public void Init(Vector3 _pos, TILE_TYPE _type) { Rend = this.gameObject.GetComponent <Renderer>(); Set_Tile_Type(_type); Set_Tile_Pos(_pos); }
// This is not fully tested and probably doesn't work in all cases. public void ShowEmpty() { gameObject.SetActive(false); outline.gameObject.SetActive(false); tileBg.SetActive(false); tileType = LibrettoTile.TILE_TYPE.EMPTY; }
public void CreateStage() { tileSize = prefabs[0].GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>().bounds.size.x; centerPosition.x = (tileList.GetLength(0) / 2) * tileSize; centerPosition.y = (tileList.GetLength(1) / 2) * tileSize; for (int y = 0; y < tileList.GetLength(1); y++) { for (int x = 0; x < tileList.GetLength(0); x++) { Vector2Int position = new Vector2Int(x, y); GameObject ground = Instantiate(prefabs[(int)TILE_TYPE.GROUND]); ground.transform.position = GetScreenPositionFromTileList(position); TILE_TYPE tileType = tileList[x, y]; GameObject obj = Instantiate(prefabs[(int)tileType]); obj.transform.position = GetScreenPositionFromTileList(position); if (tileType == TILE_TYPE.PLAYER) { playerManager = obj.GetComponent <PlayerManager>(); moveObjPositionOnTile.Add(obj, position); } if (tileType == TILE_TYPE.BLOCK) { moveObjPositionOnTile.Add(obj, position); blockCount++; //Debug.Log("block : " + blockCount); } } } }
public void CopyTileInfo(MapTile tile) { //tileValue = tile.tileValue; myTileType = tile.myTileType; spriteRenderer.sprite = tile.originSprite; originSprite = spriteRenderer.sprite; }
public void makeWall(bool empty) { passages = DIRECTION_NONE; occupation = empty? TILE_TYPE.EMPTY : TILE_TYPE.WALL; space = null; doors = DIRECTION_NONE; }
public Coord(int _x, int _y, TILE_TYPE _tileType, Transform _tileObject) { x = _x; y = _y; tileType = _tileType; tileObject = _tileObject; }
public void ShowFixed() { gameObject.SetActive(true); outline.gameObject.SetActive(false); tileBg.SetActive(true); SetColor(LibrettoPalette.FIXED_BG_COLOR, LibrettoPalette.FIXED_FG_COLOR); tileType = TILE_TYPE.CLUE; }
public void ShowFixed() { gameObject.SetActive(true); outline.gameObject.SetActive(false); tileBg.SetActive(true); SetColor(placedColor,; tileType = TILE_TYPE.CLUE; }
public void ShowTemporary() { gameObject.SetActive(true); outline.gameObject.SetActive(false); tileBg.SetActive(true); SetColor(LibrettoPalette.GAP_BG_COLOR, LibrettoPalette.GAP_FG_COLOR); tileType = TILE_TYPE.TEMPORARY; }
public void ShowTemporary() { gameObject.SetActive(true); outline.gameObject.SetActive(false); tileBg.SetActive(true); SetColor(gapColor, Color.white); tileType = TILE_TYPE.TEMPORARY; }
public void ShowButton() { gameObject.SetActive(true); outline.gameObject.SetActive(false); tileBg.SetActive(true); SetColor(gapColor, Color.white); tileType = TILE_TYPE.BUTTON; }
public bool Is_down_tile_of_type(Tile tile, TILE_TYPE type) { if (tile.Y_Position + 1 < this.tiles.GetLength(1) && this.tiles[tile.X_Position, tile.Y_Position + 1].type == type) { return(true); } return(false); }
public bool Is_up_tile_of_type(Tile tile, TILE_TYPE type) { if (tile.Y_Position - 1 > 0 && this.tiles[tile.X_Position, tile.Y_Position - 1].type == type) { return(true); } return(false); }
public Tile(Texture2D texture_in, Texture2D texture_out, Vector2 position, TILE_TYPE type, TILE_ORIENTATION orientation) { this.texture_in = texture_in; this.texture_out = texture_out; this.position = position; this.orientation = orientation; this.type = type; }
public void ShowPlaced() { gameObject.SetActive(true); outline.gameObject.SetActive(false); tileBg.SetActive(true); SetColor(LibrettoPalette.PLACED_BG_COLOR, LibrettoPalette.PLACED_FG_COLOR); tileType = TILE_TYPE.PLACED; }
public void ShowButton() { gameObject.SetActive(true); outline.gameObject.SetActive(false); tileBg.SetActive(true); SetColor(LibrettoPalette.GAP_BG_COLOR, LibrettoPalette.GAP_FG_COLOR); tileType = TILE_TYPE.BUTTON; }
// void MakeWalls() { // Vector2 p1ReceiverLocation = new Vector2 (2, 2); // Vector2 p2ReceiverLocation = new Vector2 (rows - 3, columns - 3); // Vector2 p3ReceiverLocation = new Vector2 (rows - 3, columns - 3); // Vector2 p4ReceiverLocation = new Vector2 (rows - 3, columns - 3); // Vector2 emmiter1Location = new Vector2 (rows - 3, 2); // Vector2 emmiter2Location = new Vector2 (2, columns - 3); // for (var i = 0; i < rows; i++) // { // pipes [i] = new Pipe[(int)columns]; // towers [i] = new Tile[(int)columns]; // for (var j = 0; j < columns; j++) // { // int x = i; // int y = j; // // MakeWall (Utilities.getLocationVector(x, y, WALL_LAYER), // new Vector3 (Utilities.tileSize, Utilities.tileSize, Utilities.thickness/2)); // if (x == p1ReceiverLocation.x && y == p1ReceiverLocation.y) { // AddPlayerTower (x, y, TILE_TYPE.PLAYER_ONE_GOAL, p1_receiver_mat); // } else if (x == p2ReceiverLocation.x && y == p2ReceiverLocation.y) { // AddPlayerTower (x, y, TILE_TYPE.PLAYER_TWO_GOAL, p2_receiver_mat); // } else if (x == p3ReceiverLocation.x && y == p3ReceiverLocation.y) { // AddPlayerTower (x, y, TILE_TYPE.PLAYER_THREE_GOAL, p3_receiver_mat); // } else if (x == p4ReceiverLocation.x && y == p4ReceiverLocation.y) { // AddPlayerTower (x, y, TILE_TYPE.PLAYER_FOUR_GOAL, p4_receiver_mat); // } else if (x == emmiter1Location.x && y == emmiter1Location.y) { // AddEmitter (x, y); // } else if (x == emmiter2Location.x && y == emmiter2Location.y) { // AddEmitter (x, y); // } else { // AddPipe (x, y, (int)Utilities.getRandomDropTile()); // } // } // } // } void AddPlayerTower(int x, int y, TILE_TYPE tileType, Material mat) { Tile tower = new Receiver(Utilities.getLocationVector(x, y, Utilities.PIPE_LAYER), tileType, mat); tower.Rotate(); towers [x] [y] = tower; playerTowers.Add(tower); }
public void ShowPlaced() { gameObject.SetActive(true); outline.gameObject.SetActive(false); tileBg.SetActive(true); SetColor(gapColor, Color.white); tileType = TILE_TYPE.PLACED; }
public SCR_Node(bool _isWalkable, bool _isPassable, Vector3 _position, int _gridX, int _gridY, TILE_TYPE _tile) { isWalkable = _isWalkable; position = _position; gridX = _gridX; gridY = _gridY; tileType = _tile; }
public Tile(int x, int y, Map map) { = map; occupation = TILE_TYPE.EMPTY; this.coord = new MapCoord(x, y); setStartingPassages(); this.doors = DIRECTION_NONE; }
public Tile GetTileRef(TILE_TYPE tileType) { if (tileRefs[(int)tileType] != null) { return(tileRefs[(int)tileType]); } return(tileRefs[0]); // if tile cannot be found return default tile }
void SetupTilesArray() { tiles = new TILE_TYPE[columns][]; for (int i = 0; i < tiles.Length; i++) { tiles[i] = new TILE_TYPE[rows]; } }
public GameObject GetPrefab(TILE_TYPE type) { int idx = tileTypes.IndexOf(type); if (idx >= 0) { return(tiles[idx]); } return(tiles[0]); }
public void DecrementUnitOccupied() { --m_NumberOfUnitOccupied; Assert.IsFalse(m_NumberOfUnitOccupied < 0, "Number of units occupying has goes less than 0"); if (m_NumberOfUnitOccupied <= 0) { m_NumberOfUnitOccupied = 0; m_TileType = TILE_TYPE.WALKABLE; } }
public float GetLost(ref TILE_TYPE type) { int idx = tileType.IndexOf(type); if (idx >= 0) { return(losts[idx]); } return(0.0f); }
public static TILE_TYPE getRandomDropTile() { int rand = Random.Range(0, 11); TILE_TYPE tileType = TILE_TYPE.CLEAR; if (rand == 0) { tileType = TILE_TYPE.UP_ARROW; } else if (rand == 1) { tileType = TILE_TYPE.DOWN_ARROW; } else if (rand == 2) { tileType = TILE_TYPE.LEFT_ARROW; } else if (rand == 3) { tileType = TILE_TYPE.RIGHT_ARROW; } else if (rand == 4) { tileType = TILE_TYPE.LEFT_ELBOW_DOWN; } else if (rand == 5) { tileType = TILE_TYPE.LEFT_ELBOW_UP; } else if (rand == 6) { tileType = TILE_TYPE.LEFT_ELBOW_LEFT; } else if (rand == 7) { tileType = TILE_TYPE.LEFT_ELBOW_RIGHT; } else if (rand == 8) { tileType = TILE_TYPE.RIGHT_ELBOW_DOWN; } else if (rand == 9) { tileType = TILE_TYPE.RIGHT_ELBOW_UP; } else if (rand == 10) { tileType = TILE_TYPE.RIGHT_ELBOW_LEFT; } else if (rand == 11) { tileType = TILE_TYPE.RIGHT_ELBOW_RIGHT; } return(tileType); }
/// <summary> /// Converts the Unity Vector3 Position to tile coordinates /// </summary> /// <returns>The to coordinate.</returns> /// <param name="position">Position.</param> public Coord PositionToCoord(Vector3 position) { float offsetX = ((mapSize.x - 1.0f) * tileSize) / 2.0f; float offsetY = ((mapSize.y - 1.0f) * tileSize) / 2.0f; int coordX = Mathf.RoundToInt((position.x + offsetX) / tileSize); int coordY = Mathf.RoundToInt((position.z + offsetY) / tileSize); //return allTileCoords[coordX * (int)mapSize.y + coordY ]; TILE_TYPE tileType = coordY % 2 != 0 && coordX > 0 && coordX % 2 != 0 && coordX < mapSize.x - 1 ? TILE_TYPE.WALL : TILE_TYPE.GROUND; return(new Coord(coordX, coordY, tileType, allTileCoords[coordX * (int)mapSize.y + coordY].tileObject)); }
public static TILE_TYPE getGridType(Vector2 location, Pipe[][] pipes) { Pipe pipe = pipes[(int)location.x][(int)location.y]; TILE_TYPE tileType = TILE_TYPE.CLEAR; if (pipe != null) { tileType = pipe.tileType; } return(tileType); }
public void ShowGap() { gameObject.SetActive(true); // Why not false? outline.gameObject.SetActive(true); tileBg.SetActive(false); foreach (var c in charsGO) { c.SetActive(false); } outline.color = LibrettoPalette.GAP_BG_COLOR; tileType = TILE_TYPE.GAP; }
public void ShowGap() { gameObject.SetActive(true); outline.gameObject.SetActive(true); tileBg.SetActive(false); foreach (var c in charsGO) { c.SetActive(false); } outline.color =; tileType = TILE_TYPE.GAP; }
public TileClass(TILE_TYPE eTile, bool bResouceTile, Point sPos) { TType = TILE_TYPE.TT_PLAINS; Status = 0; Resource = bResouceTile; if (Resource) { Status += 2; } PlayerID = 0; Position = sPos; }
public TDTile(TILE_TYPE type) { this.type = (int)type; }
private void TilesetGraphicsPanel_MouseClick(object sender, MouseEventArgs e) { int Xoutofrange = tilesetSize_RC.Width * TilePixelSize.Width; int Youtofrange = tilesetSize_RC.Height * TilePixelSize.Height; if (e.Location.X > 0 && e.Location.Y > 0 && e.Location.X < Xoutofrange && e.Location.Y < Youtofrange) { selectedTilePoint.X = e.X / tilePixelSize.Width; selectedTilePoint.Y = e.Y / tilePixelSize.Height; } UpdateTileset(); Point matchtilepoint= new Point (0,0); if (SelectedTilePoint == matchtilepoint) { selectTileType = TILE_TYPE.TT_PLAINS; } matchtilepoint = new Point(1,0); if (SelectedTilePoint == matchtilepoint) { selectTileType = TILE_TYPE.TT_FOREST; } matchtilepoint = new Point(2, 0); if (SelectedTilePoint == matchtilepoint) { selectTileType = TILE_TYPE.TT_MOUNTAINS; } matchtilepoint = new Point(3, 0); if (SelectedTilePoint == matchtilepoint) { selectTileType = TILE_TYPE.TT_WATER; } matchtilepoint = new Point(0, 1); if (SelectedTilePoint == matchtilepoint) { selectTileType = TILE_TYPE.TT_FARM; } matchtilepoint = new Point(1, 1); if (SelectedTilePoint == matchtilepoint) { selectTileType = TILE_TYPE.TT_MILL; } matchtilepoint = new Point(2, 1); if (SelectedTilePoint == matchtilepoint) { selectTileType = TILE_TYPE.TT_MINE; } matchtilepoint = new Point(3, 1); if (SelectedTilePoint == matchtilepoint) { selectTileType = TILE_TYPE.TT_CASTLE; } }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { type = TILE_TYPE.TILE_NONE; }
public void Set(TILE_TYPE type) { this.type = type; }