public HttpResponseMessage updateFundcenter_POManager_Mapping(JObject json) { try { int center = 0; int manager = 0; int LastModifiedBy = 0; int fundmanagmap = 0; center = json["FundCenterId"].ToObject <int>(); manager = json["POManagerId"].ToObject <int>(); fundmanagmap = json["FundCenterPOMgrMappingId"].ToObject <int>(); TEPOFundCenterPOMgrMapping Fund_Managermapping = new TEPOFundCenterPOMgrMapping(); Fund_Managermapping.FundCenterId = center; Fund_Managermapping.CreatedBy = GetLogInUserId(); //Fund_Managermapping.POManagerId = LastModifiedBy; Fund_Managermapping.POManagerId = manager; Fund_Managermapping.FundCenterPOMgrMappingId = fundmanagmap; string mesg = ""; if (Fund_Managermapping == null) { mesg = "check object"; return(new HttpResponseMessage() { StatusCode = HttpStatusCode.NoContent, Content = new StringContent(mesg) }); } //Fund_Managermapping.LastModifiedOn = DateTime.Now; var map = db.TEPOFundCenterPOMgrMappings.Single(a => a.FundCenterPOMgrMappingId == Fund_Managermapping.FundCenterPOMgrMappingId); if (map != null) { map.FundCenterId = Fund_Managermapping.FundCenterId; map.POManagerId = Fund_Managermapping.POManagerId; map.LastModifiedOn = DateTime.Now; db.Entry(map).CurrentValues.SetValues(map); db.SaveChanges(); } //db.Entry(map).CurrentValues.SetValues(Fund_Managermapping); //db.Entry(Fund_Managermapping).CurrentValues.SetValues(Fund_Managermapping); //db.SaveChanges(); sinfo.errorcode = 0; sinfo.errormessage = "Successfully Updated"; return(new HttpResponseMessage() { Content = new JsonContent(new { info = sinfo }) }); } catch (Exception e) { ExceptionObj.RecordUnHandledException(e); return(new HttpResponseMessage() { StatusCode = HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, Content = new StringContent(e.Message) }); } }
// public HttpResponseMessage Fundcenter_POManager_Mapping(TEPOFundCenterPOMgrMapping Fund_Managermapping) public HttpResponseMessage Fundcenter_POManager_Mapping(JObject json) { try { int center = 0; int manager = 0; int LastModifiedBy = 0; // if (json["FundCenterId"] != null && json["FundCenterId"].ToString() != "") center = json["FundCenterId"].ToObject <int>(); manager = json["POManagerId"].ToObject <int>(); TEPOFundCenterPOMgrMapping Fund_Managermapping = new TEPOFundCenterPOMgrMapping(); Fund_Managermapping.FundCenterId = center; Fund_Managermapping.CreatedBy = GetLogInUserId(); //Fund_Managermapping.POManagerId = LastModifiedBy; Fund_Managermapping.POManagerId = json["POManagerId"].ToObject <int>(); //TEPOFundCenterPOMgrMapping Fund_Managermapping = new TEPOFundCenterPOMgrMapping(); //int center = json["FundCenterId"].ToObject<int>(); string mesg = ""; if (Fund_Managermapping == null) { mesg = "check object"; return(new HttpResponseMessage() { StatusCode = HttpStatusCode.NoContent, Content = new StringContent(mesg) }); } //Fund_Managermapping.FundCenterId = 1; //Fund_Managermapping.POManagerId = 1; //Fund_Managermapping.LastModifiedOn = DateTime.Now; Fund_Managermapping.CreatedOn = DateTime.Now; Fund_Managermapping.IsDeleted = false; db.TEPOFundCenterPOMgrMappings.Add(Fund_Managermapping); db.SaveChanges(); sinfo.errorcode = 0; sinfo.errormessage = "Successfully Saved"; return(new HttpResponseMessage() { Content = new JsonContent(new { info = sinfo }) }); } catch (Exception e) { ExceptionObj.RecordUnHandledException(e); return(new HttpResponseMessage() { StatusCode = HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, Content = new StringContent(e.Message) }); } }
public HttpResponseMessage DeleteFundcenter_POManager_Mapping(JObject json) { try { int FundCenterPOMgrMappingId = json["FundCenterPOMgrMappingId"].ToObject <int>(); TEPOFundCenterPOMgrMapping FundPOMap = db.TEPOFundCenterPOMgrMappings.Where(a => a.FundCenterPOMgrMappingId == FundCenterPOMgrMappingId && a.IsDeleted == false).FirstOrDefault(); if (FundPOMap != null) { FundPOMap.LastModifiedOn = DateTime.Now; FundPOMap.IsDeleted = true; db.Entry(FundPOMap).CurrentValues.SetValues(FundPOMap); db.SaveChanges(); sinfo.errorcode = 0; sinfo.errormessage = "Successfully Deleted"; return(new HttpResponseMessage() { Content = new JsonContent(new { info = sinfo }) }); } else { sinfo.errorcode = 0; sinfo.errormessage = "Unable to Delete"; return(new HttpResponseMessage() { Content = new JsonContent(new { info = sinfo }) }); } } catch (Exception ex) { ExceptionObj.RecordUnHandledException(ex); sinfo.errorcode = 1; sinfo.errormessage = "Fail To Delete"; return(new HttpResponseMessage() { Content = new JsonContent(new { info = sinfo }) }); } }