; if (!element.isNull()) { _offeredCapabilities = AMQPUnwrapper <AMQPSymbol> .unwrapArray(element); } } if (size > 8) { element = list.getList()[8]; if (!element.isNull()) { _desiredCapabilities = AMQPUnwrapper <AMQPSymbol> .unwrapArray(element); } } if (size > 9) { element = list.getList()[9]; if (!element.isNull()) { _properties = AMQPUnwrapper <AMQPSymbol> .unwrapMap(element); } } }
public void fill(TLVAmqp value) { TLVList list = (TLVList)value; if (list.getList().Count > 0) { TLVAmqp element = list.getList()[0]; if (!element.isNull()) { switch (element.Code) { case AMQPType.ULONG_0: case AMQPType.SMALL_ULONG: case AMQPType.ULONG: _messageId = new LongID(AMQPUnwrapper <AMQPSymbol> .unwrapULong(element)); break; case AMQPType.STRING_8: case AMQPType.STRING_32: _messageId = new StringID(AMQPUnwrapper <AMQPSymbol> .unwrapString(element)); break; case AMQPType.BINARY_8: case AMQPType.BINARY_32: _messageId = new BinaryID(AMQPUnwrapper <AMQPSymbol> .unwrapBinary(element)); break; case AMQPType.UUID: _messageId = new UuidID(AMQPUnwrapper <AMQPSymbol> .unwrapUuid(element)); break; default: throw new ArgumentException("Expected type 'MessageID' - received: " + element.Code); } } } if (list.getList().Count > 1) { TLVAmqp element = list.getList()[1]; if (!element.isNull()) { _userId = AMQPUnwrapper <AMQPSymbol> .unwrapBinary(element); } } if (list.getList().Count > 2) { TLVAmqp element = list.getList()[2]; if (!element.isNull()) { _to = AMQPUnwrapper <AMQPSymbol> .unwrapString(element); } } if (list.getList().Count > 3) { TLVAmqp element = list.getList()[3]; if (!element.isNull()) { _subject = AMQPUnwrapper <AMQPSymbol> .unwrapString(element); } } if (list.getList().Count > 4) { TLVAmqp element = list.getList()[4]; if (!element.isNull()) { _replyTo = AMQPUnwrapper <AMQPSymbol> .unwrapString(element); } } if (list.getList().Count > 5) { TLVAmqp element = list.getList()[5]; if (!element.isNull()) { _correlationId = AMQPUnwrapper <AMQPSymbol> .unwrapBinary(element); } } if (list.getList().Count > 6) { TLVAmqp element = list.getList()[6]; if (!element.isNull()) { _contentType = AMQPUnwrapper <AMQPSymbol> .unwrapString(element); } } if (list.getList().Count > 7) { TLVAmqp element = list.getList()[7]; if (!element.isNull()) { _contentEncoding = AMQPUnwrapper <AMQPSymbol> .unwrapString(element); } } if (list.getList().Count > 8) { TLVAmqp element = list.getList()[8]; if (!element.isNull()) { _absoluteExpiryTime = AMQPUnwrapper <AMQPSymbol> .unwrapTimestamp(element); } } if (list.getList().Count > 9) { TLVAmqp element = list.getList()[9]; if (!element.isNull()) { _creationTime = AMQPUnwrapper <AMQPSymbol> .unwrapTimestamp(element); } } if (list.getList().Count > 10) { TLVAmqp element = list.getList()[10]; if (!element.isNull()) { _groupId = AMQPUnwrapper <AMQPSymbol> .unwrapString(element); } } if (list.getList().Count > 11) { TLVAmqp element = list.getList()[11]; if (!element.isNull()) { _groupSequence = AMQPUnwrapper <AMQPSymbol> .unwrapUInt(element); } } if (list.getList().Count > 12) { TLVAmqp element = list.getList()[12]; if (!element.isNull()) { _replyToGroupId = AMQPUnwrapper <AMQPSymbol> .unwrapString(element); } } }