        public virtual void testRemoveTableAndAddJoinClause()
            parser.sqltext = "SELECT * FROM t1,t2 where t1.f1=t2.f2";
            Assert.IsTrue(parser.parse() == 0);
            TSelectSqlStatement select   = (TSelectSqlStatement)parser.sqlstatements.get(0);
            TJoinList           joinList = select.joins;

            // let's remove t2 and where clause

            TJoinItem joinItem = new TJoinItem();

            joinItem.JoinType = EJoinType.left;
            TTable joinTable = new TTable();

            joinItem.Table       = joinTable;
            joinTable.TableName  = parser.parseObjectName("t2");
            joinItem.OnCondition = parser.parseExpression("t1.f1=t2.f2");

            // remove where clause
            select.WhereClause = null;

            // System.out.println(scriptGenerator.generateScript(select,true));
                                                           , select.ToScript()
                                                           , "SELECT *\n" +
                                                           "FROM   t1\n" +
                                                           "       LEFT JOIN t2\n" +
                                                           "       ON t1.f1 = t2.f2"
        public virtual void testAddWhereClauseAfterJoin()
            parser.sqltext = "SELECT tableA.itemA1, tableB.itemB1\n" + " FROM tableA\n" + " INNER JOIN tableB\n" + " ON tableB.itemB2 = tableA.itemA2\n" + " INNER JOIN (\n" + "   SELECT tableC.itemC1\n" + "   FROM tableC\n" + "   WHERE tableC.itemC3='ABC'\n" + "   GROUP BY tableC.itemC1\n" + ") unNamedJoin\n" + " ON unNamedJoin.itemC1 = tableB.itemB2\n";
            Assert.IsTrue(parser.parse() == 0);
            TSelectSqlStatement select = (TSelectSqlStatement)parser.sqlstatements.get(0);

            TJoinList joinList = select.joins;
            TJoinItem item     = joinList.getJoin(0).JoinItems.getJoinItem(0);

            TExpression expression1 = parser.parseExpression("1=1");
            TExpression expression2 = new TExpression();

            expression2.ExpressionType = EExpressionType.logical_and_t;
            TExpression parensExpr = new TExpression();

            parensExpr.ExpressionType = EExpressionType.parenthesis_t;
            parensExpr.LeftOperand    = item.OnCondition;
            expression2.LeftOperand   = parensExpr;
            expression2.RightOperand  = expression1;
            item.OnCondition          = expression2;

            TWhereClause whereClause = new TWhereClause();

            whereClause.Condition = parser.parseExpression("c>1");
            select.WhereClause    = whereClause;

            // System.out.println(scriptGenerator.generateScript(select,true));
                                                           , select.ToScript()
                                                           , "SELECT tablea.itema1,\n" +
                                                           "       tableb.itemb1\n" +
                                                           "FROM   tablea\n" +
                                                           "       INNER JOIN tableb\n" +
                                                           "       ON (tableb.itemb2 = tablea.itema2) AND 1 = 1\n" +
                                                           "       INNER JOIN ( SELECT tablec.itemc1 FROM tablec WHERE tablec.itemc3 = 'ABC' GROUP BY tablec.itemc1) unnamedjoin\n" +
                                                           "       ON unnamedjoin.itemc1 = tableb.itemb2\n" +
                                                           "WHERE  c > 1"
        internal virtual string remove(TCustomSqlStatement stat, LinkedHashMap <string, string> conditionMap)
            if (stat.ResultColumnList != null)
                for (int j = 0; j < stat.ResultColumnList.size(); j++)
                    TResultColumn column = stat.ResultColumnList.getResultColumn(j);
                    if (column.Expr != null && column.Expr.SubQuery is TCustomSqlStatement)
                        TCustomSqlStatement query = (TCustomSqlStatement)column.Expr.SubQuery;
                        getParserString(query, conditionMap);
            if (stat.CteList != null)
                for (int i = 0; i < stat.CteList.size(); i++)
                    TCTE cte = stat.CteList.getCTE(i);
                    if (cte.Subquery != null)
                        getParserString(cte.Subquery, conditionMap);
                    if (cte.InsertStmt != null)
                        getParserString(cte.InsertStmt, conditionMap);
                    if (cte.UpdateStmt != null)
                        getParserString(cte.UpdateStmt, conditionMap);
                    if (cte.PreparableStmt != null)
                        getParserString(cte.PreparableStmt, conditionMap);
                    if (cte.DeleteStmt != null)
                        getParserString(cte.DeleteStmt, conditionMap);

            if (stat is TSelectSqlStatement && ((TSelectSqlStatement)stat).SetOperator != TSelectSqlStatement.setOperator_none)
                TSelectSqlStatement select = ((TSelectSqlStatement)stat);
                getParserString(select.LeftStmt, conditionMap);
                getParserString(select.RightStmt, conditionMap);

            if (stat.Statements != null && stat.Statements.size() > 0)
                for (int i = 0; i < stat.Statements.size(); i++)
                    getParserString(stat.Statements.get(i), conditionMap);
            if (stat.ReturningClause != null)
                if (stat.ReturningClause.ColumnValueList != null)
                    for (int i = 0; i < stat.ReturningClause.ColumnValueList.size(); i++)
                        if (stat.ReturningClause.ColumnValueList.getExpression(i).SubQuery != null)
                            getParserString(stat.ReturningClause.ColumnValueList.getExpression(i).SubQuery, conditionMap);
                if (stat.ReturningClause.VariableList != null)
                    for (int i = 0; i < stat.ReturningClause.VariableList.size(); i++)
                        if (stat.ReturningClause.VariableList.getExpression(i).SubQuery != null)
                            getParserString(stat.ReturningClause.VariableList.getExpression(i).SubQuery, conditionMap);
            if (stat is TSelectSqlStatement)
                TTableList list = ((TSelectSqlStatement)stat).tables;
                for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++)
                    TTable table = list.getTable(i);
                    if (table.Subquery != null)
                        getParserString(table.Subquery, conditionMap);
                    if (table.FuncCall != null)
                        ExpressionChecker w = new ExpressionChecker(this);
                        w.checkFunctionCall(table.FuncCall, conditionMap);

            if (stat is TSelectSqlStatement)
                TJoinList list = ((TSelectSqlStatement)stat).joins;
                for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++)
                    TJoin join = list.getJoin(i);
                    for (int j = 0; j < join.JoinItems.size(); j++)
                        TJoinItem joinItem = join.JoinItems.getJoinItem(j);
                        if (joinItem.Table != null)
                            if (joinItem.Table.Subquery != null)
                                getParserString(joinItem.Table.Subquery, conditionMap);
                            if (joinItem.Table.FuncCall != null)
                                ExpressionChecker w = new ExpressionChecker(this);
                                w.checkFunctionCall(joinItem.Table.FuncCall, conditionMap);
                            if (joinItem.OnCondition != null)
                                ExpressionChecker w = new ExpressionChecker(this);
                                w.checkExpression(joinItem.OnCondition, conditionMap);

            if (stat is TSelectSqlStatement)
                TSelectSqlStatement select = (TSelectSqlStatement)stat;
                for (int i = 0; i < select.ResultColumnList.size(); i++)
                    TResultColumn field = select.ResultColumnList.getResultColumn(i);
                    TExpression   expr  = field.Expr;
                    if (expr != null && expr.ExpressionType == EExpressionType.subquery_t)
                        getParserString(expr.SubQuery, conditionMap);

            if (stat.WhereClause != null && stat.WhereClause.Condition != null && stat.WhereClause.Condition.ToScript().Trim().Length > 0)
                TExpression whereExpression = stat.Gsqlparser.parseExpression(stat.WhereClause.Condition.ToScript());
                if (string.ReferenceEquals(whereExpression.ToString(), null))
                    removeCondition removeCondition = new removeCondition(stat.ToString(), stat.dbvendor, conditionMap);
                    string oldString = stat.ToScript();
                    conditionBuffer.Remove(0, conditionBuffer.Length);
                    ExpressionChecker w = new ExpressionChecker(this);
                    w.checkExpression(whereExpression, conditionMap);
                    stat.WhereClause.Condition = stat.Gsqlparser.parseExpression(whereExpression.ToScript());
            if ((stat is TSelectSqlStatement) && ((TSelectSqlStatement)stat).GroupByClause != null && ((TSelectSqlStatement)stat).GroupByClause.HavingClause != null)
                TExpression havingExpression = ((TSelectSqlStatement)stat).GroupByClause.HavingClause;

                if (havingExpression == null)
                    removeCondition removeCondition = new removeCondition(stat.ToScript(), stat.dbvendor, conditionMap);
                    string oldString = stat.ToScript();
                    conditionBuffer.Remove(0, conditionBuffer.Length);
                    ExpressionChecker w = new ExpressionChecker(this);
                    w.checkExpression(havingExpression, conditionMap);
                    string newString = stat.ToScript();
                    if (!oldString.Equals(newString))
                        if (havingExpression != null && havingExpression.ToScript().Trim().Length == 0)
                            ((TSelectSqlStatement)stat).GroupByClause = null;