private bool GUIMultipleFeaturesInternal(string label, string tooltip, string[] labelsAndFeatures, bool enabled = true, bool increaseIndentLevel = false, string helpTopic = null, bool showHelp = true, float width = 146, bool visible = true) { if (!enabled) { GUI.enabled = false; } if (increaseIndentLevel) { label = "▪ " + label; } string[] labels = new string[labelsAndFeatures.Length]; string[] features = new string[labelsAndFeatures.Length]; int feature = 0; for (int i = 0; i < labelsAndFeatures.Length; i++) { string[] data = labelsAndFeatures[i].Split('|'); labels[i] = data[0]; features[i] = data[1]; if (data.Length > 1 && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(features[i])) { if (TCP2_ShaderGeneratorUtils.HasFeatures(mCurrentConfig, features[i])) { feature = i; } } } visible = mHideDisabled ? enabled : visible; if (visible) { string help = string.IsNullOrEmpty(helpTopic) ? label.TrimStart('▪', ' ') : helpTopic; EditorGUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); if (showHelp) { TCP2_GUI.HelpButton(label.TrimStart('▪', ' '), help); } TCP2_GUI.SubHeader(label, tooltip, (feature > 0) && enabled, width); feature = EditorGUILayout.Popup(feature, labels); EditorGUILayout.EndHorizontal(); } TCP2_ShaderGeneratorUtils.ToggleMultipleFeatures(mCurrentConfig.Features, feature, features); if (!enabled) { GUI.enabled = mGUIEnabled; } return(feature > 0); }
private bool HasFeatOr(params string[] features) { bool ret = false; if (mCurrentConfig != null) { foreach (string f in features) { ret |= TCP2_ShaderGeneratorUtils.HasFeatures(mCurrentConfig, f); } } return(ret); }
//-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // FEATURES private void GUISingleFeature(string featureName, string label, string tooltip = null, bool enabled = true, bool increaseIndentLevel = false, bool visible = true, string helpTopic = null, bool showHelp = true) { if (!enabled) { GUI.enabled = false; } if (increaseIndentLevel) { label = "▪ " + label; } bool feature = TCP2_ShaderGeneratorUtils.HasFeatures(mCurrentConfig, featureName); if (mHideDisabled) { visible = enabled; } if (visible) { EditorGUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); if (increaseIndentLevel) { TCP2_GUI.SubHeader(label, tooltip, feature && enabled, 165); feature = EditorGUILayout.Toggle(feature); } else { GUI.enabled = mGUIEnabled; if (showHelp) { TCP2_GUI.HelpButton(label.TrimStart('▪', ' '), string.IsNullOrEmpty(helpTopic) ? label.TrimStart('▪', ' ') : helpTopic); } GUI.enabled = enabled; TCP2_GUI.SubHeader(label, tooltip, feature && enabled, 145); feature = EditorGUILayout.Toggle(feature); } EditorGUILayout.EndHorizontal(); } TCP2_ShaderGeneratorUtils.ToggleSingleFeature(mCurrentConfig.Features, featureName, feature); if (!enabled) { GUI.enabled = mGUIEnabled; } }
private bool HasFeat(string feature) { return(mCurrentConfig != null && TCP2_ShaderGeneratorUtils.HasFeatures(mCurrentConfig, feature)); }
void OnGUI() { EditorGUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); TCP2_GUI.HeaderBig("TOONY COLORS PRO 2 - SHADER GENERATOR"); TCP2_GUI.HelpButton("Shader Generator"); EditorGUILayout.EndHorizontal(); TCP2_GUI.Separator(); float lW = EditorGUIUtility.labelWidth; EditorGUIUtility.labelWidth = 105f; EditorGUI.BeginChangeCheck(); EditorGUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); mCurrentShader = EditorGUILayout.ObjectField("Current Shader:", mCurrentShader, typeof(Shader), false) as Shader; if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck()) { if (mCurrentShader != null) { LoadCurrentConfigFromShader(mCurrentShader); } } if (GUILayout.Button("Copy Shader", EditorStyles.miniButton, GUILayout.Width(78f))) { CopyShader(); } if (GUILayout.Button("New Shader", EditorStyles.miniButton, GUILayout.Width(76f))) { NewShader(); } EditorGUILayout.EndHorizontal(); if (mIsModified) { EditorGUILayout.HelpBox("It looks like this shader has been modified externally/manually. Updating it will overwrite the changes.", MessageType.Warning); } if (mUserShaders != null && mUserShaders.Length > 0) { EditorGUI.BeginChangeCheck(); int prevChoice = mConfigChoice; Color gColor = GUI.color; GUI.color = mDirtyConfig ? gColor * Color.yellow : GUI.color; GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); mConfigChoice = EditorGUILayout.Popup("Load Shader:", mConfigChoice, mUserShadersLabels.ToArray()); if (GUILayout.Button("◄", EditorStyles.miniButtonLeft, GUILayout.Width(22))) { mConfigChoice--; if (mConfigChoice < 1) { mConfigChoice = mUserShaders.Length; } } if (GUILayout.Button("►", EditorStyles.miniButtonRight, GUILayout.Width(22))) { mConfigChoice++; if (mConfigChoice > mUserShaders.Length) { mConfigChoice = 1; } } GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); GUI.color = gColor; if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck() && prevChoice != mConfigChoice) { bool load = true; if (mDirtyConfig) { if (mCurrentShader != null) { load = EditorUtility.DisplayDialog("TCP2 : Shader Generation", "You have unsaved changes for the following shader:\n\n" + + "\n\nDiscard the changes and load a new shader?", "Yes", "No"); } else { load = EditorUtility.DisplayDialog("TCP2 : Shader Generation", "You have unsaved changes.\n\nDiscard the changes and load a new shader?", "Yes", "No"); } } if (load) { //New Shader if (mConfigChoice == 0) { NewShader(); } else { //Load selected Shader Shader selectedShader = mUserShaders[mConfigChoice - 1]; mCurrentShader = selectedShader; LoadCurrentConfigFromShader(mCurrentShader); } } else { //Revert choice mConfigChoice = prevChoice; } } } Template = EditorGUILayout.ObjectField("Template:", Template, typeof(TextAsset), false) as TextAsset; EditorGUIUtility.labelWidth = lW; if (mCurrentConfig == null) { NewShader(); } mGUIEnabled = GUI.enabled; //Name & Filename TCP2_GUI.Header("NAME"); GUI.enabled = (mCurrentShader == null); EditorGUI.BeginChangeCheck(); mCurrentConfig.ShaderName = EditorGUILayout.TextField(new GUIContent("Shader Name", "Path will indicate how to find the Shader in Unity's drop-down list"), mCurrentConfig.ShaderName); mCurrentConfig.ShaderName = Regex.Replace(mCurrentConfig.ShaderName, @"[^a-zA-Z0-9 _!/]", ""); if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck() && mAutoNames) { AutoNames(); } GUI.enabled &= !mAutoNames; EditorGUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); mCurrentConfig.Filename = EditorGUILayout.TextField("File Name", mCurrentConfig.Filename); mCurrentConfig.Filename = Regex.Replace(mCurrentConfig.Filename, @"[^a-zA-Z0-9 _!/]", ""); GUILayout.Label(".shader", GUILayout.Width(50f)); EditorGUILayout.EndHorizontal(); GUI.enabled = mGUIEnabled; Space(); //######################################################################################################## // FEATURES TCP2_GUI.Header("FEATURES"); //Scroll view mScrollPosition = EditorGUILayout.BeginScrollView(mScrollPosition); EditorGUI.BeginChangeCheck(); #if DEBUG_MODE //Custom Lighting GUISingleFeature("CUSTOM_LIGHTING_FORCE", "Custom Lighting", "Use an inline custom lighting model, allowing more flexibility per shader over lighting"); GUISingleFeature("VERTEX_FUNC", "Vertex Function", "Force custom vertex function in surface shader"); Space(); //---------------------------------------------------------------- #endif //Ramp GUIMultipleFeatures("Ramp Style", "Defines the transitioning between dark and lit areas of the model", "Slider Ramp|", "Texture Ramp|TEXTURE_RAMP"); //Textured Threshold GUISingleFeature("TEXTURED_THRESHOLD", "Textured Threshold", "Adds a textured variation to the highlight/shadow threshold, allowing handpainting like effects for example"); Space(); //---------------------------------------------------------------- //Detail GUISingleFeature("DETAIL_TEX", "Detail Texture"); //Detail UV2 GUISingleFeature("DETAIL_UV2", "Use UV2 coordinates", "Use second texture coordinates for the detail texture", HasFeat("DETAIL_TEX"), true); GUIMask("Detail Mask", null, "DETAIL_MASK", "DETAIL_MASK_CHANNEL", "DETAIL_MASK", HasFeatOr("DETAIL_TEX"), true); Space(); //---------------------------------------------------------------- //Color Mask GUIMask("Color Mask", "Adds a mask to the main Color", "COLORMASK", "COLORMASK_CHANNEL", "COLORMASK", true, helpTopic: "Color Mask"); Space(); //---------------------------------------------------------------- //Vertex Colors GUISingleFeature("VCOLORS", "Vertex Colors", "Multiplies the color with vertex colors"); //Texture Blend GUISingleFeature("VCOLORS_BLENDING", "Vertex Texture Blending", "Enables 2-way texture blending based on the mesh's vertex color alpha"); Space(); //---------------------------------------------------------------- //Self-Illumination GUIMask("Self-Illumination Map", null, "ILLUMIN_MASK", "ILLUMIN_MASK_CHANNEL", "ILLUMINATION", helpTopic: "Self-Illumination Map"); //Self-Illumination Color GUISingleFeature("ILLUM_COLOR", "Self-Illumination Color", null, HasFeat("ILLUMINATION"), true); Space(); //---------------------------------------------------------------- //Bump GUISingleFeature("BUMP", "Normal/Bump map", helpTopic: "normal_bump_map_sg"); //Parallax GUISingleFeature("PARALLAX", "Parallax/Height map", null, HasFeat("BUMP"), true); Space(); //---------------------------------------------------------------- //Occlusion // GUISingleFeature("OCCLUSION", "Occlusion Map", "Use an Occlusion Map that will be multiplied with the Ambient lighting"); //Occlusion RGB // GUISingleFeature("OCCL_RGB", "Use RGB map", "Use the RGB channels for Occlusion Map if enabled, use Alpha channel is disabled", HasFeat("OCCLUSION"), true); // Space(); //---------------------------------------------------------------- //Specular GUIMultipleFeaturesHelp("Specular", null, "specular_sg", "Off|", "Regular|SPECULAR", "Anisotropic|SPECULAR_ANISOTROPIC"); if (HasFeatAnd("FORCE_SM2", "SPECULAR_ANISOTROPIC")) { EditorGUILayout.HelpBox("Anisotropic Specular will not compile with Shader Model 2!\n(too many instructions used)", MessageType.Warning); } //Specular Mask GUIMask("Specular Mask", "Enables specular mask (gloss map)", "SPEC_MASK", "SPEC_MASK_CHANNEL", "SPECULAR_MASK", HasFeatOr("SPECULAR", "SPECULAR_ANISOTROPIC"), true); //Specular Shininess Mask GUIMask("Shininess Mask", null, "SPEC_SHIN_MASK", "SPEC_SHIN_MASK_CHANNEL", "SPEC_SHIN_MASK", HasFeatOr("SPECULAR", "SPECULAR_ANISOTROPIC"), true); //Cartoon Specular GUISingleFeature("SPECULAR_TOON", "Cartoon Specular", "Enables clear delimitation of specular color", HasFeatOr("SPECULAR", "SPECULAR_ANISOTROPIC"), true); Space(); //---------------------------------------------------------------- //Reflection GUISingleFeature("REFLECTION", "Reflection", "Enables cubemap reflection", helpTopic: "reflection_sg"); //Reflection Mask GUIMask("Reflection Mask", null, "REFL_MASK", "REFL_MASK_CHANNEL", "REFL_MASK", HasFeatOr("REFLECTION"), true); #if UNITY_5 //Unity5 Reflection Probes GUISingleFeature("U5_REFLPROBE", "Reflection Probes (Unity5)", "Pick reflection from Unity 5 Reflection Probes", HasFeat("REFLECTION"), true, helpTopic: "Reflection Probes"); #endif //Reflection Color GUISingleFeature("REFL_COLOR", "Reflection Color", "Enables reflection color control", HasFeat("REFLECTION"), true); //Reflection Roughness GUISingleFeature("REFL_ROUGH", "Reflection Roughness", "Simulates reflection roughness using the Cubemap's LOD levels\n\nREQUIRES MipMaps ENABLED IN THE CUBEMAP TEXTURE!", HasFeat("REFLECTION") && !HasFeat("U5_REFLPROBE"), true); //Rim Reflection GUISingleFeature("RIM_REFL", "Rim Reflection/Fresnel", "Reflection will be multiplied by rim lighting, resulting in a fresnel-like effect", HasFeat("REFLECTION"), true); Space(); //---------------------------------------------------------------- //Cubemap Ambient GUIMultipleFeaturesInternal("Custom Ambient", "Custom ambient lighting", new string[] { "Off|", "Cubemap Ambient|CUBE_AMBIENT", "Directional Ambient|DIRAMBIENT" }); Space(); //---------------------------------------------------------------- //Independent Shadows GUISingleFeature("INDEPENDENT_SHADOWS", "Independent Shadows", "Disable shadow color influence for cast shadows"); Space(); //---------------------------------------------------------------- //Rim GUIMultipleFeaturesInternal("Rim", "Rim effects (fake light coming from behind the model)", new string[] { "Off|", "Rim Lighting|RIM", "Rim Outline|RIM_OUTLINE" }, !(HasFeatAnd("REFLECTION", "RIM_REFL")), false, "rim_sg"); if (HasFeat("REFLECTION") && HasFeat("RIM_REFL")) { TCP2_ShaderGeneratorUtils.ToggleSingleFeature(mCurrentConfig.Features, "RIM", true); } //Vertex Rim GUISingleFeature("RIM_VERTEX", "Vertex Rim", "Compute rim lighting per-vertex (faster but innacurate)", HasFeatOr("RIM", "RIM_OUTLINE"), true); //Directional Rim GUISingleFeature("RIMDIR", "Directional Rim", null, HasFeatOr("RIM", "RIM_OUTLINE"), true); //Rim Mask GUIMask("Rim Mask", null, "RIM_MASK", "RIM_MASK_CHANNEL", "RIM_MASK", HasFeatOr("RIM", "RIM_OUTLINE"), true); Space(); //---------------------------------------------------------------- //MatCap GUIMultipleFeaturesHelp("MatCap", "MatCap effects (fast fake reflection using a spherical texture)", "matcap_sg", "Off|", "MatCap Add|MATCAP_ADD", "MatCap Multiply|MATCAP_MULT"); //MatCap Mask GUIMask("MatCap Mask", null, "MASK_MC", "MASK_MC_CHANNEL", "MASK_MC", HasFeatOr("MATCAP_ADD", "MATCAP_MULT"), true); //MatCap Pixel GUISingleFeature("MATCAP_PIXEL", "Pixel MatCap", "If enabled, will calculate MatCap per-pixel\nRequires normal map", HasFeat("BUMP") && HasFeatOr("MATCAP_ADD", "MATCAP_MULT"), true); //MatCap Color GUISingleFeature("MC_COLOR", "MatCap Color", null, HasFeatOr("MATCAP_ADD", "MATCAP_MULT"), true); Space(); //---------------------------------------------------------------- //Sketch GUIMultipleFeatures("Sketch", "Sketch texture overlay on the shadowed areas\nOverlay: regular texture overlay\nGradient: used for halftone-like effects", "Off|", "Sketch Overlay|SKETCH", "Sketch Gradient|SKETCH_GRADIENT"); //Sketch Blending GUIMultipleFeaturesInternal("Sketch Blending", "Defines how to blend the Sketch texture with the model", new string[] { "Regular|", "Color Burn|SKETCH_COLORBURN" }, HasFeat("SKETCH") && !HasFeat("SKETCH_GRADIENT"), true, null, false, 166); //Sketch Anim GUISingleFeature("SKETCH_ANIM", "Animated Sketch", "Animates the sketch overlay texture, simulating a hand-drawn animation style", HasFeatOr("SKETCH", "SKETCH_GRADIENT"), true); //Sketch Vertex GUISingleFeature("SKETCH_VERTEX", "Vertex Coords", "Compute screen coordinates in vertex shader (faster but can cause distortions)\nIf disabled will compute in pixel shader (slower)", HasFeatOr("SKETCH", "SKETCH_GRADIENT"), true); //Sketch Scale GUISingleFeature("SKETCH_SCALE", "Scale with model", "If enabled, overlay texture scale will depend on model's distance from view", HasFeatOr("SKETCH", "SKETCH_GRADIENT"), true); Space(); //---------------------------------------------------------------- //Outline GUIMultipleFeatures("Outline", "Outline around the model", "Off|", "Opaque Outline|OUTLINE", "Blended Outline|OUTLINE_BLENDING"); GUISingleFeature("OUTLINE_BEHIND", "Outline behind model", "If enabled, outline will only show behind model", HasFeatOr("OUTLINE", "OUTLINE_BLENDING"), true); Space(); //---------------------------------------------------------------- //Lightmaps GUISingleFeature("LIGHTMAP", "TCP2 Lightmap", "Will use TCP2's lightmap decoding, affecting it with ramp and color settings", helpTopic: "Lightmap"); Space(); //---------------------------------------------------------------- //Alpha Blending GUISingleFeature("ALPHA", "Alpha Blending"); //Alpha Testing GUISingleFeature("CUTOUT", "Alpha Testing (Cutout)"); Space(); //---------------------------------------------------------------- //Culling int cull = TCP2_ShaderGeneratorUtils.HasFeatures(mCurrentConfig, "CULL_FRONT") ? 1 : TCP2_ShaderGeneratorUtils.HasFeatures(mCurrentConfig, "CULL_OFF") ? 2 : 0; EditorGUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); TCP2_GUI.SubHeader("Culling", "Defines how to cull faces", cull > 0, 166); cull = EditorGUILayout.Popup(cull, new string[] { "Default", "Front", "Off (double-sided)" }); TCP2_ShaderGeneratorUtils.ToggleSingleFeature(mCurrentConfig.Features, "CULL_FRONT", cull == 1); TCP2_ShaderGeneratorUtils.ToggleSingleFeature(mCurrentConfig.Features, "CULL_OFF", cull == 2); EditorGUILayout.EndHorizontal(); Space(); //---------------------------------------------------------------- //######################################################################################################## // FLAGS TCP2_GUI.Header("FLAGS"); GUISingleFlag("addshadow", "Add Shadow Passes", "Force the shader to have the Shadow Caster and Collector passes.\nCan help if shadows don't work properly with the shader"); GUISingleFlag("fullforwardshadows", "Full Forward Shadows", "Enable support for all shadow types in Forward rendering path"); #if UNITY_5 GUISingleFlag("noshadow", "Disable Shadows", "Disables all shadow receiving support in this shader"); GUISingleFlag("nofog", "Disable Fog", "Disables Unity Fog support.\nCan help if you run out of vertex interpolators and don't need lightmaps!"); #endif GUISingleFlag("nolightmap", "Disable Lightmaps", "Disables all lightmapping support in this shader.\nCan help if you run out of vertex interpolators and don't need lightmaps!"); GUISingleFlag("noambient", "Disable Ambient Lighting", "Enable support for all shadow types in Forward rendering path", !HasFeatOr("DIRAMBIENT", "CUBE_AMBIENT", "OCCLUSION")); GUISingleFlag("novertexlights", "Disable Vertex Lighting", "Disable vertex lights and spherical harmonics (light probes)"); GUISingleFeature("FORCE_SM2", "Force Shader Model 2", "Compile with Shader Model 2 target. Useful for (very) old GPU compatibility, but some features may not work with it.", showHelp: false); TCP2_GUI.Header("FLAGS (Mobile-friendly)", null, true); GUISingleFlag("noforwardadd", "One Directional Light", "Use additive lights as vertex lights.\nRecommended for Mobile"); #if UNITY_5 GUISingleFlag("interpolateview", "Vertex View Dir", "Calculate view direction per-vertex instead of per-pixel.\nRecommended for Mobile"); #else GUISingleFlag("approxview", "Vertex View Dir", "Calculate view direction per-vertex instead of per-pixel.\nRecommended for Mobile"); #endif GUISingleFlag("halfasview", "Half as View", "Pass half-direction vector into the lighting function instead of view-direction.\nFaster but inaccurate.\nRecommended for Specular, but use Vertex Rim to optimize Rim Effects instead"); #if DEBUG_MODE TCP2_GUI.SeparatorBig(); GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); mDebugText = EditorGUILayout.TextField("Debug", mDebugText); if (GUILayout.Button("Add Feature", EditorStyles.miniButtonLeft, GUILayout.Width(80f))) { mCurrentConfig.Features.Add(mDebugText); } if (GUILayout.Button("Add Flag", EditorStyles.miniButtonRight, GUILayout.Width(80f))) { mCurrentConfig.Flags.Add(mDebugText); } GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); GUILayout.Label("Features:"); GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); int count = 0; for (int i = 0; i < mCurrentConfig.Features.Count; i++) { if (count >= 3) { count = 0; GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); } count++; if (GUILayout.Button(mCurrentConfig.Features[i], EditorStyles.toolbarButton, GUILayout.ExpandWidth(false))) { mCurrentConfig.Features.RemoveAt(i); break; } } GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); GUILayout.Label("Flags:"); GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); count = 0; for (int i = 0; i < mCurrentConfig.Flags.Count; i++) { if (count >= 3) { count = 0; GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); } count++; if (GUILayout.Button(mCurrentConfig.Flags[i], EditorStyles.toolbarButton, GUILayout.ExpandWidth(false))) { mCurrentConfig.Flags.RemoveAt(i); break; } } GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); GUILayout.Label("Keywords:"); GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); count = 0; foreach (KeyValuePair <string, string> kvp in mCurrentConfig.Keywords) { if (count >= 3) { count = 0; GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); } count++; if (GUILayout.Button(kvp.Key + ":" + kvp.Value, EditorStyles.toolbarButton, GUILayout.ExpandWidth(false))) { mCurrentConfig.Keywords.Remove(kvp.Key); break; } } GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); //---------------------------------------------------------------- #endif //Update config if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck()) { int newHash = mCurrentConfig.ToHash(); if (newHash != mCurrentHash) { mDirtyConfig = true; } else { mDirtyConfig = false; } } //Scroll view EditorGUILayout.EndScrollView(); Space(); //GENERATE EditorGUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); GUILayout.FlexibleSpace(); #if DEBUG_MODE if (GUILayout.Button("Re-Generate All", GUILayout.Width(120f), GUILayout.Height(30f))) { float progress = 0; float total = mUserShaders.Length; foreach (Shader s in mUserShaders) { progress++; EditorUtility.DisplayProgressBar("Hold On", "Generating Shader: " +, progress / total); mCurrentShader = null; LoadCurrentConfigFromShader(s); if (mCurrentShader != null && mCurrentConfig != null) { TCP2_ShaderGeneratorUtils.Compile(mCurrentConfig, Template.text, false, !mOverwriteConfigs, mIsModified); } } EditorUtility.ClearProgressBar(); } #endif if (GUILayout.Button(mCurrentShader == null ? "Generate Shader" : "Update Shader", GUILayout.Width(120f), GUILayout.Height(30f))) { if (Template == null) { EditorUtility.DisplayDialog("TCP2 : Shader Generation", "Can't generate shader: no Template file defined!\n\nYou most likely want to link the TCP2_User.txt file to the Template field in the Shader Generator.", "Ok"); return; } Shader generatedShader = TCP2_ShaderGeneratorUtils.Compile(mCurrentConfig, Template.text, true, !mOverwriteConfigs, mIsModified); ReloadUserShaders(); if (generatedShader != null) { mDirtyConfig = false; LoadCurrentConfigFromShader(generatedShader); mIsModified = false; } } EditorGUILayout.EndHorizontal(); TCP2_GUI.Separator(); // OPTIONS TCP2_GUI.Header("OPTIONS"); GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); mSelectGeneratedShader = GUILayout.Toggle(mSelectGeneratedShader, new GUIContent("Select Generated Shader", "Will select the generated file in the Project view"), GUILayout.Width(180f)); mAutoNames = GUILayout.Toggle(mAutoNames, new GUIContent("Automatic Name", "Will automatically generate the shader filename based on its UI name"), GUILayout.ExpandWidth(false)); GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); mOverwriteConfigs = GUILayout.Toggle(mOverwriteConfigs, new GUIContent("Always overwrite shaders", "Overwrite shaders when generating/updating (no prompt)"), GUILayout.Width(180f)); mHideDisabled = GUILayout.Toggle(mHideDisabled, new GUIContent("Hide disabled fields", "Hide properties settings when they cannot be accessed"), GUILayout.ExpandWidth(false)); GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); EditorGUI.BeginChangeCheck(); mLoadAllShaders = GUILayout.Toggle(mLoadAllShaders, new GUIContent("Reload Shaders from all Project", "Load shaders from all your Project folders instead of just Toony Colors Pro 2.\nEnable it if you move your generated shader files outside of the default TCP2 Generated folder."), GUILayout.ExpandWidth(false)); if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck()) { ReloadUserShaders(); } TCP2_ShaderGeneratorUtils.SelectGeneratedShader = mSelectGeneratedShader; }