        public void SourceArrival(Load load, DematicFixPoint sourceFixPoint)
            // Get the correct FixPoint for this destination
            List <FixPoint> fixpointDestinations = GetFixPointDestinations();
            string          destinationName      = GetRandomDestination(fixpointDestinations); // Temporary : Get random one for now
            var             fpName = fixpointDestinations.Find(x => x.ContainsDestination(destinationName) == true).Name;
            DematicFixPoint fp     = (DematicFixPoint)tCar.FixPoints.Find(x => x.Name == fpName);

            TCarTask task = new TCarTask
                Source      = sourceFixPoint,
                Destination = fp,

        private void FixPointLoadWaitingStatus_OnLoadWaitingChanged(object sender, LoadWaitingChangedEventArgs e)
            Load load = e._waitingLoad;

            if (load != null && load.Route != null && e._loadWaiting)
                IRouteStatus conveyor = (IRouteStatus)e._waitingLoad.Route.Parent.Parent;
                if (ControlType == ControlTypes.Local)
                    // Select a destination at random (this will be replaced by controller code)
                    string          destinationName = GetRandomDestination(); // Temporary : Get random one for now
                    DematicFixPoint destinationFP   = (DematicFixPoint)FixPoints.Find(x => x.Name == destinationName);
                    DematicFixPoint sourceFP        = (DematicFixPoint)conveyor.EndFixPoint.Attached;
                    if (sourceFP != null)
                        TCarTask task = new TCarTask
                            Source      = sourceFP,
                            Destination = destinationFP,
                else if (ControlType == ControlTypes.Project_Script) // TODO: Invent event to attach routing script to
                    SourceLoadArrived(load, (DematicFixPoint)conveyor.EndFixPoint.Attached);
                else if (ControlType == ControlTypes.Controller)
                    if (Controller != null)
                        sourceArrival?.Invoke(load, (DematicFixPoint)conveyor.EndFixPoint.Attached);