        /// <summary>
        /// Constructor
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="APetraUtilsObject">Reference to the PetraUtilsObject for the form</param>
        /// <param name="ALedgerNumber">Ledger number</param>
        /// <param name="AMainDS">The main data set</param>
        /// <param name="AFilterFindPanelObject">The filter panel control object</param>
        public TUC_GiftBatches_LoadAndFilter(TFrmPetraEditUtils APetraUtilsObject,
                                             int ALedgerNumber,
                                             GiftBatchTDS AMainDS,
                                             TFilterAndFindPanel AFilterFindPanelObject)
            FPetraUtilsObject      = APetraUtilsObject;
            FLedgerNumber          = ALedgerNumber;
            FMainDS                = AMainDS;
            FFilterFindPanelObject = AFilterFindPanelObject;

            FrbtEditing    = (RadioButton)AFilterFindPanelObject.FilterPanelControls.FindControlByName("rbtEditing");
            FrbtPosting    = (RadioButton)AFilterFindPanelObject.FilterPanelControls.FindControlByName("rbtPosting");
            FrbtAll        = (RadioButton)AFilterFindPanelObject.FilterPanelControls.FindControlByName("rbtAll");
            FcmbYearEnding = (TCmbAutoComplete)AFilterFindPanelObject.FilterPanelControls.FindControlByName("cmbYearEnding");
            FcmbPeriod     = (TCmbAutoComplete)AFilterFindPanelObject.FilterPanelControls.FindControlByName("cmbPeriod");

            FMainDS.AGiftBatch.DefaultView.Sort = String.Format("{0}, {1} DESC",

            // Populate the Year ComboBox with available years for the specified ledger
            TFinanceControls.InitialiseAvailableGiftYearsList(ref FcmbYearEnding, FLedgerNumber);
            //TLogging.Log("Gift Years completed");

            // Ensure that we start with the status set to 'editing'.
            FrbtEditing.Checked = true;
            //TLogging.Log("Editing checkbox selected");
        /// <summary>
        /// Helper method that we can call to initialise each of the filter/find comboBoxes
        /// </summary>
        private void InitFilterFindComboBox(TCmbAutoPopulated AClonedFromComboBox,
                                            TCmbAutoComplete AFFInstance)
            AFFInstance.DisplayMember = AClonedFromComboBox.DisplayMember;
            AFFInstance.ValueMember   = AClonedFromComboBox.ValueMember;

            if (AClonedFromComboBox.Name.Contains("Account"))
                // This is quicker than getting the cached table again
                DataView dv = new DataView(FAccountTable.Copy());
                dv.RowFilter           = TFinanceControls.PrepareAccountFilter(true, false, false, false, "");
                dv.Sort                = String.Format("{0}", AAccountTable.GetAccountCodeDBName());
                AFFInstance.DataSource = dv;
            else if (AClonedFromComboBox.Name.Contains("CostCentre"))
                // This is quicker than getting the cached table again
                DataView dv = new DataView(FCostCentreTable.Copy());
                dv.RowFilter           = TFinanceControls.PrepareCostCentreFilter(true, false, false, false);
                dv.Sort                = String.Format("{0}", ACostCentreTable.GetCostCentreCodeDBName());
                AFFInstance.DataSource = dv;
                throw new Exception("Unexpected ComboBox name");

            AFFInstance.DrawMode  = DrawMode.OwnerDrawFixed;
            AFFInstance.DrawItem += new DrawItemEventHandler(DrawComboBoxItem);
        /// <summary>
        /// Helper method that we can call to initialise each of the filter/find comboBoxes
        /// </summary>
        private void InitFilterFindComboBox(TCmbAutoPopulated AClonedFromComboBox,
                                            TCmbAutoComplete AFFInstance)
            AFFInstance.DisplayMember = AClonedFromComboBox.DisplayMember;
            AFFInstance.ValueMember   = AClonedFromComboBox.ValueMember;

            if (AClonedFromComboBox.Name.Contains("Account"))
                // This is quicker than getting the cached table again
                AFFInstance.DataSource = FAccountTable.Copy().DefaultView;
                //AFFInstance.DataSource = TDataCache.TMFinance.GetCacheableFinanceTable(TCacheableFinanceTablesEnum.AccountList, FLedgerNumber).DefaultView;
            else if (AClonedFromComboBox.Name.Contains("CostCentre"))
                // This is quicker than getting the cached table again
                AFFInstance.DataSource = FCostCentreTable.Copy().DefaultView;
                //AFFInstance.DataSource = TDataCache.TMFinance.GetCacheableFinanceTable(TCacheableFinanceTablesEnum.CostCentreList, FLedgerNumber).DefaultView;
                throw new Exception("Unexpected ComboBox name");

            AFFInstance.DrawMode  = DrawMode.OwnerDrawFixed;
            AFFInstance.DrawItem += new DrawItemEventHandler(DrawComboBoxItem);
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructor
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="AFilterFindPanelObject">The FilterFindPanel Object on the main form</param>
        /// <param name="ASuspenseAccountsAllowed">Used to determine if the suspense accounts control be shown.</param>
        public TUC_AccountsListFilterFind(TFilterAndFindPanel AFilterFindPanelObject, bool ASuspenseAccountsAllowed)
            FSuspenseAccountsAllowed = ASuspenseAccountsAllowed;

            FFilterTxtAccountCode  = (TextBox)AFilterFindPanelObject.FilterPanelControls.FindControlByName("txtAccountCode");
            FFilterCmbAccountType  = (TCmbAutoComplete)AFilterFindPanelObject.FilterPanelControls.FindControlByName("cmbAccountType");
            FFilterTxtDescrEnglish = (TextBox)AFilterFindPanelObject.FilterPanelControls.FindControlByName("txtDescrEnglish");
            FFilterTxtDescrLocal   = (TextBox)AFilterFindPanelObject.FilterPanelControls.FindControlByName("txtDescrLocal");
            FFilterChkBankAccount  = (CheckBox)AFilterFindPanelObject.FilterPanelControls.FindControlByName("chkBankAccount");

            if (ASuspenseAccountsAllowed)
                FFilterChkSuspenseAccount = (CheckBox)AFilterFindPanelObject.FilterPanelControls.FindControlByName("chkSuspenseAccount");

            FFilterChkActive  = (CheckBox)AFilterFindPanelObject.FilterPanelControls.FindControlByName("chkActive");
            FFilterChkSummary = (CheckBox)AFilterFindPanelObject.FilterPanelControls.FindControlByName("chkSummary");
            FFilterChkForeign = (CheckBox)AFilterFindPanelObject.FilterPanelControls.FindControlByName("chkForeign");

            FFindTxtAccountCode  = (TextBox)AFilterFindPanelObject.FindPanelControls.FindControlByName("txtAccountCode");
            FFindCmbAccountType  = (TCmbAutoComplete)AFilterFindPanelObject.FindPanelControls.FindControlByName("cmbAccountType");
            FFindTxtDescrEnglish = (TextBox)AFilterFindPanelObject.FindPanelControls.FindControlByName("txtDescrEnglish");
            FFindTxtDescrLocal   = (TextBox)AFilterFindPanelObject.FindPanelControls.FindControlByName("txtDescrLocal");
            FFindChkBankAccount  = (CheckBox)AFilterFindPanelObject.FindPanelControls.FindControlByName("chkBankAccount");

            if (ASuspenseAccountsAllowed)
                FFindChkSuspenseAccount = (CheckBox)AFilterFindPanelObject.FindPanelControls.FindControlByName("chkSuspenseAccount");

            FFindChkActive  = (CheckBox)AFilterFindPanelObject.FindPanelControls.FindControlByName("chkActive");
            FFindChkSummary = (CheckBox)AFilterFindPanelObject.FindPanelControls.FindControlByName("chkSummary");
            FFindChkForeign = (CheckBox)AFilterFindPanelObject.FindPanelControls.FindControlByName("chkForeign");
        /// <summary>
        /// This method clears the text (or sets checkbox state to indeterminate) on all controls that have a clear button and a filter comparison.
        /// As the items are cleared an argumentPanelChange event will be fired.
        /// </summary>
        public void ClearAllDiscretionaryFilters()
            List <TIndividualFilterFindPanel> SearchList;

            for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
                if (i == 0)
                    SearchList = FStandardFilterPanels;
                    SearchList = FExtraFilterPanels;

                for (int k = 0; k < SearchList.Count; k++)
                    TIndividualFilterFindPanel iffp = SearchList[k];

                    if (iffp.HasClearButton)
                        if ((iffp.FilterComparison == null) && !iffp.PanelControl.Tag.ToString().Contains(CommonTagString.FILTER_HAS_MANUAL_FILTER))

                        if (!iffp.PanelControl.Enabled)

                        if (iffp.PanelControl is CheckBox)
                            ((CheckBox)iffp.PanelControl).CheckState = CheckState.Indeterminate;
                            iffp.PanelControl.Text = String.Empty;

                            // For auto-complete combos we may not have done enough depending on whether they have an empty first item
                            if ((iffp.PanelControl is TCmbAutoComplete) && (iffp.PanelControl.Text != String.Empty))
                                TCmbAutoComplete cbo = (TCmbAutoComplete)iffp.PanelControl;
                                cbo.SelectedIndex = -1;

                                if (cbo.SelectedIndex == 0)
                                    cbo.SelectedIndex = -1;
        private void SetSupplierFilters(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (FSupplierTable != null)
                string filter      = String.Empty;
                string filterJoint = " AND ";

                TextBox txtSupplierName = (TextBox)FFilterAndFindObject.FilterPanelControls.FindControlByName("txtSupplierName");

                if (txtSupplierName.Text.Trim().Length > 0)
                    filter += String.Format("(PartnerShortName LIKE '%{0}%')", txtSupplierName.Text.Trim());

                TCmbAutoComplete cmbCurrency = (TCmbAutoComplete)FFilterAndFindObject.FilterPanelControls.FindControlByName("cmbCurrency");

                if (cmbCurrency.Text.Length > 0)
                    if (filter.Length > 0)
                        filter += filterJoint;

                    filter += String.Format("(CurrencyCode='{0}')", cmbCurrency.Text);

                RadioButton rbtActiveSuppliers = (RadioButton)FFilterAndFindObject.FilterPanelControls.FindControlByName("rbtActiveSuppliers");

                if (rbtActiveSuppliers.Checked)
                    if (filter.Length > 0)
                        filter += filterJoint;

                    filter += "(StatusCode='ACTIVE')";

                RadioButton rbtInactiveSuppliers = (RadioButton)FFilterAndFindObject.FilterPanelControls.FindControlByName("rbtInactiveSuppliers");

                if (rbtInactiveSuppliers.Checked)
                    if (filter.Length > 0)
                        filter += filterJoint;

                    filter += "(StatusCode='INACTIVE')";

                FFilterAndFindObject.FilterPanelControls.SetBaseFilter(filter, filter.Length == 0);
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructor
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="AFilterFindPanelObject">The FilterFindPanel Object on the main form</param>
        public TUC_CostCentreListFilterFind(TFilterAndFindPanel AFilterFindPanelObject)
            FFilterTxtCostCentreCode = (TextBox)AFilterFindPanelObject.FilterPanelControls.FindControlByName("txtCostCentreCode");
            FFilterCmbCostCentreType = (TCmbAutoComplete)AFilterFindPanelObject.FilterPanelControls.FindControlByName("cmbCostCentreType");
            FFilterTxtCostCentreName = (TextBox)AFilterFindPanelObject.FilterPanelControls.FindControlByName("txtCostCentreName");
            FFilterChkActive         = (CheckBox)AFilterFindPanelObject.FilterPanelControls.FindControlByName("chkActive");

            FFindTxtCostCentreCode = (TextBox)AFilterFindPanelObject.FindPanelControls.FindControlByName("txtCostCentreCode");
            FFindCmbCostCentreType = (TCmbAutoComplete)AFilterFindPanelObject.FindPanelControls.FindControlByName("cmbCostCentreType");
            FFindTxtCostCentreName = (TextBox)AFilterFindPanelObject.FindPanelControls.FindControlByName("txtCostCentreName");
            FFindChkActive         = (CheckBox)AFilterFindPanelObject.FindPanelControls.FindControlByName("chkActive");
        private void ComboBoxTextChangeEventHandler(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (FPetraUtilsObject != null)
                if (sender is TCmbAutoComplete)
                    TCmbAutoComplete cmb = (TCmbAutoComplete)sender;

                    if ((cmb.Text.Length == 0) && (cmb.SelectedIndex == -1) && cmb.AllowBlankValue)
        private void RunOnceOnParentActivationManual()
            TCmbAutoComplete cmbCreatedByUser = (TCmbAutoComplete)FFilterAndFindObject.FilterPanelControls.FindControlByClonedFrom(cmbCreatedBy);

            cmbCreatedByUser.SetSelectedString(UserInfo.GUserInfo.UserID, -1);

            // Set the focus either to the grid or to the filter control
            if (grdDetails.Rows.Count > 1)
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructor
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ALedgerNumber">Ledger number</param>
        /// <param name="AMainDS">The main data set</param>
        /// <param name="AFilterFindPanelObject">The filter panel control object</param>
        public TUC_GLBatches_LoadAndFilter(int ALedgerNumber, GLBatchTDS AMainDS, TFilterAndFindPanel AFilterFindPanelObject)
            FFilterFindPanelObject = AFilterFindPanelObject;
            FMainDS       = AMainDS;
            FLedgerNumber = ALedgerNumber;

            FcmbYearEnding = (TCmbAutoComplete)AFilterFindPanelObject.FilterPanelControls.FindControlByName("cmbYearEnding");
            FcmbPeriod     = (TCmbAutoComplete)AFilterFindPanelObject.FilterPanelControls.FindControlByName("cmbPeriod");
            FrbtEditing    = (RadioButton)AFilterFindPanelObject.FilterPanelControls.FindControlByName("rbtEditing");
            FrbtPosting    = (RadioButton)AFilterFindPanelObject.FilterPanelControls.FindControlByName("rbtPosting");
            FrbtAll        = (RadioButton)AFilterFindPanelObject.FilterPanelControls.FindControlByName("rbtAll");

            TFinanceControls.InitialiseAvailableFinancialYearsList(ref FcmbYearEnding, FLedgerNumber, false, true);
            //TLogging.Log("GL Financial Years completed");
            FrbtEditing.Checked = true;
            //TLogging.Log("Editing checkbox selected");
        /// <summary>
        /// Called when the main screen is activated
        /// </summary>
        public void RunOnceOnParentActivationManual()
            // We need to populate the Currency box on the filter panel since it has not been cloned from a details panel
            //  which is what 'normally' happens

            // Create a control to clone from
            Ict.Petra.Client.CommonControls.TCmbAutoPopulated cmbSource = new CommonControls.TCmbAutoPopulated();
            cmbSource.ListTable = CommonControls.TCmbAutoPopulated.TListTableEnum.CurrencyCodeList;

            // Populate our filter combo from this one
            TCmbAutoComplete cmbCurrency = (TCmbAutoComplete)FFilterAndFindObject.FilterPanelControls.FindControlByName("cmbCurrency");

            cmbCurrency.DisplayMember = cmbSource.cmbCombobox.DisplayMember;
            cmbCurrency.ValueMember   = cmbSource.cmbCombobox.ValueMember;
            cmbCurrency.DataSource    = ((DataView)cmbSource.cmbCombobox.DataSource).ToTable().DefaultView;
        /// <summary>
        /// This method is called when the system wants to draw a comboBox item in the list.
        /// We choose the colour and weight for the font, showing inactive codes in bold red text
        /// </summary>
        private void DrawComboBoxItem(object sender, DrawItemEventArgs e)

            TCmbAutoComplete cmb     = (TCmbAutoComplete)sender;
            DataRowView      drv     = (DataRowView)cmb.Items[e.Index];
            string           content = drv[1].ToString();
            Brush            brush   = Brushes.Black;

            if (cmb.Name.StartsWith("cmbDetailBankCostCentre"))
                if (FCostCentreTable != null)
                    ACostCentreRow row = (ACostCentreRow)FCostCentreTable.Rows.Find(new object[] { FLedgerNumber, content });

                    if ((row != null) && !row.CostCentreActiveFlag)
                        brush = Brushes.Red;
            else if (cmb.Name.StartsWith("cmbDetailBankAccount"))
                if (FAccountTable != null)
                    AAccountRow row = (AAccountRow)FAccountTable.Rows.Find(new object[] { FLedgerNumber, content });

                    if ((row != null) && !row.AccountActiveFlag)
                        brush = Brushes.Red;
                throw new ArgumentException("Unexpected caller of DrawComboBoxItem event");

            Font font = new Font(((Control)sender).Font, (brush == Brushes.Red) ? FontStyle.Bold : FontStyle.Regular);

            e.Graphics.DrawString(content, font, brush, new PointF(e.Bounds.X, e.Bounds.Y));
        /// <summary>
        /// Performs actions that need to happen once the user changes the value of the 'Charge Option' ComboBox.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="AAChargeOptionComboBox">'Charge Option' ComboBox Control</param>
        /// <param name="ADetailChargeAmountLabel">'Charge Amount' Label Control</param>
        /// <param name="ADetailChargeAmountTextBox">'Charge Amount' TextBox Control</param>
        /// <param name="ADetailChargePercentageTextBox">'Charge Percentage' TextBox Control</param>
        public static void ChargeOptionComboChanged(TCmbAutoComplete AAChargeOptionComboBox, Label ADetailChargeAmountLabel,
                                                    TTxtCurrencyTextBox ADetailChargeAmountTextBox, TTxtNumericTextBox ADetailChargePercentageTextBox)
            ADetailChargeAmountLabel.Text          = AAChargeOptionComboBox.GetSelectedString() + Catalog.GetString(" Amount:");
            ADetailChargeAmountTextBox.Enabled     = true;
            ADetailChargePercentageTextBox.Enabled = true;

            switch (AAChargeOptionComboBox.SelectedIndex)
            case 2:
                ADetailChargePercentageTextBox.Enabled            = false;
                ADetailChargePercentageTextBox.NumberValueDecimal = (decimal)0.0;


            case 3:
                ADetailChargeAmountLabel.Text                 = Catalog.GetString("Amount:"); // overwrite what was assigned earlier on
                ADetailChargeAmountTextBox.Enabled            = false;                        // overwrite what was assigned earlier on
                ADetailChargeAmountTextBox.NumberValueDecimal = (decimal)0.0;

        /// <summary>
        /// Method to create and show the controls required for a particular code on the specified panel.
        /// Currently we support the following controls:
        ///    txt -> TextBox,
        ///    txt -> TTxtNumericTextBox with Format=Integer as the attribute,
        ///    cmb -> TCmbAutoComplete: content is defined in OptionalValues column: Format=yes/no turns the combo into a tri-state choice
        ///                where the OptionalValues do not have to be False and True because the result is yes or no based on SelectedIndex.
        ///    dtp -> TtxtPetraDate
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="AControlCode">The code that is a primary key into the controls table</param>
        /// <param name="AHostPanel">The panel onto which the GUI controls will be placed</param>
        /// <param name="AInitialValue">The initial value for this 'setting'.  The value may be a comma separated list of values.</param>
        /// <param name="AReadOnly">Set to true to disable the control(s) or make them read-only as appropriate.</param>
        /// <param name="AValidationEventHandler">An event handler that will be called on validation</param>
        public void ShowControls(string AControlCode, Panel AHostPanel, string AInitialValue, bool AReadOnly, EventHandler AValidationEventHandler)
            // Work out the PetraUtilsObject for the form that called us
            TFrmPetraUtils petraBase = ((IFrmPetra)AHostPanel.TopLevelControl).GetPetraUtilsObject();

            FPetraUtilsObject = (petraBase is TFrmPetraEditUtils) ? (TFrmPetraEditUtils)petraBase : null;

            // Set up a default view on the controls table that will tell us the controls we need for this code
            FDataTable.DefaultView.RowFilter = string.Format("{0}='{1}'", FCodeColumn, AControlCode);
            FDataTable.DefaultView.Sort      = string.Format("{0} ASC, {1} ASC", FCodeColumn, FControlIndexColumn);

            AHostPanel.AutoScroll = (FDataTable.DefaultView.Count > 1);

            // Work out the value(s) that have been passed in as a comma separated list
            StringCollection values = StringHelper.GetCSVList(AInitialValue, ",", true);

            if (values.Count != FDataTable.DefaultView.Count)

            FCurrentHostPanel = AHostPanel;
            int id       = 0;
            int vPos     = 5;
            int tabIndex = 10;

            foreach (DataRowView drv in FDataTable.DefaultView)
                // get the attributes as a dictionary
                Dictionary <string, string> attributes = new Dictionary <string, string>();
                object rowValue = drv.Row[FAttributesColumn];

                if ((rowValue != null) && rowValue.ToString().Contains("="))
                    string[] attPairs = drv.Row[FAttributesColumn].ToString().Split(',');

                    foreach (string attPair in attPairs)
                        string[] att = attPair.Split('=');

                        if (att.Length == 2)
                            attributes.Add(att[0].Trim(), att[1].Trim());

                // See if some of the popular attributes are defined and store their values in local variables
                string formatAttribute     = string.Empty;
                string allowBlankAttribute = string.Empty;
                string stretchAttribute    = string.Empty;
                int    widthAttribute      = -1;
                int    labelWidthAttribute = -1;

                if (attributes.ContainsKey("Format"))
                    // Use lower case
                    formatAttribute = attributes["Format"].ToString().ToLower();

                if (attributes.ContainsKey("Width"))
                    widthAttribute = Convert.ToInt32(attributes["Width"]);

                if (attributes.ContainsKey("LabelWidth"))
                    labelWidthAttribute = Convert.ToInt32(attributes["LabelWidth"]);

                if (attributes.ContainsKey("AllowBlankValue"))
                    allowBlankAttribute = attributes["AllowBlankValue"].ToString().ToLower();

                if (attributes.ContainsKey("Stretch"))
                    stretchAttribute = attributes["Stretch"].ToString().ToLower();

                // create the control label
                Label label = new Label();
                label.Name      = "cLabel_" + id.ToString();
                label.Text      = drv.Row[FLabelColumn].ToString() + ":";
                label.Location  = new Point(5, vPos);
                label.Size      = new Size((labelWidthAttribute > 0) ? labelWidthAttribute : (AHostPanel.Width / 2) - 10, 17);
                label.TextAlign = ContentAlignment.MiddleRight;
                label.Anchor    = AnchorStyles.Top | AnchorStyles.Left;


                // Create the control
                // We support text boxes, numeric (integer) text boxes, combo boxes and date boxes
                switch (drv.Row[FControlTypeColumn].ToString().Substring(0, 3))
                case "txt":

                    if (formatAttribute == "integer")
                        TTxtNumericTextBox txt = new TTxtNumericTextBox();
                        txt.Context     = AHostPanel;
                        txt.ControlMode = TTxtNumericTextBox.TNumericTextBoxMode.Integer;
                        txt.Name        = "cValue_" + id.ToString();
                        txt.Location    = new Point(label.Right + 10, vPos);
                        txt.Size        = new Size((widthAttribute > 0) ? widthAttribute : 100, 22);
                        txt.TabStop     = true;
                        txt.TabIndex    = tabIndex;

                        int iValue;

                        if (int.TryParse(values[id], out iValue))
                            txt.NumberValueInt = iValue;

                        txt.ReadOnly = AReadOnly;

                        txt.Validated   += AValidationEventHandler;
                        txt.TextChanged += new EventHandler(MultiChangeEventHandler);

                        TextBox txt = new TextBox();
                        txt.Name     = "cValue_" + id.ToString();
                        txt.Location = new Point(label.Right + 10, vPos);
                        txt.Size     = new Size((widthAttribute > 0) ? widthAttribute : AHostPanel.Width - label.Width - 25, 22);
                        txt.TabStop  = true;
                        txt.TabIndex = tabIndex;
                        txt.Text     = values[id];
                        txt.ReadOnly = AReadOnly;

                        if (stretchAttribute == "horizontally")
                            txt.Anchor = AnchorStyles.Left | AnchorStyles.Top | AnchorStyles.Right;

                        txt.Validated   += AValidationEventHandler;
                        txt.TextChanged += new EventHandler(MultiChangeEventHandler);



                case "cmb":

                    if (attributes.ContainsKey("List"))
                        TCmbAutoPopulated cmb = new TCmbAutoPopulated();
                        cmb.Name      = "cValue_" + id.ToString();
                        cmb.Location  = new Point(label.Right + 10, vPos);
                        cmb.Size      = new Size((widthAttribute > 0) ? widthAttribute : AHostPanel.Width - label.Width - 25, 22);
                        cmb.TabStop   = true;
                        cmb.TabIndex  = tabIndex;
                        cmb.ListTable = (TCmbAutoPopulated.TListTableEnum)Enum.Parse(typeof(TCmbAutoPopulated.TListTableEnum),
                        cmb.SetSelectedString(values[id], -1);

                        cmb.Enabled = !AReadOnly;

                        cmb.Validated            += AValidationEventHandler;
                        cmb.SelectedValueChanged += new EventHandler(MultiChangeEventHandler);

                        TCmbAutoComplete cmb = new TCmbAutoComplete();
                        cmb.Name     = "cValue_" + id.ToString();
                        cmb.Location = new Point(label.Right + 10, vPos);
                        cmb.Size     = new Size((widthAttribute > 0) ? widthAttribute : AHostPanel.Width - label.Width - 25, 22);
                        cmb.TabStop  = true;
                        cmb.TabIndex = tabIndex;

                        if (drv.Row[FOptionalValuesColumn] != null)
                            string[] optValues = drv.Row[FOptionalValuesColumn].ToString().Split(',');

                            for (int i = 0; i < optValues.Length; i++)

                        if (formatAttribute == "yes/no")
                            cmb.Tag = "yes/no";
                            cmb.Text = values[id];

                        if (stretchAttribute == "horizontally")
                            cmb.Anchor = AnchorStyles.Left | AnchorStyles.Top | AnchorStyles.Right;

                        cmb.AllowBlankValue = (allowBlankAttribute == "true");
                        cmb.Enabled         = !AReadOnly;

                        cmb.Validated            += AValidationEventHandler;
                        cmb.SelectedIndexChanged += new EventHandler(MultiChangeEventHandler);
                        cmb.TextChanged          += new EventHandler(ComboBoxTextChangeEventHandler);



                case "dtp":
                    TtxtPetraDate dtp = new TtxtPetraDate();
                    dtp.Name     = "cValue_" + id.ToString();
                    dtp.Location = new Point(label.Right + 10, vPos);
                    dtp.Size     = new Size(94, 22);
                    dtp.TabStop  = true;
                    dtp.TabIndex = tabIndex;

                    DateTime dt;

                    if (DateTime.TryParse(values[id], out dt))
                        dtp.Date = Convert.ToDateTime(values[id]);
                        dtp.Date = null;

                    dtp.ReadOnly = AReadOnly;

                    dtp.Validated   += AValidationEventHandler;
                    dtp.DateChanged += new TPetraDateChangedEventHandler(MultiChangeEventHandler);



                tabIndex += 10;
                vPos     += 30;
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the value of the current state of the controls.  If there are multiple controls the value will be a comma separated list.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>The value formatted as a string.  If there are no controls the result will be an empty string.
        /// If there was an error in the database specification of the controls, the result will be an empty string
        /// If a control value is null we set the string representation to ? which can be validated by the client.</returns>
        public string GetCurrentValue()
            string ReturnValue = "";

            if (FCurrentHostPanel == null)

            if (FCurrentHostPanel.Controls.Count == 0)

            for (int i = 0; i < FCurrentHostPanel.Controls.Count; i++)
                Control control = FCurrentHostPanel.Controls[i];

                if (control is Label)

                if (control is TTxtNumericTextBox)
                    // Numeric text box returns ? if the entry is null
                    TTxtNumericTextBox txt = (TTxtNumericTextBox)control;

                    switch (txt.ControlMode)
                    case TTxtNumericTextBox.TNumericTextBoxMode.Integer:
                        ReturnValue += ((txt.NumberValueInt.HasValue ? txt.NumberValueInt.ToString() : "?") + ",");

                else if (control is TextBox)
                    ReturnValue += (((TextBox)control).Text + ",");

                if (control is TCmbAutoPopulated)
                    // Returns ? if the selected index is -1
                    TCmbAutoPopulated cmb = (TCmbAutoPopulated)control;
                    string            s   = cmb.GetSelectedString();
                    ReturnValue += ((s.Length == 0 ? "?" : s) + ",");

                if (control is TCmbAutoComplete)
                    TCmbAutoComplete cmb = (TCmbAutoComplete)control;

                    if (Convert.ToString(control.Tag) == "yes/no")
                        ReturnValue += (cmb.GetSelectedYesNo() + ",");
                        // Returns ? if the selected index is -1
                        string s = cmb.GetSelectedString();
                        ReturnValue += ((s.Length == 0 ? "?" : s) + ",");

                if (control is TtxtPetraDate)
                    // Returns ? where the date value is null
                    TtxtPetraDate txt = (TtxtPetraDate)control;
                    ReturnValue += ((txt.Date.HasValue ? txt.Date.Value.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") : "?") + ",");

            // Remove the trailing comma we added
        /// <summary>
        /// Shallow clones any of our various styles of ComboBox and creates a TCmbAutoComplete one that has the same items.
        /// The new control has AcceptNewValues=true so that the display text can be cleared
        /// </summary>
        /// <typeparam name="T">The type of control to clone</typeparam>
        /// <param name="AControlToClone">The control to clone</param>
        /// <param name="ANameSuffix">The suffix to add to the name to distinguish it from the source control</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static TCmbAutoComplete ShallowCloneToComboBox <T>(this T AControlToClone, string ANameSuffix)
            where T : Control
            // We always clone to a TCmbAutoComplete
            TCmbAutoComplete instance = new TCmbAutoComplete();

            ComboBox clonedFrom = null;

            if (AControlToClone is TCmbLabelled)
                clonedFrom = ((TCmbLabelled)(object)AControlToClone).cmbCombobox;
            else if (AControlToClone is ComboBox)
                clonedFrom = (ComboBox)(object)AControlToClone;
            else if (AControlToClone is GroupBox)
                clonedFrom            = new TCmbAutoComplete();
                clonedFrom.DataSource = null;

                for (int i = 0; i < AControlToClone.Controls.Count; i++)
                    if (AControlToClone.Controls[i] is RadioButton)
                throw new Exception("Cannot copy the data from " + AControlToClone.Name);

            // Clone the data
            if (clonedFrom.DataSource == null)
                // No fancy data source - just copy the items as strings
                foreach (string item in clonedFrom.Items)
                // Clone the DataSource from the clonedFrom to the new instance
                instance.DisplayMember = clonedFrom.DisplayMember;
                instance.ValueMember   = clonedFrom.ValueMember;
                instance.DataSource    = ((DataView)clonedFrom.DataSource).ToTable().DefaultView;

            // add our name suffix
            instance.Name = AControlToClone.Name + ANameSuffix;
            instance.Tag  = CommonTagString.SUPPRESS_CHANGE_DETECTION;

            // our controls are always enabled and have a standard width (which usually gets reduced to fit)
            instance.Width   = 280;
            instance.Enabled = true;

 /// <summary>
 /// load the history of a combobox for auto completion from the user defaults
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="AComboBox"></param>
 public void LoadComboBoxHistory(TCmbAutoComplete AComboBox)
     AComboBox.SetDataSourceStringList(TUserDefaults.GetStringDefault("CmbHistory" + AComboBox.Name, ""));