        public static void UpdateSuccessors(TFClientHelper TFClient)
            string TFProject = "ITService";
            string Wiql      = @"SELECT [System.Id] FROM WorkItemLinks WHERE ([Source].[System.TeamProject] = '" + TFProject +
                               @"'  AND  [Source].[System.WorkItemType] = 'Task'  AND  [Source].[Microsoft.VSTS.Common.Triage] <> 'Info Received') And ([System.Links.LinkType] = 'System.LinkTypes.Dependency-Reverse') And ([Target].[System.WorkItemType] = 'Task'  AND  [Target].[System.State] = 'Closed') ORDER BY [System.Id] mode(MustContain)";

            var WiqlResult  = TFClient.GetWorkItemListWithWIQL(Wiql, TFProject);
            var TopLevelIds = TFClient.GetTopLevelWorkItemIds(WiqlResult);

            foreach (int Id in TopLevelIds)
                Dictionary <string, string> Fields = new Dictionary <string, string>();
                Fields.Add("Triage", "Info Received");
                var workItem = TFClient.UpdateWorkItem(Id, Fields);
                ScriptDetailedMessage += Id + ";";

            if (ScriptDetailedMessage != "")
                ScriptDetailedMessage = "Updated work items: " + ScriptDetailedMessage;
                ScriptMessage         = "Work items was updated";
                ScriptMessage = "Without changes";
        public static void ActivateParentTask(TFClientHelper TFClient)
            string TFProject = "ITService";
            string Wiql      = @"SELECT [System.Id] FROM WorkItemLinks WHERE ([Source].[System.TeamProject] = '" + TFProject +
                               @"' AND  [Source].[System.State] = 'Proposed') And ([System.Links.LinkType] = 'System.LinkTypes.Hierarchy-Forward') And ([Target].[System.WorkItemType] = 'Activity')  ORDER BY [System.Id] mode(MustContain)";

            var WiqlResult  = TFClient.GetWorkItemListWithWIQL(Wiql, TFProject);
            var TopLevelIds = TFClient.GetTopLevelWorkItemIds(WiqlResult);

            foreach (int Id in TopLevelIds)
                Dictionary <string, string> Fields = new Dictionary <string, string>();
                Fields.Add("State", "Active");
                var workItem = TFClient.UpdateWorkItem(Id, Fields);
                ScriptDetailedMessage += Id + ";";

            if (ScriptDetailedMessage != "")
                ScriptDetailedMessage = "Updated work items: " + ScriptDetailedMessage;
                ScriptMessage         = "Work items was updated";
                ScriptMessage = "Without changes";
        public static void SetCurrentIteration(TFClientHelper TFClient)
                string   TFProject = "ITService";
                string[] ItemTypes = new string[] { "Requirement", "Task", "Stage" };
                string   WiqlTypes = "";
                foreach (string ItemType in ItemTypes)
                    WiqlTypes += ((WiqlTypes == "") ? "" : ", ") + "'" + ItemType + "'";

                TeamSettingsIteration CurrentIteration = TFClient.GetDefaultTeamCurrentIteration(TFProject);

                if (CurrentIteration == null)
                    ScriptMessage = "Can not get the current iteration";

                string Wiql = @"SELECT [System.Id] FROM WorkItems WHERE [System.TeamProject] ='" + TFProject +
                              @"'  AND  [System.WorkItemType] IN (" + WiqlTypes +
                              ")  AND  [System.IterationPath] <> '" + CurrentIteration.Path +
                              "' AND  [System.State] <> 'Closed'  AND  [Microsoft.VSTS.Scheduling.StartDate] <= '" + CurrentIteration.Attributes.FinishDate.Value.ToShortDateString() +
                              @"' ORDER BY [System.Id]";

                var WiqlResult = TFClient.GetWorkItemListWithWIQL(Wiql, TFProject);

                foreach (WorkItemReference WorkItemRef in WiqlResult.WorkItems)
                    Dictionary <string, string> Fields = new Dictionary <string, string>();
                    Fields.Add(TFFields.IterationPath.RefName, CurrentIteration.Path);

                    //WorkItem WI = TFClient.UpdateWorkItem(WorkItemRef.Id, Fields);
                    ScriptDetailedMessage += WorkItemRef.Id + ";";

                if (ScriptDetailedMessage != "")
                    ScriptDetailedMessage = "Updated work items: " + ScriptDetailedMessage;
                    ScriptMessage         = "Work items was updated";
                    ScriptMessage = "Without changes";
            catch (Exception ex)
                ScriptMessage         = "Exception";
                ScriptDetailedMessage = ex.Message + "\n" + ex.StackTrace;
        public static void CreateSprintsForEachWeek(TFClientHelper TFClient)
                Dictionary <string, List <string> > TeamProjects = new Dictionary <string, List <string> >();
                DateTime FromDate      = new DateTime(2018, 10, 3);
                DateTime ToDate        = new DateTime(2018, 10, 31);
                bool     CreateNewRoot = true;
                string   RootName      = "2018";
                int      IterationStep = 7;

                TeamProjects.Add("ITService", new List <string>());

                if (CreateNewRoot)
                    foreach (string TeamProjectName in TeamProjects.Keys)
                        TFClient.CreateIteration(TeamProjectName, RootName, DateTime.MinValue, DateTime.MinValue);

                while (FromDate.DayOfWeek != DayOfWeek.Monday)
                    FromDate = FromDate.AddDays(1);

                while (FromDate < ToDate)
                    DateTime EndIteration  = (FromDate.AddDays(IterationStep - 1) > ToDate) ? ToDate : FromDate.AddDays(IterationStep - 1);
                    string   IterationName = String.Format("wk. {0:00}.{1:00}-{2:00}.{3:00}", FromDate.Day, FromDate.Month, EndIteration.Day, EndIteration.Month);

                    foreach (string TeamProjectName in TeamProjects.Keys)
                        var Iteration = TFClient.CreateIteration(TeamProjectName, IterationName, FromDate, EndIteration, RootName);

                        if (TeamProjects[TeamProjectName].Count > 0)
                            foreach (string TeamName in TeamProjects[TeamProjectName])
                                TFClient.AddIterationToTeam(TeamProjectName, TeamName, Iteration);

                    FromDate = FromDate.AddDays(IterationStep);
            catch (Exception ex)
                ScriptMessage         = "Exception";
                ScriptDetailedMessage = ex.Message + "\n" + ex.StackTrace;
        public static void UpdateTaskCompletedFromActivity(TFClientHelper TFClient)
                string   TFProject   = "ITService";
                DateTime ChahgedDate = DateTime.UtcNow.AddDays(-7);
                string   Wiql        = @"SELECT [System.Id] FROM WorkItemLinks WHERE ([Source].[System.TeamProject] = @project" +
                                       @" AND  [Source].[System.WorkItemType] = 'Task') And ([System.Links.LinkType] = 'System.LinkTypes.Hierarchy-Forward') And ([Target].[System.WorkItemType] = 'Activity'  AND  [Target].[System.ChangedDate] > @Today-30" +
                                       @") ORDER BY [System.Id] mode(MustContain)";

                var WiqlResult  = TFClient.GetWorkItemListWithWIQL(Wiql, TFProject);
                var TopLevelIds = TFClient.GetTopLevelWorkItemIds(WiqlResult);

                foreach (int Id in TopLevelIds)
                    var  TaskWorkItem = TFClient.GetWorkItem(Id);
                    bool HaveToUpdate = false;

                    double TasHours = (TaskWorkItem.Fields.Keys.Contains("Microsoft.VSTS.Scheduling.CompletedWork")) ?
                                      (double)TaskWorkItem.Fields["Microsoft.VSTS.Scheduling.CompletedWork"] : 0;

                    var ChildLevelIds = TFClient.GetLinkedlWorkItemIds(TaskWorkItem, "System.LinkTypes.Hierarchy-Forward");

                    double NewHours = 0;

                    foreach (int ChildId in ChildLevelIds)
                        if (ChildId > 0)
                            var ChildWorkItem = TFClient.GetWorkItem(ChildId);

                            if ((string)ChildWorkItem.Fields["System.WorkItemType"] == "Activity")
                                if (ChildWorkItem.Fields.Keys.Contains("Microsoft.VSTS.Scheduling.CompletedWork"))
                                    NewHours    += (double)ChildWorkItem.Fields["Microsoft.VSTS.Scheduling.CompletedWork"];
                                    HaveToUpdate = true;

                    if (TasHours != NewHours && HaveToUpdate)
                        Dictionary <string, string> Fields = new Dictionary <string, string>();
                        Fields.Add("Microsoft.VSTS.Scheduling.CompletedWork", NewHours.ToString());
                        var workitem = TFClient.UpdateWorkItem(Id, Fields);
                        ScriptDetailedMessage += Id + ";";

                if (ScriptDetailedMessage != "")
                    ScriptDetailedMessage = "Updated work items: " + ScriptDetailedMessage;
                    ScriptMessage         = "Work items was updated";
                    ScriptMessage = "Without changes";
            catch (Exception ex)
                ScriptMessage         = "Exception";
                ScriptDetailedMessage = ex.Message + "\n" + ex.StackTrace;