private void InitializeVariable() { _constants = new Constants(); imageSourceBackgrounds = new BitmapImage(); imageSource_topBar = new BitmapImage(); videos = new MediaElement[20]; images = new Image[20]; videoPosition = new Label[20]; videoTitleLable = new Label[20]; waitingTB = new TextBlock[20]; periodTB = new TextBlock[20]; videoStates = new int[20]; videoTitle = new int[20]; udpComm = null; tcpComm = null; totalBackgroundImage = 5; num = 0; titleNum = 0; totalTitleNum = 2; currPosD = 0; clientNum = 100; imgNum = 0; playingId = -1; _totalVideoTime_mars = 408747; _totalVideoTime_student = 314048; isColorTest = false; isVideoOnOffVersion = true; isFirst = true; isDragging = false; isReverseTime = false; isPlayBtnClicked = false; fileName = ""; _marsTitle = "우주 생활"; _studentTitle = "중학생의 일상"; _marsFilePath = "Mars.mp4"; _studentFilePath = "Student.mp4"; _playAllMessage = "PlayAll"; _pauseAllMessage = "PauseAll"; serverIP = ""; getDoublePositionDelimiter = ':'; ipDelimiter = '.'; messageHandlingDelimiter = '_'; }
private void InstanciaWatchComm() { string key = ""; if (System.IO.File.Exists(this.CaminhoEXE() + "\\key.txt")) { System.IO.StreamReader streamReader = System.IO.File.OpenText(this.CaminhoEXE() + "\\key.txt"); key = streamReader.ReadLine(); streamReader.Close(); } TCPComm tcpComm = new TCPComm(this.txtIPRelogio.Text, 9922, txtSenhaComunicacao.Text); this._watchComm = new org.cesar.dmplight.watchComm.impl.WatchComm(WatchProtocolType.FaceHanvonF810, tcpComm, 1, key, WatchConnectionType.DisconnectedMode, "01.00.0000"); }
private static void Main(string[] args) { // Get server info // Manual connection with argument OR automatic configuration var serverEndPoint = args.Length > 0 ? new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Parse(args[0]), NetworkNode.portTCP) : new Server().ConfigServer(); // Config communication var chat = new TCPComm(serverEndPoint.Address); chat.Start(); // Event to receive messages chat.ReceivedPackage += ReceivedPackage; // Input to send messages while (true) { var msg = Console.ReadLine(); chat.SendPackage(new CommandPackage(ServerCommands.MESSAGE, Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(msg), null)); } }
private void MainWindow_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { tcpComm = new TCPComm(); //tcpComm.Start(); // socket start tcpThread = new Thread(tcpComm.InitSocket); tcpThread.IsBackground = true; tcpThread.Start(); tcpComm.OnReceived += TcpComm_OnReceived; LoadDefaultImage(); addTitle(StringEnum.GetStringValue(WindowVideoTitle.Mars), 0, 4); for (int row = 0; row < _constants.maxClient / 5; row++) { for (int col = 0; col < 5; col++) { addDefaultView(col, row); addVideoPosition(col, row); } } loadVideo(); }